Victory Through Every Trial

Dearest Ones,

I am thinking of all of you in a special way this morning, for I know that you are struggling with the various vicissitudes of life that are a part of daily living in a sinful world where Satan has so much power and control of the environment in which you must live. It is hard to endure the challenges that you must meet on a regular basis, and just the atmosphere in the very air would tend to make it hard for you to remain cheerful and hopeful as the days go by. Because you are my faithful servants, you must meet challenge after challenge that Satan sends against you to try to discourage you. In the order of things, I must allow you to live as others have to live, and meet the daily temptations and trials that are the lot of fallen humanity.

And so also did I take upon myself the common life of humanity so that I could experience what each of you must experience and overcome in your behalf by faith and connection with my Father. Thus I am able to empathize with you in everything you have to experience, and give you my victory over every besetment and trial. When you are in trouble or trial or need or perplexity, look to me and learn to lean heavily upon my bosom of love for you, for I have answers to your problems. I am pleased with how you are already doing this, but there is need for your faith to grow even as your trials increase. To go through the time ahead will be more precipitous than you can now anticipate, and I need for you to build up your muscles of faith by exercising faith in what you are experiencing now. Practice staying within the hiding place of the Spirit by cultivating love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. If you are experiencing any mental attitude or feeling other than these, please check yourself and come to me for help and healing and an attitude change. I will freely give you what you need in exchange for fear, anxiety, sadness, depression, etc.

Well, my beloved ones, I am not at all displeased with any one of you, I am simply reminding you that to live with me in spirit means to accept from me the gifts and graces of my Spirit, and always be aware that the devil is constantly desiring to pull you down into his lair to catch his attitude of despair, hopelessness, and fear. I want you to be as bold as a lion and as meek as a lamb, for that is what I am, and with these characteristics you and I can march together triumphantly to the heavenly kingdom. Lovingly, Jesus.

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More Light on the Trumpets

Dearest Ones,

As you can see, I am opening up further light on the trumpets, as I promised I would do when you were ready to perceive it. I want this message to be spread far and wide, because it gives the understanding of the last days that no one else has, which tells precisely where we are in time. It is a vital message to the Laodiceans to wake up before I throw the sensor down and pronounce the sentence for the whole human race that I am finished with reconciling, and probationary time has closed. We are nearer that time than most people realize, and it is hasting greatly. Only a moment of time is left, but in that moment I want all of you to work as quickly as possible to warn the world of its coming doom. Satan has his soothsayers who have their own interpretation of the disasters around the world. But no one but my faithful people know the real story and you must publish it without delay. I have been lenient in the past, but now I am requiring a steady dissemination of light coming from your watchtower, and I will help you to do everything that I am asking you to do.

Now go to your rest for the night, but do not forget what I am telling you now and let the days go by without productivity. If you ask me I will tell you individually what I want you to do each day. Do not worry that I will be a hard taskmaster, for I know what you can do and what you cannot. But watch for my providences and listen for my voice in your heart and you cannot fail to do the work that I am asking you to do and I will multiply your efforts. Rest well and tomorrow I will pour out my Spirit upon you. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Our Responsibility

Dearest Ones,

My message to you today is of utmost importance, for I am about to do something in the world that is a further step in loosening the winds of strife. The nations are already angry, but angels are belting the world to hold back the actual engagement of armies and untold chaos that the enemy desires to bring about to stop the progress of my people in getting the last warning message to the world before the close of probation. I have not committed this task to you, my little band of workers on the mountain. To you I have given the responsibility of getting out the light of the cleansing, and this is necessary only for those who have accepted all the light that has already come to them, and are seeking greater light in addition to what they already have. I know every heart, and I know the ones that are seeking to go all the way with me. Not all of these, even, we'll go the last mile, but some will. This is not to concern you, for I will carry that responsibility. It is enough for you to know that the church at large is yet doing a great work of harvesting souls, and you are a part of the vanguard of workers who are preparing the 144,000.

But now I am bringing you counsel that is specific concerning the important events of this coming year. The problems in the weather will continue to get worse, sporadically around the earth. Pray that I will protect the environment of each of you so that you will not be in the path of danger, and I will hear you and send angels to protect you. But begin now to make provisions for the immediate future. By this I do not mean to store up food, for your bread and water will be sure; but secure your homes and provide alternate ways of heating and light before next winter.

Also, I want a renewed thrust for getting the light out on a regular basis that I have given each of you to share with the world. Keep to your assigned tasks, and I will guide you. Pray together and look for opening providences; don't neglect the little things when searching for bigger opportunities, for you do not know which will prosper, either this one or that one. In general, I am pleased with all that you are doing in the cause of the kingdom, and for my sake, and I am blessing and will bless you accordingly.

Now go to the activities of your day, but do not neglect to listen for my still, small voice speaking to your heart, and if you do not hear it, take a moment to reconnect with me. I know the pressures of daily life are continually calling for your attention, and I want you to successfully accomplish all your duties, but I want you to take me along with you, for I can make your burdens light with my guidance and the sunshine of my presence. I know you are already doing this -- at least most of the time -- but I am just reminding you that there is not a moment in time that I am not aware of you and wanting to guide, comfort, instruct, enlighten, and fill you with my presence and my love; so tune your heart to the wavelength of heaven, and you will always be full of rejoicing. That is the privilege of the saints in light, and so it can keep you out of darkness and worry as you walk the narrow way to glory! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Protection During the Great Time of Trouble

Dearest Ones,

I have enjoyed being with you today by the presence of the Holy Spirit as the love of my Father for you has been displayed. I want to lift up my Father to you more and more as the end and close of probation draws near. You need to know that although my Father and I will be occupied with the pouring out of the wrath of God upon the wicked during the time of trouble, we will be with you and guiding and protecting you through the Holy Spirit and the angels. Please remember that the Holy Spirit is God as well, and loves you and cares for you just as we do. It is He who inspired the prophets through the ages, and He brings messages to you from us. Thus, you will never be alone and never separated from us and our love, care, and protection.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep in mind that you are ever on our mind, and we have great plans for you as you move forward like an army against the foe. The work will go forward quickly, for the media gives you contact with the world, and you are using it well for my glory and the spread of my last rays of light to the world. Never let yourselves become despondent or discouraged, for all darkness of thought is from the evil one and he must be dispelled from your presence as soon as you perceive that he is attempting to insert his thoughts and feelings into your mind. Put up the bars of your gates and expel the enemy from your presence. He must leave when the Holy Spirit lifts up the standard of truth against him.

Now, my beloved ones, enjoy your Sabbath together, and just remember that we are with you through the presence of the Holy Spirit and the angels. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Restoring the mind to its Original Perfection

Dearest Ones,

I am so pleased with your response to my message of love to you today. I used the writings of my servant, Ellen White, to speak to you personally with these messages which were written especially for you. I knew that my message of righteousness by faith would not penetrate the minds of these faithful pioneers. But they will be rewarded in my kingdom for their faithfulness and courage to take the truth that I gave to them to the ends of the earth. Nevertheless, I knew that they were not ready for the final cleansing, and that a great work had to be done before I could pour out the latter rain upon a cleansed remnant. I have been patiently waiting for the precious fruit to appear, and now I have my remnant people who comprehend what no other generation has understood -- the cleansing of the roots of sin that lie deep within the unconscious mind. No one understands that I, the Creator, have specifically organized the mind so that I can have access to every part of what I have created. I am not an impotent God who has created something that I cannot cleanse and restore to my original design. When I came to earth I came to demonstrate what a fully perfect mind looks like in human flesh. And I can restore your mind into my image by the transforming power of my Holy Spirit; and by that same power I will restore to perfection those who will cooperate fully with me.

How I love those who love me and allow me to do this for them! As a bridegroom rejoices over his lovely bride, so I rejoice over you and all who will follow me completely at this time in history. You will forever be by my side throughout eternity, for I would have something missing in my heart without you. My soul yearns with unspeakable yearning to have the great controversy finished and the devil and his followers destroyed. But I must exercise divine patience to follow the prescribed pathway for the deliverance and restoration of mankind from the clutches of my enemy, who desires to strip me of my people and my kingdom. But he will not prevail, for his power is from lies, deception, and force, while mine is with love, truth, and freedom of choice. Only those who choose my way and my kingdom will live with me throughout eternity, and the devil and his followers and his kingdom will be destroyed forever. And that day is soon to come, my beloved ones. So keep up your courage and your faithfulness to me and my cause in the earth and your reward is sure in my soon-coming kingdom. Lovingly, Jesus.

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A Love Letter from Jesus

Dearest Ones,

I have a message for you today concerning the timing of my advent. I have not spoken to you about this before because it has not been as imminent as it is now. When I say imminent, I mean that the time has come when there will be no more delay. My coming has been in a delayed position from the time of the pioneers until now because my coming has been dependent upon the knowledge and acceptance of the cleansing of the subconscious, where all the urges to sin rise to cause sinful thoughts, feelings, and behaviors which cannot be controlled by the conscious mind. Although habit patterns of thinking and behavior may be modified by introspection and substitution of new ways of responding to stimuli, the basic roots of thinking and feeling about life are still deeply and firmly rooted in the experiences of the past, and except for a miracle of my grace and restorative power, there is no hope of permanent change. This is why it has taken 6000 years of time to recover even a remnant of mankind to the original mind of perfect thinking that I gave in the beginning. And without my substitutionary life, death, resurrection, and ministry in the heavenly sanctuary, it would be forever impossible to restore fallen beings. That is why my Father and I covenanted to carry out the plan of salvation, and we have not turned back, although it has been a difficult road even for us.

But now the journey is almost over, and we will soon have the finished product of our sacrifice. This is why I am saying today that there will be no more delay. I will guide you in your study of what that means, for I am not setting a specific date for you. This will continue to be revealed as you walk forward in the pathway that I have outlined for you. But I assure you that this is the generation and you are the people who will walk through the pearly gates into my kingdom, and that right speedily. No more delay means that you have the message of the cleansing and blotting out of sin that must take place before I close probationary time and step out of the most holy place where I am now ministering for my chosen ones who are responding to my call for cleansing of heart and mind on all three levels of consciousness. Only these will be able to withstand the rigors of the time of trouble and go through the end of time, for only they will hear me constantly speaking to them and thus be able to follow me perfectly through the wilderness to the Promised Land.

Now go to the activities of your day, but watch for the evidence of my providences in your life, and listen carefully to the slightest whisper of my still, small voice in your mind. Never, never allow the feelings of darkness that Satan brings around you in the atmosphere to discourage or frighten you, because I am allowing him to have almost full reign in the world now because the people of the world have chosen him as their leader. But do not allow that to discourage or depress your mind; instead, gird up the loins of your mind and practice reaching out through the darkness into the light of my presence. You never need to be in darkness, for I am always there for you, and if you look to me and call upon me, I am there for you.

I want to walk with you and talk with you today, so look up and see me standing for you in the most holy place in the heavenly sanctuary, and the light streaming through the pearly gates of the New Jerusalem which is my home -- and yours! Never get discouraged, because discouragement is from the enemy, and by discouragement he seeks to get access and then control of your mind. When you feel him around you, call upon me and I will answer and dispel him from your presence. All power in heaven and earth is mine, and I will exercise it for you when you call upon me for anything that you need. There is no end to what I can and will do for you if you will call to me for help. Your struggles are my struggles because I am intimately connected to you with love and tenderness and compassion, and every worry that concerns you, and every tear of your suffering reaches my heart of love for you. So let us rejoice together that the time is near when I shall end your suffering with the glorious light of my presence as I descend to earth to receive you unto myself and take you home, there to be together for eternity! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Chosen Ones

Dearest Ones,

I have a message for you today concerning something that is from my heart to each one of my chosen ones. I say chosen ones because you have chosen me and the path of truth for this time in history, when the desire of all the saints and prophets of the ages will come to fulfillment. The longing of each person who has gone before you has been to be alive to see me come in the clouds of glory, and their desire will be fulfilled, because my angels will go before me and reap the harvest of the earth at the resurrection of the righteous, and they will look up and see my face as they come forth from their dusty graves.

But you, my beloved ones, are chosen to be among the righteous living because you have chosen to go through the cleansing that is necessary to break the bonds of sin and death. Your cooperation allows me to be bring forth a remnant who are willing to be a spectacle to men and angels to show that the plan of salvation is completely sufficient to take away every vestige of sin, rebellion, and selfishness from the heart of man and restore everyone who walks with me through the cleansing process into my image and likeness of character. To love each other as I have loved you means that the defects of character must be removed which stand between me and you so that there is no dross in the way of the full outpouring of my love. It is sin that prevents the fullness of my love and the righteous attributes of my character from flowing from me to you. You must give up all unholy thoughts and feelings, for I will not take these from you unless you cooperate fully and completely with me in their removal.

Do you feel thoughts and feelings of anger, frustration, unhappiness and impatience when things do not go the way you want them to go? These are seeds sown from childhood, or inherited from your ancestry, and they must be overcome or I cannot fill you with my love, patience, mercy, peace and joy as I am longing to do. Do you know how much I want to help you when you are upset, sad, or lonely? I'm always right beside you, ready to help in any need you have. Call upon me and I will deliver you from every situation. I will never disappoint you if you seek me, for if you seek me with all your heart, you shall find me!

Now go to the activities of your day, but lean wholly upon me, for I will not disappoint you -- ever! You can be sure that Satan has plans to harass you and cause you to stumble. But you never need to give into his plans and wiles for you, for I have won the victory for you, and I have the antidote for every temptation. I am your strong tower, and if you will run to me you will be safe from all harm and danger from the enemy. Do you know how much I love you? Test me and see that I am good, and I have only good in store for you. Just let me prove this to you today and every day until I come. Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Rejoicing of My Heart

Dearest Ones,

You are so precious to me in your love and devotion to me and your sensitivity to my every wish and command. Not that I have to command you, for you are seeking my will every moment to see what I have in store for you that day, and you are eager to walk with me no matter what it holds for you. My soul is requited by your love and obedience, and my Father and I rejoice, for because of your response to our Spirit, which is sent out into the whole earth to gather the remnant of our people who have served so valiantly in previous ages, we can now bring the great controversy to a victorious end!

Now go to the activities of your day, but rejoice with us, and let there be constant communion between earth and heaven as the hours draw close for my coming. In the meantime there is much work to be accomplished and you can be sure that I will not leave you nor forsake you to the wiles and plans of the enemy to do away with my favored ones who are obedient to the call to be among those who live through the end and receive the prize of being translated at my coming. These will sit with me on my throne throughout the ages of eternity to reveal to the universe forever the principles of my government as lived out in the lives of the redeemed.

Because you will have gone through the effects of the plan of salvation from beginning to end, you will reign with me forever because you understand what no other generation has understood the complete eradication of every vestige of sin from your character, and the restoration of the perfection with which mankind was created. But this time there will be no ignorance, because the man of sin will have been fully revealed and overcome. You see, the man of sin is in every person who has sinned, which includes all of mankind. The root of the man of sin is pride and self-sufficiency, which caused rebellion against God and the holiness of character which is necessary for eternal life.

Agreement with me and my principles of love gives freedom and eternal life; disagreement with me and my wise eternal principles equals sin and death. Why will mankind refuse to recognize this? Because they have imbibed the character of Satan in the lies that they love, for they believe that this will set them free from being under my government and having to submit to me. So be it. They will have what they so desire and long for. I will set them free to meet the full extent of their rebellion, and so they will die in their sins, and never shall they be anymore.

But you, my beloved ones, are the rejoicing of my heart in loving obedience and response to my law of love, and so shall you be forever with me and the host of angels and the redeemed. Hold on, my loved ones, for I am coming soon and my reward is with me to give every man according as his work shall be! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Laws Guiding Godly Family Relationships

Dearest One,

I heartily approve of your sincerity and love and devotion to me that would permit me to take you through this cleansing about children and your feelings about them. This has been a lifelong problem in your life and has come out in your dealings with children and your ways of relating to them. Children are the heritage of the Lord and need to be treated as such at all times. You have never understood the feelings of children because you were never one yourself in many ways. You were always chosen by me to understand the deep things of God, and childish thoughts, feelings, and behaviors were basically foreign to you. I chose and prepared your mother and your ancestry carefully to provide a foundation of deep spiritual thinking and perception, and also chose your father to give you the ability to socialize and have freedom in speaking and interactions with others.

So, you can see how I have prepared you to be a leader in the last days by the parentage that I have chosen for you. So, it is with each person who will go through the end alive. I know what material I have to work with, and I know what I need in my final generation. That is why I say that I have known you since the foundation of the world. I knew the outcome of my creation of Adam and Eve, and I put within them the genes of the whole human race. The outcome was known to me and my Father from the beginning. I did not plan for sin, but when I gave free will choice to every being I created, I knew that sin was inevitable, because with incomplete knowledge comes the desire to know and explore the edges and find answers to the unknown.

My whole universe is fashioned for endless exploration and discovery. But I cannot, by my very character, restrict the free will to think and to do with the intention of learning what is beyond your present understanding. My understanding is infinite, and I want my creation to seek and discover all that I have made, and also the laws by which I function. But the mistake of Lucifer was to try to get further light and understanding on his own. His giant intellect could not comprehend the need for any restrictions or laws, for all was, and had always been, perfect. How can one know imperfection when there had never been anything but perfection? But herein lies the necessity of law. Free discovery must be done within the bounds of laws that protect individuality and freedom for all.

When you live in a perfect environment, you cannot perceive imperfection, or the danger of free thinking that will result in the taking away of freedom for others. So, my law has been eternally in place for the protection of the freedoms of every being that I have created. It has taken thousands of years for this truth to be displayed and understood and comprehended so that the whole universe will be eternally protected from sin and rebellion from ever rising again. No one is to be coerced into believing in me and my wise and perfect law. My law is not for restriction and control, but for the protection and freedom of all. It is an outward expression of my love for you and all created beings, and it will be seen as such by all the redeemed.

Now go to the activities of your day, but just remember how much I love you and love others around you as I have loved you. Your laws should reflect mine; in other words, your restrictions in the home and family should be for the happiness, highest good, and freedom for all. I can dwell peaceably in a home like that, because it is in harmony with my Spirit and the happiness of all of heaven. Thank you for seeking me this morning and preparing your heart to listen to my heart so that I could share these things with you. Please share this with others so that each person can see how special and important they are to me, and how much I love them! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Calling upon Jesus Immediately when Tempted

Dearest Ones,

I am happy today to tell you that all of you are progressing forward in your spiritual development and growth in holiness, and I am pleased with your devotion to me and your willingness to go through anything to please and honor me and my cause in the earth. For this you will receive my constant watchcare, support, and the reward that comes as a result of joyful obedience and loving fellowship with me. There is singing and rejoicing by the angels about the throne because the marriage of the Lamb that has been prophesied for ages and is now in progress. Because of this joyful event, I will pour out upon you blessings that are fit for the bride of the King.

Although the condition of things in the world will continue to worsen as I allow the loosening of the winds, in contrast I will bless my people with the dew of heaven, just as I protected and blessed my people, Israel, when the plagues of Egypt were poured out. Do you recall that the Israelites experienced the first three plagues along with the Egyptians? This was purposeful on my part, because they had partaken of the spirit of the Egyptians and needed discipline for this; and also because I wanted their tendrils of earthliness to be broken so they would remember their trials in Egypt and not be tempted to lust after what they had and desire to return when they went through the hardships of being sojourners in the wilderness until they reached the promised land.

So it will be with my people now. You are about to go into the Promised Land, but before you do, you will suffer along with the society in which you live to some extent. But you will not suffer the seven last plagues at all, which are strictly for the wicked who have spurned my love and my grace which was purchased for the human race at such a cost. They will receive the full outpouring of my wrath which is poured out without mixture from the cup of my indignation against sin and those who have chosen it by following my enemy and the laws of his government.

Now go to the activities of your day, but always remember that you are never alone, for I am always beside you, and I am just a prayer away. Do not struggle with your sins and temptations until you are worn out and discouraged, and then come to me for healing and relief when you are at the extremity of your resources. Although I will certainly take you into my arms and wrap you up in my love as the father did to the prodigal son, I would much rather you would come to me at the beginning of your trials so I can prevent you from going through so much pain and suffering. Do you see what I mean? It takes a lot more repair even for me, when you don't come for help until you have wasted your time, energy and resources in battling with the enemy by yourself, and depleting your strength in the enemy's camp.

But now I am finished with rebuking and counseling, and I just want to keep you close to me and under my wings of love, for I never want to see you hurt or confused by anything or by any temptation or trial that the devil may bring across your pathway. Just remember to call upon me at once and receive my help, counsel, guidance, protection and provisions -- in short, my love and constant care for you. If you look to me you have no need for worry, sadness, or perplexity, for I will provide for your every need. Call upon me and I will hear you and pour out blessings for you that will exceed your expectations, and disappoint the devil in his desires to bring suffering and reproach upon my bride. Look always to me and lean upon me, and you will always be kept in the circle of my protection! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Stand up Boldly for the Truth

Dearest Ones,

It was a pleasure visiting with you today. I came because you are all following me more closely each day, and becoming more cleansed and filled with my Spirit. It is a joy to me to see at last a remnant in my church on earth who are willing to step out from the crowd and be cleansed of all filthiness of the flesh and spirit and represent the faithful of all ages who have loved and followed me through sorrow, suffering, persecution and martyrdom for the sake of my truth and my kingdom. And now the time has come for me to call my final people to a relationship with me which no one before you have experienced as a collective group. I have always had faithful ones through the ages that have loved me more than life itself, and they will shine like stars forever in my kingdom. But never since Pentecost have I had a people who were a representation of the finished product of my grace. For a time after Pentecost, the believers were as one. But soon factions broke out and eventually became the church of Ephesus who had lost their first love for me and each other. Then as the centuries went by, the papal system of Rome was revealed, which displays the very character of Satan himself, and through them he set himself up as ruler of this world, which is always what he wanted to do, even while he was in heaven.

Now this satanic spirit is rising again as you know, and I am calling you to expose him and unmask the stealthy progress of world control that is surfacing and being accepted by people around the world. My people are asleep on the verge of my coming, and they know it not. I can no longer intercede for such ones, for they are allowing my arch-enemy to grow in power without protest. I am asking you, my beloved ones, to take your stand against the papacy's stealthy but bold assault against truth, and unmask his advances before he takes the world into his lies and comes out boldly against my truth and my people. Do not stand idly by without protest. The fallen churches have said that the protest is over. But they do not know that I have a faithful remnant who, like the reformers of old, will not allow my truths to be trampled underfoot, but will take a bold stand against error. Thank you for being willing to stand up for my truth when champions are few, and the church is looking only for the Sunday law as the sign of my coming. When that actually happens, it will be too late to prepare for most.

Now go to the activities of your day, but never forget that I am with you always and I am counting on you to get the last warning message out to the world, and to preach the second angel's message, which will be followed by the third and joined by the loud cry of the fourth. My angels are even now preparing for this final message to the world. You may think you are only a small group, but others will join you, and so by the power of my Spirit in the latter rain, the work will be finished. Farewell for now my beloved ones, but do not forget how much I love you and prize your devotion to me and my cause in the earth. Because of your dedication and obedience, the great controversy between good and evil will finally be ended, and my reign of glory will begin! Lovingly Jesus.

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You are the Apple of my Eye

Dearest Ones,

I am happy to tell you today that I am moving forward in the earth to bring everything in the world and in society to the great culmination of history. I can do this because you, my chosen ones, are going forward in your cleansing and are being restored into my image. Yes, there are yet things that must be cleansed from your characters, and work to do to help the stragglers and those who are just beginning their journey toward holiness, but as long as I have leaders who are at the head of my work of cleansing, I can bring others quickly into the fold of safety, and they can learn from you. So do you see how important it is for you to keep in step with everything that I bring you through in your cleansing? Everything depends upon whether I have a cleansed bride — a representation of what I can do in fallen human beings through my grace and my intercessory work in the heavenly sanctuary. I love each one of you with an everlasting love, and I will not allow a hair of your head to fall without my notice.

Now go to the activities of your day, but do not allow one moment to pass when you are unmindful of my love and care for you. Although you cannot see the angels that I have stationed around you to protect, guard and guide you, you can by faith know that they are there, that they love you, and that you are never alone to face the wiles, temptations and plans of the devil to hurt and destroy you. You are safe in the shadow of my wings. But I will caution you to never be presumptuous about my care for you. Remember the old prophet who disobeyed my counsel and was killed by a lion along the way. I will not protect those who deliberately disobey my express commands and walk unbidden on Satan's ground. Avoid presumption at all cost, for the evil one is ever looking to find a way to hurt and destroy my people. But you, my beloved ones, are the apple of my eye and you are in the center of my will for you, and I will never allow you to be the sport of the enemy. I have paved the way to heaven with my blood, and as long as you travel the same path of obedience, faith, and self-sacrifice, you will be safe from the enemy! Keep your courage today, my chosen ones, for it is one day closer to my coming! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Encouragement from Jesus

Dearest Ones,

My soul is exercised today in sympathy for your trials and stresses and the problems of life that cause you to sometimes wonder if I am hearing your cries for help and seeing your tears in the night. Please remember that there is not a moment that I am not bending over you with the loving care of a mother with a sick child, and in every trouble that you have, I have a way planned for your relief. But the trial itself is necessary for the burnishing, polishing process that is necessary to bring you forth as gold. I will allow the trial only as long as there is a need for character development in that area of your life. The most important aspects of character that I am looking for at the present time is faith, patience, and trust in me that I have not left you, and that the trial will be removed when the desired effect has been produced in your character.

Trials do not spring from nowhere, but are the result of roots of sin that you do not know or realize that they exist. But these very roots would spring up to strangle you in the time of trouble that is soon to come upon you and the world. I am holding back the winds of strife a little longer to give you and all my people time to be cleansed of all the dross and tin in your characters. Then I will let the winds go and you will see such a scene of strife that you have only read about up till now. I will keep you under the shadow of my wings, but I cannot do this if you still have dross in your characters. My people mean everything to me, and each is as important to me as though there were not another soul upon the face of the earth. So lean your whole weight upon me and never fear that I will let you suffer anything that is not for your refining and your best good. If you could see the end from the beginning as I can, you would choose the same pathway in which I am leading you, and rejoice with joy unspeakable that you are being saved from the consequences of unconfessed, unrepented of sins when probation closes and there is no more hope of salvation. These sins would come up and crush you, and this is what I am determined to spare you of if you will trust and obey me through this time of trial.

So look up and hold fast to me and let your faith in me grow until you would rather die than be separated from my love for you. That is how I felt on the cross. I died because I could not bear the thought of leaving you to perish alone in your sins. I know what it feels like to be left alone as I did when I could no longer feel my Father's love and support, and I want to spare you from even one moment of this agony. So look to me, trust in me, lean your whole weight upon me, and you will not be disappointed, for I will come to you in the darkness, and give you the light of my presence.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep your heart always open to me and I will surprise you with the evidences of my love when you least expect it, and reward you for your growth in patience, faith, and love. Rejoice and be exceeding glad, for you are the apple of my eye. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Jesus will walk with us to the Kingdom

Dearest Ones,

I am pleased with each one of you who is working so faithfully in my vineyard, for I am coming soon to reap the harvest of the earth. Not one of you is unimportant to the outcome of my work in the earth. Just as my disciples were specifically chosen and equipped to fulfill an important role in the early church, so you are chosen to fulfill a vital role in the finishing of the plan of salvation. Although you do not know yet all of the meaning of what I am saying to you now, you will soon see as the work goes forward. Day by day I will lead and instruct you, so be listening carefully to my still, small voice as I guide and lead you, for I will never coerce you to work in my vineyard. You must have a quiet heart and open spirit to hear and respond to my Spirit. Do not allow the pressures of life crowd out my Spirit. Do not forget to spend quiet time with me every morning so that you can connect easily with me throughout the day. Do not let anyone or anything distract you or cause you to feel that I am angry with you or that I have turned away from you or that I am not listening to your cries for help and encouragement and direction. I pledge to you my undying, unrelenting love and watchcare over you until this present world fades into eternity. I gave my life to give me this privilege, and my heart is set forever to redeem and guide my people through the perils that exist in this life on earth until I have finished my course and my battle against the evil one, and have rescued my precious flock from the devil and his war against me. So never fear, never get discouraged or downhearted. Look up to me when the storm clouds seem ominous and trials collect upon your pathway to the heavenly kingdom. I am and will always be near you to help, protect and deliver you.

Now go to the activities of your day, but look up and keep looking up, for there is light ahead, and I have already made a pathway all the way to my kingdom for you, and I will walk it together with you through all the days ahead and the war is over, and you are safely with me in my kingdom. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Preparing for the Time of Trouble

Dearest Ones,

As you may be noticing, I am allowing a slipping in the economic structure because of the events taking place with China, because I want to warn the world of the complete economic collapse that will take place before I come. Everything which I permit to happen during the trumpets are warnings of what is coming upon the world at my coming. There will be an ebb and flow of such events because I must hold up the structure of society for the sake of my own people who are carrying the last warning message to the world. But I want you to take note of these things because they portend the doom that will take place when I remove my protective hand from the structures of society. There will be wars and rumors of wars, and great anxiety upon people and nations, and yet I will not allow out everything to go down until I come. This is why my coming will be a great surprise to the wicked, for they will think they can go on forever in their present condition. When I come, the nations of the world will fall, and everything will crumble before me as I come to receive my people unto myself. Those days are right upon us, and are hastening greatly, but there is a little space of time when I will hold back the winds of strife for your sakes so that you can finish the work that I have assigned to you. In this little time of comparative peace when the clouds are forming overhead, I want to alert you to prepare for the time of trouble in ways that I will guide you. I do not mean for you to go to extreme measures, for I have appointed angels to guide and protect you through the difficult times ahead. But keep an open mind to my impressions and providences of how to prepare in the ways that I shall lead you to do.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep your eyes directed upward to my slightest whisper, and let your faith and courage fail not, for I will never leave you nor forsake you, no matter what may happen in the world around you. I will lead you and provide for you as I did the Israelites in the wilderness wanderings, and soon you will be forever with me in the heavenly Canaan! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Hearing the Slightest Whisper of Jesus

Dearest Ones,

You have heard a message from my servant today that contains the truth on this subject. I have inspired him to research the subject carefully and well so that it can be presented clearly to anyone who needs to hear and understand. But I also want all of you to understand that while you cannot know the exact time of my coming, you can and must know when it is near and hasting greatly. This is one of the purposes that I have for sending you messages from my heart, so that you will not grow weary in well-doing and turn to the attractions of the world and become slothful servants on the verge of my coming. There has never been such an important time in history to be awake and alert to my slightest whisper, because without my constant guidance, you will be susceptible to human nature and the temptations of the devil to put off the day of my coming. This you must be wary of, for I am depending upon you to be my mouthpieces and interpreters to the world of the signs I am sending that the end is near at hand. I will use you to speak to individuals or to the masses, if you keep alert and watch for the doors that I will open before you. Already the angels are preparing for the arrival of my bride, and a celebration will resound throughout the universe that the great controversy is over and that the effects of sin are eradicated forever.

Now go to the remainder of your day, but do not forget to keep your eyes upward to hear my slightest whisper to guide you into further and further light which will make you more effective servants and watchman on the walls to warn every person to get ready for my coming. Many souls will be saved as a result of your faithfulness, and *you will see your Lord a-coming in a few short days! Lovingly, Jesus.

*SDA Hymnal, p. 438. Early Advent hymn sung by James White.

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Taking the Message to the Common People

Dearest Ones,

You have come to a crossroads in your service for me that I must tell you about so that you will understand how to follow my guidance and leading in your witness for me. You have done faithfully and well everything that I have asked you to do, and have shared my truths for this time in every way possible. But now I want you to go out to the highways and byways to share the truth with the so-called little people -- those who may seem insignificant, but who are responding to my Spirit without the prejudice that is raised by the truths that I have given you which is unacceptable to those in leadership positions. I am not abandoning them, but I have given them an opportunity to see the present truth that I have given to you, but the majority see no light in it and are fixed upon what they feel is the truth, but in reality it is a mixture of truth and error which keeps their eyes closed to anything which they consider to be dangerous. I will give them other opportunities later, and some will yet respond when the signs in the earth become clearer. In the meantime, do not let their inability to understand depress you, for I am well acquainted with the rejection of leaders, as you know. It is sad, but understandable when the heart is set on only one way of perceiving truth. Nevertheless, be joyful that the truth is revealed to babes and publicans, and these will go into the kingdom of heaven before those who refuse advancing light because they think they already have all the truth that is necessary to enter the kingdom of heaven. I am on the march to the end, and so it will be until I close probation and go out to punish the wicked.

Now go to your rest, but keep your heart open to my slightest whisper, for I often speak mysteries to you in the quietness of the night, or anytime your heart is open to hear my voice. Sleep well, for when the morning comes I will have even more to reveal to you when you have your devotions at the beginning of another day together. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Application of the Word of God

Dearest Ones,

You have heard an important message from me today [my sermon on the necessity of the application of the word of God in all aspects of the plan of salvation]. I want you to spread this around the world as soon as possible. Without an understanding of my word, it will be impossible for anyone to come to perfection in the final generation of my cleansed people. I work through the word, I speak through the word, and I bring my people into harmony with me through the word. The Holy Spirit is released unto you through the word. Just as the world and all that is in it was created when I spoke and the Holy Spirit was activated to accomplish what I commanded, so when I speak to your heart and mind through the word, as you respond, the Holy Spirit makes it a reality. There is no other way to reach your heart with my regenerating power to change your life. If you will do as I am suggesting, I promise you that I will pour you out a blessing that you will not be able to receive it. It is a part of the latter rain. The early rain germinated the seed, the latter rain ripens the harvest. And you are in that time. The harvest is ripe and you are my harvesters as you preach my word and the cleansing work that I have given to you to experience and share with others. In so doing you are working together with the angels who are sent forth by my Father to reap the harvest of the earth. So fear not for anyone who would oppose you and the message I have given to you. Go forward whether you receive acceptance or opposition, for I will be with you and make your work successful.

Now go to the activities of your day, but ponder deeply what I have commissioned you to do for me, and look to me constantly for help, inspiration, direction, courage, and strength. I have all of these for you and even more that you can ask or think. You are my witnesses, and there is no higher calling then to be witnesses for me at the close of earth's history and the gospel era. Thus you will shine forever in the courts of my glory, and you will be able to tell the story of how I worked through you to bring to a close the great controversy between good and evil. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Climate Control and the Sunday Law

Dearest Ones,

I heartily approve of the direction in which you are going by honoring me in the messages to the world of my soon coming. My heart is grieved that some of my church leaders have publicly approved of the papal encyclical on climate control measures to save the earth [“Laudato si,” June 18, 2015] by participating in Earth Day [on 4-22-19], and publicly making a stand in favor of these concepts. Just when I am needing men and women to stand up and proclaim my messages of warning for the world in the Three Angels messages which will soon be joined by the loud cry of the fourth Angel, this public affirmation of the purposes of Satan to join the people of earth together for worship and rest on the day that Satan has chosen as a sign of his rebellion against me and my law, -- my church -- the only light of truth that I have in this dark world -- has unknowingly made a public worldwide affirmation of the purposes and plans of my

enemy. Yes, I know that Satan's plans are not yet open and clear to all that the movement to save the earth for the generations to come is a ploy and a trap to confuse the real issues which will bring about the Sunday law. But to those who are awake and listening to my still, small voice, this purpose of the devil through the papacy is very clear.  But I am not deterred in my plans to bring a swift end to the world, because I now have a remnant who hears my voice, and they are responding to my call to get ready for my coming, and are willing to stand up and be counted to spread the good news that the end is near and coming swiftly. Do you see the diabolical scheme of the evil one in his plan to use the tragedies that I am purposefully allowing around the world to awaken people to the nearness of the end, to be a springboard for his own message to save the planet? By capitalizing on these omens of my coming, Satan is using them to arouse people to cooperate with his agenda to save the planet by enacting laws around the world to worship and rest on his day -- Sunday, which he claims will please me and avert the continuing tragedies which I am specifically allowing to awaken the people of earth to prepare for my soon coming! But his plans will serve to alert my true people that the end has come, and that this present generation will soon look up and see me coming in the clouds of my glory. Nothing that Satan does can stop the momentum of progress toward the things that I have prophesied to happen as harbingers of the end of earth in its present state of wickedness, and the beginning of eternity for my saved ones in the earth made new. 

Now go to the activities of your day with me; but fear not to lift up your voice with a shout and speak the warning messages of truth that I shall give you which will alert people who have hearts to know me and to do my will. There are many who are longing for additional light concerning the end of earth's long night and the beginning of eternal day with me in my kingdom, and it is to these that I will send you in the days ahead. And I myself will be with you and give you the words and the Spirit to speak for me so that my truth may I go around the world, and then the end will come!

Lovingly, Jesus.

Message about War and Bloodshed

Dearest Ones,

I want you to know that war and bloodshed are coming, and you must be preparing for what will soon take place. It will be localized at first, but soon it will spread, as nations join on one side or the other. I am giving you a small space of time to prepare, so listen to me carefully and follow my directions. This will take the world and the church by surprise, because most people have become drowsy and self-satisfied, and it is at such a time that Satan strikes, for he finds that he can conquer best when people are asleep and expecting many more years of safety and peace to go on as they have been. This spring and summer is a time of preparation for you, and I will guide you into safe waters before I let the winds go completely. As I told my messenger, Ellen White, -- what has not been done in a time of peace and prosperity will have to be done in a time of hardship unknown to you now. I don't want you to be afraid because of what I am saying, because you cannot stop the wheels of time from turning, neither can you turn back the clock. But you can and must look to me for guidance, and I want you to accomplish something every day that will bring you closer to being ready for the time of trouble that is just ahead of you. Look constantly to me and I will shine a light upon your pathway that will guide you safely both now and through the days ahead. I will provide the funds you need, as you will soon see. Now go to your rest, but keep your heart and mind constantly in tune with me, and you cannot fail to be ready for the things that will soon burst upon the world as a great surprise to most. Trust me in the days ahead, and I will guide you safely all the way through the journey until I come. Lovingly, Jesus.

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