Moving Forward in Lightning Speed

Dearest Ones,

I have a message today for everyone, for I want you to know that your work for my cause in the earth is going forward with lightning speed. You see, because I now have a complete message of the cleansing of the mind and memories of the past, including hereditary influences, which I have allowed science to discover in order to back up your message, there is no need for me to hold back the progress of my work in the earth, or the scourges in nature and society which show that the end is very near. I am also reaping thousands whom you do not know because there is now light available to take them through to the finished work of the gospel of salvation by faith in its entirety, rather than the belief that the gospel is an agreement that I will give eternal life in exchange for a simple acknowledgment of what I did on Calvary to bring salvation to the human race in a generalized way. Oh, how my heart rejoices at the openness of your minds that there must be a cleansing of heart and soul from sin in order to receive salvation! This understanding is what my Father and I have been waiting for centuries to reveal to those whose hearts were open to receive it! Of course, we already knew how long it would take to bring this about, but now that the time has come, we rejoice that the long centuries of pain and suffering under the scourge of Satan's reign is almost over.

Take heart, my beloved ones, that you will go through the end of time together with me and see the culmination of the plan of salvation, and have the privilege of seeing what no other generation has seen, and that all the prophets desired to see, but were only able to perceive through a glass darkly. But now you will walk in the blazing light of glory ignited from my throne, and I will give you anything you ask that is for my honor in the finishing of the work on earth. So ask, believe, and claim the promises that I have placed in the Bible for the final generation, for you are that generation, and upon you is shining all the light and understanding that has been from the foundation of the world.

Go now today with me, but don't forget to ask, believe, and claim all that is yours for the finishing of the work in the earth. Of course, this includes your own finances, because you will need more and more as the work advances to the ends of the earth. I know that you are struggling right now, but I own the cattle on a thousand hills, and all I have is yours when you have need of it. So ask for anything that you need for the work of salvation, and also for your own needs. I will not turn you away or forget to answer your prayers for help, but will supply for you as you move forward in faith. You cannot exhaust my supply, or my love and care for you; so ask in faith for what you need and I will give it to you. And I promise to you that you will never lack for your necessities, either personally or for my work in the earth. Now go to the activities of your day, but hold tight to my hand, and together we will labor in the harvest field of my kingdom. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Present Truth—The Judgment of the Living

Dearest Ones,

I am pleased to tell you today that the message of the cleansing will go around the world with lightning speed as a result of the work that all of you are doing. Angels would like to do this work, but they must use human instrumentalities like you to preach their messages as they receive them from my throne. The first angel's message is now being repeated for this generation, for the message of the judgment is the message of the cleansing for the last generation. The judgment of the living is now the message that must go around the world in order to prepare for the next two messages and the loud cry of the fourth angel. These last messages will go very quickly because they will be a result of fully accepting the true meaning of the first angel. In order to preach the last two messages, I must have a cleansed people who are in constant connection with me and hear my voice and obey me without fear of reprisal from any human being, either inside or outside of the church. There are many who claim to be my messengers who are afraid of speaking out and giving a straight message, because they do not want to arouse suspicion that they are not working according to the prescribed teachings of the day. But these are not my spokesmen, nor will they receive a reward from me for their labors. As I have said, they will be cast out where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. But you, my beloved ones, fear not the opposition of those who rise up against you. Each of you stand up bravely and give out every measure of light that you have from me, and therefore I will give you more to fill your vessels with holy oil from the sanctuary in heaven, so that you will be increasingly blessed with greater understanding and greater light to give to the world.

Now go to the activities of your day, but don't forget to keep your hearts open to receive more understanding of the things that are pertinent for today, because it is present truth that the people need to awaken them from their slumbers so that they can prepare for my soon coming. You do not need to worry about the amount of time that is left to finish the work, but only just to do day by day what I ask you to do, and the timing will take care of itself. In the meantime, be joyous and serve me in my sanctuary, and soon I will return and take you to myself to serve me in my sanctuary in heaven and be forever around my throne. Lovingly, Jesus.

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In Holy Wedlock with Jesus

Dearest Ones,

I am with you today in spirit, and very interested in the sermon which was brought to you today, because it is in essence what you are beginning to experience from brethren who disagree with you about my human nature and the cleansing work of the second apartment, which I am performing for every child of mine who is in tune with the leadership of my Spirit speaking to their hearts to join me in preparing for my soon coming. Those who are rejecting this vital message do so because they have secret sins in their hearts that they do not want to be exposed, even to me. It is the spirit that possessed Satan's heart in heaven, and springs from pride and the desire not to submit their cherished beliefs and opinions, and they will stop at nothing to protect themselves from exposure of their errors. They are not aware of what they are doing, for Satan has blinded them to their true motives. But I will set my hand to expose the error of their positions for the sake of my flock and my true followers who love me and want all the truth.

Now go to the activities of your day and enjoy your fellowship, but do not try to carry the heavy burdens of the sins of others. I am the sin bearer, because you cannot face the wrath of the evil one against you and the truths that I am unfolding to you because you have open hearts, and never stop seeking to know me and follow the pathway of obedience. You will be richly rewarded for being the Bereans of this time in history, and I will continue to reveal light and truth to you as you go forward. Look up and not down at the baying of the wolves. They are not to be allowed to distract you, but to spur you on to greater heights of understanding and victory over the lies of the evil one. We are in holy wedlock together, and as you look only to me, I will continue to reveal more understanding and precious gems of truth never before seen, but now available to you under the outpouring of the latter rain.

I enjoyed your Sabbath school lesson today because much truth was revealed that gave precious light on the true meaning of the Sabbath. And soon you will be enjoying an eternity of Sabbaths in my kingdom, before the throne of my Father and surrounded by all the heavenly angels and the saved of all ages who will rejoice together with you for the salvation that I have provided. Live in contemplation of this and you will not be distracted by the things of this earth, for heaven will be in your heart. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

I am pleased with your determination to do my will at all times, and your fervency in all you do to serve me. I am also pleased with Karen's work and I am pouring out my Spirit upon her and will continue to do so as she goes forward in my vineyard.

The subject of my message tonight is "Servanthood." I came to earth as a servant of servants, and that means that all who follow me are to see themselves as servants of the Most High God. But it also means that you are elevated in your servanthood to sons and daughters of the King of the universe. As such, you are to remember wherever you are and whatever you do that you are to represent the King of heaven, which is your permanent home. You are just pilgrims here in this earth, and your life has meaning and purpose only as you realize this fact and live as though you had actual access to visit with me on a face-to-face basis. The veil between us is very thin, now, because you are becoming more cleansed and can understand and comprehend heavenly themes so much more quickly and easily. Therefore I can, and am, revealing to you wisdom that has never been understood before, because the veil of your minds between the holy and most holy place is being lifted and you are seeing behind the veil and understanding things that can only be comprehended when the cleansing of the second apartment work is in progress. The reason I am sharing this with you is because I don't want you to be discouraged when you try to share with others who are not in a second apartment relationship with me, and therefore do not have the capacity to understand the deepest levels of salvation.

For example, many who take my name do not understand my nature, which combined humanity with divinity while I was a common man walking among men, yet fully possessing the divine nature that I have had with my Father throughout eternity. This is incomprehensible to anyone who judges my nature by his own. This combination makes my nature unique in the universe, and thus beyond the comprehension of anyone but myself and my Father. But you can understand and share this: I am fully divine and fully human, but my humanity, joined with divinity, knew no sin. I felt the pangs and suffering that sin had brought upon the human race, yet I knew no sin. My human nature was as spotless as the character of my Father, and we joined hands together that I should experience the woe that sin brought upon the human race, but not the defilement. I did this to bring you up to this perfect standard by joining your lives with me and becoming one with me so that you also can know the joy of holiness and be free from every taint of sin. I will help you - I will live out my perfect life in and through you if you will clasp hands with me and allow me to purge you of every defiling thought, feeling, and motive, and give me your whole heart for the transformation that I offer through the blood I shed for each of you on Calvary. I died that you might live, not just your earthly life, but I offer to each one of you eternal life with me and my Father in heaven. Will you accept me, just now, into your heart? Do not be afraid of scoffers who cannot comprehend such a transformation because they are satisfied to live with their sinful impulses and carnal temptations. I cannot accept anything less than full surrender. But what glory awaits you when you give your heart, mind, and yes - your impulses to me and let me give you mine in exchange. Do you see how that makes us one with each other? As such, you become my Bride - bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh, and one with me in mind, heart, and Spirit. I am not sharing this with you as though I had to convince you - I am sharing my deepest heart with you because you are already following me, rejoicing in my presence and my love for you and longing for the consummation of our oneness with each other in the courts of my Father. He is now waiting with eagerness to receive you, as I bring you to Him as the reward of all our sufferings with the human race. But the reward is enough, and soon it will be complete, for the war with Satan is almost over, and the victory will soon be won. With each of you by my side, we will win the victory over the enemy and be safe in the kingdom of my Father. To this end I commit myself and my love to finish the work I have started and bring an end to the great controversy! Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Message of Cleansing and the Sanctuary To go around the World

Dearest Ones,

I have a special message of love for you today because of your faithfulness for my cause in the earth. Because of you, I can now go forward to the end of all things without further delay. I am about to pour out my wrath upon the wicked in preparation for the day of God. By this I do not mean the seven last plagues, for there is much to happen before that time. What I am about to do will help you in your labors for me, because it will arrest the attention of the world and even my church that the end of all things is at hand. Your message of cleansing and the understanding of the sanctuary is vital, because it removes the misunderstanding that has been in the minds and hearts of my people that they can carry on life as usual until the Sunday law, and then prepare for my coming. This is not so. For most people, this would be too late to awaken from their slumbers and perfect the holiness of character that is necessary to be among the honest and true followers who are represented by the wise virgins. Sincerity of heart is absolutely imperative in order to prepare the heart for translation, or even salvation on any level. Only the honest in heart who love me and my principles will be in my kingdom. This is why your message of the true meaning of holiness through the sanctuary is so vital. There are many false professors of faith who are Christians in name only, but not of heart because they want what I have to offer as far as salvation and a good life, but they do not want holiness and purity, nor do they want to go through struggles and trials to obtain it. They are false believers and will fall away like dead leaves when the trials of the end hit the world.

But there are also people who yearn for a better life and freedom from the pitfalls produced by the carnal nature, who search in vain in the popular religions, or in the sleeping congregations in my church. Truly, whole churches will be lost in the end because they would not arouse from their carnal security and cloak of piety until it was too late. But in nearly every church there are those who are dissatisfied with what they have and want the true water of life. It is these that I seek with the message of hope that I have given to you. So this message must go to the ends of the earth by plane or train or oxcart or donkey until it has reached the farthest corners of the earth, and has been made available to every person, because I can then close probationary time. I am making this possible through the media, the study guides, and those of you who are using every opportunity to witness wherever you go. I will speed up its progress by every means available, and in order to do this I must provide funds for you to reach the masses. This I will do in a variety of ways, for I have people who will be willing to give when they see the necessity of the message and the enormity of the work. So the last warning message will speed on its way around the world and I will open doors for you that you do not see now, but you will see as you advance forward by faith. Now is the time, this is the message, and you are the people. So do not become weary and faint-hearted, little flock! You are few in number, but I am at the wheel, and I have always been able to accomplish my goals through the few faithful ones that I have who are willing to risk all for me.

Now go to the activities of your day, but do not become discouraged -- ever! Discouragement is sinful because it means that you are not looking up to me and what I can do, but looking down at yourself at what you can do. Look up! For your redemption draws nigh, and the work that must be done now has more than human instruments who are carrying the responsibility for its success. My angels are belting the world, holding back the powers of darkness until every last soul has had an opportunity to grasp hold of the truth that will bring them salvation. So go joyfully and triumphantly into the harvest field today, and see the success that I will give you as you labor together with me! Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Purposes of the Messages from Jesus

Dearest Ones,

I have a message for you today concerning faith in the messages that I am sending to you. Not everything that you write is to be considered prophetic. I send these message to you for encouragement for you, and for you to know my love and care for you, and be secure that you are chosen to bring new light to those who walk in darkness and error about the timing of my coming and the closeness of the end of all things. I am not calling you to the role of prophets such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, or Ellen White. I gave them everything that was needed to see my people through to the end of time. But you are called to be my special vanguard at this time in history to recognize what I am doing and where I am in the heavenly sanctuary so that I can pour out my light upon you to enable you to be watchmen on the walls to awaken my sleeping church, and also find the lost and straying sheep that need to hear the message of my soon coming. Again I say that not everything you have received in these messages is to be understood as prophetic, but as a warning and an alert to watch for the events that are about to happen that have already been foretold by my true prophets who were called specifically for that role and calling. But I have called you to do a very important and essential role and task -- you are to be recognizing where we are in the outline of prophetic history and the countdown of events that lead up to my coming. Along with that, I want to reveal new light to you about the sanctuary and its vital importance for the preparation that is necessary to be among those who are translated. I would advise you not to try to set exact timing on these events, because they are somewhat affected by the progress of my gospel message around the world, and the reception or rejection of the full understanding of the light that is to be poured out during the latter rain. There will be no delay in the timing of my coming, but because you cannot see what I can see in the hearts of people around the world, you must not trust in exact timing. I assure you "He that shall come will come, and will not tarry" [Heb. 10:37],* but look for events, not for exact time setting.

Now go to the activities with your day, but take heart and do not be discouraged, for I am with you every moment and you are safe in my arms as long as you look constantly to me and follow my leading. I am pleased with your prayers for the nations, for you have rightly discerned that the time has come for this. Do you see how important it is for you to hear my voice and obey my instructions? What happens on earth has a direct effect upon what I am able to do in my ministry in heaven! I must have my bride on earth in full connection and cooperation with me so that we can move forward together. I cannot finish my work alone without my bride! So thank you for your determination to cooperate fully with me and to hear my voice and my instructions to you every day. You are the joy of my heart, for because of you, I can now go forward to the end. Be not afraid, little flock, of the roar of the lion, for I am always there to protect and provide for you. Satan well knows that if he cannot deceive you, discourage you, or destroy you, he will lose his battle against me and my kingdom. But I am your strong tower of deliverance and protection, so run to me, trust in me, look to me and you will be safe. I love you with an everlasting love which has no beginning and no end, and you need never fear as long as you look constantly to me and rest in my love and care for you. Soon the war will be over and you will be at home with me forever. Until then, fight the good fight of faith and you will triumph over all the hosts of evil.

Lovingly, Jesus.

*"Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. But ye are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul." Heb. 10:35-39.

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Companionship with Jesus

Dearest Ones,

I was with you today and poured out my Spirit to enlighten and encourage you because you are a part of my vanguard of workers who are blanketing the earth with my last warning message to the people of the world, who will soon look up and see me coming in power and great glory. I am pleased with your eager determination to understand the real truth about the difference in my human nature and that of fallen man. If I were indeed just like you, there would be no hope of salvation for either you or myself. Sin must never arise again, and although I became a man with a human nature like yours, I did not lose my own holiness of character and oneness with my Father when I came to be one with you. I felt the feelings of mankind without the sinful tendencies. You will understand this more completely as you are cleansed from your own sinful tendencies by cooperating with me as I reveal to you those things in your character that are not in harmony with my thoughts and feelings. How I delight to share with you everything that I am thinking as you yield yourself to my counsel upon every subject of your life! It is the beginning of the heavenly relationship we will have throughout eternity. We will walk together, talk together, and share ideas together that will delight us both, for I enjoy your love and companionship even now, and look forward to an eternity of the pleasure of our relationship. But it starts now as we walk together day by day and I am revealing to you the secrets of holiness that I have not been able to do to any previous generation. Share these things with each other as you walk and talk together, and as you share what you have, you will receive more.

Go now to the activities of your day, and just remember that we are one day closer to my coming and the consummation of my work of salvation for the human race. If you will allow, I will draw near to you in your worships and in your daily communion with me, and you will have your questions answered and your deepest needs fulfilled. This is the reward you will receive for having me as your heavenly Husband and your best Friend. And my Father smiles upon us and invites me to bring you into His presence so He can rejoice over you with singing [Zeph. 3:17] and grant you His blessing, just as He has blessed me as I have fellowshipped at His side throughout eternity. As I am one with the Father, so you will be one with me because you have accepted my sacrifice for you and have been cleansed of all sinful tendencies, root and branch. And so the presence of sin and sinners will be banished and only joy, love, peace, and righteousness will reign throughout eternity - all because you have responded to my last call and have been my representatives on earth of what my sacrifice for sin and sinners can accomplish. Thus your reward will be great in the kingdom of heaven, and you will shine as the stars forever and ever! Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Garden of Eden Restored

Dearest Ones,

This morning is the Sabbath. Do you know what this means to me? Every Sabbath I remember how I created the world and placed Adam and Eve in their beautiful garden home with its fragrant flowers, and trees laden with fruit, and beautiful to behold. There were the placid and friendly animals that I had placed there for their enjoyment and companionship. And there was the wily serpent shimmering in the sunlight that Satan beguiled to capture Eve's attention and loose her from her loyalty to me by using flattery and the promise of an advancement in stature and position. I remember it all as if it were yesterday. I grieved over my children, for I saw the long road of destruction and death that would result because of their sin and defection from obedience to the laws of my kingdom.

And now I see my people who profess to know and love and serve me clinging to their sins as though they had no Savior and no balm to heal the wounds that sin has made. Is not my sacrifice adequate to pay the price for their salvation and rescue them from the pit of hell into which the human race has plunged? I love everyone and I hold out my hands to them, but they heed not my love and my sacrifice, and instead continue to eat at the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and spurn my invitation of love and mercy, and the door to reconciliation and perfection of character. Instead they flock to the places of mirth and gaiety, whether it be outside the home, or inside the living room. They seek what I alone can provide -- peace, love, and freedom from the stress and fear that the pleasures of satanic agencies will cause if allowed in their lives.

But my sorrow for the love of my beautiful world and its inhabitants is about to end, for I have a small group of people around the world with true hearts of love for me who would rather die than sin; and I am writing to you because you are a part of that number. You are seeking with all your hearts to know me and my requirements for righteousness and holiness of character, and to represent me and my truth rightly before the world, and, yes -- the universe. And you shall have your reward. You will walk with me both now and for eternity to display the full outworking of my sacrifice, and reveal that it was not in vain that I suffered and died to pay the price for sin. But I did not pay this infinite price to permit eternal sinners to enter heaven, but to rid the universe once and for all of beings who love their pet sins more than righteousness and holiness of character, thoughts and feelings, purposes and desires, and internal, as well as outward, piety. Only those who desire purity and holiness of character will be one with me and live and reign with me throughout eternity.

Now go to the activities of your day, but walk with me today and every day just as you would if you were in heaven with me already. Even though you cannot as yet see me, remember that I am seeing you and walking unseen beside you, and you are the delight of my heart because you are ever seeking further light and greater holiness and oneness with me. I will reward your hunger for eternal life, and you will be ever learning new facets of truth because you desire it and seek it from me. Thus the joy that we have between us will shine out to others until the glory of the true gospel of righteousness will enlighten every honest soul who is seeking for truth; and then the end will come. This will happen more quickly than you can imagine, for I already know who the true seekers are, and I will open the doors for their enlightenment. Then in the kingdom of heaven you will receive your reward for being the people who responded to my last call for holiness, and allowed me to use you to finish the work on earth that will bring in everlasting righteousness, and you will shine for eternity in the kingdom of heaven. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

 I have a message of love for you tonight because I know that each of you are struggling with all your heart to obey me and serve me to the fullest extent of your capacity, with faith in me to guide, direct and provide everything for you that you need to carry on my work effectively. I will certainly bless your efforts and multiply the things that you do a thousandfold beyond what you can see or be aware of, because I am looking at things from a world-wide point of view. There are many who will discard your teachings because they do not want to be responsible for the outcome of their deeds and prefer to walk the broad road that leads to destruction. But many others are looking for light in the darkness of error and confusion that is given out in the nominal churches of today. Even in my church many are complacent, thinking they have the truth because they have correct doctrine, but not realizing that they would not know me if I appeared to them in person. It is these that will be deceived by prevailing errors and complacency, and eventually will accept Satan's counterfeit appearance, in spite of all the warnings I have given to counteract this fallacy. People who don't accept truth when they have it within their grasp will accept error and believe it to be the truth. So keep on the narrow upward way, however thorny and difficult it may seem to be at times, and you will soon see the oases that I have strewn along the way for your refreshing and encouragement. I will not fail you or lead you to disappointment, but according to your faith I will provide for everything you need.

Now go to your rest, but never let your heart become weary of well-doing, or your faith in me to waver, for I am always beside you, and if you believe and look up away from the problem, you will find every answer that you are seeking. I have a thousand ways of providing for your every need, and joy beyond description as you see my plans unfold for you. Learn to call upon me for everything, even what seems to you to be too small for me to notice. I can multiply the loaves and fishes of your need for each day. Test and prove me that I will pour out blessings for you that will delight your heart and satisfy every hunger that you have to know me as a personal Friend and faithful Companion. I delight in your love and service for me, and I will let my joy spill over into your life day by day, moment by moment, if you open your heart to receive it. Why not make a covenant with me right now to never let your heart be troubled about anything large or small, for as your days are, so shall your strength be as you walk with me in loving companionship together, just like the great men of old whom you will meet soon in the kingdom of heaven. And they will ask you, "What was it like to walk with Jesus in the time of the end?" And you will reply, "Just as it was for you, for He is the same yesterday, today, and forever - the Friend that sticks closer than a brother, and is now our beloved Lord and Savior - King of kings and Lord of lords - who has paid the price for our redemption and won the victory over Satan for us all so that we can now be together with Him forever. Hallelujah, amen!" Lovingly, Jesus.

Companion quotes from the Spirit of Prophecy:

"Our Lord adapts himself to our special needs. He is a shade on our right hand. He walks close by our side, ready to supply all our necessities. He comes very near to those who are engaged in willing service for Him. He knows everyone by name. O what assurances we have of the tender love of Christ." SD 16.

"Each fiery trial is God's agent for their refining. Each is fitting them for their work as co-laborers with Him. Each conflict has its place in the great battle for righteousness, and each will add to the joy of their final triumph. Having this in view, the test of their faith and patience will be cheerfully accepted rather than dreaded and avoided." DA 306.

"If men love and obey God and do their part, God will provide for all their wants.... We may state to Him our temporal matters, asking Him for bread and raiment as well as for the bread of life and the robe of Christ's righteousness.... Gifts that will satisfy the deepest craving of the heart, gifts lasting as eternity, will be received and enjoyed by all who come to God as little children. Take God's promises as your own, plead them before Him as His own words, and you will receive fullness of joy." SD 16, 17.

Time is short, and the task is great

Dearest Ones,

I am preparing to use you greatly in the days ahead to get my messages of truth to the world. The people of the world are languishing to hear messages that guide them and lead them to know me and my requirements for salvation. As the world deteriorates, people are fearing for their very lives. Nations are in commotion, kingdoms are tumbling, disasters are taking place in monumental proportions, and a great fear is coming upon the people of every country. This is because I am allowing things to happen as harbingers of my coming and the close of human probation just preceding that event. The sins of the people of the world has reached a high pass, and I am no longer going to permit Satan to continue his high-handed course of spreading his rebellion against me without retribution from my throne. Were it not for my continual protection of those who love and serve me, there would soon not be another person or animal left upon the face of the earth. And so it will be when in majesty and power I return to take my faithful people home to be with me for the ceaseless ages of eternity.

But between now and then, there will be a time of trouble such as never was and you must warn the people of what is coming quickly, even at the door. But most importantly you must tell them how to prepare themselves so that they will not be among the lost, who will be refuse upon the face of the earth. Oh, how many are going to be surprised at my coming who are now feeling secure in their salvation and believe themselves to be saved because of their good works, but have no personal connection with me at all. So I want you to tell them this before it is too late and while there is yet time for repentance unto salvation. I do not hold you responsible for the outcome, but I do hold you responsible to get the message of warning to every person who will listen. I did the same while I was on earth, for I saw the bloodbath that would take place in 70 AD when the Roman army destroyed the temple. That is why I wept over Jerusalem, and so I weep now over so many people who will be lost when they thought that they would be saved.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep in mind the seriousness of the hour, and the importance of the task before you. Time is short, and the task is great, but by my grace you will reach every soul as you go forward. Just listen to my still small voice as I lead and direct you and you cannot fail to accomplish everything that I require of you. And when I come, you will hear my words to you, "Come, ye blessed of my Father, enter into the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." Lovingly, Jesus.

Relevant quotes from today's worship [6-17-19]:

"Son of man, I am sending you to the Israelites.... Say to them, "This is what the Sovereign Lord says"... whether they listen or fail to listen.... Do not be afraid of them or their words.... You must speak my words to them whether they listen or fail to listen.... I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me." Eze. 2:3-7; 3:17.

"The heavenly messengers seen by Ezekiel, like a bright light going among the living creatures with the swiftness of lightning, represent the speed with which this work will finally go forward to completion." 4 BC 1161.

"The Lord has a people on the earth, who follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. He has His thousands who have not bowed the knee to Baal. Such will stand with him on Mount Zion. But they must stand on this earth, girded with the whole armor, ready to engage in the work of saving those who are ready to perish. Heavenly angels conduct this search, and spiritual activity is demanded of all who believe present truth, that they may join the angels in their work.

"We need not wait till we are translated to follow Christ. God's people may do this here below. We shall follow the Lamb of God in the courts above only if we follow Him here. Following Him in heaven depends on our keeping His commandments now. We are not to follow Christ fitfully or capriciously, only when it is for our advantage.

"We must choose to follow Him. In daily life we must follow His example, as a flock trustfully follows its shepherd. We are to follow Him by suffering for His sake, saying, at every step, "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in Him." His life practice must be our life practice. And as we thus seek to be like Him, and to bring our wills into conformity to His will, we shall reveal Him." 7 BC 978.

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The Door of Salvation is Closing

Dearest Ones,

Yesterday was an important milestone in the progress of your work for me that is to take the last warning message around the world. People must know that the door of salvation is closing, and that I am about to step down from my throne and punish the world and its inhabitants for their iniquity. It would not be possible for me to do this were it not for my remnant people who are allowing me to cleanse them of all sin and prepare their hearts to live in holiness before me, both here and also in heaven where they will shine like stars in the universe. All must see that my love and my sacrifice for sin is efficacious and powerful enough to win the hearts of my people to the point where they would rather die than sin -- rather die than deviate from one point in my Decalogue. My law is not a galling yoke of slavery as many believe it to be! My law means freedom from the very things that produce death, misery, and slavery to Satan, who is a despot who cares nothing for anyone but himself, and delights only in ruling the earth and its inhabitants with an iron fist and causing death, disease, and destruction. This is why I came to serve and save mankind. I knew that there would be some who would love and serve me and desire to be free from the control of the evil one.

And so now the time has come to finish the work of redemption and carry out the plan which my Father and I set in motion so long ago to rid the universe of rebellion and sin. Our plan is not built upon coercion, but of a display of what love does in contrast to the dominion of Satan. This plan is now nearly complete. All that remains is the final work of cleansing and sealing my beloved ones who understand and cooperate with me fully in this final phase of my ministry in the heavenly sanctuary. This cannot be accomplished without your cooperation, but this I now have. Do you see how vitally important you are in the finished work of my redeeming love? Do you see why I will be able to bring sin to a conclusion because you are in full harmony and partnership with me in every aspect? Angels marvel at your submission to, and love for, me -- not because they are unaware of the necessity of this in order to bring an end to sin, but because you are doing this with the full weight of the conclusion of sin in your genes and inheritance. But this is an absolute necessity to the finishing of sin, for no further demonstration is now needed or even possible to show both the results of sin and also the healing of sin and its expulsion from the universe forever. This is why the inhabitants of heaven are rejoicing that my bride is making herself ready to wear the spotless robe of my righteousness in demonstration of the power of my love and saving grace.

Now go to the activities of your day, but rejoice and be glad, for your redemption draweth nigh! Lovingly, Jesus.

Additional thoughts:

Ps. 147:11 - "The Lord delights in those who fear Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love."

KH 276 - "In proportion as you surrender yourselves to the working of the Holy Spirit you are supplied with heavenly grace. You are molded and fashioned a vessel unto honor, and become a channel through which God makes manifest His grace to the world."

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The Latter Rain

Dearest Ones,

I have an important message for you tonight - one that will speed my work forward as you share it with others. Yes, the latter rain has begun, and this message will quickly go around the world as the light begins to shine more brightly about the judgment of the living and the cleansing. This is what I have been waiting for my people to receive, understand, and cooperate with me, since this message was spurned and rejected by my people, especially the leading brethren, in 1888. This was a great disappointment to me and all of heaven, for this precious message of my righteousness which I was prepared to give through the indwelling of my Spirit, was considered fanaticism and false doctrine, and cut across the leaders' concept of a works-oriented religion of right doing and scrupulous behavior as the full display of righteousness. This, in fact, is Phariseeism, but it is loved and cherished by those who desire to be saved by their works.

But I now have a message of righteousness through intimate and constant companionship with me, receiving of my Spirit and being cleansed by my blood, that will stand the time of testing that is just ahead of you. No one can stand through that time unless they are completely cleansed of all self-righteousness and sinful thoughts, feelings, and motives, and are in full harmony with me in every area of their lives. This state of being cannot be accomplished by works, although it produces works of righteousness. No, it must be received as a gift that comes from such a close walk and intimacy with me that I can cleanse out any sympathy with Satan and replace it with my thoughts and feelings about everything you go through every moment of your life. Then true righteousness becomes like breathing, for every breath you take will be a prayer that rises like incense to the throne of my Father, and opens your heart to the latter rain which comes down upon you from His throne. Your heart will beat as one with ours, and thus you will be filled with the righteousness that knows no sinful characteristics, thoughts, or feelings. This is my gift of love to those of you who are now responding to the Spirit's last call to the inhabitants of earth. Now will be fulfilled all the prophecies of Scripture that predict a final generation who will fully reveal my character to the universe and to the world.

Now go to your rest, but keep uppermost in your mind that you have reached the moment in time when all the blessings that I have promised to my faithful people can be poured out upon you, for you are the generation that has accepted the full light of the gospel in its final stages of cleansing and restoration. Every day, and yes, - even every moment - hold up your cup to be filled by the latter rain, and I will not disappoint you. You are my ambassadors to a dying world, and although this time will not be long, it will be filled with all the power you need to finish the work. I will give you strength; I will give you directions; I will give you funds; and I will give you power from above to accomplish the work. I will open doors ahead of you wherever you go, and your enemies will not be able to stop you from fulfilling the last great outpouring of light and power that will attend the work. Thus the harvest of the earth will be reaped, and my work in the second apartment will come to an end. Let the fire fall! For the time is at hand! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Do Not Worry about the Future

Good morning, Dear Ones!

I am with you today in a special way, because we must be about our Father's business. There are many who would have loved to be where you are now. All my true people throughout the ages have longed to see the culmination of history and the day of my coming. And now that time is here, which means that I am leading my chosen ones to be with me as I let the winds go, and go forth to meet the enemy for the last great battle. Do you see why I need you beside me as we enter this last phase of the great controversy? Without my people beside me I have no proof that I have produced the finished product of my sacrifice and the plan of salvation! Satan has his minions of wicked people who have accepted his way of life and follow his every word and command. They have taken the easy way of following their inherited and cultivated tendencies to evil. But comparatively few have accepted my offering of salvation and to walk the narrow road of self-sacrifice and service with me. But I have had my stalwart giants who have chosen holiness above sin, and you are among that number. Would that there were more, but I must allow every person to walk whatever pathway they choose. I hold out my salvation to everyone, but most choose what they consider the easy path. In fact, it is not easy, for the way to perdition is hard, and the taskmaster they have chosen is a predator and a liar and he will take their soul to hell and deprive them of eternal life with me in heaven. But the narrow way is easy because I am ever there beside you, bearing your burdens, carrying the heaviest part of the load, and protecting you from a thousand unseen dangers. You do not need to worry about the future, for I have already provided for everything you will need for the entire journey. And besides, I will make the way bright with my presence and my love and care for you. Share this with everyone you know, for perhaps it will encourage them to look and see me standing beside them with my arms outstretched, inviting them to journey with me instead of with my enemy and the enemy of their souls.

Now go to the remainder of your day, but go on your way rejoicing that though you do not see the future, you are in the arms of One who can, and that I have already provided for your every need. Can a mother forget her sucking child and have no compassion for the one she has borne? Yes, she may forget, but I will not, for I have graven you on the palms of my hands, and we will go through the end together, and in the generations of eternity you will ever be by my side. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Keep in My Circle of Protection

Dearest Ones,

You are in my heart today. There is a difficult road ahead of us, but fear not, because I will be with you every step of the way. I will make it as easy as possible, for I will open doors for you and mark out the way before you, and I will go with you to encourage, protect, and direct you so that my goals for you will be fully accomplished. You see, the devil now knows that you are an integral part of the avant-garde of my army, and thus you will be a target for his wrath. That is why you must look to me for guidance and not do anything on your own. Do you remember how important it was in days of old that the people inside the walls of their city did not go out in times of war or siege by an enemy? So it will be with you. I will be a wall of fire around you, and my angels will be stationed around you at all times. But you must remember not to go outside of my protection, and to keep your armor on at all times. I do not mean to frighten you, for most of the time you will not be aware of the battle that is going on between good and evil forces. But as you look out on the things that are happening in the world, you will see that the great controversy is coming to an end, and that the things that have been prophesied are coming to pass. In the meantime, just lean upon me and I will guide you safely in the days ahead. I will provide for everything you need; just ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. Nothing can harm you if you stay in the hollow of my hands and obey my instructions like good soldiers of the cross.

Now go to the activities of your day, but do not for one moment step outside the circle of my protection. You can do this by going where you want to go, doing what you want to do, and saying what you want to say without asking of me and following my directions and guidance. I say this not to control you, but to guide and protect you and bring about the plan and purpose for your lives that I have for you -- plans to prosper you and give you a place in my work and in my soon-coming kingdom. So do not be afraid, but be diligent and watchful, and you will see the miracles that I will do for you which will bring about the perfect plan that I have for your lives and for your witness to me. Under my leadership you will see these plans unfold day by day, and you will know that my hand is guiding you, and you will receive the joy that comes to every faithful worker in my vineyard. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Jesus is Pleased with His People

Dearest Ones,

I love you with an everlasting love, and this morning I want to tell you how pleased I am with your service for me in Florida and also on the home front. The lowly daily duties performed with loving service to your fellow man is just as important as any missionary across the seas, and it is a sweet savor to me when performed with love for me and others. But today I want to express to you that the team of workers in Florida are especially led and blessed by me because you are carrying with you my message to the world that will enable me to go forward quickly to the end. I have been waiting for a people who would know me and hear my voice speaking truth for this time, and now that I have it, nothing can stop me from going forward to the end. Things will happen more rapidly now, as you will soon see. But I do not want you to dwell on time, but upon events and present truth which I will continue to unfold to you day by day. As you use faithfully what I give you, I will give you more. Always remember that my eyes are upon you for good and not for evil, and that you are accomplishing faithfully and well the work that I have assigned you, and great will be the effect upon the righteous ones around the earth who are longing and praying for light in the darkness and error that is spreading even in my own church and among my own professed believers. But this should not dishearten you, for I have prophesied that it would be so. Peace and prosperity multiplies many who seem like true followers, but adversity will blow them away like dry leaves when the storm comes. But my true followers who love and serve me with a true heart will grow even more dedicated to me because they know the storm must precede the deliverance. I am pleased with your spiritual growth into the maturity that will enable you to persevere until the end. You will stand for me like the stars in the night sky that shine even brighter when darkness is upon the earth and gross darkness upon the people who have spurned the true light that I am shining and have chosen their own idols and fanciful interpretations that will not see them through the end when the pains of childbirth are upon every man, woman, and child.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep holding firmly to my hand, and listening to my voice, and I will guide you safely until I come. Lovingly, Jesus.

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You are Mine

Dearest Ones,

I am with you today and every day -  physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially; and I will meet every need that you have. I am aware of everything that you will need, even before you call upon me, and I have you in my mind at all times. Never allow yourself to feel that I am not there for you even when you cannot feel my presence or hear my voice. Like the clouds in the sky obscure the sun at times, so your trials may seem to come between us temporarily. But it is not so. The reality is that the sun is always shining and that the clouds will pass away. So it is with you. I am always there for you, and if you hold on by faith, you will soon see my face again. I want you to remember this in time to come, for we are headed into the flood waters of the Jordan, and you will sometimes feel that the waves come between you and me. But if you remain patient and trusting, the waves will die down and you will see that I was there with you all along. 

Now go to the activities of your day, but lean your whole weight upon me and I will ever be by your side to sustain, strengthen, and guide you. Look up and not down at your trials and this will make it easier for you to get through them. Trials can come and trials go, but I remain ever the same. Just remember that in the days ahead. I promise you that I will not allow anything to happen to you that I have not already provided for. I am the way, the truth, and the life, and nothing can disturb your peace if you remember that. I always have a solution waiting for you, and provisions that will satisfy the deepest need you have. Minister to your family as though they were me, and your love for them will come from me through you. They are a precious treasure to me. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Go Forward

Dearest Ones,

I love you with an everlasting love and I do not want you to ever feel separated from me or feel that I have removed myself from you, for I never have and I never will. You are the apple of my eye, as are all of my beloved ones who are following me closely and with all their hearts.

I do have a special message for you today and for all who will hear. I am about to loosen the winds even more as a call to my people all over the globe. Things will happen that will seem bizarre and frightening to people and cause them to desire to find safety in any way possible. But I will protect you and each of my beloved ones who are carrying the torch of my truth around the world. I want you to send Curtis, my chosen servant, to Kenya as quickly as possible, because the world will be an unsafe place more rapidly than you can imagine except for my miraculous watchcare over my servants. I will provide the funds you need - just go forward and I will open the doors before you to expedite his journey and his work for me. I will do the same for each of you who are laboring so faithfully for me, and soon the light of truth will go to every country and every person on the planet. Then I will close probation for all, and then the plagues will fall. To me this is like the week before the flood when the animals came miraculously into the ark of safety before the doors were forever closed. So do not become weary of well-doing, or discouraged by anything that you may encounter, for my purpose will prevail if you go forward by faith believing in me and following my daily instructions. Nothing can stop the progress of my last warning message to call the people who love and respect me into the ark of safety.

Now go to the activities of your day, but never let yourself become discouraged by circumstances or even by your own failures, for if you will look to me, I will provide all you need to do my will and accomplish everything that I have assigned to you. My presence will go with you and sustain you. Oh, if only your eyes could be opened to see the presence of the holy angels that I have assigned to be with you and protect and guide you and guard your every step! It is a token of my love and care for you to bring heaven near to you and bear you up in angels' wings. Soon - sooner than you think - the conflict will be over and you will be at home with me. Until then, be faithful to me and I will be faithful to you and carry you across the Jordan into the promised land of your inheritance. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

The subject for today is "love." I know that I have spoken to you about this subject before, but I am now ready to pour out the latter rain in its fullness and I want to expand your understanding to include what love looks like under the latter rain. I am pleased with your growth and development in this area, for my final generation from whom will come my bride [Rev. 19:6-10] – the 144,000 - will reflect my character completely, and love is the essence of my character. The point that I want to emphasize today is that true heavenly love will contain and express all the aspects of love in its entirety. [See Gal. 5:22, 23.] In other words, when people are around you they will feel my love coming through you, for when you are fully cleansed of all your imperfections, you will be an extension of me, and everyone who comes within the sphere of your influence will feel my love flowing through you. This will be the final and full display before the world of what my ministry in the heavenly Sanctuary can do to restore mankind to the original mind and character with which you were created. This does not mean that everyone will recognize it and love you in return, for I was the fullness of divine love when I took the garb of a common man and walked among men as a display of my Father's love, and you know how they despised me and rejected my love, and wanted to rid the earth of me because they were filled with the same character as Satan, who is the prince of darkness and cannot tolerate the light of my presence.

And so it will be with you. Evil men will hate and despise you also because they love darkness and the deeds of darkness and they cannot and will not tolerate the light of my presence shining out through you. But those who are hungry and longing for my love will be drawn to you because they feel my presence through you and the love that I give you for them will draw them to me through your loving ministry. Do you see now why you must be completely cleansed of all dross in order to fully reflect me to others? Dross comes from selfishness and self-centeredness and an inward focus upon your own feelings and needs. When that is gone, you will be an open channel for me to flow my love to you and to everyone around you, even your enemies and those who despitefully use you and persecute you because you love and serve me.

So walk with me today and every day until I come and think not about yourself or what you may suffer for my sake. You are my display to the world and the universe that my love for you produces the same love for others, and is the completion of my sacrifice, the reward for my suffering, and my eternal joy to ever have you beside me, and my gift to my Father for His unfathomable love for all the creatures He has made. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Climate Control and the Sunday Law

Dearest Ones,

I heartily approve of the direction in which you are going by honoring me in the messages to the world of my soon coming. My heart is grieved that some of my church leaders have publicly approved of the papal encyclical on climate control measures to save the earth ["Laudato si," June 18, 2015] by participating in Earth Day [on 4-22-19], and publicly making a stand in favor of these concepts. Just when I am needing men and women to stand up and proclaim my messages of warning for the world in the Three Angels messages which will soon be joined by the loud cry of the fourth Angel, this public affirmation of the purposes of Satan to join the people of earth together for worship and rest on the day that Satan has chosen as a sign of his rebellion against me and my law, -- my church -- the only light of truth that I have in this dark world -- has unknowingly made a public worldwide affirmation of the purposes and plans of my enemy. Yes, I know that Satan's plans are not yet open and clear to all that the movement to save the earth for the generations to come is a ploy and a trap to confuse the real issues which will bring about the Sunday law. But to those who are awake and listening to my still, small voice, this purpose of the devil through the papacy is very clear.

But I am not deterred in my plans to bring a swift end to the world, because I now have a remnant who hears my voice, and they are responding to my call to get ready for my coming, and are willing to stand up and be counted to spread the good news that the end is near and coming swiftly. Do you see the diabolical scheme of the evil one in his plan to use the tragedies that I am purposefully allowing around the world to awaken people to the nearness of the end, to be a springboard for his own message to save the planet? By capitalizing on these omens of my coming, Satan is using them to arouse people to cooperate with his agenda to save the planet by enacting laws around the world to worship and rest on his day -- Sunday, which he claims will please me and avert the continuing tragedies which I am specifically allowing to awaken the people of earth to prepare for my soon coming!

But his plans will serve to alert my true people that the end has come, and that this present generation will soon look up and see me coming in the clouds of my glory. Nothing that Satan does can stop the momentum of progress toward the things that I have prophesied to happen as harbingers of the end of earth in its present state of wickedness, and the beginning of eternity for my saved ones in the earth made new.

Now go to the activities of your day with me; but fear not to lift up your voice with a shout and speak the warning messages of truth that I shall give you which will alert people who have hearts to know me and to do my will. There are many who are longing for additional light concerning the end of earth's long night and the beginning of eternal day with me in my kingdom, and it is to these that I will send you in the days ahead. And I myself will be with you and give you the words and the Spirit to speak for me so that my truth may I go around the world, and then the end will come! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Probation is Closing

Dearest Ones,

Many of you are wondering where we are in time as it relates to the trumpets. I assure you, the 6th trumpet has now begun, and you will soon see things unheard of until now. But I do not want you to focus upon events that mark the beginning of this, although there have been and will continue to be momentous signs in nature and society that all the world can see. But I want you to look to me for guidance in the events that will happen in the near future as signs of the nearness of my coming, rather than signs of the close of probationary time as you now know it. Yes, probation is closing around the world for nations, peoples, languages, and tongues. If you could see every heart as I can, you would know that the majority of the people of the world have already aligned themselves against me and have chosen another master. I know who has closed the door of their hearts against my Holy Spirit and those who have not. As I have said, the angels are sent forth as reapers [Matthew 13:39] of the harvest of the earth, and they are to bind up the people who are for me, and also those who are against me. I do not close probation for or against people -- every person on earth closes their own probation by the way they respond to, or reject the wooing of my Spirit, and their reception or rejection of the light I send to them. But I am announcing to you, my beloved ones, that the time for the closing of up of probationary time has come, because in general - even in my own church, the vast majority of people have chosen the wiles of the evil one over the wooing of my Spirit, and their god is mammon and the media. People love their sins and their vices. They love to go out to eat or watch a movie more than they love the hour of prayer and Bible study and time spent with me. So by this they have chosen their god and their eternal destiny.

In saying this I do not mean to sound harsh or unfeeling about the choices of those who are lost. I have shed many tears and I still do when people whom I love choose sin over righteousness. But I cannot prolong time any longer, for to do so would only mean allowing more suffering for no purpose, for the hearts of men have grown cold to me, and they love their sins more than they love their soul's salvation. This is what it means to close probation. As I look out on the world now I see the mass of humanity going to their doom. And I see their suffering as a result of their choices. Little children are being abused in horrible ways, and their suffering cries out to me. I will now arise and put a stop to the progress of sin and abuse caused by Satan, who loves to cause suffering, and the cries of the wounded and dying are music to his ears.

The universe has seen enough of what Satan's kingdom produces, and as a result, sin will never rise again. So now I can put in the sickle and reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe. Given more time, the wicked would only become more wicked, and the righteous would be left in this decadent society to suffer even longer. This I will not permit. Probation is closing because the hearts of the wicked have already set themselves to do evil, and the hearts of those who love and desire to obey me are yearning for release from the prison house of a decadent and dangerous environment. Thus the time left for you now is for giving the last warning messages to the church and to the world of my imminent return. Many will hear my call through you, and will respond and come to the light - but others will reject you and spurn your messages and see you as deluded enthusiasts and fanatics. Thus the whole world will soon be warned and the true sheep gathered into my fold.

I do not want you to worry about these things, for I have them in my hands. As you go forward in faith, you will see the unfolding of all that has been prophesied, including the long-awaited movement for Sunday worship. You are not to focus upon this, but I assure you that it is not far distant. The more you spread the final message of warning to the world, the more quickly the devil will be forced to counteract the success of your work by bringing about oppressive measures to stop the light from shining.

Now go to the activities of your day, but never underestimate the importance of the moments that are passing into eternity. Every day counts as you prepare your hearts, your families, and all those within the sphere of your influence. Yes, the loosening of the winds has begun, but you, my beloved ones, are safe under the shadow of my wings. Lovingly, Jesus.

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