Wait on the Lord
/Quietly wait for the providences of God. You have given up everything for me and I will provide for your needs and take care of you. The time has come for you to work diligently for me. (See Isa. 60:1-3; Jer. 1:17; Isa. 46:3, 4.) Take the message to the common people. Some will hear and some will not, but I will raise up a mighty army through your preaching of the message that I will continue to give you for my glory. Be not afraid to speak out for me anything that I will give you to share with the people. You will be surprised at the results. You are to follow me closely as I open up doors for you to speak and share the messages I give you. Do not fear to speak out plainly, or try to cover up anything I say to make it more palatable for the people who hear the messages of truth about my soon coming and about the close of probation. If you do not, people will rise up and blame you for not sharing what you know; if you do, people will call you blessed for eternity for bring the messages that gave them time to get ready for my coming.
I know you will do what I say and instruct you to do, for you have always been faithful and eager to do my bidding. I am simply warning you to give you courage when the heat of the battle becomes strong upon you. Just listen to my still small voice in your heart at those times, and I will sustain you. I love you, and all of your companions and coworkers. You are gems in my crown that will shine throughout eternity for my glory. Keep remembering that I love you and will never leave you nor forsake you. Be blessed and holy in your worship of me. Never take my name upon your lips and in your heart in vain. Make every word and action count for representing me before everyone whom you encounter day by day. Make every moment count, for they are too few to waste in idle talk that profits nothing for me and the race that you must run before I come. Be always joyful in my love and presence with you through the Holy Spirit and angels whom I send to you.
Love one another fervently as I have loved and do love you. The love of the Father for each of you is fervent and joyful as He sees you responding to my invitation to be my witnesses to the end of probationary time, and beyond through the time of trouble until I come. You are our witnesses of what my love can do at the end of time when true worshippers are so few. All heaven rejoices to see the end approaching, and that time is so near. Everything will speed up until the end. Hold tight to my hand and I will see you through. I will let nothing or no one harm or hurt you. My messages of love and support will see you through if you remember what I am saying to you now.
No one, even the devil, knew that I would speak again personally to my people whom I would carry through the end of time. All have thought that that they would have to prepare physically in many ways to survive. But such preparations are powerless to see you through the times ahead and the dangers and perplexities that you will face. Only I can see you safely through, and you will have to look to me and follow my leading explicitly. Then you will see and experience the miraculous way I will lead you and keep you from all harm and danger. That is why I continue to tell you to look to me and trust me, and this is why I am sending these messages of my love to you, for you have all thought that you could prepare ahead of time to make it through the end and its dangers. I am telling you now, this is not possible. Only I can see you through, and I will; but you must continue to look to me and trust me as I take you through, as I have always done to my faithful followers in the past who followed me through the dangers that always beset those who preach a message that stirs up the powers of darkness. Only this time, all who follow me through the end will live and be kept safe under the shadow of my wings, as I promised my Israelite people of old.
There will be no martyrs among my chosen ones who go through the end – only those who love me the best they can with the light they have, but do not know my full message. Their death will be my way of saving them from error and sliding back because of fear of the pressures that will occur at the end of time, and not having the light that would be necessary to prepare them for the close of probation when I will no longer mediate for those whose knowledge and experience are not complete, mature, and perfect. I love them as much as I love you, but I must in mercy preserve them from the trials at the end for which they are not fully prepared.
But you have prepared – each of you – for this time in history. You have been chosen to represent me with the truths that I have been developing through the ages of time. You are the ones spoken of in Rev. 17:14 – the called, chosen, and faithful ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. And you must be willing to preach clearly and plainly the message of warning that I give you, for it is the last one that the world will hear before probation closes. It is of necessity a time message [not meaning a date for Jesus’ coming, but where we are in the countdown of the trumpets], because all the world, including my own people, are looking forward to more time to prepare than is the reality. Things are going to go rapidly forward, and time will end much more quickly than anyone anticipates.
Therefore my beloved children make haste to deliver the message of my soon coming. Do not hesitate or be afraid to speak the words of warning and instruction that I will continue to give you until probation closes. Remember, you are my witnesses—my mouthpieces through whom I will warn the world of my soon coming. You must not be lax in sharing what you know and what I will continue to give to you. If you are afraid and draw back for fear of retribution or ridicule, you will be counted as unprofitable servants, and will take your place with the lost. But I know that you will not do this, because you have already proved to be true to me. Others have left because they could not stand the pressure of being singular for me and my cause in this end-time message. They are also mine, but will of necessity have to be laid away. Do not spurn them or look down upon them, for they are also precious to me. You have no idea how much I love my people—my chosen ones who I have gleaned from earth’s harvest throughout history.
Now it is time for me to go, but I will be back again with you each Sabbath until the end. Never fear, for my angels will be with you to guide, support, comfort, and counsel you. They are your unseen companions until I return. Farewell for now! I love you!