Present Truth—The Judgment of the Living

Dearest Ones,

I am pleased to tell you today that the message of the cleansing will go around the world with lightning speed as a result of the work that all of you are doing. Angels would like to do this work, but they must use human instrumentalities like you to preach their messages as they receive them from my throne. The first angel's message is now being repeated for this generation, for the message of the judgment is the message of the cleansing for the last generation. The judgment of the living is now the message that must go around the world in order to prepare for the next two messages and the loud cry of the fourth angel. These last messages will go very quickly because they will be a result of fully accepting the true meaning of the first angel. In order to preach the last two messages, I must have a cleansed people who are in constant connection with me and hear my voice and obey me without fear of reprisal from any human being, either inside or outside of the church. There are many who claim to be my messengers who are afraid of speaking out and giving a straight message, because they do not want to arouse suspicion that they are not working according to the prescribed teachings of the day. But these are not my spokesmen, nor will they receive a reward from me for their labors. As I have said, they will be cast out where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. But you, my beloved ones, fear not the opposition of those who rise up against you. Each of you stand up bravely and give out every measure of light that you have from me, and therefore I will give you more to fill your vessels with holy oil from the sanctuary in heaven, so that you will be increasingly blessed with greater understanding and greater light to give to the world.

Now go to the activities of your day, but don't forget to keep your hearts open to receive more understanding of the things that are pertinent for today, because it is present truth that the people need to awaken them from their slumbers so that they can prepare for my soon coming. You do not need to worry about the amount of time that is left to finish the work, but only just to do day by day what I ask you to do, and the timing will take care of itself. In the meantime, be joyous and serve me in my sanctuary, and soon I will return and take you to myself to serve me in my sanctuary in heaven and be forever around my throne. Lovingly, Jesus.

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