
Dearest Ones,
Today is the beginning of a new week with me, and there are many things I want you to accomplish for me. Time is of the essence, for there is much to be done. But with me at your side, listening to my voice and obeying my counsel, the work will be accomplished.

Now for the topic of today. I want to talk to you about restfulness. It is so common to have a worried mind about everything that must be accomplished during the day. There is a weight upon the mind that comes from carrying the full responsibility for all the various activities that lie before you. But I would like to invite you to walk with me today and every day, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light [Matt. 11:30]. As you can see in this Scripture, the key is to be yoked up with me. When you are carrying your burdens alone, they are heavy indeed, for you do not have the strength and wisdom of yourself to accomplish this, for your enemy, the devil, is prowling around trying to find a weakness or flaw in you to attack and discourage you. But with me at your side, you can look to me for everything, and I will counsel and protect and guide you every step of the journey, and you will be safe from the temptations and discouragements that the devil wants to put upon you. I do not ask of you more than you can bear. Instead, I take your five loaves and two fishes and multiply them miraculously to feed the hungry multitude. The important thing to remember is that you have to do something to make the miracle happen. In other words, I take what you have and multiply it. But if you give nothing, as in the case of the man who buried his one talent in the ground, you will lose your reward and it will be given to another.

So activity and fruitfulness are essential, but worry is not. For when you give all you have to me, I will multiply it for the multitudes who are waiting to hear the truths that I have given to you to share with others. And I will bless you abundantly as well, not only for what you have done, but also by the pleasure and sweetness of our fellowship as we walk together in the pathway of service.

Now go to the activities and responsibilities of your day, but do not forget that I want to partner with you and bless you, for in my presence you cannot give without receiving even more than you give, for the joy of our fellowship together is an ever-flowing fountain from the river of life which comes from my Throne. Drink freely from it and you will be refreshed and strengthened for the labors and trials of your day. Lovingly, Jesus.

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