16.) Understanding Armageddon

16.) Understanding Armageddon

From the time Lucifer and his angels rebelled against God, His law, His throne, and His government, all of heaven has been in a state of war. The whole Bible is the story of this war, and the ultimate conclusion by which God will bring about peace and harmony in the universe once more. God has always had a plan by which to meet the challenge should any of His created beings defect and cause a revolt against His kingdom.

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15.) The 144,000: The Finished Product of the Plan of Salvation

15.) The 144,000: The Finished Product of the Plan of Salvation

When God created our first parents, Adam and Eve, He placed within them all the characteristics needed to comprise the human race. Adam named his new bride, "Eve," which means "life-giver", for she would become the mother of all living beings. Gen. 3:20. This means that the inherited characteristics of Adam and Eve would be passed on to all their progeny. Had they stayed true to God, the whole human race would have inherited righteous thinking and holy characters.

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14.) The Blotting Out of Sin II

14.) The Blotting Out of Sin II

From the beginning of time there had always been complete harmony of mind and heart between God and His created beings. Peace, love, and tranquility reigned throughout the universe. Until Lucifer began his journey into darkness, disagreement with God and His principles was unknown. When the temptation first came into Lucifer's heart to question God's goodness, His wisdom, and His law, he repelled it, for no other being had ever been tempted to venture beyond the known into the unknown about the supreme Ruler of the universe. But somehow the questions in his heart arose again and again until he finally began to ponder them continually.

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13.) The Victorious Remnant of the Laodicean Church

13.) The Victorious Remnant of the Laodicean Church

From the time sin entered the world through our first parents, fear of, and estrangement from, God has been the lot of humanity. By partaking of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, Adam and Eve had given Satan access to their minds, and he could now speak to the brain centers that were created to be used only for the voice of God speaking to them through the Holy Spirit. But God was not willing to leave us in our fallen condition. From the beginning He has had a plan to restore us back to an unbroken relationship and companionship with Himself, and erase forever the effects that sin has caused…

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11.) Seven Trumpets for Today

11.) Seven Trumpets for Today

When Adam and Eve were created, they were placed in the beautiful Garden of Eden where every need was provided for their happiness. Their spiritual and social needs were met by the companionship of angels and the daily visits with Jesus in the cool of the day. All was peace and happiness until they yielded to the sorcery of the devil through the medium of the serpent, and fell from their Edenic existence and their perfect agreement with God and each other…

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9.) Perfect Oneness with Jesus in His Sanctuary

9.) Perfect Oneness with Jesus in His Sanctuary

In all our previous studies of the sanctuary, I have emphasized that God's goal for us is holiness, or perfection of character, and character is "the thoughts and feelings combined." 5 T 310. Now I want to focus upon the process by which this goal is attained. In order to do this, we must remember that "holiness is agreement with God." 5 T 743. Putting these two things together, I believe we can simplify the concept of perfection until even a child can understand.

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5.) The Sanctuary - The Stairway to Heaven

5.) The Sanctuary - The Stairway to Heaven

In my last study -- "Perfecting Holiness in the Sanctuary" -- I laid the groundwork for a deeper study and application of the sanctuary principles to our daily lives as we grow in Jesus. The whole Bible is written in sanctuary language, and if we do not see the correlation between the sanctuary and God's requirements of mankind since the fall of Adam and Eve, we will miss so much of what the Bible is teaching us about the work of salvation through Jesus…

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21.) Revelation 10 Revisited

21.) Revelation 10 Revisited

One hundred seventy-four years ago, the spiritual forefathers of the Seventh-day Adventist Church expected Jesus to return to earth in power and great glory on October 22, 1844. They had come to this conclusion as a result of their study of the little book of Daniel, specifically centering on the prediction in Daniel 8:14 which clearly states:
"And he said unto me, 'Unto two thousand three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.'"

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3.) The Judgment of the Living and the Blotting Out of Sin

3.) The Judgment of the Living and the Blotting Out of Sin

For 6000 years, the problem of sin has been uppermost in the attention of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and all the heavenly hosts. The sin and rebellion which was begun by Lucifer and eventually took a third of the angels of heaven, is like a virulent cancer which is of such a seditious nature that without the intervention of all of heaven, it could have spread even to the other worlds….

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