
Dearest Ones,

As you can see, I am opening doors of opportunity for you to go forward and spread the good news of my soon coming. Ask me for whatever you need, and I will answer you, and I will show you great and mighty things that are yet to come! [Jer. 33:3.]

The message for today is "opportunity." You see, since I force no one to follow me or do my will, I give opportunities for growth and development and for stepping into a higher sphere of service for me, and then allow the person to decide whether they will step across the threshold of the opportunity and find the treasure that I have waiting for them. I must say that the greater majority of people never take the opportunity that I offer to them, but this is the way I cull out the goats from the sheep. The opportunity to receive salvation is open for everyone, but few want to take the narrow road that leads to the prize. The wide road looks easier and safer and more pleasant. But that road leads to death and eternal ruin. And even if a person later decides to come back, there is a difficult path through the forest to return to the pathway upward that leads to the city of light. [Matt. 7:13, 14.]

For those who have taken this difficult journey, do not be discouraged, because I will welcome you with open arms and take you back into the fold of safety and forgive all your mistakes. [Lu. 15:18-24.] Then during the time of the latter rain, I will restore to you the years that the locusts have eaten. [Joel 2:25.] But for those who have consistently followed the light to the best of their ability and understanding, there is a gift of leadership and a crown laden with stars to show you my gratitude for your perseverance, faithfulness, and your steadfastness when the journey was difficult.

Now go to the activities of your day, but look for those opportunities to serve me in the way that I open up for you. Let no crumb of light drop to the ground, for that may be the very key that will open the door of opportunity for greater service. Let nothing discourage you; nothing pass you by and leave you on the outside of my highest goals for you and my greatest opportunities for success and spiritual growth.

Now take my hand and see what I will do for you today to bless you for being willing to forsake all for my kingdom. When you give your all to me, I give my all to you, and enable you to stand on the heights [Ps. 18:33] with me constantly beside you. Do you want to be where progression and growth knows no end? Then take every opportunity for service that I offer you each day, and you will see that the road I take you leads to paradise! Lovingly, Jesus.

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