My Father

Dearest Ones,

I am pleased with the dedication of each of you in staying on the pathway of cleansing and holiness of character. The goal of all life is to reflect the character of the Father who is high and lifted up, but is full of mercy and grace, patience and long suffering, and unbounded love for all He has created. Because you cannot see Him until you are fully cleansed of all sin and glorified at my coming, I was sent to earth as His representative, clothed in human flesh, and yet the express image of His person. Through me He can reach out to all who desire to know Him, and through me you can approach Him without fear. I came to reconcile man to God and represent God to man. But someday you will see Him face to face without a veil between, and I want you to know that He is longing for that day more than you can realize, because you cannot comprehend the great heart of love for you that is in the heart of my Father.

We have known and loved you even before you were born - yes even from the foundation of the world. The love that parents have for their children is but a faint reflection of the Father's love for you. Please remember this when you feel disheartened and alone, when you are tempted to feel discouraged and that no one cares for you or understands you. Whether you perceive it or not, the Spirit of God, which is sent from the bosom of the father, is present and available for you at any time at a moment's notice to hear your cry for help and wrap heaven's arms of love about you and deliver you from the presence and power of the evil one. With such a heavenly host that the Father has provided for each of you, how can you yield to the temptation of the evil one to become discouraged, fearful, or despondent?

Could your eyes be opened you would see hosts of angels by your side, ascending and descending from heaven to help you. Do you remember the story of Jacob when he was fleeing from his brother Esau? His heart was burdened with fear and anxiety and the guilt of what he had done at the suggestion of his mother, Rebecca. And although there were consequences, he was not forsaken or rejected. And although you may have sinned or gotten off the pathway of your life's journey, you are just as beloved of the Father as before you sinned, and He wants you to see by faith the angels he is sending to support, comfort, help, and protect you from the snares of the enemy, and restore you to emotional, mental, physical and spiritual healing and give you hope and a future of dedicated service for Him.

I am speaking mainly for and about my Father this morning because you may be tempted to forget that the Father and I are one, and we are working together for your restoration and healing, and while I am grateful and rewarded by your love for me, I want you to always keep in your mind that whatever I do, the Father is working in and through me with the same love and mercy and grace and interest in your happiness and salvation that I have for you.

Now go on your way with rejoicing today that you are children of the heavenly Father, sons and daughters of God, and accepted in the beloved, and let not one temptation of the evil one bring a cloud of discouragement to your mind. Remember who you are and who loves and cares for you, and resist the devil and he will flee from you just as he did when I was victorious over him in the wilderness and on the cross. My death on the cross and my resurrection and ministry for you constantly in the heavenly Sanctuary is assurance that you can be victorious over every temptation of the evil one, and enjoy the favor of God every day, and even every moment, for there is not a moment where you are forgotten by all of heaven. If we are cognizant of every sparrow that falls, how much more is the welfare of our earthly family upon our hearts? So go in peace and joy now and enjoy your Sabbath together with each other, but never forget that you are beloved and safe in the arms of God. Lovingly, Jesus.

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