Stay in My Presence

I have a message to give to the group. We must now go forward to the end, and I have a work for each of you to do that no one else can do. I hope you will realize how important each of you are to the cause to hasten my kingdom. Satan has been trying to discourage and disappoint you and bring darkness upon you individually and collectively; but I am proud of the way you have fought back against the darkness, and pressed into my presence to get help and comfort and grace. You will have to do this many more times before I come, for Satan will not give up his war against you because he knows that you have the last warning message that the world will hear before I come. But you are not to listen to the baying of the wolves, for they can be dispelled by just a word from me. Call upon me whenever you need help, for I am just a prayer away.
God bless you all as you fellowship with each other in the remaining Sabbath hours. I will be with you in Spirit, for you are my beloved children. Look to me and you will never fall under temptation. Darkness will come, but I am the light. Satan cannot take you away from me if you keep trustingly at my side. You are the apple of my eye, and all my thoughts and power are for you whenever you need it. I will never force it upon you, for I will not interfere with your power of choice. But all heaven is yours if you avail yourself of its blessings, even now.
Do not be afraid to be lonely at times, for I was lonely many times in my earthly sojourn. Sometimes I am still lonely for my children when they ignore me and the help that only I can give. But now my one goal is to work through you and all my faithful servants to prepare for my coming. It will not be easy in the days ahead, but you need never be insecure or worried that my words to you will fail, or that my coming will be delayed. It will not. It is too late in the season for delay. It is a race to the end, even for us. That is why we need everyone to be on the alert for my leading. That is why I am giving you these messages, for I know how easy it is for you to be distracted by the cares of life and the troubles which Satan invents to discourage you. He, too, knows that my coming is certain, and that unless he can intercept my connection with you, his doom is sure and swift. That is why you must never listen to him or respond to him. Then he cannot discourage you or tempt you to forget me.
I am getting you prepared to do miracles of healing and casting out demons as the disciples did under the early rain. But that will not be your primary work, for it takes away people’s concentration on the true work of preparation for my coming. That is to be your main focus. Miracles will only be for the good of the people who are delivered and healed, not to take away the main force of the message of preparation for my coming.
This is enough for now. I will return to each Sabbath and give you a specific message to bring you hope, courage and instruction that are specifically for your need each time. Never forget or allow your mind to doubt my love for you, no matter what happens. You cannot function without this assurance, and you become an easy prey for the devil’s temptations without it. Look up! I am

coming soon! Each of you must remember to remain in my love. This will see you through anything the devil can throw in your pathway. And always remember to pass this on to everyone around you, for everyone needs to be assured of my love to them, no matter how difficult that may seem. The measure of love you receive from me will be the measure of love you will have to give to others around you.
Remember how much the Father loves you, also, and all the angelic host. Remember that we are just a prayer away. Call us whenever you need any kind of help. You will never be disappointed!
Goodbye for now until next week when I will join you again, Beloved children! Farewell until then! I love you!

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