Pleased with You
/I am pleased with all of you today in the way you welcomed and treated your surprise guest with love and respect, forgiving the things from the past, just as I have done for each of you. Thank you for being my faithful servants and representing me rightly in your relationships and loving care for each other. I will reward your efforts to keep growing spiritually into my image. You will soon be enabled to take the messages that I have given you to the world. I will open the way ahead of you. This is for my glory and the finishing of the work on earth. I love and cherish you as my disciples, doing my bidding and following my example of servant leadership. Keep close to me in the days ahead. I will prepare the way for you in ways you cannot see now. It is not for you to worry, but simply follow my footsteps as I lead the way.
I am coming soon to take you unto myself. It will not be long. My coming will not tarry. We will soon be together in the kingdom which I have prepared for you. It will be a joy to all of heaven to have you home. We are waiting with eager anticipation for that day so soon to come. Keep your eyes upward and look unswervingly to me. I am your example in trust in every situation. You can experience nothing that I have not already passed through and have conquered for you. Follow me through the dark or through the light – it is all the same to me. I will never leave you nor forsake you until I come. Let your faith be strong and carry you through.
Remember what I am telling you now, for the time will come when I will not be able to send loving messages of encouragement to you. Just remember that my love and care for you will be the same as I am telling you now. The latter rain is falling, preparing you now for the work ahead and for the time of trouble when you cannot see my face, for it will be turned against the wicked in wrath. No light will be coming from the sanctuary for the earth and its inhabitants. That is when you must stand apparently alone – yet not alone – for I will be with you through the guardianship of angels who will surround you and protect you from all harm. But that time will be short, and the Holy Spirit and angels will remind you and bring to your mind what I am telling you now so that you will not feel abandoned and forsaken by me.
What I have to do to finish the great controversy with Satan is for you–my beloved bride –to prepare the way for my coming to get you and take you home. Then the controversy will be over, and I will at last be at peace and rest in my kingdom which I have prepared for you. How my heart longs for that day! My Father and I and all the angelic host are anticipating your coming to be with us forever! We are getting everything prepared, including each of you. Please submit trustingly and cheerfully to everything I allow to happen in your life and witness for me. They are only light and momentary trials if you trust me and let me bear the heaviest part of the load. I love you – please do not let yourself wander from the pathway that I have specifically marked out for each of you. The journey will be light if you remember this. Satan can do nothing to you that I have not already made provision for. Follow me and you will see the great things that I will do for and through you!
I will personally be with you on June 10th, the day when you dedicate the chapel you have provided for me to worship with you. I am looking forward to that blest day, and I will bring a host of my angels with me who have been watching what you are doing to glorify my name and get my messages out to the world. We will be with you in a special way that day. In the meantime, rejoice in me, walk with me, listen to my voice, and follow my leading. The latter rain is a time of rejoicing for all of us in heaven and earth who are a part of my kingdom of glory. You faces will be lighted up with my glory as you present the messages that I will continue to send to you to share with the world. I love you and am only a prayer away. Farewell! Blessings to you all! Stay close to me and you will receive eternal rewards for following me at this time in history. You are accepted in the beloved. From now throughout eternity you will be my precious possession and the glory of the results of my sacrifice.