Chosen Ones
/Dearest Ones,
I have a message for you today concerning something that is from my heart to each one of my chosen ones. I say chosen ones because you have chosen me and the path of truth for this time in history, when the desire of all the saints and prophets of the ages will come to fulfillment. The longing of each person who has gone before you has been to be alive to see me come in the clouds of glory, and their desire will be fulfilled, because my angels will go before me and reap the harvest of the earth at the resurrection of the righteous, and they will look up and see my face as they come forth from their dusty graves.
But you, my beloved ones, are chosen to be among the righteous living because you have chosen to go through the cleansing that is necessary to break the bonds of sin and death. Your cooperation allows me to be bring forth a remnant who are willing to be a spectacle to men and angels to show that the plan of salvation is completely sufficient to take away every vestige of sin, rebellion, and selfishness from the heart of man and restore everyone who walks with me through the cleansing process into my image and likeness of character. To love each other as I have loved you means that the defects of character must be removed which stand between me and you so that there is no dross in the way of the full outpouring of my love. It is sin that prevents the fullness of my love and the righteous attributes of my character from flowing from me to you. You must give up all unholy thoughts and feelings, for I will not take these from you unless you cooperate fully and completely with me in their removal.
Do you feel thoughts and feelings of anger, frustration, unhappiness and impatience when things do not go the way you want them to go? These are seeds sown from childhood, or inherited from your ancestry, and they must be overcome or I cannot fill you with my love, patience, mercy, peace and joy as I am longing to do. Do you know how much I want to help you when you are upset, sad, or lonely? I'm always right beside you, ready to help in any need you have. Call upon me and I will deliver you from every situation. I will never disappoint you if you seek me, for if you seek me with all your heart, you shall find me!
Now go to the activities of your day, but lean wholly upon me, for I will not disappoint you -- ever! You can be sure that Satan has plans to harass you and cause you to stumble. But you never need to give into his plans and wiles for you, for I have won the victory for you, and I have the antidote for every temptation. I am your strong tower, and if you will run to me you will be safe from all harm and danger from the enemy. Do you know how much I love you? Test me and see that I am good, and I have only good in store for you. Just let me prove this to you today and every day until I come. Lovingly, Jesus.