
Dearest Ones,

I am with you today as you go forward in spreading the gospel of my soon coming around the world. As I have told you before, I have ways and means to speed the good news forward so that the world will be warned in the time allotted. You are my messengers and my chosen watchmen on the walls of Zion, and through your efforts it will be as the five loaves and two fishes that fed thousands.

Now for the message of today. The subject is prayer. I have not spoken to you about this topic before because all of you are mighty in prayer and reach the throne of heaven every day to connect with me and hear my voice and eagerly submit to my counsel and leadership in your lives. This is why the work is going forward so rapidly, each one in the position to which I have called you and anointed you with my Spirit. It is a joy to work with you and see your willingness to move forward in faith at my command.

Now I have some words of heavenly wisdom to make your prayer life more effective. In your next Friday evening meeting, make prayer a topic of consideration, and get a prayer box to use for specific urgent prayers for the ministry and others as things come to you for your immediate attention. Do not use it for generalities and personal prayer list items that belong in your private devotions. When you do this, it loses its power and focus. But pray together as did the disciples in the upper room and the men and women who were leaders in the 1844 movement. Pray with faith and fervency and expectancy, and your prayers will be answered if you are not asking amiss, but are seeking for ways and wisdom for the work to move forward.

Do not keep people on the prayer list for long periods of time. Move on to the most compelling and urgent needs. I do not forget any prayers that have been prayed. Even when people die, I still have their prayers before me, and I continue to work to answer them if it is for my will and my name's honor and glory and the furtherance of my cause on earth. When you are praying I will send my Spirit and my angels to inspire you with fervor, faith and power, and sometimes I will pour out my Spirit in abundance upon you. This is to encourage and strengthen you and give you surety of my approval of your request and that I'm about to answer your prayers. This is how my servants in heaven and upon earth are connected with each other and work together to further my cause to finish the great controversy.

I love to hear your praises, your confessions, and your petitions. So keep your needs and your thoughts and feelings before me, for you cannot tire me or weary me, for my heart is tuned to the hearts of my people, and I look forward to our walk together each day. Open up your hearts to me constantly and make every breath a prayer of communication through the Holy Spirit who dwells in you and guides and sustains you every moment of the day. Remember that I can give you new insights and flashes of wisdom and guidance all throughout the day if you keep the lines of communication open and are listening eagerly for my counsel.

"Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the Lord." Prov. 8:33-35.

This is the privilege that I extend to every child of mine. This is how to walk with me moment by moment. This is why Paul says to pray without ceasing. [1 Thess. 5:17.] It doesn't mean to be on your knees all the time. It means to keep the lines of communication with me open all the time for my guidance, instruction, and insights. I will give you wisdom and efficiency beyond your own abilities, to meet the challenges of each day. It is my joy and pleasure to do this for you. Just call upon me and I will answer you. [Ps. 50:15.]

Persevere in prayer, not because I am loathe to answer you, but because the intensity of your yearning desire opens your heart to the movings of the Holy Spirit and prepares the pathway for my gracious answers.

Now go to the activities of the day, but remember to keep the channel of communication open between us, and I will bring you light and peace and joy and guidance sufficient for your day's needs, pressed down and running over [Luke 6:38], for as always, I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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