Are you on a journey with Jesus - a journey of sin to the heights of holiness and oneness with Jesus? Bonded to Him, loving Him so much that you would rather sacrifice your life than to bring grief and sorrow to His heart of love.
Then I invite you to hold His hand and take a journey with me through the pages of this book. Learn how to be forever free from the chains of sin, free from the cycle of sinning, repenting only to repeat the same pattern. The everlasting gospel of Jesus has anticipated your complete freedom and has made ample provision to keep you from sinning.
Yes, you have been called and chosen to be among those who will see Jesus face to face and live in the presence of a holy God. Are you willing to be among those who will stand in that great day? This is now your amazing privilege, your incredible opportunity and your diving calling.
The book was especially designed for small study groups, Sabbath School classes, and prayer meetings.
Who Can Stand? Among the Called, Chosen and Faithful
Who Can Stand? Among the Called, Chosen and Faithful
Special introductory offer $10.00
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