Do Not Worry about the Future

Good morning, Dear Ones!

I am with you today in a special way, because we must be about our Father's business. There are many who would have loved to be where you are now. All my true people throughout the ages have longed to see the culmination of history and the day of my coming. And now that time is here, which means that I am leading my chosen ones to be with me as I let the winds go, and go forth to meet the enemy for the last great battle. Do you see why I need you beside me as we enter this last phase of the great controversy? Without my people beside me I have no proof that I have produced the finished product of my sacrifice and the plan of salvation! Satan has his minions of wicked people who have accepted his way of life and follow his every word and command. They have taken the easy way of following their inherited and cultivated tendencies to evil. But comparatively few have accepted my offering of salvation and to walk the narrow road of self-sacrifice and service with me. But I have had my stalwart giants who have chosen holiness above sin, and you are among that number. Would that there were more, but I must allow every person to walk whatever pathway they choose. I hold out my salvation to everyone, but most choose what they consider the easy path. In fact, it is not easy, for the way to perdition is hard, and the taskmaster they have chosen is a predator and a liar and he will take their soul to hell and deprive them of eternal life with me in heaven. But the narrow way is easy because I am ever there beside you, bearing your burdens, carrying the heaviest part of the load, and protecting you from a thousand unseen dangers. You do not need to worry about the future, for I have already provided for everything you will need for the entire journey. And besides, I will make the way bright with my presence and my love and care for you. Share this with everyone you know, for perhaps it will encourage them to look and see me standing beside them with my arms outstretched, inviting them to journey with me instead of with my enemy and the enemy of their souls.

Now go to the remainder of your day, but go on your way rejoicing that though you do not see the future, you are in the arms of One who can, and that I have already provided for your every need. Can a mother forget her sucking child and have no compassion for the one she has borne? Yes, she may forget, but I will not, for I have graven you on the palms of my hands, and we will go through the end together, and in the generations of eternity you will ever be by my side. Lovingly, Jesus.

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