Catastrophes—the result of wickedness and rebellion

Dearest Ones,

I want to inform you that you are correct when you see the signs and catastrophes around the world, especially in California, that there is a direct cause and effect concerning the wickedness of society and the sad condition of my chosen people. I am not pleased with the rebellion of the NAD president, and the deleterious effect this is having upon my church and all those who are in agreement and support of this rebellion. It is not that I am in harmony with all that is going on in the decisions that have been made, but a rebellious attitude of such magnitude is never from me. As is always the case, rebellion is like a disease that spreads from one person to another of like mind, and this will cause the loss of many people who become sympathizers who could have been influenced in the opposite direction if proper leadership had been displayed. The ramifications of this attitude will be far-reaching and give Satan access to many people who look to leaders instead of directly to me.

But I have a remnant who are loyal to me and to the principles of my government, who are thinkers and not simply responders to other people's ideas. These I can work with, and they hear my voice and follow my leadership. Therefore I will have enough to go forward to my goals of having a people with whom I can finish the work quickly and bring an end to sin and sinners at last. Thank you for being among that number who follow my leading at all cost to themselves. Your reward will be great in the kingdom of heaven, and the power of your leadership and example will influence many to be saved.

Now go to your well-deserved rest, but keep in mind that every day brings you one day closer to the climax of history and to everlasting peace and glory in the kingdom of heaven with my Father and me and all the holy angels, and the nations of the saved. Lovingly, Jesus.

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