Keep in My Circle of Protection

Dearest Ones,

You are in my heart today. There is a difficult road ahead of us, but fear not, because I will be with you every step of the way. I will make it as easy as possible, for I will open doors for you and mark out the way before you, and I will go with you to encourage, protect, and direct you so that my goals for you will be fully accomplished. You see, the devil now knows that you are an integral part of the avant-garde of my army, and thus you will be a target for his wrath. That is why you must look to me for guidance and not do anything on your own. Do you remember how important it was in days of old that the people inside the walls of their city did not go out in times of war or siege by an enemy? So it will be with you. I will be a wall of fire around you, and my angels will be stationed around you at all times. But you must remember not to go outside of my protection, and to keep your armor on at all times. I do not mean to frighten you, for most of the time you will not be aware of the battle that is going on between good and evil forces. But as you look out on the things that are happening in the world, you will see that the great controversy is coming to an end, and that the things that have been prophesied are coming to pass. In the meantime, just lean upon me and I will guide you safely in the days ahead. I will provide for everything you need; just ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you. Nothing can harm you if you stay in the hollow of my hands and obey my instructions like good soldiers of the cross.

Now go to the activities of your day, but do not for one moment step outside the circle of my protection. You can do this by going where you want to go, doing what you want to do, and saying what you want to say without asking of me and following my directions and guidance. I say this not to control you, but to guide and protect you and bring about the plan and purpose for your lives that I have for you -- plans to prosper you and give you a place in my work and in my soon-coming kingdom. So do not be afraid, but be diligent and watchful, and you will see the miracles that I will do for you which will bring about the perfect plan that I have for your lives and for your witness to me. Under my leadership you will see these plans unfold day by day, and you will know that my hand is guiding you, and you will receive the joy that comes to every faithful worker in my vineyard. Lovingly, Jesus.

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