
Dearest Ones,

I am with you today, because this is the beginning of the loud cry that will fill the earth with the glory of my last warning message of truth to the final generation. I am so pleased with each of you for persevering to this time in history. My Father and I greet you with love today, and now the latter rain will begin. Of course it will swell as it goes forth and more people hear and join the ranks. But it must begin with someone, somewhere, sometime, and this is the time and place, and because you have chosen to follow me and serve me faithfully all of your lives, the latter rain will now begin.

The topic for today is joy. You have no idea what joy and rejoicing there is in heaven that we can now unleash the pent-up wisdom, knowledge, and power of the latter rain which has been building up for centuries, awaiting this time in history. We have so much light to give, and so few people who understand enough to receive it. We long to give all the light and power that is needed to finish the work on earth, but it takes the buildup of truth through the ages to make a platform for further light and truth. I have given additional light and understanding to the whole world about scientific things so that everyone can quickly understand the workings of the brain and how and why it must be cleansed of evil thinking and habits of the past which not only come from one's own life but also is passed from one generation to another.

I have allowed inventions to speed the gospel around the earth quickly. I have also allowed the emotional climate of the world to come to such a peak that wickedness has reached a limit that it can go no further without destroying the whole human race. Now it is my time to step into the world once again, this time through my Spirit-filled people and bring the message that will bring the curtain down. Everything is on open display around the world so that my truth will be seen as it is - the answer to the world's needs for sanity and wholeness and victory over the sinful nature. Or it will be seen as madness and something dangerous by priest and prelates who want to hold their congregations in error and complacency and keep their followers in the palms of their hands so that they do not lose their positions of leadership and authority. Woe be to them, unfaithful prophets, dogs that will not bark even though the world is going down to destruction. They will be the first to receive my wrath when the plagues begin.

But I do not want to dwell on this, because there is joy in heaven today because the final work is beginning, and now the latter rain can fall upon hearts that are waiting and longing for light and help to withstand the onslaughts of the enemy in their lives and in their families. There is no peace in the earth, for I am withdrawing my Spirit just as I said I would to prepare the way for the message to have its greatest impact, because it presents light and truth where there is none, and hope where there is no hope in any other place. Light always shines brighter in the darkness, and there is darkness upon the earth and gross darkness upon the people, for their coping mechanisms are failing against the tsunami of wickedness, increasing disasters, economic and political chaos, hatred among people, threats of war among nations, drug addiction and violence, and all the other fearful things that are threatening to destroy everything that people cling to in hopes of enjoying a normal life. But normal life will never return, for I am about to come back to earth in blazing glory to bring my people home where there is peace and happiness and everlasting joy in my presence, and a place around my throne forever. I have homes waiting for you, just as I have promised. I have a table all set for you to eat and drink with me in my kingdom.

But first the work on earth must be finished, and this we will set about to do. Go forth with gladness and joy in your hearts that I am right beside you always to help and strengthen you to do anything I call upon you to do. You cannot weary me with your requests, for it is my greatest joy and pleasure to give you anything you need for the work I have called and equipped you to do, for your own needs for sustenance, for wisdom for your work, and for companionship and fellowship with others of like faith.

Now go to your day's activities and let not your heart be troubled or afraid, for I am with you every moment to guide and direct and bless you with everything you need. I will flow my Spirit of truth through you as you speak, and give you wisdom to impart about any subject you are required to present. You have hidden these things in your heart as the years of your lives and service have gone by, and now I will help you bring them out in the greatest brilliance. You need never worry that you will not please and honor me, for I have prepared you and equipped you for this hour, and I will be with you to help you to give the message with clarity and increasing power. Others will see and catch the vision and pass it on to still others, and it will be carried around the world as the waters cover the earth. Angels of light will speed it onward until the work is finished. And then I will come to claim you as my own and give you eternal joy forever in my presence. In the meantime, go in peace, knowing that I love and cherish you, and that I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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