
Dear Ones, today my heart goes out to you because I see you laboring at great odds with the burdens of each day, and yet you do not faint under the load of responsibilities and trials. I will reward you for this by making your burdens light by my presence with you. Seek me for help, encouragement and wisdom rather than struggling to produce these things yourself, for there is much yet to accomplish in the days ahead, and you will need supernatural strength from me to be successful.

Now the topic for today is fortitude. Many people start out well on a course of action, but when the waves go high and my presence seems far away, they faint under the trial and do not persevere until the end, and thus lose the prize for their efforts. They fall off the path into darkness and confusion, and lose the joy and victory that perseverance brings. I will give you this victory if you look to me every day, every moment, because no one of themselves can push themselves to obtain the prize of salvation without supernatural help and strength from me. You do not realize how weak and vacillating your human nature is without me. That is why I make myself available to you at all times and in all the challenges of your life. You may see people who persevere to obtain great wealth, or fame, or position, and other things of this world, and who assume that the journey to eternal life can be obtained in the same manner. But that is a fallacy. Satan blesses some who follow him to make it appear that his way is easier and his rewards are more appealing than the narrow way to salvation. It is like gambling. Some people are allowed to win in order to entice the majority to put in their money to fill the coffers of the wicked people who lead the unwary and gullible. Anything that Satan has is the same. He lures people until their vices and idols become a habit which they cannot break, and then he leaves them and taunts them to despair, and ultimately death.

But I never use force at any time. Every person is free to choose me and my pathway to life and reap the immediate and eternal benefits, or they are free to turn away from me at any time and forsake my proffers of eternal life and blessings at my side. The only constraint is love. Some follow me the same way that the wicked follow Satan—in other words, for the reward at the end, or even for a cleaner, healthier life here on this earth. But I am now removing this privilege by withdrawing my Spirit and protection from all who follow me for the loaves and fishes. Each person must be able to see their motives and choose life and salvation, or abandon their position and ultimately join the opposers of my truth. Thus there will be only two groups at the end—those who love and serve me with their whole heart, and those who hate my righteous principles and my law of love. That is called the ripening of the harvest when the true grain will appear and the tares will be weeded out. This process will soon be finished, and my angels will be sent to reap the wheat and bring it into my barn—my hiding place—until the indignation be overpast and my wrath has brought judgment upon the eternally wicked, who shall be burned in unquenchable fire at the end of the 1000 years, until their will be neither root or branch of them remaining. Then my beloved chosen ones will be with me forever in peace and joy and happiness at my side—not just happiness for them, but for myself as well, for then I will be requited for my sacrifice, and forever rejoicing to have my beloved ones with me for eternity.

You may wonder why I speak of this so often, but it is because it is the passion of my heart to come and rescue my Bride from the world of woe that you now have to live in day by day, and moment by moment until I come and vanquish the enemy and take my people home to be with me forever. In the meantime, I am bending over you, protecting and guiding you with my Spirit and my angels, and I want you to look to me for everything you need, physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and financially, and I will provide them for you, for it is my great joy to do so. In that way we are already together, and we have fellowship with each other every moment of the day. Now go to your duties with complete rest, and trust in me, and always remember that I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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