Moving Forward in Lightning Speed

Dearest Ones,

I have a message today for everyone, for I want you to know that your work for my cause in the earth is going forward with lightning speed. You see, because I now have a complete message of the cleansing of the mind and memories of the past, including hereditary influences, which I have allowed science to discover in order to back up your message, there is no need for me to hold back the progress of my work in the earth, or the scourges in nature and society which show that the end is very near. I am also reaping thousands whom you do not know because there is now light available to take them through to the finished work of the gospel of salvation by faith in its entirety, rather than the belief that the gospel is an agreement that I will give eternal life in exchange for a simple acknowledgment of what I did on Calvary to bring salvation to the human race in a generalized way. Oh, how my heart rejoices at the openness of your minds that there must be a cleansing of heart and soul from sin in order to receive salvation! This understanding is what my Father and I have been waiting for centuries to reveal to those whose hearts were open to receive it! Of course, we already knew how long it would take to bring this about, but now that the time has come, we rejoice that the long centuries of pain and suffering under the scourge of Satan's reign is almost over.

Take heart, my beloved ones, that you will go through the end of time together with me and see the culmination of the plan of salvation, and have the privilege of seeing what no other generation has seen, and that all the prophets desired to see, but were only able to perceive through a glass darkly. But now you will walk in the blazing light of glory ignited from my throne, and I will give you anything you ask that is for my honor in the finishing of the work on earth. So ask, believe, and claim the promises that I have placed in the Bible for the final generation, for you are that generation, and upon you is shining all the light and understanding that has been from the foundation of the world.

Go now today with me, but don't forget to ask, believe, and claim all that is yours for the finishing of the work in the earth. Of course, this includes your own finances, because you will need more and more as the work advances to the ends of the earth. I know that you are struggling right now, but I own the cattle on a thousand hills, and all I have is yours when you have need of it. So ask for anything that you need for the work of salvation, and also for your own needs. I will not turn you away or forget to answer your prayers for help, but will supply for you as you move forward in faith. You cannot exhaust my supply, or my love and care for you; so ask in faith for what you need and I will give it to you. And I promise to you that you will never lack for your necessities, either personally or for my work in the earth. Now go to the activities of your day, but hold tight to my hand, and together we will labor in the harvest field of my kingdom. Lovingly, Jesus.

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