An Explanation
/Carol asked the Lord, why are we receiving these messages from Jesus? He answered by saying “that the messages are what you need to have courage to go through the end of time….. prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that [there shall] not [be room] enough to receive it.” Mal. 3:10 KJV
I am so proud of all of you. You have accepted my message of the cleansing in the sanctuary and I am going to open the way for you to share it with the world. I will open up opportunities for each of you to share with people around you, especially my people. You will go to the far corners of the world both in person and through the media which I will provide for you. I will open doors of opportunities for each of you to spread my message of love and cleansing. I will inspire you with my thoughts and feelings to share with the people who are hungering and thirsting for this message of my love and my desire and ability to cleanse and purify them to prepare them to be in my kingdom of love and eternal happiness and grace. Only be true to me to the end and you will see the results of my sacrifice for the human race.
You will be my jewels, shining for me throughout eternity sharing the results of my sacrifice as displayed in its entirety in the final generation. Will you please lay aside all criticism of each other, all doubt in my ability to take you through everything that the devil has to offer, including his evil voice of accusation to yourself and others. This should be as nothing to you— as leaves in the wind to be blown away by the power of the Latter Rain. You have no idea what is yet to transpire during the Latter Rain as you go forward in my command to spread the message of my soon return.
It will reach every trembling soul, every honest heart, and every person on the globe who wants to be with me throughout eternity. No one will be left out or left behind who sincerely wants to be with me throughout eternity. My love for every soul is as broad and deep and boundless as the ocean and the limitless reaches of eternity and beyond. That is because I AM love and nothing can stop my love from reaching its desired end except the obdurate heart of unbelievers who listen to the lies of Satan about me and refuse to allow my Spirit to reach into their hearts with my love and truth.
Thank-you so much for opening your hearts to my love and my truth for these last days. Through you I will finally be honored and glorified before the universe that my love will save that hardest heart that will turn to me and allow me to heal what Satan has done to them. You are to be my witnesses of what I am like and what I am able to do for every person who will allow me to work my grace in their lives. You will take the message to the spiritually sick and dying, and new life and hope will spring up through your testimony of what I have done for you in your life and family.
God bless you all—you are precious to me and to my Father and to the whole heavenly host. The angels love to be assigned to your group to help you and bring my messages of love to you all. We are looking forward to having you with us, along with all those who have lived and died for my truth and my kingdom of love. Someday soon we will all be together and you will meet those who have gone before you and prepared the way for you.
I will introduce you to Adam and Eve, Enoch and Abraham, Moses and David and all the great men and women of old and they will marvel at the finished work of my sacrifice and my grace. They will want to hear your stories of how the work was finished through you—what you experienced and what you learned. This will be your reward throughout eternity for loving and serving me now at this time in history. You will go with me throughout the universe telling your story and sharing what my grace has accomplished in and through you. I look forward to that day, don’t you?
Farewell for now, my beloved children. I will see you again soon. In the meantime, let nothing discourage or upset your peace and trust in me. You are the light of the world when you allow me to shine through me! Farewell!
I am leaving now but I will be back. Carol asked, “When will you be back?” Jesus answered, “Next Sabbath. Farewell for now my precious one. Good-bye!” Carol replied, “Good-bye Jesus. I am looking forward to next week. He said, “I am too.”