Our New Phase of Ministry

Dearest Ones, My heart is with you today in a special way, because we are starting on a new phase of ministry—the last one before the work is done and I close probationary time for this earth. I am excited about the prospects that lie before us in the days ahead. I now have a core group of people to spearhead the last thrust of the gospel—the final phase of reaping that must be done before I come. There are many around the globe who are longing and praying for light, and I must answer their earnest prayers and tears, because there is so much darkness and fear and foreboding of what is to come upon the earth. I have allowed this state of things to happen because I want to wrap up the things of earth and bring in the heavenly kingdom wherein righteousness and peace and holiness, and joy dwelleth and love forevermore. The days of probationary time are waning because nearly everyone has made their final choice of whom they will serve. I will now arise from my throne and visit my people who love me and serve me, and strengthen and guide them through the days ahead until I come. Angels are assisting me, for they are the harvesters who go around the earth to bind up my true people who love and serve me and get them ready for the heavenly garner, and the wicked in bundles to be burned. I am loathe to do this final work, because I do not find pleasure in the death of the wicked. But neither do I want to extend the suffering of my people who love and serve me faithfully, and are longing to come home to heaven with me.

Now go to your work for today and your Sabbath preparations, because there is much to be accomplished in the hours that you have. I am not a jealous God who demands all your time to be spent in worship, but I am a jealous God who desires to be uppermost in your thoughts and plans for the day’s activities. So look to me now and open up your hearts to me constantly, because I want to be with you and walk beside you every moment of the day, even in the seemingly mundane duties of life, for all are important in the scheme of things, and therefore all are a part of the blueprint plan marked out for you each day. And each moment of the day is tinged with gold when we walk together in precious fellowship. Lovingly, Jesus.

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