
Dearest Ones,

I am pleased this morning to tell you that the revival that I have promised concerning the time of the latter rain has begun and is spreading around the world just as I have promised that it would. Because you have spread my present truth and messages to the best of your ability, following my instructions, you are leaders in the revival. But there are others who have been longing for light and truth that you know nothing of, and they will come to the brightness of your rising, just as I have promised in Isaiah 60:1-3:

"Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising."

There is nothing that pleases me more than the spirit of joyful obedience that is displayed in my true followers who search for light and truth as a man who seeks for hidden treasure, and will not stop until he finds it. So it has always been throughout history with my chosen ones who found light amidst the darkness of their age, just as the disciples and my followers did when I came to earth the first time. But you have a distinct advantage because you are recipients of all the light of all the ages which has come down to you.

So my subject today is "light." I want to encourage those of you who hold to the testimony that I have written through Ellen White. [Rev. 19:10.] As I prophesied through her, these writings will be made of none effect just before the close of probation. This is where we are now. Satan hates the Remnant, because they have the treasure of clearer light than any other generation has ever had concerning the efficacy of the plan of salvation. I had to give these messages which are contained in the Spirit of Prophecy in order to produce a Remnant. It is not because the light is not all contained in the Scriptures, for I carefully designed that the prophets of old received everything that is necessary for salvation to the end of time. But the light of truth was given over the centuries by many different authors from different cultures and they were seeing what they wrote as through a glass darkly [1 Cor. 13:12] because it was not present truth for their time.

However, the testimonies and light that I have given for the Remnant church who will produce the 144,000, must have all the truth gathered together in clear language and understandable form so that the truth is unmistakable for those who are guided by the Spirit of God to see all the light that has been collecting through the ages to produce the 144,000 in the last generation. The whole plan of salvation is focused upon the reception of truth for the perfection of my people at the end of time. All other generations have been accepted in the beloved [Eph. 1:6, 7] because they accepted and lived up to all the light they had for their generation, and they were accounted worthy of salvation because they came into agreement with me on everything they knew about me, my character, and my truth. But sin is of such a heinous character that it has taken centuries to let it play out in all its facets so that the man of sin could be completely revealed [2 Thess. 2:1-4] in stark contrast to the supreme holiness of God that is required to live in His presence and reflect his character completely.

So the Spirit of Prophecy at the end of time is absolutely necessary to collect all the gems of light from all the ages and apply it perfectly to the last generation of my people. Otherwise people can take some light here and some light there from the Scriptures, but without a body of collected truth for the final generation. That is why I must have a prophet through whom I can speak and reveal all the gems of light throughout Scripture which are necessary to produce the perfected people at the end of time who are the finished product of the plan of salvation. Without this my work is not complete.

Do you recall the tragedy of the Challenger that was launched with a cargo of seven people, and malfunctioned soon after takeoff because of a missing O-ring? Because of that one small part, the launch was a failure, and all seven of the persons on board the rocket died in the crash. So also it will be for those who feel they can choose their own course for eternal life. To be alive and saved at my coming you must have all the light that I have revealed to you in the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. I did not include anything that you do not need to know to be among the finished product of the 144,000 who will live to see me come. The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth [John 16:13-15], not just partial truth. If it takes perfection to have a successful rocket mission, what do you think it takes to get off of this earth alive? Yes, my shed blood saves every person who has ever lived who has accepted me and loved and followed me with their whole heart with as much light as they had. But all the light is now shining on this generation, and those who think they can do without the light that I have given in the Spirit of Prophecy are rebels at heart, and do not want to be restricted to anything that makes them feel uncomfortable. When light shines upon the secret areas of the heart where sin is cherished or tolerated, the obdurate heart will rebel and reject the light.

I am not saying that every person who is being influenced to refrain from using the Spirit of Prophecy to uphold doctrine is in rebellion, because many at this time who are honest in heart are being influenced by the subtle arguments of those who want to downplay the writings of Ellen White and use only Scripture. But as I have already stated, the Spirit of Prophecy was given specifically to bring out the truths of the Bible that are vital for this generation, and make them plain. The Spirit of Prophecy is not to be used in place of the Scriptures, but as a light shining upon the Scriptures that specifically points out the vital truths that are necessary to prepare a people to go through the end of time and the time of trouble, and to preach the last warning message to the world.

So rejoice and be glad that you have come to this time in history! Use all the light that is now shining through the Scriptures and augmented and second-witnessed [Deut. 19:15; 2 Cor. 13:1, 2] by the writings of the Spirit of Prophecy to apply the writings in Scripture to your day and time. Always remember how much I love you, and fear not, for the time is short and I will be with you through the perilous times that lie ahead. You will be as safe and secure through these times as if you were already in the safety of my heavenly kingdom. Nothing can harm you as long as you walk with me and follow my guidance.

Now go to the activities of your day, but listen to my still small voice [Isa. 30:21], and do not let the pressures of the day overwhelm or dishearten you. Just look to me and trust me and nothing will be too hard for you or take you out of my hands. Be joyful and rejoice, little children, for your redemption draweth nigh! [Lu. 21:28.] Lovingly, Jesus.

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