Take Courage

Dearest Ones,
I have a message for you today which will encourage your hearts, for there is much yet to be done before I come, and Satan wants to discourage you. He sees you moving forward; he sees the beauty of your lives and the devotion you have for me, and he knows that if he cannot stop you and discourage you that soon the victory will have been won and that his doom is sure. Therefore, you are the center of his focus, and he is determined to discourage and dishearten you and distract you from the commitment you have made to me.

But as long as you look to me and listen only to my voice, you are secure from the tempters wiles. Although he is a tireless foe, and is determined to tempt and overpower you, he cannot harm you or take you out of my hands as long as you keep your eyes upon me, and the truth uppermost in your focus. You see, Satan's power is in lies and deception. As I have said in Scripture, "I am the way, the truth and the life." [John 14:6.] "Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." [Matt. 11:28.] The rest that I give to you is not necessarily physical rest, although that is important also. But the rest that I offer to you is rest from worry, fear, shame, discouragement, and all the other ills of fallen mankind. I offer peace in the midst of the storms of life; but in order to have this you must spend time with me at our designated times of meeting, especially in your morning and evening devotions and upon the Sabbath hours. During these times I have planned spiritual food for you that is just what you need to refresh you and give you spiritual energy for that day. But all through the day you can be reaching out to me to receive ever-flowing water from the rock, and manna to feed your souls.

Too many people do not really firmly connect with me in the morning and lay all their burdens down at my feet for me to carry for them during the day. They read something quickly and perfunctorily and rush out the door still carrying their burdens and perplexities with them. As a result of not connecting with me in the morning, their journey through the day is heavier and more stressful than it would have been with me at the helm paving the way for them. When I give you rest, it is not rest from activity, but spiritual, emotional, and mental rest from worries and burdens you don't have to carry if you have me as your Counselor, Guide, and best Friend each day. Together we will still get the necessary things done - and even more than you expected - without the stress and worry that wears out your life forces.

But what about those who have already come to the place in their life's journey where they feel that they have already passed the meridian of their productivity and usefulness, and have nothing left but to wait for the end to come? I have good news for you! If I can resurrect the dead, I can provide new life for you now until I come! Some of you who are in your older years will yet live to see me come. The truth is that if I did not give supernatural strength to your life forces, no one young or old would be able to live through the end. There will be a great slaughter of men against men at the end because of the plagues and wars and natural disasters after the close of probation. But although it will be difficult for my people, yet I will put a hedge of protection around them and feed and care for them as I did for my people Israel as they were going through the desert to the Promised Land. And you too, are going to the heavenly Canaan, and I will provide for you everything you need as you pass through the Valley of Baca [Ps. 84:5-7].

So the topic for today is "courage." Take courage, my friends, for we are on our way to the Promised Land, and I am with you, even as I was with Moses and Caleb and Joshua, my faithful leaders of my people. You, too, are my leaders for you have the truth that will bring my people through. They must hear the message of the cleansing and blotting out of sin that I am presently doing in my closing work in the Sanctuary. Those who go through with me to the end will be among the 144,000. Some will of necessity be laid away to preserve them for me. But others of all ages will go through with me and be alive when I come. Be of good courage, my friends, for the time of deliverance is near, and you will soon be at home with me! In the meantime, look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption draweth nigh! [Lu. 21:28.] Lovingly, Jesus.

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Be of Good Cheer

Dearest Ones,
I have a special topic for you today to gladden your hearts and uplift any drooping spirits or feelings of discouragement you may have. It is, "Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world!" [John 16:33. Meaning of cheer: to have courage, comfort, confidence, boldness.] The world you live in is full of desperate people who go through every day with heavy burdens caused by living in a world of sin and suffering and eventual death. It is especially so now, because I am withdrawing my Spirit, preparatory to the close of probation. This withdrawal is sensibly felt by people whether they realize it or not. This is also coupled with the upheaval in nations and in the earth itself with daily tragedies which people either experience themselves or hear in the news. All this produces an uneasiness and foreboding of worse things to come. I am allowing these things to happen to cause people to look to me for help and solace, and in fact many are doing just that.

But the majority of people are under the influence of the evil one whether they realize it or not. His presence is more pronounced as I withdraw my light and protection. Therefore, people look to other things to cope with their feelings and fears. Entertainment has always been a way of distraction from fears and darkness, and is much more so now that the media provides constant access to people of all ages. Money is a comfort for those who have it. Relationships help to stave off loneliness and despair. But none of these meet the needs of the heart and soul. You might be surprised at the number of people who take drugs of one kind or another just to get through the day. But these things are only temporary measures to keep from drowning in the feelings of despair, fear, discouragement, and depression.

But I want it to be different for my beloved ones. Life has always been hard on this planet since sin entered. Can you imagine the feelings of guilt and remorse that weighed upon the hearts of Adam and Eve after they sinned? There was recrimination against each other, bitter tears of suffering and sorrow, self-blame and blaming each other, loss of love and respect, etc. Eventually they learned to cast their cares upon me and accept my assurances of forgiveness, but the memory of the loss of their beautiful home and the peace and tranquility they had before they sinned was a part of the emotional burden they carried throughout life. I am looking forward to restoring their Eden home to them, even more beautiful then they remember it. I have assigned angels to dress and keep it until the original caretakers are welcomed back home.

And that is the point of my message today - "Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world!" The first Adam failed and passed on to his progeny the broken relationship with me that his sin caused. Instead of entering into a higher realm, the devil then had access to them as a result of their choice to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil which I commanded them not to do. As a result, the evil one gained access to every child that has ever been born or ever will be. He brings his spirit of darkness and evil thoughts and feelings with him when he comes to tempt you. Not now are you being tempted to eat of the forbidden tree. Your temptation is to imbibe and agree with the thoughts and feelings of the devil that he brings with him to tempt you away from the fruits of the Spirit that I offer you from the Tree of Life. We have talked about this before, but just as a reminder, they are: love, joy, peace, long-suffering (or patience), gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. As Paul says, "against these there is no law." Gal. 5:22.

Do you realize what this means? Satan tempts man to think that my law is a yoke of bondage from which you want to escape. But in actuality, it is his ways that bring you into bondage, for sin brings you under the law of sin and death from which you cannot escape. I came to unlock Satan's prison house and set you free from the fear of death which holds people in Satan's captivity all their lives [Hebrews 2:14, 15]. Isn't it amazing that the very bondage that Satan accuses me of causing by the requirements of my law is actually the key that unlocks Satan's prison house of bondage and death and sets you free! [Jam. 1:25; 2:12; 2 Pet. 2:19, 20; Deut. 30:19, 20.]

My way is the way of life; Satan's so-called freedom from the law of God is the way of death and self-destruction. I came to set you completely free to serve me without guile or fear. When you love me and serve me, you will love the law of liberty also, for that is the law that governs everything I do, for the law is in the center of my being [Ps. 40:8]. Therefore if you love my law, you will love me; and if you love me, you will love my law, for they are one and the same in motive and purpose. By that I mean, when you see me you see the law lived out in flesh, and when you see the law, you see the principles of my heart written out in words. You cannot separate these, for they are one. So when men "think to change" my law [Dan. 7:25], they are destroying a relationship with me, for you cannot know me apart from my law, for the law is at the center of my being and is a verbal expression of my character. The law is as permanent and unchangeable as I am, and those who think to change it are not my friends but my enemies, and will reap death.

Therefore, my beloved ones, choose the pathway of life and liberty and happiness! You can see what the enemy has done to himself and his followers. Hasn't the world had enough of this experiment into death? I have eternal life in heaven waiting for all who choose to accept life and liberty from me and reject the lies of the evil one. So what I often said to my disciples, I will now say to you: Be of good cheer! In this world you shall have tribulation, but I say to you, Rejoice! For I have conquered the world! Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Blotting out of Sin—An Experience

Dearest Ones,
My heart is with you today and every day as you struggle with the challenges of daily life. I am pleased to see you reaching out to me for help on even the smallest matters. This is why I have planned to give you these messages every morning, for I know that your daily activities can swallow up your time, energy, and thoughts so that you may forget that I am walking beside you and want to be a constant part of your life.

Do you remember the story of the two disciples who were in shock and grief as they walked to their destination at Emmaus? I came to relieve them of their burden of sorrow and to answer their questions about me and my death on Calvary. But they perceived me not, for their eyes were holden [Lu. 24:16, KJV], because I first wanted to spend time with them to explain the Scriptures concerning myself before revealing my identity. And so it can be with you! I want you to be grounded in Scripture and the principles and teachings of the Word, and not be shaken by the trials and tribulations that are even now coming upon the earth.

I also want you to allow me to have a personal relationship with you because otherwise your concept of me can deteriorate into a form, or a doctrine about me rather than a relationship with me. I want to raise your consciousness level to a friendship rather than someone that you read about, but with whom you do not have a personal relationship. And I want to teach you as I did those disciples the things that pertain to you here at the end of time, which is my work for you in the cleansing and blotting out of sin in your lives, and how to cooperate with me through this experience.

No one has ever gone through this part of my mediatorial work, for it comes at the very end of time, just before I close the door to the Most Holy Place and pour out the plagues upon the wicked. If your sins have not been cleansed and blotted out by that time, there will be no more hope of salvation after probation closes and I am no longer pleading my blood for you before the Father. I hope you will open up your heart to understand this and teach it to others, just as the disciples preached the truth for their time during the early rain. Their message was the good news of the remission of sin through the application of my shed blood [Acts 2:38], and your message is the cleansing and blotting out of sin, corresponding to the Day of Atonement yearly for the Israelites. [Leviticus 16:30.]

I know that you know this, but until now, this has been a doctrine, not an experience. People have continued to trust in my daily work of ministry, but have not understood how to cooperate with me in the yearly ministry of the cleansing and blotting out of sin, which is now present truth. As you are experiencing this and learning how to cooperate with me, so now you must tell it to others who are longing for more light about how to be free from the continual round of sinning and repenting. That era is waxing old and phasing out, and the new vital message of blotting out is what the people are yearning to hear. In every age there has been a development of truth which is pertinent to that generation and applies the message of salvation to what is happening in their time. Now truth must be expanded to meet the needs of the people to be prepared for the close of probation and the end of time.

So rejoice that you see and understand the light of present truth that is streaming from the Sanctuary, but do not forget that I have other sheep that must also be brought into the fold of safety. These also I must bring in before I close my work in the Most Holy Place. The light that was perceived by the pioneers in 1844 must now be preached with the additional light of how to understand and participate in the final work in the Most Holy Place of the cleansing and blotting out of every sin.

Are you prepared and willing to be my friends and co-workers in this vital closing ministry? I need you to be by my side, hearing my voice, and sharing this message of truth with others. You do not need to worry about the time that is left, or how this message will spread throughout the earth, for I have my army of angels who will multiply and spread the message to every person on the globe. But they must have human hearts, human hands, and human voices through which to work, for you are the human agents who will cooperate with the final work of the three angels’ messages and combine them with the loud cry of the fourth angel, which is soon to take place.

Join me now as we prepare for the last great battle between good and evil, and together we will obtain the victory over what Satan has done to my creation. When the war is over, I will bring the earth back to an even greater beauty and glory as a gift to you, my beloved ones, and forever you will enjoy the fruits of our labors together and you will forget the scenes and experiences of your sojourn here, for the memories of what sin has caused you will have been forgiven and blotted out, never more to come to mind. Join me today in the finishing up of the work of my atonement, and our days will be sweet as we fellowship together! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,
I am thinking of you today and desiring to share with you the thoughts of my heart on the nearness of the close of probation. The world is sitting on the brink of the end of all things and they know it not, and neither do they want to know. It is natural for the human heart to put off the day of disaster until it is too late to receive salvation. For example, the people in the time of Noah scoffed at his message for 120 years. Then when the door was shut and the rains began to come down from the sky, they realized that they had put off the day of salvation until it was too late to find refuge in the ark of safety.

So it will be with this wicked generation. They will eat and drink and scoff at the signs I am sending about my soon coming, and carry on their lives as usual until the voices of my messengers are silent, for probationary time will have closed forever on the world and its inhabitants. But there is a joyful side to all of this, for my true sheep are hearing my voice calling them to get ready, and they are responding to my call and are following me. This is my focus right now, and I hope it is yours, too, for I count on you as my undershepherds to seek out my sheep, for many of them are slumbering on the brink of eternity, and must be given the chance to awaken and prepare themselves and their families to be ready to meet me in peace.

I appreciate your cooperation with me on this matter, because I know it can be fearful to speak about my soon coming to people who would prefer to stay asleep and not heed the call of the Good Shepherd. So my topic for today is, "prophesy!" Do you remember the text in Revelation 10 that encouraged the early pioneers who remained faithful to me during and after the disappointment in 1844 as they diligently searched the Scriptures for answers? I was very pleased with that little band of believers and I used them to establish the Seventh-day Adventist Church. But there is a statement at the end of that chapter that still must be fulfilled. It reads like this:

"And he said unto me, you must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. Rev. 10:11.

When they read this prophecy, my Holy Spirit communicated a message that rings down the years to you. They gave up everything they had or held dear to preach the message of my coming to the world at that time. They misunderstood the location of my coming, but they were true to my calling and the importance of the message. But now my church is languishing on the very borders of the Kingdom, for this time I will appear in the clouds of glory to take my faithful people home. Now there needs to be the same fervor, the same message, and the same conviction. You must prophesy again is not a suggestion, but a command. And with that command, I will provide for the propagation of the truth. Whether it is money or strength or openings of Providence, I will provide whatever is needed to preach the warning around the earth.

The problem is not means, but men. Where are my messengers who will clearly preach the message that is needed now, for it is present truth! "Prepare to meet thy God!" Is the message that should be ringing from the pulpits all over the world? You must prophesy again! You must prepare the way for me in the hearts of people just as John the Baptist did before my first coming. That was an Elijah message, and so is yours. John's message was:

"The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough way shall be made smooth; and all flesh shall see the salvation of God." Luke 3:4-6.

Those who refuse to see the importance of this work at the present time have allowed the light of the glory of the 1844 message to go out of their hearts, and therefore are unmoved at this vital time when the message of my soon coming is to go forth to the world. If you find yourself among that number it is not too late to arouse from your slumbers and join the wise virgins who are announcing the coming of the bridegroom. Your eternal destiny depends upon it, for there is no reward for the slothful servant when the master returns from his long absence and finds them unready.

And now, my beloved ones, examine your hearts and ask yourselves: Am I ready and willing to "prophesy again" of my Master's return? Am I ready and willing to pick up the Advent message where the pioneers left off, and preach it until the return of my Lord? I am counting on each of you, my beloved ones, who have my truth for these last days. If your lamps have gone out or are burning low, rekindle the fire of your love and your witness for me from the golden candlesticks in my heavenly Sanctuary, which are constantly burning to light your way to the throne of God. Do not linger, for the time grows short and the days are evil. I am waiting with arms outstretched to welcome you. The journey is short, for I am just a prayer away! Do you remember the song, "In a little while we're going home"? We can sing it as we journey together today. Give me your whole heart, and I will give you the power to "prophesy again" of my soon coming, and we will see souls responding to the invitation to the wedding of the Lamb! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,
My joy and delight is ever in my chosen ones who love me and desire to commune with me each morning and throughout the day. I have many treasures of wisdom and love to share with you to strengthen your hearts and help you to walk more closely with me.

Today the subject is "wisdom." There are seven aspects of the Holy Spirit that are frequently spoken of in Scripture, all of which I want my beloved ones to have freely and abundantly in their lives. As you have studied them before, they are: wisdom, understanding, counsel, power, knowledge, fear of the Lord, and righteous judgment. [Isa. 11:1-4; 4:4.] All of these are aspects of my character that I desire to share freely with you. [Rev. 4:5; 5:6.] But so much has to do with your response to my overtures and the reception of my guidance in your life. Every day I come to your heart's door and knock for entrance. Can you imagine my joy when you open your heart and welcome me into a loving fellowship with you that day?

But can two walk together unless they are agreed? [Amos 3:3.] The obvious answer is - no! And so I want to bring you into agreement with me each morning in your worship time. As you pray and study, always remember that my thoughts and feelings toward you are thoughts of peace, not of evil. In other words, I do not bring to you a list of grievances that I have against you before you can connect with my love for you. My love is constant and unchanging. But if you have wandered from me and listened to the dark voices and taunts of the evil one, you will need to turn from the darkness and face the light and the assurance of my constant love and care for you, in order for us to have fellowship together. [1 John 1:9.]

Tell me about your griefs and your fears and your temptations. You cannot weary me or make me turn my face from you because you are sharing these things with me. But your confessions must be intermingled with faith in my forgiveness and mercy, and my promises of healing for body and soul. You do not see ahead and know what my plans are for you, but they are plans of hope, joy and peace, and holiness and healing of mind, soul and body. Your sufferings now are preparing you for a greater infilling of my Spirit and a future of hope and fulfillment of my original plans for you. But please remember that the future is always bright when you place yourself in my hands and trust me.

Now I want to return to the topic of wisdom. All aspects of the Spirit fall under the category of wisdom. [Prov. 8:11-14; 9:1.] It is a gift that is given to those who seek it with all their hearts. [James 1:5.] But wisdom is reserved for the pure in heart, because my wisdom cannot reside in the mind of fools. A foolish person is one who feels that they can get through life without God and without the instruction and counsel of the Spirit and the Word on every matter. The carnal mind is filled with foolishness and error, and does not desire to subject itself to the discipline that is necessary to seek to know the wisdom of God, or obey the leading of the Holy Spirit, for that would take self-denial, and the application of oneself to the Word of God.

Happy is the man or woman who grows up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and because of a vital connection with me becomes wise unto salvation. How many sins and mistakes would be left uncommitted, and how many pitfalls would be avoided, if a person would heed the wisdom that is found in the Word of God! But it is never too late to reach out to me for healing, mercy, and forgiveness. The lessons you have learned by the mistakes you have made can be a beacon of warning to yourself and to others.

The greatest reward of wisdom is that it comes from me through the avenue of the Holy Spirit, and the value of understanding and wisdom grows with its usage. For example, whenever you have a question about anything, feel free to ask me. Some people feel that they should not bother me with anything unless it is impossible for them to come to a conclusion by themselves, and then seek me for help as a last resort. Where is this principle found in the Bible? The Scriptures are full of invitations and urgings to come and drink freely at the fountain of wisdom on any and every matter. It is a part of our daily relationship with each other, and gives both of us joy and heavenly companionship.

Do you remember my friends Abraham and Moses? We always conversed together about whatever needs they were experiencing. I enjoyed revealing things to them that were a part of the future events in their lives, as well as scenes from the future of the world. Now time is running out, and the days are few. I have much that I can reveal to you to guide you in the days ahead that you are not aware of at this moment in time. I do not like to take anyone by surprise. I want to help you to walk securely in the present moment and also be prepared for the future. This is what I have to offer you as you face each day. But it takes willingness and effort to maintain a daily walk with me. And it takes a heart that is open to the leading of my Spirit, who gives wisdom to all who seek it with a pure heart.

Some are afraid to open their heart and mind to me because they are afraid they will be deceived. Don't you have the Scriptures and the Spirit of Prophecy to give you a sure guide to wisdom and truth? Cannot you compare Scripture with Scripture so that you can recognize the still small voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to your heart and guiding you day by day? Enoch did not even have the Scriptures, but he set his heart to know me, and he was rewarded by being translated. And you who are alive now at the end of days can also be among my faithful ones who are translated.

However, you must first learn to know me and hear my voice speaking to you, guiding you moment by moment as I did Enoch. My voice in your heart never supersedes the Scriptures, for the principles of truth by which I guide you must agree with the things that are written down in the Scriptures. I want all of you to be Enochs, Abrahams, and Elijahs - men who heard my voice and obeyed me, and thus became the mighty warriors of old.

But now I need men and women who walk beside me through the end of time, who will hear and obey my voice and not turn back when the going becomes difficult. You cannot cleanse yourself, you cannot prepare yourself for what is coming. But if you listen to me and cooperate with me, I will cleanse and prepare you and use you as an instrument to help others. Do you long for the wisdom and strength and guidance that you need to get through each day?

"Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest!" Matt. 11:28.

That is what I am offering to you as the reward for looking to me moment by moment as a child looks to its parents and trusts in their guidance and wisdom. As your heavenly parent, I will see you safely through each challenge that you will face until I come! Lovingly, Jesus.

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First Fruits

Dearest Ones,

May your day today be blessed with the outpouring of my Spirit and the love and care that I have for each of you. This is the beginning of another busy week. I enjoyed the Sabbath respite with my people around the earth. More and more I am seeing an awakening to the reality that the end of time is near. But so many do not have any idea of how to get prepared for my coming. I have waited long for this final generation when I could pour out the full light and understanding, of my righteousness and how to prepare to receive its fullness in the latter rain.

But when the master tarries, his servants attend to their own business and forget the call to be about the master's business. I have not tarried beyond what was necessary for the fruits of the Spirit to bring about the harvest. It may seem that I am tarrying, but such a concept can be fatal for those who wander off to their own business and forget that the master will come at an hour that they think not. [Matt. 24:44.] I am looking for my Bride to love me and follow me through this cleansing and blotting out process that is at the close of my ministry in the heavenly Sanctuary, and which is now in progress. But the difference between the past and the present is that I now have a people who are aware that this process is going on in heaven, and are cooperating with me so I can finish the work in due time, close the door to the Most Holy Place, and come and receive my cleansed Bride to myself and present her, pure and holy, to my heavenly Father and to the waiting universe.

The 144,000 are the first fruits of the earth - the first generation of my people to go to all the way through the Sanctuary services with me. Therefore they shall represent me forever as the wave sheaf of the harvest of the earth. They will have proved that the resurrection of all the righteous at my second coming is accurate, because if they had lived in the last generation, they, too, would have persevered to the end. Thus my work for the plan of salvation is completed with you as you walk with me in the days ahead that remain until I come. We are now in the final countdown to my coming, for my numbers will be made up by those who will respond to the loud cry which will sound throughout the earth, and then the end will come.

Now I will introduce my subject for today. It is "first fruits." Why is the final generation of my people called the first fruits? It is because the whole plan of salvation is for the purpose of completely eradicating what Satan and sin have caused to the human race. It means that I can and must display that I am able to completely restore people who have hereditarily received and consciously or unconsciously chosen to cultivate those sins and weaknesses of character and then pass these traits on to the next generation. This has been happening in the centuries following the fall of Adam and Eve. But I, as the second Adam, must show my ability and my authority over the evil one, to rescue the human race from the depths which continuing sin has taken them, and restore them to the loving, willing obedience of Adam and Eve before they fell. If I would not be able to do this, Satan would claim that his power of rebellion and sin is greater than my power of love and freedom to choose one's eternal destiny. Thus you can see how imperative it is for love to win the battle for the allegiance of men's hearts to willing intelligent obedience to the covenant of my love [Deut. 7:9, 12], which is my law, the standard of eternal life.

But I invite you to rejoice with me now, for I see that development of the ripening grain of the harvest that I am looking for in my beloved chosen ones. For those who are willing, I will continue the cleansing process until my work brings my Bride to perfection, and I will put upon her the rich white robe of my righteous character, woven for her in the loom of heaven, and worked out through my life while I was on earth. It is for you that I have done this, my beloved ones! It is for you that I suffered and died upon the cross, and it is for you that I am ministering in the Sanctuary in heaven in the presence of my Father.

Do you realize how much I long to have you here at my side, forever safe from the tortures and suffering that sin has caused, and receive the joy of your presence with me? Every bridegroom longs for his bride to be with him, and I have prepared the way for you to be with me where I am. I have prepared a home for you, and the robe and the crown is ready for the angels to place upon you at the wedding celebration in heaven. Now all that remains to be done is for you to accept my proposal to join me in the full cleansing of your heart from sin. All that I ask is that you take my hand and walk with me every day until I come. In the process of walking with me, your sins will be cleansed away by the relationship of the love that is between us. I have chosen you and called you and prepared the way before you. Now all that I ask is that you be faithful to me in the days ahead until I come to take you home to live with me forever. In the meantime, you can call others to the banquet of my love for them, for "The Spirit and the Bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life." Rev. 22:17.

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Dearest Ones,
Be joyful today as you see the time approaching for the wedding of the Lamb, for my Bride is making herself ready and drinking largely of my Spirit, Who gives light from the Throne of Heaven to my people.

Now for the topic of today. I want to reveal to you the secret of success in having a vital and regenerative relationship with me. It is "peace." In this world you shall have tribulation [John 16:33], but in me you can have peace and calmness of spirit, and joy in our relationship with each other. No one has ever been born into this world who did not have trials and tribulations. This is because Adam gave his kingship over to the devil, who is now the prince of this world [John 12:31] and he now claims the right to rule over the kingdoms of this world [Matt. 4:8, 9]. I have purchased back the kingdom by my death on Calvary, but my kingdom is not of this world [John 18:36]. Instead, it is made up of those who choose to follow me and love me and follow the principles of government by which I rule my kingdom. While the devil is the ruler of darkness [Eph. 6:12], I am the Prince of Peace [Isa. 9:6]. Therefore it is vital that you test the spirits [John 4:1] and be able to discern what spirit you are listening to during the day. You can be sure that the devil is a tireless foe, and the easiest way he can reach you is to bring a spirit of darkness through discouragement, worry, stress, sadness, fear, sleeplessness, physical ailments of various kinds, etc. I have not promised my followers freedom from tribulation and problems of one kind or another, just as I was not free from trials when I was upon this earth. But I have promised peace amidst the storms of life. Sometimes I even allow problems to come to you when your hold upon the world and your attachment to the things of earth are greater than your attachment to me. But come what may, you must remember that I have promised you that I will never leave you nor forsake you [Heb. 13:5, 6], and I will always be faithful to the Covenant of love [Deut 7:9, 12] that I have made with you.

Therefore, Satan has learned how to affect the human mind to cause you to feel forsaken by me. He brings a feeling of darkness over you, oppresses your mind, brings a sense of guilt, impending doom, feelings of separation from me, despair, hopelessness and fear, or whatever he can use to cause you to focus upon yourself and your feelings and lose your hold upon me and our relationship. As I have said before, I give everyone the freedom of choice. If you do not reach out to me during these times of temptation and trial by the enemy, you will be buffeted by him and be tempted to believe his lies that I am angry with you and have turned my face from you, or have left you. He will tell you that you are hopeless and lost for the most trifling things. I do not turn away from you when you fall - I am bending over you to help you and put my arms about you and carry you on my shoulders back to the fold of safety [Lu. 15:1-7].

When I suffered and died on the cross of Calvary, the Father purposefully withdrew the sense of His life and light and the feeling of his presence from me so that I could feel what you feel when the devil hovers around you and tells you that you have displeased me and therefore I have withdrawn myself and my love and protection from you. This is what it means that I took your sins upon myself. I did not actually take the feelings and thoughts of sin, or the lusts of the carnal nature upon myself, or I would also have become a sinner. I took the feelings of separation and the sense of the withdrawal of my Father's acceptance, presence, and love that sin causes, which of course brings suffering and eventual death, for without connection with me, Satan has control of you and death is the result.

But as I hung on the cross, I did what you must do when you are surrounded by the oppression and darkness that is brought on by the evil one. I clung by faith to my Father and his love for me and his eternal plan for me, and all the promises that he had given me throughout my life on earth. And by these I triumphed over the kingdom of darkness. So you also may triumph over every temptation of the evil one if you take my victory for you as an example of how to go through trials. I did these things for you so that you may triumph gloriously with me. Determine just now to gain the victory over the evil one by connecting with my love and my promises to you. I will never fail you nor leave you to succumb to the evil one if you just reach out and grasp hold of my hand by faith. My victory can be yours if you take it. I will walk you through the deepest valleys of your life, and bring you out on the Mountaintop of Victory. And you shall have my peace in exchange for the darkness and despair of the evil one.

Do you want to accept my offer of peace and freedom from darkness just now? Resist the thoughts of darkness that the evil one puts upon you, and walk with me out into the light [1 John 1:9] and I will give you my peace and my victory over the darkness of the devil and all his host, for you are my beloved ones in whom is all my joy! Lovingly Jesus.

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Freedom to Choose

Dearest Ones,

My thoughts are with you today as you begin the round of activities that will comprise your labors on this preparation day. I remember the experience I had when I created Adam and Eve on the first preparation day at the beginning of earth's history. It was a joyful day for me to see their beauty inside and out, and their eagerness to know me, and their love for me and for each other. I did not permit my foreknowledge of what would happen so soon to dampen the joy of that day, for even though I knew that they would fall to the tempter's solicitations and that I must someday die in their behalf, the love I had for them superseded all that would happen as a result of their creation.

I also knew that someday I would conquer the enemy, and I looked down through the ages of history and saw you, my beloved ones, and I saw my reward of having all my saved family from earth with me throughout eternity. [Eph. 1:4, 5.] So on this preparation day, keep your mind stayed upon me as you go about your work and activities, and I will speak my messages of love to you personally, and I will guide you successfully through the day.

Now for the topic of today. It is “freedom to choose." Do you know that the blueprint of your life that I have written for you in my book is unchangeable as long as you walk with me and accept the plan I have for you to fulfill each day? As David says in Psalms 139:16 - "All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Before you were born, I knew you and I had a plan for your life. I even saw the trials you would go through and the mistakes you would make because of your fallen nature. But I also saw the wonderful future that I have planned for you if you will consent to let me order your life. Whatever deviations and errors you have made up to now can be counted as learning experiences on the highway to truth. Mistakes are experiments in cause and effect, and if you learn from these, you will be but stronger in your determination not to repeat these experiences that led you into pain.

I walked with you through these things, though you did not always perceive my presence. But now you can throw back the curtain and see my face clearly and let me be your Counselor and Friend and daily Companion. I will guide you and help you to avoid further mistakes in judgment. But if you do make mistakes, I will not leave you or forsake you to become a plaything of the enemy. You belong to me, for I have bought you back by the price of my shed blood and my death on Calvary for your ransom. Nothing can harm or destroy you if you let me lead you day by day.

Now go to the activities of your day, but don't let the hustle and bustle drown out my still small voice speaking to your heart. Just remember that I will never override your power of choice, because I have given freedom to choose to all my created beings. Don't forget how much I have loved you from the foundation of the world, and how long I have waited with anticipation for your arrival, just as a mother looks forward to the birth of her little one. You are important to me and I have a plan for your life. But you must seek me every day to find it, for the evil one is jealous

of my love for you and the destiny that I have for you to be saved and take his place in the courts of heaven. He wants to put thoughts into your mind, and because of the fall of Adam and Eve, I must allow him to do that to preserve your free will choice as to whom you will serve.

But if you want to serve me, just remember that I will never speak to you with dark and discouraging thoughts or thoughts of condemnation. If you hear those things in your mind, send a prayer to me immediately, for I will never speak to you that way! You can be assured that dark and discouraging thoughts always come from the evil one. When I correct you, it will always be with love and compassion and wisdom to help you persevere and win the victory. Keep your mind ever upward toward the light of my countenance, and my love, joy and peace will dispel all the darkness and temptations of the evil one! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dear Ones,

This morning I want to talk to you about something that is deep within my heart. So many of my people are waiting for the Latter Rain and the Sunday law to prepare for my coming. In the meantime they are going about their business not realizing that these things are already happening. In other words, life goes on as usual, and the Sunday law issue is stealing upon the world as a great surprise. Already the pope is speaking about his desire to have it put into place. But like a lion partially hidden in the tall grass waiting for just the right moment to spring upon its prey, so the devil is carefully planning his attack while my people are still unready.

It is a great mistake to wait to prepare until the last moment in time, when everything comes out in the open. Satan is a wily foe, much more intelligent in his deceptive plans than human beings can anticipate. Like any predator, he keeps his prey occupied with other things until it is too late to escape. So you see how the world and its daily pressures can keep my people in a round of activities until the time has passed for getting to know me and having a daily walk with me so that I can guide and help and protect you from the wiles of the evil one.

Therefore, my topic for today is "Watch!" It is a fatal mistake to play on the beach until the storm comes and takes you away, when if you had been watching and looking to me for guidance, I could have warned you to seek higher ground where you could stand and see the destruction taking place below you. Take heed to the message of Psalms 91. This was written especially for those who live at the end of time. Read it now in conjunction with this message that I am giving to you.

"A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.
You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked." Ps. 91:7, 8.

And what is the place where you may hide safely in the time of trouble? It is the Most Holy Place experience of cleansing from sin that I am taking my willing people through right now. All others will find themselves outside the camp when the door of mercy closes. You must have a conscious, ongoing relationship with me, for only I can guide you safely through the days ahead. I will not force you to do this, because I give free will to every person to choose their destiny. I will try to woo you; I will attempt to get your attention through allowing trials to come into your life to cause you to look to me for help. But the ultimate choice to connect with me or not to connect with me is in your hands.

I sometimes weep when I see you struggling with the burden of care that Satan puts upon you to distract you from hearing my voice calling to you in your heart. As I have said before, I am just a prayer away. But it takes time and effort to get to know me and recognize the still, small voice of my Spirit, because your ears are tuned to the raucous sounds of the world you live in, which blunts the fine sensitivity of the mind to hear the gentle whisper of my Spirit. I do this specifically to preserve your free will to choose to follow me because you desire to know and love me and receive my love for you. Love cannot be forced or demanded. I could speak to you with the thunder tones of Sinai. But that would not make you love me. As with Elijah, I was not in the wind, the earthquake and the fire. I was in the gentle whisper that my servant knew so well. [1Kings 19:11:13.]

And so I come to you in gentleness and love and kindness, not with a whip but with a whisper in your heart to draw you to my love for you. Please do not put it off, for the time is late and the days of preparation are few. I will take you safely through the end if you come into the hiding place of a daily relationship with me. There is no other way to be prepared for the things that are just ahead. There is no time to prepare when the lion springs upon its prey. So it will be for those who have waited until the Sunday law to get ready for my coming. These will be the foolish virgins who slept through the time of preparation, and while they were rushing to get the extra oil of cleansing from sin which the wise virgins had, the bridegroom came and went into the wedding and the door was shut. I do not want to frighten you, but only to arouse you from your slumbers in time to prepare.

Awake! My beautiful Bride, and come with me to the banquet hall [SS 2:4; 10-13] of a daily relationship with me, and you will never need to fear that you will be unready or unprepared for my coming, for I will gird myself [Lu. 12:37] and meet all your needs, and cleanse you and dress you in fine linen, pure and white, which is the robe of my righteousness [Rev. 19:7-9]. But you must say yes to my overtures, for I will never force or try to coerce you. Did I run after the Rich Young Ruler? Did the father run after the Prodigal Son? No, it must be love and free will choice which brings you to me, and the gentle wooing of the Holy Spirit.

In the ardor of my love I call to you, but in the fairness of my love I let you choose to love me in return. Today is the day of salvation! Today is the day to open your heart and let me prepare you for my coming. My arms are outstretched to welcome you into the company of my beloved chosen ones who are always with me wherever I go. [Rev. 17:14; 14:1, 4.] I am looking forward to having this kind of relationship with you! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,
I am thinking today about the nearness of my coming and the amount of work that has yet to be done. I am fully able to accomplish this task, for I have an army of dedicated workers around the world that are doing their utmost to spread the good news to every corner of the globe. But even this is not sufficient for the enormity of the task. So I am commissioning my angels to belt the world and seek out every person to bring the test of truth to their hearts in whatever way is possible. For those who respond, I will provide every opportunity for them to come to the full light and understanding necessary for this time, for every person must have sufficient light to make their decision. Thus I can gather into my barn of protection and safety the honest in heart who truly want to serve me. [Matt. 13:30.]

On the other hand, Satan is stepping up his efforts to take those who are truly honest seekers and divert them into his camp before they have an opportunity to have all the light that is necessary to discern between truth and error for these last momentous hours of earth's history. So it will be a battle to the end. But I will blanket the earth with my light during the loud cry of the fourth angel [Rev. 18:1-4], and during that time all will have an opportunity to choose between my truth and the lies of the beast power and his counterpart, which is apostate Protestantism.

At this time I'm allowing these powers to merge, as has been prophesied in Revelation 13, and they are about to take the world by storm with the rapidity in which this will take place. It will be the final battle between good and evil, truth and falsehood, and for Satan's kingdom of darkness versus my kingdom of light. Every person will be caught up in this battle, and as a result, will make their final decisions for eternity. Many honest souls who have heard the truth but have not acted upon it will come out and take their stand against error. Many others who have seemed to be solid in the truth will leave and join the opposite side. It may be difficult to understand how this can be so, but these are people who, although they have ascribed to the truth, have not been sanctified by it.

Perhaps you can see now that my subject today is "truth." Susceptibility to truth is a result of decisions that are made throughout life that are based upon the principle of what satisfies the needs of the heart and mind of the person. If a person's perception of truth is based upon self-advancement, such as, "What does this do to enhance me or my prestige, or my cause or rank or respectability?" or, "How does this concept put me in a position where I can have my needs met, whether it be physical, mental, emotional, social, or spiritual?" then those who search for truth with these concepts will fail to reach the pinnacle of truth that is required for entrance into heaven, for it is self-centered instead of God-centered and others-centered. That is why many of the brightest lights will go out, because their climb to the top was fueled by a desire to achieve over others and receive adulation and respect as a result.

But where is truth in all of this? Have you noticed that my true followers have often been chosen from among the poor, the uneducated, and what would be considered by some as the riffraff of society, and yet have become great as they yielded themselves to the working of my Holy Spirit? Thus, as they became educated in eternal life-saving truth, they were changed and made great in the eyes of honest men, and of angels, as well as receiving the approval of their Father in heaven.

I, too, was not educated in the schools of the prophets, but by studying the word of God at my mother's knee. In all of this I am not suggesting that higher education is evil and should be avoided, for I myself have commissioned my church to establish institutions for the education of those who wish to enter into the calling of public ministry. But this alone does not make a person great in the eyes of God. It is a humble, teachable spirit with an open heart to learn the deep mysteries of salvation which can only be learned through the guidance and enlightenment of the Holy Spirit.

Happy and blessed is the person who has learned truth from birth through godly parents, and then went on to higher education for one purpose only - to glorify God and serve humanity at any level of society to which he or she is called by the Spirit. Education can qualify a person to do this, but if the person trusts in his education and goes no further in a continuing search for light and truth, he will stagnate, for truth and light are progressive, and it is absolutely vital to keep in step with the developing truth for these last moments of time.

The latter rain, which is beginning to fall even now, is specifically designed to help my people understand and cooperate with my closing work in the Most Holy Place of blotting out the sins of my people, which prepares them to go through the time of trouble. Without this understanding, it will be impossible for them to be prepared for the close of probation. Truth is vitally important in any age of history. But now it is a matter of eternal life or death. When the devil unveils his end-time plan to capture the world into keeping Sunday - his day of rest - only those who have already been grounded in eternal truth and have received the power of the latter rain will be able to stand against this deception. Those who stand will have been sealed in by truth on every point, for it is truth that seals the minds and hearts of my faithful ones so that they would rather die than sin. Only these will survive during the time of trouble, because sin - which is untruth - will have been eradicated completely from their minds and they will be blameless before me. They will wear white robes and carry palm branches which symbolize their victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil. They are free from any lies or deceptions. They are completely cleansed and blameless before the all-knowing, all searching eyes of my Father and I as we search our beloved chosen ones through and through at my coming. Then we will welcome you into the eternal joys and happiness of heaven where sin and disagreement with me will never rise again.

Are you ready for that day so soon to come? You can be if you let me search your hearts now during this cleansing, blotting out time when I am making up my jewels. Hasten, oh, hasten into the Sanctuary with me, for this work will be finished before much longer. The door is yet open for you! I love you with an everlasting love, and I want you to be with me in the ark of safety. The choice is yours. Will you choose to love the truth more than anything else in your life? Buying the pearl of great price takes all, but it also gives all so that you receive much more than you give. Come to me now and buy gold tried in the fire, and eye salve that you may see truth clearly, and white raiment that you may cover your spiritual nakedness! [Rev. 3:18.] In return, I will give you the privilege of sitting beside me on my throne, for you will have overcome just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne. [v. 21.]

You really can't know me and understand me or reign with me if you do not have the experience of gaining the victory over the temptations and solicitations of the evil one. But I have won that victory in your behalf, and now it is my gift to you as you walk with me every day. And as you walk and talk with me, I will reveal truth to you that will help you to overcome in every area of your life. Do you want to begin your journey with me now, just now? Do not be like the Rich Young Ruler, who sadly turned away, for his possessions were great. Do not be like Felix who put off salvation for another more convenient time. [Acts 24:25.] That time may never come for you, because Satan is waiting at the door to take advantage of your hesitancy.

So will you take my hand just now and turn your back on the devil's solicitations to wait? I am knocking at your heart's door, and if you open the door, I will come in and eat with you and sup with you and give you the victory and peace that you long for. Today is the day of salvation. Will you join me at this last hour of earth's history? If you do, we will soon be going home together to glory! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Heart Preparation

Dearest Ones,
I have a heart of love and compassion for you today as you go about your labors for me! You are the delight of my eyes and the consolation of my heart because of your devotion and willing eagerness to do my will and glorify my name. I say this not because I desire adoration for my own sake, but because of the beautiful characters you are forming as we fellowship together. That is how it will be forever as you grow up as calves in the stall [Mal. 4:2] and rejoice forever in my presence.

Now for the topic of today. It is "heart preparation." It may seem obvious that this is necessary for the reception of the Holy Spirit and fellowship in an ongoing relationship with me, but there is more to it than is generally considered by most Christians. Every person on earth has been given by me a heart that has the capacity for love and holiness. Without that there would be no hope for anyone to seek after and find me, although I am not a God that is far away [Acts 17:27], but I am ever near, waiting for the slightest indication of a desire to reach out to me with a yearning desire to connect with me and receive my love. I have planted that desire within everyone to guide their hearts toward me so that they would want to seek me and find me.

However, this is what gives Satan such power over humanity, for he takes advantage of this natural desire for God, and tries to fulfill that desire himself. Since there is a desire to worship that I have planted within every person, if they do not know me or about me, Satan forms gods for them that suit this desire for his own diabolical purposes. The gods of the heathen were created and formed to be after the desires of their own evil hearts to fulfill and satisfy the lusts of the flesh. Egged on by Satan, they formed images of gods who they could see and worship and plead for the things they desired. This so degraded them that they would sacrifice their own children to appease their gods in order to receive the things that ministered to their lustful desires.

But modern society is no better! How many millions chase after the gods of the flesh and forsake the natural love and care that should be in family life. Instead of parents who nurture and care tenderly and faithfully for their children, they put them in the hands of babysitters or educational institutions, or just as bad or even worse, in front of the television where they are trained in foolishness and triviality, or lust and violence, until their minds and emotions are seared to the point of losing their capacity for hearing and responding to the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit. All this is a direct attack upon this generation to capture their hearts when they are young and sear it without hope of regeneration. But I am not absent during this attack by the devil, and I try to bring into the lives of children someone who will bring light and hope in the darkness. It might be grandparents or teachers or a godly neighbor, or whomever I can use to keep the light of truth flowing to the heart by which I can speak and woo them to me and free them from the captivity of the evil one.

Another deadly tool of the devil to capture the hearts of this generation is music. Satan writes the songs and the music that best suits his purpose to direct the thoughts and emotions to himself, and for those who are addicted to his music there is virtually no hope for their salvation unless they are willing to break away from it and escape from the trap of the devil. Music is a part of my creation to draw the hearts of my created beings into a rapturous love experience with me. Music bypasses the frontal lobes of the brain and goes directly to the heart and emotions and draws the listener into emotional fellowship with the one who has inspired both the music and the words.

Can you just imagine how many people are worshipping the devil all day long as they listen to his music at home, in the car, plugged into their ears, and even being played over the loudspeakers in stores, offices, over the phone, workplaces, public buildings, waiting rooms, and so on? Do you see how this is a direct assault by the devil to program the minds and hearts of people to recognize and listen to his voice when he speaks to them? They are already under his control and respond automatically to his commands and enticements. This is why it is imperative to stay as clear as possible from the worldly enticements which are found in the media.

Be as Joseph was when he fled from Potiphar's wife and left his cloak behind him. He dedicated his mind and heart to me and to listening only to my voice, and he was greatly honored for so doing. And so it will be for each one of you who keeps his/her mind and heart clean from the present enticements of this evil generation. It may be difficult to maintain the integrity and purity of your mind and emotions, but by the power of my Holy Spirit living in you and guiding and protecting you, you may remain unsullied by the world and its temptations and fleshly lusts and pleasures. And great will be your reward, both in this world and in heaven, for you will take your place among the heroes of the Bible, and shine as stars in the universe for me forever. [Daniel 12:3.]

Now go to the activities of your day, but do not forget to keep your heart pure and clean from the temptations of the devil through the world around you. If you must be in a place where you will be exposed to evil, pray to me that I will keep your mind unsullied. Do not voluntarily and unnecessarily place yourself at the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Breathe the atmosphere of heaven by keeping your mind stayed upon me at all times, and you will be kept safe. It is only when you voluntarily place yourself in temptation as Eve did that Satan has access to your heart and mind. Guard your heart faithfully, for out of it are the issues of life. [Prov. 4:23.] Let your heart be the citadel through which I can reach you and commune with you and protect you from all evil and harm. Don't break down the walls of the citadel. But if you do, run to me and I will envelop you in my arms and heal the wounds that you received in the camp of the tempter and under his influence.

Will you now commit your heart to me for this day? If you do, I will see you as my vineyard to dress and keep and protect, and drink the sweet juice of our communion together all day long, and we will experience the joy of working together in the fields of labor, for the harvest is ripe, but the workers are few. [Matt. 9:37, 38.] Pray to me that more harvesters will join us in the joy of laboring together for the Lord of the harvest, who is my Father and yours! [John 20:17.] Lovingly, Jesus.

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Time Management

Dearest Ones,
As time marches on toward my coming, I see that my people are coming into harmony with me in every area of their lives. There is harmony and obedience in appetite, relationships with others, daily battles with self, and all the other facets of life that I am bringing to your attention. But there is yet one area that I want to talk to you about today, and that is the area of using the golden moments of time at the unction of my Spirit. Please do not feel that I am displeased with you, for you are so intent on keeping in step with me in every way that I do not want to bring a shadow of any kind in our relationship, or cause you any reason for discouragement, for you always seek the light of my face and desire with all your heart to please me and honor my name.

My purpose in talking with you about the subject of time is to help you to be open to suggestions on time management. Time, like money and all other gifts of life, are from your heavenly Father to be used for your happiness and the happiness of those around you, and for the glory of God. If these moments are used wisely, you will be able to accomplish everything that is on the agenda for that day. Remember the passage from the Psalms that says, "Every day ordained for me was written in your book before one of them came to be." Ps. 139:13-16.

You see, I have a perfect plan for you, and every day if you allow me to influence your mind and thoughts, I will work out that perfect plan. Even if you have made mistakes in your past life, I can and will reorganize your life to bring it back into harmony with the original blueprint plan I have for you. That is because I can see your future, and I have a knowledge of what will happen during your life, and I have planned from the beginning of your life how to bring you back into harmony with my original plan for you. I can make something out of nothing, and if you look to me and cooperate with me I will take your brokenness and the years you have spent wandering in the wilderness, and help you to march successfully to the original goal of victory over the evil one, and enter into the promised land of the original purpose and plan that I have for your life.

This is where the topic of time management enters into the picture. Satan can have an endless list of things for you to do, even apparently good things well disguised (for he knows he cannot be successful in tempting you to do evil things), to take up the golden moments of your day. The only way that you can be sure that you are using your moments wisely is to constantly keep your heart open to my guidance and follow the directions of my Spirit. As Solomon says, "There is a time for everything that is done under the sun." Eccl. 3:1. And he also says, "The wise heart will know the proper time and procedure. For there is a proper time and procedure for every matter." Eccl. 8:5, 6.

Kingdoms rise and fall on the matter of the use of time. A person can be great or mediocre because of the use of their time. So I invite you to come to me each morning and dedicate your life and your time to me to be carried out according to the leading of my Spirit. Remember - every day ordained for you is written in your book before one of them came to be. When you seek me in your morning worship, your book is open before me and I have the outline of your day written on that page. If you yield to my Spirit's guidance you cannot fail to accomplish everything I meant for you to do that day. The outcome at the end of the day may be different than you had planned for it to be. You may have had to do a task you didn't plan for, or help a person you didn't know would cross your pathway. But if you are following my guidance you can trust and be assured that it was all by my design. That is why it is so vitally important to follow my leading moment by moment.

But do not despair because of your mistakes. Because I know you, I have anticipated even these errors of judgment, and have provided a way for you to recover and redeem the time. So trust in my love and care for you, and go forward with courage into your day today and every day until I come. Just remember that every moment is a golden jewel to be used at my discretion as I continually guide you through each day. That is the experience I had with my Father, and I offer to you the same privilege. It will give you peace amidst the storms of life, and the unexpected challenges that come your way. That is why you can walk trustingly and securely through the days ahead, knowing that I am weaving a beautiful pattern of your life that will stand through the ages of eternity to reveal what I can do through the lives of the people who love and serve me with their whole hearts.

Now go to the activities of your day, but look to me as a little child looks to and trusts a loving parent. I will never disappoint you or lead you through anything for which I have not planned a glorious ending. So trust me today and every day and see if I will not open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so many blessings that you will not have room enough to receive them. [Mal. 3:10.] Lovingly, Jesus.

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Probationary Time

Dearest Ones,
I love you with an everlasting love today, and today is the beginning of eternity. Do you know what everlasting means? It is the very foundation of life for those who believe in me, for when I create life, it is meant to be eternal, for I am life and I am eternal. So when I bequeath life, I am giving eternal life that never comes to an end. But because I give freedom of choice to everyone, each person or celestial being has the power to choose death. I will do everything I can to preserve the life that I have given, but I will not take away the freedom to choose to rebel against my principles that are the foundation of eternal life, and thereby to choose death. In the probationary time allotted for each person, I will also provide the evidence they need to make a final decision for or against my principles. I have covenanted to continue life as long as there is a desire in the person to know me and respond to my love. But when the person chooses to rebel, and there are no more avenues to their heart, their probation is closed forever without hope of recovery.

So today I want to discuss with you the topic of probationary time. Come and listen to me, and I will share with you the secret of eternal life and eternal death. When I create a living being, I give them the ability to think and reason from cause to effect. Even a young child can quickly learn this by experience. Therefore, I strive through my Holy Spirit to reach the hearts of every man, woman, and child to hear my voice and respond to my teachings to learn cause and effect and choose life. For those who respond positively to my Spirit, I fan the flame of life and throw around them influences and circumstances that will lead them to search for me and find me and know my love and my ways, which are the ways of life.

But for those who rebel against my Spirit, even from childhood, the light of the Spirit goes out, for they have chosen darkness instead of light. [Ps. 58:3-5.] Eventually by their own choices the devil takes full control of them. So you can see how the early years are so important, because this is where the choices and decisions are formed that are the basic foundation for the person's future life. This present generation is exceedingly wicked and rapidly filling up the cup of iniquity because of the major impact of the media upon the children from birth. The collective ideas of society are impacted upon the tender, open consciences of the children so early that their power to reason and think original thoughts are almost ruined. I say almost, because I have reserved a place for myself to speak through the developing conscience, since I am responsible for allowing the media for my own purposes of spreading the gospel around the world in the shortest period of time.

By nature in any generation, the law of heredity and environment passes on the sins of the fathers to the children in the third and fourth generation. [Ex. 34:7.]

The ripening of the harvest is greatly accelerated now, because of the influence of the media. But the use of the media for my purposes is also greatly accelerated so that the harvest of the earth can take place quickly. Because of this I can now bring to an end the progress of evil vs. good, and reap the harvest of both the wheat and the tares, and by persecution separate out my chosen ones from the tares.

Woe to those professing Christians, even from my own church, who want to cling to the world and at the same time be among the number who will be saved. In other words, if you and your children are allowing yourselves to enjoy the exhibitions and sounds of the culture and opinions and feelings of the world around you and mix that with your daily thoughts and times of worship with me, you will be among the five foolish virgins who expected to be saved, but were unready to meet me and go into the banquet feast at the marriage of the Lamb. I beg you, I plead with you, to stay clear of the worldliness around you. Let your heart and your home be a haven for yourself and your children and people who are a part of your lives. Let your time be spent in getting closer to me and doing whatever is necessary to shut out the sins that are enveloping the world in darkness, in preparation for the loss of their lives, both physically and eternally.

Now is the time to decide for or against me! Do not linger and look longingly at the worldly things that so easily capture your thoughts and attention. It is better to turn your face to Zion and leave the lusts of the world behind. Remember Lot's wife! Even though I took her by the hand and led her out of Sodom, her heart still remained in Sodom, and she chose death instead of life. So you, too, must make a decision for life or death. Will you forsake anything that causes you to compromise with evil? Will you choose to connect with me 100% of the time so that I can constantly flow eternal life to you through my indwelling Spirit? It was the Spirit who gave you life from the beginning, and it is the Spirit that will cleanse you of all connection with the lies of the devil who brings death.

I am waiting with arms outstretched to give you eternal life, eternal love, eternal joy and happiness. Will you heed my call and accept my gift to you? And then will you pass this message on to others so that they, too, can accept life before the door of mercy closes forever? When probationary time closes, I want you to have your family and friends and loved ones with you to give you joy throughout eternity. I will help you win them to me if you let me guide you, for I love them, too, with an everlasting love, and I want them to be in my kingdom.

So I am counting on you to help me reach their hearts, since the attractions of the world are stealing their attention so often when I want to speak to them. If you are willing, I will set up opportunities for you to speak to them about heavenly things. Do not be harsh or overbearing with them, but by kindness and love speak the truth in ways that will soften their hearts and get their attention. Pray to me and I will help you. Lean upon my wisdom and the opportunities that I provide for you to share, and you will have many souls in the kingdom that without your loving care would have been lost.

Thank you for being my willing servants and co-workers! I am counting on you to be my hands that reach out to others, and my voice of truth spoken in love that will break the fascination of evil that Satan puts upon them. Now go with hope and courage into the harvest field today, for the grain is ready to be picked. And in so doing you will be facilitating your own reception of my eternal life flowing through you! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,
I am rejoicing today to have another Sabbath to spend with my beloved ones around the world. So many are now opening up their hearts and looking to me with longing desire for my coming. The condition of the world and society is crying out and groaning under the weight of sin. This is the perfect climate for my gospel to go quickly as fire in the stubble. So lift up your heads with confidence and holy joy that your work for me will reach the hearts of those who are longing for salvation.

Now for the topic of today. It is "germination." When a seed is sown in the soil, within each seed is the power to reproduce after its own kind. It needs just the right condition for life to spring up and begin to sprout and grow into the plant that I created it to be. So it is with human beings. Every person has a specific and special purpose in my eternal plan. I have spoken to you about this before, because unless you realize the sacredness of each life including your own, you will not realize the infinite value of every soul. I would have given my life for just one soul, for I cannot separate myself from the connection I have with my creation, for it is a part of me.

Virtue went out from me when I created each living thing that I have made. That virtue and life flows out from the Father and me together as we create. We do nothing on our own, for we are One. And when we create life and living beings, they are a part of our life. So to ignore the needs all of the things that we have created would be to ignore our own needs to give and sustain life and be involved in everything we create. Only the free will choice of a person can cut off the life-giving flow of energy that comes from us to them. And even then we bear long with sinners until there is no hope of their recovery.

Now I want to return to the subject of germination. A seed can lie dormant for years, apparently lifeless to the visible eye. But when it is placed in the proper environment with soil, moisture, and sunlight, the seed will come to life, sprout, and grow just as it was created to do. So it is with people. Many seem to be dead in trespasses and sins, and their condition hopeless to the observation of those around them. Satan has hedged them in with circumstances so that they cannot perceive the light of the love I have for them and the special plan that I have for their lives.

But if they have just the right environment of a loving, Spirit-filled person to touch their lives with love and hope and grace, they can sprout and grow into the person I created them to be. When I was upon the earth, that is exactly the work that I did for the people as I walked among men. Even as a child I brought the love and caring and nurturing atmosphere of heaven, and hearts who were susceptible responded as living water brings life and beauty to dry ground. Of course, Satan is always on hand to resist the light and keep his captives in darkness. But if they will cry out even in their hearts for something better than they have, I will break the bonds that Satan has put upon them and set them free.

Would you have chosen my twelve disciples to be the ones that were the foundation upon which I would build my church and give the power to take the message of my love and grace around the world in one generation? But they responded to my love and came and followed me and became the founders of the Christian church. And so it can be with you. You may think that your ability to do anything important is very small. Satan may tempt you to be discouraged because of your weaknesses and failures. But I want to encourage you to go forward today and every day with courage and faith, trusting in me to germinate the seeds that you sow in your daily life for others.

If you give out the love that I have given you to sow, hearts that are hungry and thirsty for love will respond to you, for love is the soil that is necessary to germinate the dormant seeds in broken and discouraged people everywhere. It produces hope, and when hope springs forth, the light of truth and the pathway to salvation can shine into the hearts of people who otherwise have no hope.

So today on this Sabbath day, open your hearts to the eternal love that I have for you and the connection to my heart that I desire to give you every moment of every day, and then share this light and love with other souls who are struggling for help and have nearly given up hope. In this way, you will become the conduit through which I can pour out my germinating power, for you will have provided the soil of love which softens their hearts so that they can connect with me, and receive life and courage to break free from the bonds that have held them. Thus you will be my co-workers in reaching people that otherwise have no hope of eternal life. Will you enter into a covenant with me today to bring my truth and light to the people around you so that I will have many souls in the kingdom of heaven because of you? In so doing you will be my disciples and you, too, will reign with me when the numbers of my kingdom are made up! Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are no greater than the weakest saint who is a conduit of my love to others.

So rejoice with me today that the harvest is ripe and my reapers are at my side. Soon the harvest will be finished and heaven will begin. Rest and rejoice in my loving presence with you today and every day until I come! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,
I am so grateful and pleased with your open devotion to me and the cause we all hold so dear - the spreading of the good news of my soon coming. People around the world are awakening to the trumpet sounds of wars and rumors of wars, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, strange trumpet sounds in the sky, fires and weather patterns out of control, and the increasing unrest in society. If you could see as I do, your heart would be sickened at the violence in homes, the drug abuse, unnatural sexual addictions, and so forth. I am not trying to burden you with these things, but just to give you a small eye view of what I see around the earth, in vivid contrast to the joy it gives me to visit my true people who love and serve me, and especially on the Sabbath hours.

You may think I have no suffering about these things because I am always in the presence of my Father, and around the throne the angelic choir is singing rapturous songs of praise. But my Father and I often weep when we see the desperate condition of the world and its inhabitants, and there are so many people that we cannot help because they have no love or desire for righteousness or holiness of character. That is why I consistently tell you what joy we receive when we have your fellowship and love and dedication to our common goals of finishing the great controversy and cleansing the world and the universe of sin and all who love evil.

So the topic for today is "cleansing." In order to be cleansed, something has to be soiled and imperfect. The goal of cleansing is restoration to the original perfect condition of mind, spirit, soul and body. If you have an automobile, it is in pristine condition when it comes from the factory. Its appearance is bright and shiny, all the moving parts work perfectly, and it is a joy to its owner. But when with use it becomes tarnished, imperfections begin to multiply, and eventually breakdowns will occur. This is an example of what has happened to mankind. I made your first parents beautiful and perfect in the beginning. If they had always obeyed my instructions, they and their progeny would have remained in perfect happiness and freedom throughout eternity.

But they chose another master, or owner, we could say, who did not care for them or their children, but only wanted to use them for his own evil purposes, and to take the fine qualities with which I created them, to degrade and destroy them, and then blame me for the results which he caused. My only recourse was to come as the second Adam and redeem fallen humanity from the condition into which they had plunged, and restore them back to the original perfect condition which I gave them in the beginning.

I came to restore and heal body, mind and character to be even more beautiful and useful than in the beginning, because now all my chosen ones will have a greater comprehension of my character and the principles of my kingdom than could have been possible had not sin entered the universe through Satan, and unveiled the contrast between good and evil, holiness and rebellion. It was not my purpose for this to be so, but it is the risk of creating intelligent beings with a free will to think and choose. And now that sin and rebellion have taken place, the goal of my Father and I is cleansing and restoration. Therefore, I want to make more clear what cleansing means.

In order to need cleansing, something must have been lost from the original perfection of mind, soul, and body which I gave mankind at the time of their creation. The basic key to understand the need for cleansing is "disagreement." Things that man creates have no will or choice. But beings that I create in my image and likeness have free will choice. Before sin entered there were no examples of what the results would be to disagree with me. That is why Satan and the disloyal angels were so bold in their rebellion. They could not comprehend what the consequences would be, although my Father and I strove with them and tried to help them see what would happen if they disobeyed. But you know the rest of the story of their experiment into rebellion. Now the whole universe is cured forever of rebellion and sin, not because of fear of a punitive reaction against it from my Father and me, as Satan claimed would happen, but because all can now see the demonstration of the consequences of disobedience to the perfect law of liberty, love, and eternal joy and happiness that constitute the foundation of my government. Now that this has been perfectly displayed, complete cleansing and restoration to the original beauty and perfection of the character of mankind can be restored, and thus sin and disharmony will be eradicated forever from the universe.

Do you want to know the secret of cleansing? It is coming back into perfect agreement with me in every area of your life. Think about the experiences with sin and sinning that you personally have had. Did breaking my law and departing from my precepts bring you love, joy, and happiness? Or has it contributed to your pain, suffering, and brokenness? I am here to help you back to perfection of character. I have the healing you need to be completely restored. I will never force you or take away your free will to choose. But if you want sincerely to be restored, I will walk you through your memories to the places in your life where you listened to the temptations of the evil one and got off the path of obedience and purity. If you repent of these things that I reveal to you, I will wash away your guilt and give you my perfect character in place of your failures. And I will blot them out of my book and deliver you from the memories and the continuing presence and influence of the demons whose voices you listened to when you departed from my will for you. I will forgive all your sins and heal all your diseases. [Ps. 103:3.] And I will restore you completely from the damage that Satan has done to you, and prepare you to live in my presence forever.

Do you want to experience this cleansing process with me? I am eager and waiting to experience this with you, for I have a remedy for all your ills, and happiness for all your sorrows. Come to me now and I will be to you a friend that never fails or forsakes you, and I will arise for you with healing in my wings! [Mal. 4:2.] Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,
You are in my mind this morning concerning the heaviness of the duties and responsibilities that I have put upon you, and I am so pleased at how you bear your burdens with eagerness to serve me and joy at co-partnering with me in the sealing work that is now in progress. I have given you light and understanding commensurate with the times in which you are living and the light that has to get out to the people before I can close probationary time and focus entirely on the last events of earth's history. But the light of truth must shine brightly so that all may enter into the ark of safety if they choose to do so.

In answer to your prayers and the prayers of my people all around the world, I am about to open up the windows of heaven and pour out special light and blessings that are commensurate with the holy calling that I have given you, because you have accepted my call and your highest desire is to get out the message of how to prepare for my soon coming. Therefore, the topic for today is "rejoice!"

There has never been a time when truth could get across the world as quickly as it can now. I have opened up the windows of heaven and shared with men the secrets of communication that is a part of the communication system of heaven. This is the only way light can get around the globe to every person at the same time. Without this ability, the knowledge that is needed to be ready for my coming would never happen in the short space of time that we now have. Of course I have anticipated this and provided a way for it. It is for my honor and glory that the light of the Three Angels messages will be spread around the world in the shortest possible period of time. In order for this to happen, I am bringing about the trumpets to awaken people to feel the urgency and seriousness of the times, and be alert and watching to see what it all means. Thus when they hear the announcement of the nearness of my coming, they will be much more open to truth if they are honest in heart.

Of course, the wicked will continue to be wicked, and even more so as fear of the things that are happening in the world grips their hearts. This condition will bring about a polarization of the inhabitants of earth, and prepare the way for every person to make their final decisions for good or evil. Thus the whole world will be prepared for the final battle between good and evil, truth and lies, my kingdom against Satan's kingdom. It is the battle of Armageddon - the same battle that was fought in heaven between Satan and his forces who stormed against me to take my throne. And so it will be again when he attempts to destroy my people on earth who have followed me and stood staunchly for my truth and would rather die than yield one inch to the lies and attacks of the evil one. It is also the same battle that will be fought again at the end of the thousand years when he and his followers will march upon the Holy City in one last attempt to take it from me and my beloved chosen ones, my Bride, to whom I have given the right to enter into the city and live there forever without fear of harm. Revelation 22 14 and 15.

So rejoice and be glad [Rev. 12; Ps. 97:1], for your accuser has been cast down to the pit [Isa. 14:15] and nevermore shall he bring disaster or sadness into your lives, for his destruction will be eternal, and even the memory of him will pass away. And my beloved ones will live peacefully in the new earth that I shall create for them, and every Sabbath and every month they will come up to Zion to worship and rejoice before me as the years of eternity roll on. And never shall there be any more pain or sorrow or crying, for my kingdom of love will have triumphed over the kingdom of darkness, and my beloved ones will be with me forever, nevermore to part throughout eternity. I am looking forward with yearning to the end of the great controversy, but my heart is made glad to have you with me now and through the days ahead until I come to take you home with me. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,
Today I want to convey to you the scope of the work that I have commissioned to all my dedicated workers around the world who are hearing my call in their hearts to prepare a people for my coming. You do not need to worry about how to reach every soul on earth, for that is my responsibility. But the target of your calling is to reach the hearts of those who are seeing the signs of my coming and longing for further light, truth, and guidance in order to be prepared. Let it be your goal every day to do this work for me! Actually, you are cooperating with the angels whom I have sent out into the earth to find the honest souls who are hearing the sound of my trumpet calls and are searching for light.

You may think that your numbers are small, but I can actually use smaller numbers who are dedicated wholly to doing my will and focusing upon the task at hand, and are listening to my instructions. Take for example Gideon's 300 men. They had one goal in mind and that was to accomplish the task that I had given them. I can use a small number of fully dedicated people more than multitudes of half-hearted workers who are just there to receive their wages. Others respond to my call out of duty, and some for the excitement. But all these will fall away in the heat of battle. So my topic today is "dedication."

It will take dedication to the purpose for which you are called to survive in the days ahead. I want no half-hearted soldiers in my army, for they would tend to discourage those around them and bring down the morale by their influence. In a war, it takes focus of purpose, intelligence of mind, and devotion to the cause. We are now entering into the final stage of the war against God's government that Satan started in heaven. The battle between good and evil forces, as recorded in Revelation 12, will be repeated as I lead forth my warriors to finish the final battle against the evil one and his followers. Both my angelic host and my faithful ones on earth will join together to win the victory.

As you know, this is not a physical battle, although war will rage on earth until the end. It is a battle between good and evil, wickedness and righteousness, truth and error. With my faithful ones by my side, the final victorious triumph will be accomplished. You see, the whole purpose of the great controversy is to reveal the fallacy of Satan's accusations that my government and my laws restrict freedom, and that my character is punitive and controlling when anyone disagrees with me. I have given 6000 years to show my true character, allowing for freedom of choice and revealing the eternal love I have for every person by paying the price for their sins, and granting salvation to all who understand my principles and freely choose to follow and obey me because they are in perfect agreement with the principles of my government. These are those who are safe to save, and will be rewarded with eternal life in heaven, wherein dwells righteousness and peace, love and joy.

But it takes complete dedication to reach this point of maturity and spiritual growth. As long as the world and society give a certain amount of security and the rewards and comforts of life, many choose to accept this level of living, and do not aspire to reach the heights of the mountain top that I hold open to anyone who catches the vision of success that is possible through obedience and relationship with me. This calling for spiritual greatness is for those who are willing to forsake the lowlands of human existence, and choose to climb to the mountaintop of experience with me that I gave to Moses. He was my friend, as was Enoch, Abraham, John and Paul, and all other great men and women of history who persevered past the veil of mediocrity into the very presence of God and obtained a Most Holy Place experience with me.

How I long to have your friendship and loving fellowship, for I made the human race for that very purpose. As I walked and talked with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden before they sinned, so now is the time for that Edenic experience to be restored in my people. This is the experience of the last generation - the 144,000 in whom is no guile, no lies of the evil one, no disagreement with me on any level or any point of truth.

This cannot be attained by human effort. The topmost heights of the sacred mountain [Isa. 14:13] can only be reached by walking with me daily, moment by moment, as did Enoch and Elijah, and all who have completely dedicated their lives to me through the ages. You cannot scale the heights of Mount Zion by yourself. But if you daily walk with me side by side as friends, I will guide you, imperceptibly to yourself, up the steep slopes to victory over sin in your lives and every discrepancy between your heart and mine, and we will reach the mountaintop together, step by step until all evidences of your years under the control of the lies of Satan and his power over you will be cleansed away and forgotten as a result of our journey together and the love and trust between us.

Not only do you need to learn to love and trust completely in me, but you must also be able to share my love with others, for love is the very essence of heaven. In order to be a fit candidate for heaven, I must be able to trust that all your love for sin has been washed away in my blood and that we will forever be in perfect agreement on all issues so that your presence in heaven will not endanger the possibility of sin ever rising again.

Do you see now why it takes total dedication to reach this level of intimacy and trust to be among those who will live with me forever? Sin shall not rise again, for all doubt about my character will have been removed during your relationship with me while on earth. There will be no character change after the close of probation, which is so soon to come. Therefore I am appealing to you now to lay aside every hindrance that so easily besets you and grow up into fit citizens of heaven while you are still upon earth.

I am looking forward to walking together with you today. Will you take my hand just now? You will see how many burdens I shall carry for you, how many fears I will calm for you, how many tears I will wipe away, how many victories over the enemy I will win for you, and how many battles I will fight for you. That is how you learn to trust me. There is no other way! Just take my hand and walk with me today and you will have fullness of joy! Lovingly, Jesus.
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"Peace in the Midst of the Storm."

Dearest Ones,

Today my mind and heart are set on the deliverance of my people from this world of sin. When you are one in heart, mind, and purpose with me, there is no more reason for you to be held captive in a foreign land, for heaven is your home. I have set myself for your deliverance and I will not turn back. Look around you and see the disintegration of society and see the signs of your deliverance! Look around you and see the wars and rumors of wars, and the upheavals of nature. These are all because I am withdrawing my Spirit and allowing the evil one to demonstrate what the results of his kingdom and power brings about. He cannot hold anything together, and everything he does produces death and destruction and disintegration. All these things that I am allowing are messages of my love to anyone who will listen and respond to my call to prepare for my coming, for the time draws near.

Now the topic for today. It is "peace in the midst of the storm." I would be seriously remiss if I did not provide a safe haven for you where you can abide and be safe in the days ahead, just as Noah and his family were saved in the ark. However, this time it is a spiritual ark that no human eyes can see. It is the Most Holy Place where the ark containing my law is enshrined, not in a box made by human hands, but enshrined in the heart of every person who permits me to cleanse them from every sin and fill the void with my love. For my law is the expression of my love and protection for all my children who want to dwell under the shadow of my wings until the storm passes by.

Now I hope you can see what it means to be cleansed from every sin before probation closes. It means that you and I have such a constant close relationship that I can reveal to you what is on my heart when I see where Satan still has access to you through your mind and emotions. Anything where Satan would have control over you because you are in agreement with him on some point always comes under the heading of selfishness and self-protection. So how can you be under my protection when you are still trying to protect yourself in some manner? You can't have it both ways. Either I am your protector or you are your protector. When you are trying to be your own protector, I don't leave you, because if I did, Satan would love to snuff out your life, because you belong to me and have accepted me as your Lord and Savior. But I do allow you to experience some amount of cause and effect so that you can see and learn how dangerous it is to try to be your own protector, for without my constant guardianship over you, you are in danger of Satan's sudden attacks when you fall into temptation and your guard is down. Satan is a ravening wolf looking for any way to get into your heart to gain permission to harm or destroy you as he did with the old prophet who listened to the advice of the false prophet with whom he stayed overnight on his journey home. [1Kings 13.]

This tragedy was a result of direct disobedience to a clear command of God and is not in the same category as the sins that you are struggling to overcome and are in agreement with me in the conscious mind, but have not yet been cleansed in the subconscious root level. The blood of my

covenant of love with you stands in place of your sins of ignorance and the sins you hate but have not had victory over as yet. But sins of rebellion against my direct commands and consciously walking in direct opposition to what you know to be truth is a dangerous thing to do, especially at this time in history. There may not be immediate retribution, but if this course is continued, it will surely lead to disaster and loss of eternal life.

I have described this to you because this is the condition of most people in the world today. I certainly have my people all over the world who love and serve me faithfully, and these will receive their heavenly reward. But many have already closed their minds to the wooing of my Spirit. This is especially true of those who are soon to be faced with the Sunday law movement. This will be the deciding factor in the lives of many people in this final generation. Those who are tolerating sin in their lives now will be unprepared to stand firm on the issue of a clear and direct command from me concerning the Sabbath as my day of worship.

This is the final battle between good and evil, and for those who put off their preparation until that time, it will be too late to build a character that will stand under that kind of pressure. Like the old Prophet, they will listen to the voices of the false spiritual leaders, and will capitulate to the common demand. Nominal Sabbath keepers will change their day of worship as the overwhelming pressure grows upon everyone. Only my cleansed ones will stand unflinchingly in face of loss or even possible death. Then it will be seen who are my true followers, and who are those who have only been giving lip service when the stakes for obedience were not high. Then it will be that the storm will break upon my chosen and faithful ones. But their spirits will already be hidden under the shadow of my wings, and their sins will have been forgiven and blotted out. Then they will cry out and I will answer them, for they are one with me and no powers of hell can hurt them. They will be safe until the storm passes by.

Don't you want to be among the ones who will be protected in the bosom of my love? I am calling on those who hear my voice to come now while the door of salvation is still open. You will never be sorry that you have listened to my voice and have followed me into the ark of safety - the Most Holy Place where you will be hidden away from the tempter's power. Some of my people will be laid away, but you, my beloved ones who know and love and obey me, will walk with me through the time of trouble which is just ahead, and you will stand on Mount Zion with me when I make up my jewels for the kingdom.

Will you respond and come to me today? You need never fear that Satan can snatch you out of my hand, for my arms will be about you and you will be protected from all harm or danger, for you will be among my sealed ones who go with me through the end. And because of the peace that I give you, you will have my peace through every storm that Satan may stir up against you. Will you accept my invitation to be among my beloved ones? If you do, you will soon be with me on the peaceful shores of heaven, for I am coming soon! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

I love you with an everlasting love, and my heart is full of determination to finish the work that I have begun. When I won the victory over Satan on the cross, I trod the winepress alone. [Isa. 63:3, 5.] At that time I looked and there was no one by my side to help me. All of my disciples had deserted me except my beloved friend John, to whom I committed the care of my mother before I died. And just as he was faithful to me at my crucifixion, so I saved him from a martyr's death at the end of his days, although all the other disciples died as martyrs. I also committed to him the visions of the great sweep of time as is recorded in the book of Revelation, for his mind was the most open to my teachings, my character, and my mission. Everything that is contained in the stages of my ministry for my people in the Heavenly Sanctuary is recorded in the book of Revelation. It is prefigured in Daniel, and revealed, finished and sealed in Revelation. But it is purposefully written in code language, because it is only for those who know me as John did, and can hear my voice and have a deep love relationship with me. To these I open my heart and share the secrets and light that only those who listen to my voice can comprehend.

The topic for today is "reward." All throughout my teachings in both the Old and New Testaments, I have tried to show the cause and effect of cherished sin, or character defects that could, and should have been overcome if the persons maintained a faith relationship with me. All sins come from pride, self-sufficiency, self-protection, and allowing oneself to disconnect from me. Without me you can do nothing. [John 15:5.] All rulers who have failed have done so because of pride. David, Solomon, Nebuchadnezzar, and Belshazzar are examples, and even Satan himself and his followers who fell from their high positions did so because of pride and self-sufficiency.

There is always a continuing need for faith, humility, and a consistent trust in me that is necessary to persevere to the end. Many who begin well fall away because of a lack of perseverance. Behind all these things is a lack of faith in me and my principles. Why persevere in the journey to Heaven if you don't believe in my Word and trust in my faithfulness? Satan will tempt you to think that after all your faith and efforts there will be no reward at the end, but only disappointed hopes and shame. Don't listen to him, or it will cause you to be discouraged and fall away. Faith isn't faith unless it leads you to persevere until the victory is won. This is the essence of righteousness by faith.

Many are becoming weary in the pursuit of righteousness, and because of their failures, they are accepting the theory that faith means believing that my righteousness covers their unrighteousness, and thus it will ever have to be until I come in the clouds of Heaven and change their characters in the areas that they have not overcome. This is not faith at all, but presumption. Faith moves forward in the battle against sin and Satan and by faith and connection with me the victory is won. No half-hearted followers will win the prize of eternal life, for when I come, my reward will be with me. This means that the effort to seize the victory will have already been accomplished, and the reward of eternal life will be in recognition that you are safe to save because you have taken hold of me by faith while you were on earth while probationary time was yet open. Thus you received the victory - the seal of the full and complete indwelling of the Holy Spirit - before my ministry in the Most Holy Place ended.

Righteousness by faith means receiving my victory over sin by a constant faith relationship with me. It is not faith that believes that I will cover known sins that you have not overcome and have decided to live with because you don't know how to stop failing whenever circumstances push you beyond your ability to keep up your guard against temptation. Faith continues to seek me until the victory is won!

For those who go to sleep before I come, I will judge according to my knowledge and understanding of their comprehension of the plan of salvation, and the sincerity of their love for me. But for those who live through the end, there cannot be anything less than perfect love, perfect faith, and trust, and perfect obedience. Why is the standard so high? It is because they must be in complete and total agreement with me on everything in order to be cleansed, sealed, and empowered by the Holy Spirit and protected after the close of probation when I have finished my atoning work in the Most Holy Place and shut the door of mercy.

I have talked to you about these matters before, but there are still many in my church who have completely accepted the Protestant version of righteousness by faith which teaches that the salvation process will not be finished until I perfect their characters at my coming. Not many realize that every sin must be cleansed from the life before the close of probation, which is prior to my coming. This issue needs to be made very clear in order to wake up my people to realize the seriousness of the few remaining days in which to prepare to be like Daniel, of whom no sin is recorded. He was rewarded by living through the fall of Babylon and serving into the reign of the next kingdom. You see, there are rewards for being faithful to the end, for this qualifies you to receive all the blessings of those who persevere and are faithful to the end of any task, calling, or journey.

And you, my beloved ones, are called to persevere to the end, to gain the victory over every sin, to run the race all the way to the finish line, and to display what the plan of salvation can do to save sinners completely from the power and presence of sin in their lives. If I were unable to demonstrate this to the watching universe after 6,000 years of the great controversy, I would lose the confidence and faith of the unfallen beings in my government, which has been Satan's plan from the beginning. So can you see how vital it is to understand these issues right now at the close of history? My government is based upon freedom to choose from experience and an enlightened mind.

From the beginning of the great controversy I have seen that I would have a victorious Remnant at the end of time who would transcend over every lie and every temptation of the devil, and keep my commandments through a faith relationship with me. [Rev. 12:17.] I now have that Remnant in you, my beloved ones, who are willing to persevere to the end. So your reward will be commensurate with your faith - You will live to see me come if you keep your faith strong by a continual connection with me. So if tempests roar and mountains fall into the sea and islands disappear, and the waters are turned to blood, yet will I not forsake you, for you have kept my Covenant of Love and nothing can destroy you because you are safe under the shadow of my wings until the storm is over, and I will take you home to eternal peace. That is your reward for never letting go of my hand! Lovingly Jesus.

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The Abomination of Desolation

Dearest Ones,
The outpouring of the latter rain is increasing in power and scope as you open up your hearts to receive it from heaven through your connection with me. I am pleased to be able to share as much light with you as you are able to receive, understand, and share.

Now for the topic of today. It is the abomination of desolation. [Dan. 12:11; Matt. 24:15.] This is a term that is used to describe the work of the devil through the papal power. It means that when the lies and teachings of the Catholic church are accepted and believed, the mind is so diverted from truth that the Sanctuary of the heart is left desolate, and my work of connecting with my people on earth through the ministration in the Holy and Most Holy places is cut off, for the minds of the people are focused upon the false teachings and ministry of the Catholic priests who think they are directing the people to salvation, when in reality they are connecting them with the devil's counterfeit.

You see, the devil is not a creator of anything except lies and evil, so he tries to counterfeit what I do in the true Sanctuary in Heaven, and use the symbols and rituals of the Old Testament Sanctuary to connect the minds of the people with himself, because he has observed that the purpose of the symbols in my Sanctuary are to connect people with me.

But these counterfeit symbols lead to death instead of life. In Catholic churches there are symbols and relics that depict me as though I am still dead on the cross. There may be statues or pictures of people who are also dead, such as Mary and other supposed saints who are to be revered. Even the wine is fermented, which also symbolizes death, for it is in the process of decomposition. The wafer, which is supposedly transformed by the blessing of the priest into pieces of my body, also has to be dead, because you cannot eat the flesh of a living person's body. Then the rosary is a way of methodically praying and hoping to receive blessings from those who are already dead. Another deception of the evil one is his claim to live in, and have jurisdiction over, the people who have died and supposedly gone to purgatory or hell, a place of everlasting burning, when actually they are also dead.

So perhaps this helps you to see more about the master deceiver whose kingdom leads only to eternal death. That is why I have used the words "abomination of desolation" in the Bible to describe this power. Desolation means to destroy, make empty, ruin for further use. This is why the devil will be punished for a thousand years at the end of the world in the place of death that he has caused. Death itself is an abomination to me because I am life and I create and sustain life, and I want nothing to do with death, for it is a stranger to me. But I also have been subjected to the tragic results of sin, not only through the destruction of my created works, but also by becoming subject to death myself in order to finally destroy death and bring back a perfect universe where death will never rise again.

In the meantime, I have allowed the great controversy to go on until everyone has had a chance to clearly see the results of the destruction of life and goodness that Satan has caused in rebelling against my government and my laws, and claiming that they are not in the best interest of my created beings, and that he has a better way of life for all. Observe, oh earth - observe, oh universe and dwellers in heavenly places - have I not now given enough time and evidence to prove that the claims of the evil one are false and lead only to literal and eternal death? Even when people are physically alive, their spirits die under the weight of the taskmaster they have chosen.

So will you now expect me to extend probation a little longer when I have already decided that sin has reached its zenith and that there is nothing more to be gained, but only lost, by extending probationary time? No, my beloved ones, it would not be love that would extend time at this point in history, it would be weakness on my part, and a lack of love for my people who are suffering around the world, and are crying out to me, "How long, oh Lord, how long before you bring to a close the probationary time given to the devil and his followers?" I will now arise and take back my kingdom of life and love and justice from the usurper. I have my number made up among those who are alive in this generation, and I will not back down on my promise to come and get you and take you home to be with me forever. You cannot comprehend the depth of my love for you, and how much I desire for you to be with me. So now my message to you is this: Get ready, get ready, get ready, for I am coming soon and my reward is with me to give to every man severally as his works shall be.

Then preach it to the house tops and let it be known around the world that the harvest of the earth is ripe and I am preparing to put in my sickle and reap. Fear not to give this message, for souls will be lost if you refrain from doing all you can to keep in step with my Spirit's call to the world. Angels are now waiting to speak through your voices, to help get the message out. Thank you for listening to me today. I am not meaning to sound harsh, but I am just letting my beloved ones know the intensity of my desire to come and receive you unto myself, that where I am there you may be also. My message to you today is one of the ardor of a loving husband that wants to come and get his bride. So don't become weary or discouraged or distracted from the goal ahead. I am about to arise and shake terribly the earth [Isa. 2:19] and its inhabitants, but not until I have all my beloved ones safe under the shadow of my wings. Hide yourselves for a little while until the indignation be over past. [Isa. 26:20, 21.]

Unfortunately I will come as a thief in the night to most people, even to professed Christians who really don't know me or keep the laws of my covenant of love. But to those who love me and keep my commandments from a heart of love, I am coming with healing in my wings. Look up and lift up your heads, for your redemption draws nigh! Lovingly, Jesus.

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