
Dearest ones, I am happy today that your group has now connected with Bill. As I have said before, when the men come in there will be a thrust forward with the messages of my soon coming, because I have given my godly men gifts and leadership akin to Adam before he fell, because he was created to be the king of this earth under my authority. He gave that authority over to Satan through his capitulation to Eve. But in the last days that kingship is to be restored, and the leadership qualities bequeathed to Eve were given to her to qualify her to stand by her husband's side as an equal, working together side by side to further the cause of righteousness. Equal respect is to be present between both, and thus my Spirit can flow between all my servants, and harmony and Christlike love will prevail.

Now my topic for today. I want to discuss with you the concept of humility. This is one of the hardest things for fallen human beings to really grasp, because sin is just the opposite. Sin is grasping for the highest personal good, at whatever cost to others that it may cause. The sinful mind is constantly comparing one's self with others around you and wondering where you fit into the framework of society, family, or groups within which you must function. God's way is to ask, what are my gifts which God has given to me, and how can I use them to honor Him and bless others. Of course, of yourself you cannot do this, but when connected with me, you will hear a word behind you saying, "This is the way, walk ye in it." Then I will guide you to use your gifts and talents for the purpose which they were given to you.

One word of caution here is to know deep in your heart that your gifts and talents do not make you superior to, or less than, someone else who seems to have higher or lower gifts than others. There is no limit to the success and usefulness of a person who humbly uses their gifts in my service. Anyone can climb to the pinnacle of success which has been assigned to them, and then reach beyond, because talents and abilities grow as they are used. So you set the standard of success for yourself by looking to me every day, and receiving from me your assignment for that day, and then letting me guide you and use you according to my good pleasure, and the needs of others in your pathway for that day.

Now go to the activities of your day, but remember that I am the Heavenly Counselor, and my highest pleasure is in guiding each of you to overcome all your weaknesses and achieve the highest goals that I have set for you, and seeing you grow and achieve all that your heart’s desire in service for others and for me. Let the desire of your heart each day be, "what can I do in your vineyard today, Lord? How can I serve acceptably so that others will be blessed?" In doing this, we can work together in loving fellowship, and every day will be a new experience and a taste of the joys of Heaven. Lovingly Jesus.

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