The Purposes of the Messages from Jesus

Dearest Ones,

I have a message for you today concerning faith in the messages that I am sending to you. Not everything that you write is to be considered prophetic. I send these message to you for encouragement for you, and for you to know my love and care for you, and be secure that you are chosen to bring new light to those who walk in darkness and error about the timing of my coming and the closeness of the end of all things. I am not calling you to the role of prophets such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, or Ellen White. I gave them everything that was needed to see my people through to the end of time. But you are called to be my special vanguard at this time in history to recognize what I am doing and where I am in the heavenly sanctuary so that I can pour out my light upon you to enable you to be watchmen on the walls to awaken my sleeping church, and also find the lost and straying sheep that need to hear the message of my soon coming. Again I say that not everything you have received in these messages is to be understood as prophetic, but as a warning and an alert to watch for the events that are about to happen that have already been foretold by my true prophets who were called specifically for that role and calling. But I have called you to do a very important and essential role and task -- you are to be recognizing where we are in the outline of prophetic history and the countdown of events that lead up to my coming. Along with that, I want to reveal new light to you about the sanctuary and its vital importance for the preparation that is necessary to be among those who are translated. I would advise you not to try to set exact timing on these events, because they are somewhat affected by the progress of my gospel message around the world, and the reception or rejection of the full understanding of the light that is to be poured out during the latter rain. There will be no delay in the timing of my coming, but because you cannot see what I can see in the hearts of people around the world, you must not trust in exact timing. I assure you "He that shall come will come, and will not tarry" [Heb. 10:37],* but look for events, not for exact time setting.

Now go to the activities with your day, but take heart and do not be discouraged, for I am with you every moment and you are safe in my arms as long as you look constantly to me and follow my leading. I am pleased with your prayers for the nations, for you have rightly discerned that the time has come for this. Do you see how important it is for you to hear my voice and obey my instructions? What happens on earth has a direct effect upon what I am able to do in my ministry in heaven! I must have my bride on earth in full connection and cooperation with me so that we can move forward together. I cannot finish my work alone without my bride! So thank you for your determination to cooperate fully with me and to hear my voice and my instructions to you every day. You are the joy of my heart, for because of you, I can now go forward to the end. Be not afraid, little flock, of the roar of the lion, for I am always there to protect and provide for you. Satan well knows that if he cannot deceive you, discourage you, or destroy you, he will lose his battle against me and my kingdom. But I am your strong tower of deliverance and protection, so run to me, trust in me, look to me and you will be safe. I love you with an everlasting love which has no beginning and no end, and you need never fear as long as you look constantly to me and rest in my love and care for you. Soon the war will be over and you will be at home with me forever. Until then, fight the good fight of faith and you will triumph over all the hosts of evil.

Lovingly, Jesus.

*"Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. But ye are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul." Heb. 10:35-39.

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