Stay in My Presence

I have a message to give to the group. We must now go forward to the end, and I have a work for each of you to do that no one else can do. I hope you will realize how important each of you are to the cause to hasten my kingdom. Satan has been trying to discourage and disappoint you and bring darkness upon you individually and collectively; but I am proud of the way you have fought back against the darkness, and pressed into my presence to get help and comfort and grace. You will have to do this many more times before I come, for Satan will not give up his war against you because he knows that you have the last warning message that the world will hear before I come. But you are not to listen to the baying of the wolves, for they can be dispelled by just a word from me. Call upon me whenever you need help, for I am just a prayer away.
God bless you all as you fellowship with each other in the remaining Sabbath hours. I will be with you in Spirit, for you are my beloved children. Look to me and you will never fall under temptation. Darkness will come, but I am the light. Satan cannot take you away from me if you keep trustingly at my side. You are the apple of my eye, and all my thoughts and power are for you whenever you need it. I will never force it upon you, for I will not interfere with your power of choice. But all heaven is yours if you avail yourself of its blessings, even now.
Do not be afraid to be lonely at times, for I was lonely many times in my earthly sojourn. Sometimes I am still lonely for my children when they ignore me and the help that only I can give. But now my one goal is to work through you and all my faithful servants to prepare for my coming. It will not be easy in the days ahead, but you need never be insecure or worried that my words to you will fail, or that my coming will be delayed. It will not. It is too late in the season for delay. It is a race to the end, even for us. That is why we need everyone to be on the alert for my leading. That is why I am giving you these messages, for I know how easy it is for you to be distracted by the cares of life and the troubles which Satan invents to discourage you. He, too, knows that my coming is certain, and that unless he can intercept my connection with you, his doom is sure and swift. That is why you must never listen to him or respond to him. Then he cannot discourage you or tempt you to forget me.
I am getting you prepared to do miracles of healing and casting out demons as the disciples did under the early rain. But that will not be your primary work, for it takes away people’s concentration on the true work of preparation for my coming. That is to be your main focus. Miracles will only be for the good of the people who are delivered and healed, not to take away the main force of the message of preparation for my coming.
This is enough for now. I will return to each Sabbath and give you a specific message to bring you hope, courage and instruction that are specifically for your need each time. Never forget or allow your mind to doubt my love for you, no matter what happens. You cannot function without this assurance, and you become an easy prey for the devil’s temptations without it. Look up! I am

coming soon! Each of you must remember to remain in my love. This will see you through anything the devil can throw in your pathway. And always remember to pass this on to everyone around you, for everyone needs to be assured of my love to them, no matter how difficult that may seem. The measure of love you receive from me will be the measure of love you will have to give to others around you.
Remember how much the Father loves you, also, and all the angelic host. Remember that we are just a prayer away. Call us whenever you need any kind of help. You will never be disappointed!
Goodbye for now until next week when I will join you again, Beloved children! Farewell until then! I love you!

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Wait on the Lord

Quietly wait for the providences of God. You have given up everything for me and I will provide for your needs and take care of you. The time has come for you to work diligently for me. (See Isa. 60:1-3; Jer. 1:17; Isa. 46:3, 4.) Take the message to the common people. Some will hear and some will not, but I will raise up a mighty army through your preaching of the message that I will continue to give you for my glory. Be not afraid to speak out for me anything that I will give you to share with the people. You will be surprised at the results. You are to follow me closely as I open up doors for you to speak and share the messages I give you. Do not fear to speak out plainly, or try to cover up anything I say to make it more palatable for the people who hear the messages of truth about my soon coming and about the close of probation. If you do not, people will rise up and blame you for not sharing what you know; if you do, people will call you blessed for eternity for bring the messages that gave them time to get ready for my coming.

I know you will do what I say and instruct you to do, for you have always been faithful and eager to do my bidding. I am simply warning you to give you courage when the heat of the battle becomes strong upon you. Just listen to my still small voice in your heart at those times, and I will sustain you. I love you, and all of your companions and coworkers. You are gems in my crown that will shine throughout eternity for my glory. Keep remembering that I love you and will never leave you nor forsake you. Be blessed and holy in your worship of me. Never take my name upon your lips and in your heart in vain. Make every word and action count for representing me before everyone whom you encounter day by day. Make every moment count, for they are too few to waste in idle talk that profits nothing for me and the race that you must run before I come. Be always joyful in my love and presence with you through the Holy Spirit and angels whom I send to you.

Love one another fervently as I have loved and do love you. The love of the Father for each of you is fervent and joyful as He sees you responding to my invitation to be my witnesses to the end of probationary time, and beyond through the time of trouble until I come. You are our witnesses of what my love can do at the end of time when true worshippers are so few. All heaven rejoices to see the end approaching, and that time is so near. Everything will speed up until the end. Hold tight to my hand and I will see you through. I will let nothing or no one harm or hurt you. My messages of love and support will see you through if you remember what I am saying to you now.

No one, even the devil, knew that I would speak again personally to my people whom I would carry through the end of time. All have thought that that they would have to prepare physically in many ways to survive. But such preparations are powerless to see you through the times ahead and the dangers and perplexities that you will face. Only I can see you safely through, and you will have to look to me and follow my leading explicitly. Then you will see and experience the miraculous way I will lead you and keep you from all harm and danger. That is why I continue to tell you to look to me and trust me, and this is why I am sending these messages of my love to you, for you have all thought that you could prepare ahead of time to make it through the end and its dangers. I am telling you now, this is not possible. Only I can see you through, and I will; but you must continue to look to me and trust me as I take you through, as I have always done to my faithful followers in the past who followed me through the dangers that always beset those who preach a message that stirs up the powers of darkness. Only this time, all who follow me through the end will live and be kept safe under the shadow of my wings, as I promised my Israelite people of old.

There will be no martyrs among my chosen ones who go through the end – only those who love me the best they can with the light they have, but do not know my full message. Their death will be my way of saving them from error and sliding back because of fear of the pressures that will occur at the end of time, and not having the light that would be necessary to prepare them for the close of probation when I will no longer mediate for those whose knowledge and experience are not complete, mature, and perfect. I love them as much as I love you, but I must in mercy preserve them from the trials at the end for which they are not fully prepared.

But you have prepared – each of you – for this time in history. You have been chosen to represent me with the truths that I have been developing through the ages of time. You are the ones spoken of in Rev. 17:14 – the called, chosen, and faithful ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. And you must be willing to preach clearly and plainly the message of warning that I give you, for it is the last one that the world will hear before probation closes. It is of necessity a time message [not meaning a date for Jesus’ coming, but where we are in the countdown of the trumpets], because all the world, including my own people, are looking forward to more time to prepare than is the reality. Things are going to go rapidly forward, and time will end much more quickly than anyone anticipates.

Therefore my beloved children make haste to deliver the message of my soon coming. Do not hesitate or be afraid to speak the words of warning and instruction that I will continue to give you until probation closes. Remember, you are my witnesses—my mouthpieces through whom I will warn the world of my soon coming. You must not be lax in sharing what you know and what I will continue to give to you. If you are afraid and draw back for fear of retribution or ridicule, you will be counted as unprofitable servants, and will take your place with the lost. But I know that you will not do this, because you have already proved to be true to me. Others have left because they could not stand the pressure of being singular for me and my cause in this end-time message. They are also mine, but will of necessity have to be laid away. Do not spurn them or look down upon them, for they are also precious to me. You have no idea how much I love my people—my chosen ones who I have gleaned from earth’s harvest throughout history.

Now it is time for me to go, but I will be back again with you each Sabbath until the end. Never fear, for my angels will be with you to guide, support, comfort, and counsel you. They are your unseen companions until I return. Farewell for now! I love you!

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Preparation for the Work Ahead

I want you to begin tomorrow to prepare for the work I have called you to do. Find out how to get on YouTube as quickly as possible. I have much to say to the people through you and the others who have this message. Time is running out. It will be a race to the end. You will be busy all the time now getting prepared and helping others to get prepared. I will be with you all the time, behind the scenes, helping and guiding you through my Spirit and the angels who will be assigned to help you. Plans are already made which will be revealed to you as they are needed.
All of you are more precious to me than you can imagine, because we have been waiting and working toward the final display of my glory at the close of time. You will soon see doors opening for you to walk through to witness for me, but you must not wait for them to open – you must walk forward expecting them to open, and as you do, they will. Opportunities both large and small which you do not envision at this time will open for you to witness for me and my soon return. Do not let any opportunities pass by that may seem small to you, insignificant, or fearful. You do not know which will prosper – this or that. If you are fearful or hesitant, this tendency will strengthen, and you will eventually become stagnant and therefore an unprofitable servant. But I know you will not do this because you have already proved your loyalty to me by your service up to now.
Continue in the pathway I have outlined for you. Each of you will have your particular part to play, just as it was for the disciples and my chosen ones throughout history. No two are alike, and no one can take your place. It is too late in history for anyone to falter and drop out. It is now a race to the end, and everyone must be about the Father’s business of spreading the message. I will direct you individually and collectively. You are my friends because you know the Master’s business, and you do His will.
Farewell for now. It will not be long until I am with you again. In the meantime, prepare the way for your ministry by getting everything done that needs to be done in order to go forth into your individualized ministries with speed and alacrity.
Good-by, my chosen ones. It will not be long until I return and give you further instructions for your work. Worry not, for the burden is upon my shoulders. But there are things which I cannot do, and these I will apportion out to you. Together we cannot and will not fail. Lean upon my strong arms and you will find joy and blessing in the work. I look forward to this latter rain time together more than you can know or realize! The long journey is almost over! We will soon be at rest together in my kingdom of love and grace forever! But for now, Farewell, my beloved ones! Enjoy your Sabbath blessings together with each other, but don’t forget that I am there with you in Spirit! Farewell!

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An angels message

The work of the Lord is like a garden and must be tended daily in order to have a satisfying walk with the Lord. It cannot be spasmodic or haphazard but constant and growing every day. You cannot have the same results if you do not tend the garden faithfully every day. Love and trust grows as you faithfully look to Jesus for your every need, sending every thought up to Him, listening for His voice, obeying every impulse that comes from Him. He is your lover, your counselor, your confidant, your strength and wisdom, your healer of all diseases, whether physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, social, and financial, and your provider of every good thing. Look to Him and your soul and body will be healed of all the maladies sin has caused. Jesus waits for a relationship like that with you every day, every moment of the day. You do not realize how near and constant you may have Him as your Friend and beloved Master all the time. It remains with you if you will have this close relationship with Him. He waits with arms outstretched to you. Will you avail yourself of this heavenly blessing?

If you are in the sanctuary, you are never separated from God. He is beside you every moment of the day or night. Lean on Him for protection and sustenance and wisdom from on high every moment. That is what the sanctuary message is all about. It is concerning how to be connected with God all the time and live in the light of His presence and approbation. He loves you with an everlasting love. You cannot run from His love, for it fills the universe. But you can refuse it and snuff it out from your heart by rejecting it and listening to the enemy of your souls. He will deaden your perceptions and turn your mind into stone until you will not be able to perceive God’s love and messages to your heart from Jesus, though it is all around you. God will not force you to listen to Him or open your heart to Him. You can choose which voice you will listen to. But if you refuse to open your heart and listen to His Spirit, you will become like a dead leaf which dries up and falls lifeless onto the ground. Then the rain cannot penetrate it or bring it back to life.

That is the way it is with the latter rain. Only those who are connected to the tree will benefit and grow from the latter rain. Leaves that are disconnected from the tree will not be revived by the descent of the Holy Spirit in the latter rain. That is the difference between the wise and foolish virgins. The wise will be connected to the tree, receiving the sustenance that comes from the tree, and ready to receive the full outpouring when it comes. The foolish virgins are not connected to the tree and are dead leaves, ready to be raked up and burned. There is no hope of ever being connected to the tree once they are dead and fall off during the time of the latter rain. Only those who are connected will perceive or understand it or value it.

But there are those in the church and even outside the church who are looking longingly to heaven for light and hope amid the darkness and despair of their lives, and others whose faith has dwindled low, but are still among God’s true people who want to have more light. It is to them you must go and bring more light to connect them with the message for this time. Jesus looks pityingly upon them and wants to guide you to these people who need the light which you have that He has given you to share with others who would love to have what you have and see what you see. God and angels will guide you to these people if you are willing to go and help them. Follow His Spirit and He will lead you to them. Angels will open up the way and open up their hearts to the message you bring from heaven to them. Read the message to Sardis (Rev. 3:1-6), for this is the condition of the churches at this time.

Look up and let your heart be filled with the goodness of God and His love for you. If you look down at yourself and your deficiencies and troubles and feelings, you will stumble and fall; but if you look up constantly to Jesus to meet all your needs – physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and financially – you will live both now and throughout eternity. This is the secret of the angels in heaven – they constantly look to Jesus as the source of everything they need for happiness and service. You can and must do the same. If you do, heaven will begin for you now, and heavenly beings will be your companions and co-workers with you as you serve the God we all love and serve. Then when your work on earth is finished, you will step across the portals of heaven and join us in sweet fellowship and service to God forever.

Farewell, beloved children of God. We love you and are anxious to have you join us forever, in the happiness and joy of heaven. Though unseen, we will be with you until then, to guide, help, and protect you, and bring God’s blessings to you. Please don’t be afraid of anything, because Jesus and the Father have commissioned us to minister to you and help you achieve all of His will for you. You are blessed by heaven, for you are following His guidance and hearing His voice. Continue to do this as you are called by Him to serve Him. He will give you success wherever you go. Only remain in His love. Farewell!

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Dedication Day

I love you for following me and teaching my message to the world. I can trust you not to turn back or be afraid to speak whatever I give you regardless of the consequences. You are my servant to your generation and I have called all of your associates and those who will join you in the future. I will continue to give you messages to encourage and guide you, for things will get more difficult as time goes forward to the end. But I will provide everything you need to carry the message to the end.

Onward and still onward the message of truth will go until it has garnered everyone in, who will respond to the truth. I am also working with others around the world who are listening to my voice and calling them to my banquet. Many will come whom you will not know until we are all together in the kingdom of glory. A place and a throne are being prepared for each of you who do my bidding at this time of history.

This is the crucial time because it is the last message and the last warning the world will hear before the close of probationary time. That time is soon—very soon— sooner than anyone realizes. That is why the message must go quickly around the world. I will make everything go, by sending my angels to arouse and lead people to the truth. You are not to worry about that. I have everything already planned.

I just need workers who will do my bidding and give my message. Many true believers of others faiths will hear and respond. Many also will be martyred to preserve the lives for Heaven, for not all will be called to be among the 144,000. Only those who have honest and true hearts and have been preparing to know and follow me rapidly through the days ahead will be among the “called, chosen, and faithful.” They will follow me and be with me throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity to share the message of love and truth as it was experienced her on earth.

Thus, sin will never rise again for every question that Satan has planted in the minds of men and women will be forever answered to the satisfaction of all. I am looking forward to that day which that is coming so soon- speeding rapidly toward the culmination of history. Then the great experiment into sin will be ended forever, and as the years of eternity roll on I will show you new things to discover and understand, new delights to experience, new friends to meet and there will never be a parting. Wait patiently for me for I have much to accomplish in the earth between now and then. But be assured that I will never leave you or forsake you. I will never leave you alone. My angels will always be with you, guiding and protecting you, counselling you bringing you my messages of love and helping you to preach, teach and share them with the world.

Never give into fear or worry – it is not now or ever from me. You have proved your value to me and that you will never turn your back on me and I will reward you both now and throughout eternity for your faithfulness to duty and your devotion to my cause on earth during the last generation.

Farewell for now, but I am proud of you for following my instructions in the building of this chapel for my glory and for a place to meet with you and give you messages to share with the world.

Go forward and I will lead the way. Doors will open that you do not know anything about at this time. You will see my miracles as you step forward in faith. I will lead you just as I have always led my faithful ones throughout history. The difference is that you will be with me to the end. The final generation will culminate with you. Others who have gone before you have carried my message in their time but you will carry it across the finish line. Farewell my beloved children. I will return again next Sabbath. In the meantime, look to me for everything you need.

Never get discouraged – there is no reason to be discouraged when I am always with you. I love YOU!

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An Explanation

Carol asked the Lord, why are we receiving these messages from Jesus? He answered by saying “that the messages are what you need to have courage to go through the end of time….. prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that [there shall] not [be room] enough to receive it.” Mal. 3:10 KJV

I am so proud of all of you. You have accepted my message of the cleansing in the sanctuary and I am going to open the way for you to share it with the world. I will open up opportunities for each of you to share with people around you, especially my people. You will go to the far corners of the world both in person and through the media which I will provide for you. I will open doors of opportunities for each of you to spread my message of love and cleansing. I will inspire you with my thoughts and feelings to share with the people who are hungering and thirsting for this message of my love and my desire and ability to cleanse and purify them to prepare them to be in my kingdom of love and eternal happiness and grace. Only be true to me to the end and you will see the results of my sacrifice for the human race.

You will be my jewels, shining for me throughout eternity sharing the results of my sacrifice as displayed in its entirety in the final generation. Will you please lay aside all criticism of each other, all doubt in my ability to take you through everything that the devil has to offer, including his evil voice of accusation to yourself and others. This should be as nothing to you— as leaves in the wind to be blown away by the power of the Latter Rain. You have no idea what is yet to transpire during the Latter Rain as you go forward in my command to spread the message of my soon return.

It will reach every trembling soul, every honest heart, and every person on the globe who wants to be with me throughout eternity. No one will be left out or left behind who sincerely wants to be with me throughout eternity. My love for every soul is as broad and deep and boundless as the ocean and the limitless reaches of eternity and beyond. That is because I AM love and nothing can stop my love from reaching its desired end except the obdurate heart of unbelievers who listen to the lies of Satan about me and refuse to allow my Spirit to reach into their hearts with my love and truth.

Thank-you so much for opening your hearts to my love and my truth for these last days. Through you I will finally be honored and glorified before the universe that my love will save that hardest heart that will turn to me and allow me to heal what Satan has done to them. You are to be my witnesses of what I am like and what I am able to do for every person who will allow me to work my grace in their lives. You will take the message to the spiritually sick and dying, and new life and hope will spring up through your testimony of what I have done for you in your life and family.

God bless you all—you are precious to me and to my Father and to the whole heavenly host. The angels love to be assigned to your group to help you and bring my messages of love to you all. We are looking forward to having you with us, along with all those who have lived and died for my truth and my kingdom of love. Someday soon we will all be together and you will meet those who have gone before you and prepared the way for you.

I will introduce you to Adam and Eve, Enoch and Abraham, Moses and David and all the great men and women of old and they will marvel at the finished work of my sacrifice and my grace. They will want to hear your stories of how the work was finished through you—what you experienced and what you learned. This will be your reward throughout eternity for loving and serving me now at this time in history. You will go with me throughout the universe telling your story and sharing what my grace has accomplished in and through you. I look forward to that day, don’t you?

Farewell for now, my beloved children. I will see you again soon. In the meantime, let nothing discourage or upset your peace and trust in me. You are the light of the world when you allow me to shine through me! Farewell!

I am leaving now but I will be back. Carol asked, “When will you be back?” Jesus answered, “Next Sabbath. Farewell for now my precious one. Good-bye!” Carol replied, “Good-bye Jesus. I am looking forward to next week. He said, “I am too.”

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You are Chosen

You are my chosen one to carry my messages from now until I come. I will speak to you and through you whenever I have messages to give to my people. I will open your heart and mind to understand the deep things of scripture that have never been revealed before. I have much to say to you and through you for my people – my chosen ones who will follow me to the end. I love you and will preserve your health and strength to hear and preserve my messages and pass them on to my people. I love you and cherish your friendship as we go together through the end. Be kind and understanding to all my people whom you will serve. I cherish your humble spirit which represents me as a servant of servants. You are to be my witness of how to be a humble servant, not thinking of self-aggrandizement or applause, or trying to get attention from others for the work you are doing for me. I will bless you to the end and meet all your needs, whether physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, or otherwise. You need not worry about anything. Just ask me and wait patiently for my answer to come.
I will inhabit your sanctuary and your work in a special way, for it has been built and dedicated to me and for me and my work through the end of time. All your associates will be a part of the work, and they will be a blessing to you and to my work. They also will be greatly blessed. I am coming soon – let everyone know this. This is your main message, along with how to be prepared for my soon coming. There will never be a time when I will forsake you until the end. It will be my privilege to go with you as I went with the Israelites through the desert. I will protect and provide for you as I did for them. Only trust me and look to me for everything you need. I will never forsake you; I will be with you to the end. Look to me, ask me for everything you need – do not go to others for support or to counsel and guide you. I have everything already planned and provided for you to meet your every need. Only look to me and trust me and you will never lack or suffer hunger. I will continue to send you messages of hope and cheer as long as I am in the sanctuary. Look to me always and I will never fail to provide what you need. You are my special children. I am your Father and Husband. As a husband cherishes his beloved bride, so I cherish and love you and long to have you with me. My coming will be soon – soon we will be together forever. That day is hastening – hastening quickly. Don’t you see the signs around you? I am letting things go, I am letting things happen that will hasten my coming. This is causing the people of the world to ask questions about my soon coming. I want you, as my bride, to be supporting my efforts to arouse the people of the world by answering the questions that well up in the hearts of the people. Be bold – be not afraid to speak out for me – I am preparing everything to support your testimony about me affirming my coming, so that there will be a host of prepared believers to meet me at my coming. Farewell! I am coming soon! In the meantime, take heart, for your

redemption draweth nigh! I will visit you again next Sabbath and each Sabbath until I come. Farewell, blessed children! I love you!

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Pleased with You

I am pleased with all of you today in the way you welcomed and treated your surprise guest with love and respect, forgiving the things from the past, just as I have done for each of you. Thank you for being my faithful servants and representing me rightly in your relationships and loving care for each other. I will reward your efforts to keep growing spiritually into my image. You will soon be enabled to take the messages that I have given you to the world. I will open the way ahead of you. This is for my glory and the finishing of the work on earth. I love and cherish you as my disciples, doing my bidding and following my example of servant leadership. Keep close to me in the days ahead. I will prepare the way for you in ways you cannot see now. It is not for you to worry, but simply follow my footsteps as I lead the way.

I am coming soon to take you unto myself. It will not be long. My coming will not tarry. We will soon be together in the kingdom which I have prepared for you. It will be a joy to all of heaven to have you home. We are waiting with eager anticipation for that day so soon to come. Keep your eyes upward and look unswervingly to me. I am your example in trust in every situation. You can experience nothing that I have not already passed through and have conquered for you. Follow me through the dark or through the light – it is all the same to me. I will never leave you nor forsake you until I come. Let your faith be strong and carry you through.

Remember what I am telling you now, for the time will come when I will not be able to send loving messages of encouragement to you. Just remember that my love and care for you will be the same as I am telling you now. The latter rain is falling, preparing you now for the work ahead and for the time of trouble when you cannot see my face, for it will be turned against the wicked in wrath. No light will be coming from the sanctuary for the earth and its inhabitants. That is when you must stand apparently alone – yet not alone – for I will be with you through the guardianship of angels who will surround you and protect you from all harm. But that time will be short, and the Holy Spirit and angels will remind you and bring to your mind what I am telling you now so that you will not feel abandoned and forsaken by me.

What I have to do to finish the great controversy with Satan is for you–my beloved bride –to prepare the way for my coming to get you and take you home. Then the controversy will be over, and I will at last be at peace and rest in my kingdom which I have prepared for you. How my heart longs for that day! My Father and I and all the angelic host are anticipating your coming to be with us forever! We are getting everything prepared, including each of you. Please submit trustingly and cheerfully to everything I allow to happen in your life and witness for me. They are only light and momentary trials if you trust me and let me bear the heaviest part of the load. I love you – please do not let yourself wander from the pathway that I have specifically marked out for each of you. The journey will be light if you remember this. Satan can do nothing to you that I have not already made provision for. Follow me and you will see the great things that I will do for and through you!

I will personally be with you on June 10th, the day when you dedicate the chapel you have provided for me to worship with you. I am looking forward to that blest day, and I will bring a host of my angels with me who have been watching what you are doing to glorify my name and get my messages out to the world. We will be with you in a special way that day. In the meantime, rejoice in me, walk with me, listen to my voice, and follow my leading. The latter rain is a time of rejoicing for all of us in heaven and earth who are a part of my kingdom of glory. You faces will be lighted up with my glory as you present the messages that I will continue to send to you to share with the world. I love you and am only a prayer away. Farewell! Blessings to you all! Stay close to me and you will receive eternal rewards for following me at this time in history. You are accepted in the beloved. From now throughout eternity you will be my precious possession and the glory of the results of my sacrifice.

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The Center of My Attention

You are the apple of my eye and the center of my concern. I have a work for each of you to do. This will spread across the world. You each one have a part to play. I will be with you to help you do this work which is vital to the salvation of many and for speeding up my coming. Do not worry about how to accomplish this– that is my responsibility. Just keep looking to me for instructions and I will guide and provide for the work that is to be accomplished. I love each of you very much for being willing to give your whole selves to prepare yourselves for this calling. I will provide for your needs personally and for whatever you need to do my work.

Look up! For your redemption draweth nigh. (You will soon be with me. Eternity draws near!) I love you and will be with you to the very end. Don’t be afraid of anything, even times of darkness in your soul. Just cling to me and the light will shine again. I have a specific work for each of you to do. I will reveal that in time, just as each of the disciples had a very specific work for to do in spreading the gospel to the then-known world. No one is unimportant. Don’t underestimate the specific work I which have assigned for each one of you to do. I have hand- picked each one of you to carry a portion of the burden.

I will open the way before you as you go forward at my leading and command. You are just as important to the work of God as anyone in the Bible or history of the church has ever been. They have done their part and have laid down in the graves to await the finishing of the work to be done by the final generation. That is who you are. You are to stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before you. Do not be afraid of opposition from friends or foes. Let me handle that for you. Keep your eyes single to the goal of finishing the work. Never forget or let slip what I am telling you now. You must not grow weary and discouraged no matter what may happen. I am in control and will not let more happen to you that is for your best good and for the glory of your calling to represent me and my truth to the world until I come.

Farewell for now, but I am only a prayer away and I will never leave you nor forsake you until the end of the world. Ask me anything and I will give it to you if it is for the glory of my name. You have no idea how much I love you, for your concept of love is so small. Open your heart to receive it and you will be not only blessed to receive it yourself and produce security and stability and trust in Me, but also pass it on to others. This is my will, my perfect will, that you will receive the extent of my love and pass it on to everyone around you. The more of my love that you give, the more capacity you will have to receive. This is the essence of Heaven, and Heaven for you can start now. Farewell!

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“I will bless you and keep you and make you a banner for the nations.” To know the true meaning of what is happening around the world like Elisha and John the Baptist. If I have a secret I will tell you about it. You will be a leader in understanding present truth. As long as you follow me faithfully knocking daily at my doors, I will keep you up to date and informed about what is happening and what it means and the significance and I will help you spread it to the world.

Don’t let anything discourage you. “O righteous God who searches minds and hearts.” Ps. 7:9. Read Is. 61:6 “You will be called priests of the Lord” and “ministers of our God.” My/our blueprint “They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the place long devastated.” Is. 61:4

Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and raise up the age-old foundations.” Is. 58:12

Is. 49:8 “I will keep you and make you to be a covenant for the people to restore the land and to reassign its desolate inheritances.

Is. 11:12 “He will raise a banner for the nations and gather the exiles of Israel.” Is. 62:10 etc. “remove the stones, Raise a banner for the nations.”

As a result of your ministry many people will be saved with the light and message for our time. Many eyes will be opened that otherwise would never be open to the light of truth for this time and be ready for Jesus to come. I will prepare the way before you and open doors that only I can do. I will spread it to the conference and agencies that I choose.

Don’t be critical of anyone including the church “Shout aloud, do not hold back.” Don’t make criticism your message. Let God judge what He is doing in people around the world. Just preach the truth and let God do the convicting.

Read John 15; 16
All I have told you is true and I will help you to get the messages out to the world. Do not be afraid of their faces. I will give you favor wherever you go. My angels will go with you to open the hearts and minds of the people who hear you. I will bless you and heal all your diseases and strengthen you to do whatever I call you to do. I will open up new avenues for you to speak and open up doors that are not open as yet. But I will go before you and open the minds and hearts of people to accept your message. I will also use the website to get to hearts that would not hear the messages any other way and you will only know about it when you get to the kingdom. You have the messages for this hour in history and no one can stop this from going to the ends of the earth by methods that I will open up for you and the messages through the avenues I will choose. Very few great men will see the light which I have revealed to you. But the common people will.

It is to them that I have sent you. You will be my vessel of lite to the end and then I will come and rescue you from this dark world to be with me forever.

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