Emotional Stability

Dearest Ones,

How I long to encourage you and help you and fill you with my Spirit each moment of your day, because you are so eager to hear my voice and do my will, and that is a great joy to me, for I have so few that I can talk to and commune with, and there is so much to be accomplished before I come. But generally, things are on schedule, and there is more to come.

Now for the topic of today. It is emotional stability. It is so easy to get caught up in the things of the day that come your way, and lose ground or connection with me because you are wondering how to meet the challenges that are common to everyday life. Then also, all the things that Satan throws into your pathway to disheartened, discourage, or annoy you. So I want to give you the secret of maintaining a constant connection with me and a steadiness of mind and purpose that the waves that come against you cannot dislodge.

First, start your day with me from the moment you are conscious of being awake. Speak to me and connect with me from your heart like the flowers turn to the sun. Even at night if you awaken, commune with me in the night season, for sometimes I awaken you to hear something I have to say. Satan also may awaken you, but again, turned to me and ask me to banish him from your presence, and I will do it.

Next, do not do other things before connecting with me in the morning when you get up. It is so easy to get distracted by people, things to do, plans for the day, and so forth. You do not need to have your full worship before interacting with others in your family, but at least spend a few moments with me to make sure you hear my voice in your heart and are connected in your spirit with my Spirit. Then you can consult me anytime you need to about the activities of your day.

Then, go over with me the itinerary of your day. You may not know all the specifics which the day will reveal as you go along, but at least come into agreement with me on the general direction and plans for your day. Of course, in your worship and meditation time find something special from my Word that feeds your soul and is like meat in due season. Then as you go through the day, keep the connection with me that you started in the morning. It is so easy to get distracted, and the devil is always looking for ways to disturb, annoy, and tempt you to focus on and connect with something other than your connection with me.

One of the biggest temptations is to become focused upon problems that arise, and try to fight the battles by yourself, and get discouraged, frustrated, and disheartened, when you should dart a prayer to me immediately for help, and save yourself from a lot of grief. The more constant your connection with me, the more constant will be your peace and victory, for I will guide and counsel and help you through any trial that comes your way.

Now for some further advanced counsel from me. When the devil comes to you with some dark thoughts or suggestions, you tend to toy with it and think it is your own thoughts, and not recognize that it is coming from your enemy. Just remember what I have said in 1John 1:5-7: "God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin."

Therefore, the instant you feel darkness or confusion, sadness, fear, etc., just know it is not from me but from the enemy who is trying to connect with you, because he has all these emotions and wants to connect his emotions with your emotions. Sometimes you struggle for hours with emotions that I could dispel for you in a moment if you would just turn to me and ask me to help you, and rebuke the enemy who is trying to get an avenue into your mind. So the quicker you learn this lesson, the less time you will spend in the darkness, and the more time you will spend in the light with me where I can counsel you and give you answers to your questions and solutions to your problems. I welcome you into my courts today, for a day in my courts is better than a thousand elsewhere, for you will walk in the light as I am in the light and we will have sweet fellowship together.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep my words and my counsel in your heart, and I will guide you and keep you under the shadow of my wings. Lovingly, Jesus.

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