Prophecy of War

Good morning! I have a prophecy for you today from Jesus about what is soon to happen. cz

The final war will begin in Old Jerusalem and spread throughout the nation's to the ends of the earth. The probation of the nations is closing this spring, and the Spirit of God, which has been holding them back from each other, will now be withdrawn. The Islamic nations, especially Syria, will be at the head of the attack, but the papacy is really behind it, backed and inspired by Satan, of course, who wants to control the world through the Muslim nations from Jerusalem, and make it the capital of his kingdom on earth. It is a counterfeit of prophecies in scripture which say that God will rule from Jerusalem, and thus Satan will make it appear that this is predicted by scripture, so that even the Protestant world will be deceived and follow the papacy. Sunday-keeping will be enforced as the day of worship, and thus Satan will draw the whole world into the worship of the Beast and his Image. This will soon take place, for I am allowing it to happen. This is what it means for the winds to be let go at the river Euphrates, for this is the area of the earth which will be the focal point. But do not be afraid, for I am in full control of the events of the earth, and I will protect my people with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. Please study the scriptures about this matter, and see that I have already predicted this. But my people are asleep for they do not anticipate a real war, and so are oblivious to the signs in the earth that are portentous. Armageddon is the battle for the mountain both physically and spiritually. Satan wants to sit on the utmost heights of the Holy Mountain. He wanted this in the beginning and he has not changed his goals. Although Jerusalem is not now holy, he knows that I will plant my bride, my Holy City, upon that ground, and he wants to preempt my coming down at the end of the thousand years, by setting up his own kingdom there. That is why I will allow him one more chance at the end to show his true heart and his true intentions against my kingdom and my people. Even after the 1000 years of punishment and the desolation of his power and his kingdom, he still is intent on winning the battle against me and my chosen ones. But as you know, I will be victorious against the enemy, and you, my bride, will be victorious with me, for you have already won the battle against sin and Satan by your righteous lives in perfect obedience to the laws of my kingdom. So look up and rejoice, for your redemption draws near! Do not fear the roar of the enemy or be frightened by anything he says or does. You are already safe under the shadow of my wings and nothing can harm you. Do not doubt; do not fear anything, but go steadily forward and I will keep you firm. Have a pleasant day and keep your heart uplifted to me, for I will be with you to the very end! Lovingly, Jesus.

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