An angels message

The work of the Lord is like a garden and must be tended daily in order to have a satisfying walk with the Lord. It cannot be spasmodic or haphazard but constant and growing every day. You cannot have the same results if you do not tend the garden faithfully every day. Love and trust grows as you faithfully look to Jesus for your every need, sending every thought up to Him, listening for His voice, obeying every impulse that comes from Him. He is your lover, your counselor, your confidant, your strength and wisdom, your healer of all diseases, whether physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, social, and financial, and your provider of every good thing. Look to Him and your soul and body will be healed of all the maladies sin has caused. Jesus waits for a relationship like that with you every day, every moment of the day. You do not realize how near and constant you may have Him as your Friend and beloved Master all the time. It remains with you if you will have this close relationship with Him. He waits with arms outstretched to you. Will you avail yourself of this heavenly blessing?

If you are in the sanctuary, you are never separated from God. He is beside you every moment of the day or night. Lean on Him for protection and sustenance and wisdom from on high every moment. That is what the sanctuary message is all about. It is concerning how to be connected with God all the time and live in the light of His presence and approbation. He loves you with an everlasting love. You cannot run from His love, for it fills the universe. But you can refuse it and snuff it out from your heart by rejecting it and listening to the enemy of your souls. He will deaden your perceptions and turn your mind into stone until you will not be able to perceive God’s love and messages to your heart from Jesus, though it is all around you. God will not force you to listen to Him or open your heart to Him. You can choose which voice you will listen to. But if you refuse to open your heart and listen to His Spirit, you will become like a dead leaf which dries up and falls lifeless onto the ground. Then the rain cannot penetrate it or bring it back to life.

That is the way it is with the latter rain. Only those who are connected to the tree will benefit and grow from the latter rain. Leaves that are disconnected from the tree will not be revived by the descent of the Holy Spirit in the latter rain. That is the difference between the wise and foolish virgins. The wise will be connected to the tree, receiving the sustenance that comes from the tree, and ready to receive the full outpouring when it comes. The foolish virgins are not connected to the tree and are dead leaves, ready to be raked up and burned. There is no hope of ever being connected to the tree once they are dead and fall off during the time of the latter rain. Only those who are connected will perceive or understand it or value it.

But there are those in the church and even outside the church who are looking longingly to heaven for light and hope amid the darkness and despair of their lives, and others whose faith has dwindled low, but are still among God’s true people who want to have more light. It is to them you must go and bring more light to connect them with the message for this time. Jesus looks pityingly upon them and wants to guide you to these people who need the light which you have that He has given you to share with others who would love to have what you have and see what you see. God and angels will guide you to these people if you are willing to go and help them. Follow His Spirit and He will lead you to them. Angels will open up the way and open up their hearts to the message you bring from heaven to them. Read the message to Sardis (Rev. 3:1-6), for this is the condition of the churches at this time.

Look up and let your heart be filled with the goodness of God and His love for you. If you look down at yourself and your deficiencies and troubles and feelings, you will stumble and fall; but if you look up constantly to Jesus to meet all your needs – physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and financially – you will live both now and throughout eternity. This is the secret of the angels in heaven – they constantly look to Jesus as the source of everything they need for happiness and service. You can and must do the same. If you do, heaven will begin for you now, and heavenly beings will be your companions and co-workers with you as you serve the God we all love and serve. Then when your work on earth is finished, you will step across the portals of heaven and join us in sweet fellowship and service to God forever.

Farewell, beloved children of God. We love you and are anxious to have you join us forever, in the happiness and joy of heaven. Though unseen, we will be with you until then, to guide, help, and protect you, and bring God’s blessings to you. Please don’t be afraid of anything, because Jesus and the Father have commissioned us to minister to you and help you achieve all of His will for you. You are blessed by heaven, for you are following His guidance and hearing His voice. Continue to do this as you are called by Him to serve Him. He will give you success wherever you go. Only remain in His love. Farewell!

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