
Dearest Ones,

My subject for today is "love." This is a topic that is on the minds and hearts of everyone, and yet it is so little understood. Love is not just an emotion, it is a state of being. By that I mean, it is a part of every cell and every nerve that connects your mind with the rest of your body. I created you to respond to love as the flowers respond to the sun. It is an integral part of your mind, soul, and body and is essential to sustain life itself. This is why all people and even the lower creatures crave love for emotional health and well-being in general.

Knowing this, I have kept pouring out my love for mankind even when they have not returned it to me, for it is necessary for the sustaining of life. So even the wicked partake of my love, for without it, life on earth would cease to exist, for I am love and I am life. But although I have done this for 6000 years, I will soon draw the probation of mankind to a conclusion, for all that can be done has been done to redeem the fallen race. All that remains now is to extend probationary time until the final warning has been completed which will draw my remnant into the hiding place of my protection until my wrath against sin has been completed. [Isa. 26:20, 21.] I do not even like to discuss this subject because I do not relish or look forward to the death of the wicked. [Eze. 18:32; 33:11.] But I do look forward to having my beloved ones home with me where eternal life and eternal love is the reward of the righteous.

Within my love is the provision of free will choice. The wicked have chosen to reject my love and my truth and in the end they will attempt to destroy my people. Therefore they have chosen death. What more could I have done than I have done to woo their hearts to me? But the finality of their choices against me have sealed their destiny. Therefore, their lives will be extinguished in the fire that cleanses the earth from every vestige of sin. I look forward to the time when it will all be over, and peace, joy, and love will again be established and every stain of sin will be gone. I remember what it was like before Lucifer sinned, and because my beloved ones have fully responded to my love, that happy state will be established once more, and the whole universe will be at peace and rest, and love will reign once again without a stain or blot of sin.

My love for you is unbounded, and I look forward with eager anticipation to the finished work of salvation when I will have my redeemed ones beside me forever. You cannot imagine the rejoicing of all the hosts of heaven when I bring you to your heavenly home. But soon you will hear the rapturous songs of the angels as we ascend together from the broken earth to the kingdom that I have waiting for you. And the Father Himself will sing over you and welcome you home. [Zeph. 3:17, 20.] Hold on, my beloved ones, as we enter the final phase of the battle, for I will never leave you nor forsake you. [Heb. 13:5, 6.] Angels that excel in strength will protect and care for you in the days ahead, and soon the dreadful night of weeping [Ps. 30:5] will be over, and you will be with me, and the love that we share will be the substance of eternal life, joy, peace, and happiness. Let this be the encouragement of your heart through the days ahead. Lovingly, Jesus.

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