
Dearest Ones,

The Sabbath is a delight to all of heaven because we can visit with our people around the world and bring beams of glory to earth to share with all who are looking to us to receive a blessing. On other days, everyone is busy with necessary tasks, and only the morning and evening worships are dedicated solely to communicate with me. But on Sabbath all my people are open to me and seeking for a refreshing and infilling of my Spirit. That is, those who are my true followers. There are many who come only for fellowship with each other and for a day of relaxation to do something interesting and different from their weekday activities. These are not true Sabbath keepers, and would be satisfied to worship on any day of the week. But my true followers rejoice to seek me on the day that I have set aside to remember the birth of the world and to commune with my people and share our love together. So come into my presence today with rejoicing and praise and receive the bounties of my love that I have in store for you.

Now the message for today is "restoration." When I created mankind in the beginning, I created them with a holy glow of light about them for beauty and for a covering. It indicated a holiness that was a reflection of the glory around my throne. It was the signature of their holiness of character, and oneness of spirit with my law and my character. Satan could have no access to them as long as they continued in the pathway of obedience and agreement with me. But when they sinned, their holy character was defiled and their thoughts and feelings darkened, and the devil could place his thoughts and feelings in their hearts and minds to bring them into harmony with him.

But now I want to restore fully to the original state of perfection all who come to me for healing and for the infilling of my Holy Spirit so that the glory of God can be seen once again in the faces and demeanor of my people. This holiness can be seen by others in the form of an atmosphere of grace which will bless them and bring them light and love from the courts of heaven. But there will be others who are possessed by darkness and influenced or controlled by Satan, who will resist and be repelled by the light that is within you, and they will be among those who hate the light and will persecute you for it and see you as an enemy and dangerous to their flocks.

So it has always been. Those who are following Satan will have his spirit and animosity against anything or anyone who has truth and light for the last days, and will try to stop you from sharing the good news of my soon coming. But fear them not nor listen to their arguments and accusations, but keep steadily on your course with your eyes upon me, for I will see you safely through whatever lies ahead, for I already have a plan for your life every day until I come. Keep your eyes on the light that I send you, and keep in step with me, and your accusers will have no power over you, for I am your shield and protection, and you are safe in my arms.

Go now to the activities of your day, but keep your connection with me secure, and you cannot fail to receive the blessings that I have in store for you. Let this be a day of rejoicing and victory over the darkness in the world, but light in every company of the saints, for where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of you! [Matt. 18:19, 20.] Lovingly, Jesus.

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