
Dearest Ones,

There is rejoicing in heaven today because of the speed with which the gospel is going forward in the earth. Angels are belting the world, keeping the forces of evil at bay until every soul is warned of the coming destruction. Thus, the work that is assigned to each of you as my servants is vitally important as you do your part to reach the hearts of people with the truth. So many people, both outside and inside of the churches, have already come to a decision about their salvation. Hearts have been hardened through years of error, abuse, turmoil, and suffering. But I have preserved my 7,000 in Israel whose hearts are true to me and who love me and look to me every day for help and guidance. It is to these that you must go and tell them how to prepare for my soon coming.

The comparative peace and prosperity that you see now is but the lull before the storm. I am holding up the structure of society until the final warning has been given, and then I will let it go, and the forces of evil will take the field, and you will see the collapse of the nations in the final struggle of evil against good. There will be war and bloodshed such as the world has never seen. It is the time of trouble predicted in Jeremiah 30; but my people will be protected through the storm. Only those who have followed me faithfully through the time of preparation will be hidden under the shadow of my wings when I let the winds go. So the topic for today is "safety."

The people of earth, and my people as well, do not comprehend what supernatural efforts must be put forth to keep the world on course until the work of the gospel is finished. My angels are constantly on guard, protecting, guiding, instructing, pushing the forces of evil back until the work is accomplished. You cannot see this battle, because you must be tested on truth alone. But by faith you can know that you have angels that excel in strength protecting you every moment, or the evil one would have an advantage over you. Sometimes when you sin, the devil claims rights over you, but I protect the sanctity of every person's conscience as long as there is hope. But when I see that a final decision has been made against light, I must allow the devil to have his way. You can see that he does not destroy everyone who has chosen to follow him, because he would then destroy his own army. But he especially desires to kill those whom he fears might turn back to me and be saved.

It is not my purpose today to speak of the plans and purposes of the evil one to frighten or depress you, but only to draw aside the curtain and allow you to see a little bit of the struggle between light and darkness as we near the close of probation. But you need not dwell on these things, for your names are written in heaven, and my heavenly Father has placed His seal of protection upon you and counted you as worthy of a place in His kingdom. Thus, I am your protector and provider and you have only to follow my guidance each day and I will be your shield and rampart [Ps. 91:4, NIV] in the days ahead until I come.

Go now to the activities of your day, but do not allow a shred of doubt or fear to come into your heart as you see the signs of my coming around the world. I am allowing these things to arouse the people of earth to their peril if they slumber on until there is no more time to prepare. But you, my beloved ones, are as safe as were the disciples in the storm, for I am with you and will exercise my power for you to calm the storms of life when your faith and loyalty to me has been tested. So do not look at trial as your enemy, but see it as a part of the cleansing of dross in your character, and I promise that blessings are sure to come when you have passed the test. And remember that no matter what your experience is at the moment, just call to me for help, for I am, as always, just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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