You are Chosen
/You are my chosen one to carry my messages from now until I come. I will speak to you and through you whenever I have messages to give to my people. I will open your heart and mind to understand the deep things of scripture that have never been revealed before. I have much to say to you and through you for my people – my chosen ones who will follow me to the end. I love you and will preserve your health and strength to hear and preserve my messages and pass them on to my people. I love you and cherish your friendship as we go together through the end. Be kind and understanding to all my people whom you will serve. I cherish your humble spirit which represents me as a servant of servants. You are to be my witness of how to be a humble servant, not thinking of self-aggrandizement or applause, or trying to get attention from others for the work you are doing for me. I will bless you to the end and meet all your needs, whether physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, or otherwise. You need not worry about anything. Just ask me and wait patiently for my answer to come.
I will inhabit your sanctuary and your work in a special way, for it has been built and dedicated to me and for me and my work through the end of time. All your associates will be a part of the work, and they will be a blessing to you and to my work. They also will be greatly blessed. I am coming soon – let everyone know this. This is your main message, along with how to be prepared for my soon coming. There will never be a time when I will forsake you until the end. It will be my privilege to go with you as I went with the Israelites through the desert. I will protect and provide for you as I did for them. Only trust me and look to me for everything you need. I will never forsake you; I will be with you to the end. Look to me, ask me for everything you need – do not go to others for support or to counsel and guide you. I have everything already planned and provided for you to meet your every need. Only look to me and trust me and you will never lack or suffer hunger. I will continue to send you messages of hope and cheer as long as I am in the sanctuary. Look to me always and I will never fail to provide what you need. You are my special children. I am your Father and Husband. As a husband cherishes his beloved bride, so I cherish and love you and long to have you with me. My coming will be soon – soon we will be together forever. That day is hastening – hastening quickly. Don’t you see the signs around you? I am letting things go, I am letting things happen that will hasten my coming. This is causing the people of the world to ask questions about my soon coming. I want you, as my bride, to be supporting my efforts to arouse the people of the world by answering the questions that well up in the hearts of the people. Be bold – be not afraid to speak out for me – I am preparing everything to support your testimony about me affirming my coming, so that there will be a host of prepared believers to meet me at my coming. Farewell! I am coming soon! In the meantime, take heart, for your
redemption draweth nigh! I will visit you again next Sabbath and each Sabbath until I come. Farewell, blessed children! I love you!