38.) The Seventh-Day Sabbath—the Sign of a Finished Work

When God created our world, He did so with intricate care and precision. At the end of each day He looked at His work and pronounced it to be good. Day by day He built upon His labors of the previous day, and was pleased with what He had done. Finally, when He had finished His work of creating and embellishing the world as a beautiful home for mankind, He created Adam and Eve and placed them in the garden which He had prepared for them.

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33.) The Love of God

Today I want to talk about the most profound, yet mysterious subject in the universe--the subject of love. On one hand, love is inexplainable in the same way that God is inexplainable; but on the other hand it is something we need every moment of our lives. Blessed is the child who was raised in an atmosphere of love between the parents and the children. Growing up without love is much like growing up without essential amounts of food, water, and air.

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32.) "You Must Prophesy Again"

I'm sure that everyone who is listening to me today will agree that we are living in momentous times. Unparalleled events are happening around the world. Every day it seems that some new challenge or catastrophe happens before we can adjust to the last one. Brothers and sisters, what is going on? Could these be signs that we are coming rapidly to the end of the age and that Jesus' coming is actually near at hand? In answer to this question I want to go back 177 years to the summer of 1844. Our pioneers were preaching to the world that Jesus would come on October 22 of that year.

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29.) The Bible Truth about God's Ideal for Marriage

"In the beginning God...." What a simple but majestic way of introducing the most sublime Being in the universe--our Creator, as He is revealed in the first chapter of the Bible with the story of the creation of our world. In order to understand the topic of this article, we must begin with the nature of God Himself. It is significant to note that the Hebrew word that is used here in Genesis 1:1 is Elohim, which is plural. This indicates that all three persons of the Godhead were present at the creation of the world.

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28.) The Holy Spirit and the Finished Work of Redemption

The mystery of the Godhead will never be completely understood throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity, for created beings can never comprehend the limitless resources and qualities of their Creator. But we can study for eternity what God has revealed to us about Himself without ever coming to an end. The best place to start this study is in the beginning of the revealed word of God.

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27.) The Glory of His Character

Through the ages that have passed since the creation of the world and the fall of Adam and Eve, there has been a steady tread of divine interventions by God designed to lead us back to the culmination of the sin problem and the reuniting of a cleansed remnant with our Creator. The Bible contains the story of these efforts by God to establish a chosen race of people who know Him and worship Him and have His law written upon their minds and hearts. Because of his devotion and love for God, Abraham was chosen to be the head of this chosen race, and he was told by God that his descendants would be as the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore.

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26.) Victory Over the Sins of the Flesh

26.) Victory Over the Sins of the Flesh

The most majestic subject in the universe is the subject of Jesus and how He overcame the sinful nature for us. He came here as a man and elevated the human race by His perfection of character to the position in heaven that Satan and the fallen angels once occupied. Even in heaven we will never be able to thank Jesus enough for making this sacrifice for us. But in order to avail ourselves of the privilege of being sons and daughters of God throughout eternity, we must understand the mystery of overcoming as He overcame.

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25.) The Truth About Righteousness by Faith

The subject of righteousness is the central theme of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Yet many Christians find it to be a difficult concept to fully understand or explain. Beliefs run the gamut from a religion of righteousness by works and behavior in order to please God and merit salvation, to the opposite extreme of believing that the righteousness of Christ covers our unrighteousness, and that we will sin until Jesus comes and changes our nature. But what we believe about this subject is a life-and-death matter, for when Jesus closes His work in the second apartment of the heavenly sanctuary, every person will have become a finished product of what they have believed, and there will be no more chance to receive pardon and cleansing from sin.

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24.)  Is There a Difference Between the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament?

Recently I have been confronted with the writings of some who believe that the God of the Old Testament is portrayed as a short-tempered wrathful being, in contrast with Jesus, the gentle, patient, loving Savior of the New Testament. One article which was written by a theology teacher at one of our schools suggested that this apparent discrepancy could be caused by the Israelites' assimilation of the attitudes of their heathen neighbors toward their gods.

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22.) The Great Controversy and the Final Generation

The great cosmic war that has been raging for unknown eons of time, is about to come to its close. This war began in Heaven itself in the very presence of the King of the Universe and His Son. Lucifer, the highest angel in Heaven, and the leading covering cherub, was given the sacred responsibility of guarding the reputation of the three members of the Godhead and making their loving character and the benevolent principles of their government known throughout the Universe.

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19.) Winning the Battle Over Satan

19.) Winning the Battle Over Satan

When Adam and Eve were created, they were in complete harmony with God in every aspect. Their minds were formed as a temple for the Holy Spirit to dwell in, and they could commune with Jesus face to face as friend with friend. Angels visited them regularly to teach and instruct them in the ways of health, happiness and holiness. They were told of the defection of Lucifer and a third of the angels, and were warned against going near the tree of knowledge of good and evil where Satan was allowed to have access to them should they venture to disobey God's command. With all these advantages, Adam and Eve felt completely confident that they would never fall to the tempter's wiles.

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18) The Three Angel’s Messages Revisited

18) The Three Angel’s Messages Revisited

From the time Adam and Eve sinned and had to leave their beautiful garden home, man has been estranged from God's original purpose of open communion with Him. As soon as man sinned, God immediately provided a way to maintain communication between Himself and every person who would avail themselves of the rudimentary sacrificial system that was set up at the gate of the Garden of Eden. God created mankind in His image, and His desire is to be in constant communication with us. Likewise, He has placed within us a deep need to maintain loving relationships Him and with each other as we receive and respond to God's love for us and then share it with everyone around us in a never-ending flow.

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17.) You Have Heard the Sound of the Trumpet

17.) You Have Heard the Sound of the Trumpet

Throughout the Bible, trumpets were used to announce something of great importance. Sometimes the sound of the trumpet was used to call the people together to hear directions from God, or to come before the Lord for a holy convocation. At other times it was to warn the people of danger and prepare them for battle against the approach of an enemy. In every case when the trumpets were used, it was of utmost importance that the people hear and understand the trumpets, and obey.

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