
Dearest Ones,
I am with you today as you travel to 3ABN camp meeting. You are my ambassadors to take the good news of my soon coming. The topic for today is "cheerfulness." I am not speaking about the levity of worldlings who are always seeking ways to cause laughter in the people with whom they associate. Heavenly cheerfulness is inspired by a heart of love for God and for the people with whom you associate. Cheerfulness comes from joy of a heavenly origin. People who possess this characteristic can be happy amidst pain and suffering, stress, or times of trouble and tribulation, because the origin is not from earth, but comes from a close and continuing love relationship with me, and is a product of the individuality of the Holy Spirit and the peace that comes from knowing that you are loved of God and freed from guilt, worry, and fear.

How does one get this quality? It is by walking day by day, moment by moment with me as your best Friend, for I will always be by your side to give you peace, calmness, hope, advice, mercy, forgiveness, and all the gifts and graces of the Spirit. Mercy and forgiveness are two of the most important graces of the Holy Spirit which promote and augment cheerfulness, because a heart burdened down with guilt is not able to see or comprehend my love and forgiveness no matter how I try to get through to the mind. A depressed person is focused upon the cause of their depression and is laden down with negative emotions.

That is where my beloved ones can do what I cannot do unless the person yields to my Holy Spirit. But I can work through your hands, your love, your ministry to those who need your love and support. You can lend a helping hand where I cannot. You can give a cup of cold water to the thirsty, food to the hungry, encouragement to the downtrodden. You can clothe the naked, provide shelter for the homeless, and hope for the hopeless. When I was on earth it was my joy to minister to those around me, and I taught my disciples to do the same.

Now it is your privilege to carry on the work of the kingdom of God. You are my representatives and through you I can continue to reach out to the suffering ones and bring smiles of gratitude to their faces and hope to their hearts. But all of this is predicated by a personal walk with me that seals your own heart with peace and love and freedom from worry, fear, or depression. If you find yourself tempted to give in to any of these things, come to me and I will rescue you and guide you to the words of Scripture that are just what you need in order to connect with me. I know your feelings and your needs, and I will give you courage and hope and wisdom for every challenge that you will meet. It is just this personal experience with me that will give you a testimony to others that will give them hope and courage also.

So how is it with you today? Are you drinking at the fountain of my endless love for you and my watchcare over you, or are you discouraged and dwelling in the lowlands of your experience? Always remember that I am just a prayer away, and you have your Bible nearby. Open it and I will guide you to just the right passage to touch your heart and give you instruction and peace.

There is nothing like the Word and prayer to get your mind back on track and focused on heavenly themes. No one has to be a pawn of the dark thoughts of the evil one. Raise your thoughts to heavenly things and I will meet you there by my Spirit. Then your life will be a blessing to everyone around you and bring a little bit of heaven to everyone you meet.

That is what is meant by the word, "Sanctuary." My Sanctuary points the way to such a relationship with me that you will be men and women that are wondered at by those who look only to the world and it's supposed pleasures and rewards for solace and escape. Perhaps some will even be attracted by your life to seek for the hope you have that makes you different from the world, and you can bring them into my hiding place with you!

Now go to your labors for the day, but keep your heart pure with all diligence, for it is the seat of your emotions, and from it comes your own happiness and the influence you will have upon others. Come let us labor together today, and search for those who can be blessed by the influence of your life! Lovingly, Jesus.

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