“Go Forward”

Dearest ones, today my subject is titled, "Go Forward." All of you have been working diligently to overcome every obstacle and gain every victory over everything that the devil has thrown into your pathway. I have been right there beside you to strengthen you for the battles and give you courage and wisdom to see your way through each time the devil invented new things to stand against you. But you have looked steadily to me, never wavering in your faith and connection with me. Therefore, I am announcing to you that I feel I have a honed army of soldiers who will follow my instructions and stay connected with me as we move forward toward the end. I have responsibilities for each of you to do that can be done by no other person. Each of you is pivotal in the place where you have been assigned. So look to me for my leadership and instructions for each day, and for encouragement and love and strength from me, because it is my highest joy to work together with you for the accomplishment of the goals for each day.

Now I want to caution you to be careful not to assume that every door that opens, or opportunity that presents itself is from me. You only have 24 hours a day to accomplish the goals that I have for you, and the devil would like to bring counterfeit opportunities and have you chasing his rabbits and lists of apparently good things that you could be doing. I know it seems strange that the devil would have you doing good things, but his purpose would be to deceive you and get you off track. Remember - every day ordained for you was written in my book before one of them came to be. And that perfect pattern is what I will reveal to you every day. When I was on Earth I could have been healing whole cities, doing miracles of every kind, preaching to the masses of gentiles, and many spectacular things that would have spread my fame around the world. But I followed my Father's plan for me specifically in every detail. The mind and heart of man is so deceptive that without my guidance, the blueprint plan that I have for each of you singly, and also collectively as a team, will not be accomplished, for you cannot see as I do the complete master plan that I have in mind. But trusting me day by day and moment-by-moment takes the burden off of you, and keeps it on my shoulders where it belongs.

One of the things that I want you to do frequently and whenever needed is to encourage each other and pray and counsel with each other as I did with my disciples. No two of you are alike, but as a whole, you make up the kaleidoscope of gifts and personalities that are needed to accomplish the entirety of the work. Do not be turned aside to argue or spend time reasoning with those who do not see your work and calling and want to keep you busy defending yourself and the message and work that I have given you to do. Remember how Satan sent enemies to hinder the work on building the wall [Neh. 4, 6]. I want you to say the same thing. "I am doing a great work and I cannot come down to argue with you." So your eyes should be single to your calling and to my voice daily guiding you each day. Your greatest joy will be in hearing my voice and following me moment by moment and enjoying the fellowship of love and service that we have together. And in addition, I have given you compatible friends with whom you can find companionship and sacred fellowship in serving me together.

Now go to the activities of your day, but always keep in mind that I am with you, even to the end of the world. And that end is coming rapidly upon us like a speeding train. In the meantime, make every day count for the activities of that day, and you cannot fail to reach the final goal of being ready for the close of probation and the end of the world. Then the work that I have assigned you will be finished, and heaven will begin when I come to take you home. Until then, heaven begins here with your day by day experience with me. So look to me today for my guidance, and you will be blessed by our loving fellowship together, no matter what is transpiring around you, for with me beside you, you will be kept and surrounded in an area of peace. Lovingly, Jesus.

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