“Let not Your Heart be Troubled”

Dearest Ones,

I am pleased today with your devotion and obedience. As the Commander of the armies of heaven, I am looking for my followers on earth to be alert and in earnest about the work that must be accomplished before I let the winds of strife descend in full force upon the inhabitants of earth. [Rev. 7:1-4; Ed. 179, 180.] Every soul must be warned; every honest-hearted person must be garnered into the hiding place of my protection [Isa. 26:20, 21; Ps. 91] before it is too late to escape the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture [Rev. 14:10] upon those who have rejected His provisions of mercy through the sacrifice of His Son. The Father is long-suffering and merciful and gracious and loath to remove His protection. The death and destruction that will follow brings no pleasure to His heart; but His eye is on those who are his chosen ones who are suffering along with the wicked. Just as the first three plagues in Egypt were suffered in the camp of Israel, so my people are now suffering the result of living in a sinful world. But just as Israel was spared in the seven last plagues of Egypt, so I will spare my remnant people during the seven last plagues which are poured out upon the wicked. Only with your eyes will you behold the devastation that I will bring about in the earth to the despisers of my grace. This is not a retributive act, but a final demonstration of the results of sin, unmixed with mercy. Then the wicked will see how much I have been providing protection for them even while they were sinning with impunity before my face. It is in mercy that I have withheld the close of probationary time when my protection will be completely removed from the earth, with the exception of my own people who will be safe under the shadow of my wings. Howbeit, it will still be a time of trouble and anguish of soul, for no one has ever lived in this world when divine mercy has been withdrawn, and the effects upon the world and its inhabitants will cause a time of anguish for every person on the globe. But the needs of my people will be provided for, and their protection will be sure, for I will station holy angels around them to guide and care for them as I did with Noah and his family in the ark.

Therefore, I do not want you to look with fear and dread upon this time because fear accomplishes nothing but a drain upon your emotions which is not productive of anything positive. That is why I want you to fortify your minds now with Scriptures that are full of faith and power to calm your heart and keep your minds directed toward my promises to provide for your every need. Fear not, for I will not abandon you during that time. I am simply saying that it will be a time of distress for everyone, but you will be delivered out of it [Jer. 30:7], even while you are going through it. Though your hearts will be distressed, you will be encouraged by the provisions that I will bestow upon you at that time. So practice now, every day, the admonition found in John 14:1-4, 27, 29:

"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. . . .

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. . . .

"And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, you might believe."

When you use appropriate Scriptures to meet your needs, the Holy Spirit uses my Father's name to seal your minds into truth and write it on your heart until it becomes the language of your soul. Then you, my people, will be one with me and with all who dwell in heaven, and thus you will be ready to join us as cleansed and accepted members of our family.

Now go to the activities of your day and rejoice that your names are written in heaven and you have escaped the imprint of the world upon your minds, but have received the seal of God and have my name and my Father's name written on your foreheads. [Rev. 3:12; 14; 1; 22:4.] Lovingly, Jesus.

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