
Dearest Ones,

Happy Sabbath from the Father and from me and all the angels in heaven who are singing today around the throne of glory. We are one with you as you join with us in worship today.

My subject today is kindness. In your activities with others, difficulties and differences may arise that can irritate and drive a wedge between you and another person. It is natural to want agreement and oneness of spirit in your associations with other people. This is where the fruits of the Spirit must come into play. Each person has a unique personality and background; therefore each person looks at the same thing through different eyes and from different experiences. One person may have passed through experiences that make him/her timid and fearful and cause them to withdraw from challenges with other people. Another person may have a personality that causes them to attack and overcome every obstacle or challenge. All these characteristics need to be brought under the influence of the Holy Spirit and cleansed of earthliness and replaced with the love, patience, and graces of the Spirit.

In the meantime, while these graces are being cleansed from earthliness, each of you need to seek me for love and mercy for your associates, for in doing this you will be developing the attributes that will make you citizens of the heavenly kingdom. It is my desire that when you are faced with disagreeable characteristics in another person that you connect with me through the Holy Spirit and prayer, and ask me to open your eyes to see how I would treat that person and feel about them if I were in your place.

If a person is rough and irritating, seek me for guidance about how to meet their needs so that I can flow through you to heal them. All negative characteristics come from a lack of proper love and home training in childhood, combined with inherited and cultivated traits of character that come from the fallen nature of man and the influence of the evil one upon them. As you come into contact with these things, just remember that love can hide a multitude of sins and make a pathway in the heart of the person through which I can melt their heart and give them hope and healing.

So in your interactions with people today and every day, dart a prayer to heaven when you feel challenged by the behavior of someone, and ask me to give you my love for them and to see them through my eyes, for I know their whole history and background, and if your heart is open to me, I can give you just the proper thing to say and the loving way to respond to them so that my Spirit can bring healing to both you and them. Then Satan's desire to bring conflict or hard feelings between you will be thwarted, and peace and harmony restored.

Do you realize how much healing this plan could bring about in all your relationships? Healing of lives, hearts, and emotions stunted from childhood could begin to grow and mature and flower out because of the sunshine of my love flowing through you! How I long to have people that I can use to be healing agents for broken, hurting people!

So join me today and every day in being conduits of my love and grace. Your reward for being my undershepherds will far outweigh the effort you put forth to help your brothers and sisters along the way to the heavenly city.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep your hearts and minds open to the Holy Spirit to guide you in all your relationships. Thus you will become like unto me, who came to earth to be a servant of servants, and as you bow in service for others you will be elevated in the eyes of your Father in heaven, for He will see my image reflected in you! Lovingly, Jesus.

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