
Dearest Ones,

 I have a message of love for you tonight because I know that each of you are struggling with all your heart to obey me and serve me to the fullest extent of your capacity, with faith in me to guide, direct and provide everything for you that you need to carry on my work effectively. I will certainly bless your efforts and multiply the things that you do a thousandfold beyond what you can see or be aware of, because I am looking at things from a world-wide point of view. There are many who will discard your teachings because they do not want to be responsible for the outcome of their deeds and prefer to walk the broad road that leads to destruction. But many others are looking for light in the darkness of error and confusion that is given out in the nominal churches of today. Even in my church many are complacent, thinking they have the truth because they have correct doctrine, but not realizing that they would not know me if I appeared to them in person. It is these that will be deceived by prevailing errors and complacency, and eventually will accept Satan's counterfeit appearance, in spite of all the warnings I have given to counteract this fallacy. People who don't accept truth when they have it within their grasp will accept error and believe it to be the truth. So keep on the narrow upward way, however thorny and difficult it may seem to be at times, and you will soon see the oases that I have strewn along the way for your refreshing and encouragement. I will not fail you or lead you to disappointment, but according to your faith I will provide for everything you need.

Now go to your rest, but never let your heart become weary of well-doing, or your faith in me to waver, for I am always beside you, and if you believe and look up away from the problem, you will find every answer that you are seeking. I have a thousand ways of providing for your every need, and joy beyond description as you see my plans unfold for you. Learn to call upon me for everything, even what seems to you to be too small for me to notice. I can multiply the loaves and fishes of your need for each day. Test and prove me that I will pour out blessings for you that will delight your heart and satisfy every hunger that you have to know me as a personal Friend and faithful Companion. I delight in your love and service for me, and I will let my joy spill over into your life day by day, moment by moment, if you open your heart to receive it. Why not make a covenant with me right now to never let your heart be troubled about anything large or small, for as your days are, so shall your strength be as you walk with me in loving companionship together, just like the great men of old whom you will meet soon in the kingdom of heaven. And they will ask you, "What was it like to walk with Jesus in the time of the end?" And you will reply, "Just as it was for you, for He is the same yesterday, today, and forever - the Friend that sticks closer than a brother, and is now our beloved Lord and Savior - King of kings and Lord of lords - who has paid the price for our redemption and won the victory over Satan for us all so that we can now be together with Him forever. Hallelujah, amen!" Lovingly, Jesus.

Companion quotes from the Spirit of Prophecy:

"Our Lord adapts himself to our special needs. He is a shade on our right hand. He walks close by our side, ready to supply all our necessities. He comes very near to those who are engaged in willing service for Him. He knows everyone by name. O what assurances we have of the tender love of Christ." SD 16.

"Each fiery trial is God's agent for their refining. Each is fitting them for their work as co-laborers with Him. Each conflict has its place in the great battle for righteousness, and each will add to the joy of their final triumph. Having this in view, the test of their faith and patience will be cheerfully accepted rather than dreaded and avoided." DA 306.

"If men love and obey God and do their part, God will provide for all their wants.... We may state to Him our temporal matters, asking Him for bread and raiment as well as for the bread of life and the robe of Christ's righteousness.... Gifts that will satisfy the deepest craving of the heart, gifts lasting as eternity, will be received and enjoyed by all who come to God as little children. Take God's promises as your own, plead them before Him as His own words, and you will receive fullness of joy." SD 16, 17.