The Center of My Attention

You are the apple of my eye and the center of my concern. I have a work for each of you to do. This will spread across the world. You each one have a part to play. I will be with you to help you do this work which is vital to the salvation of many and for speeding up my coming. Do not worry about how to accomplish this– that is my responsibility. Just keep looking to me for instructions and I will guide and provide for the work that is to be accomplished. I love each of you very much for being willing to give your whole selves to prepare yourselves for this calling. I will provide for your needs personally and for whatever you need to do my work.

Look up! For your redemption draweth nigh. (You will soon be with me. Eternity draws near!) I love you and will be with you to the very end. Don’t be afraid of anything, even times of darkness in your soul. Just cling to me and the light will shine again. I have a specific work for each of you to do. I will reveal that in time, just as each of the disciples had a very specific work for to do in spreading the gospel to the then-known world. No one is unimportant. Don’t underestimate the specific work I which have assigned for each one of you to do. I have hand- picked each one of you to carry a portion of the burden.

I will open the way before you as you go forward at my leading and command. You are just as important to the work of God as anyone in the Bible or history of the church has ever been. They have done their part and have laid down in the graves to await the finishing of the work to be done by the final generation. That is who you are. You are to stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before you. Do not be afraid of opposition from friends or foes. Let me handle that for you. Keep your eyes single to the goal of finishing the work. Never forget or let slip what I am telling you now. You must not grow weary and discouraged no matter what may happen. I am in control and will not let more happen to you that is for your best good and for the glory of your calling to represent me and my truth to the world until I come.

Farewell for now, but I am only a prayer away and I will never leave you nor forsake you until the end of the world. Ask me anything and I will give it to you if it is for the glory of my name. You have no idea how much I love you, for your concept of love is so small. Open your heart to receive it and you will be not only blessed to receive it yourself and produce security and stability and trust in Me, but also pass it on to others. This is my will, my perfect will, that you will receive the extent of my love and pass it on to everyone around you. The more of my love that you give, the more capacity you will have to receive. This is the essence of Heaven, and Heaven for you can start now. Farewell!

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