Speaking the Truth Fearlessly

Dearest Ones,

You have come to a new era in your studies concerning end time events, and I am about to reveal to you hidden treasures that are meant to be understood only by inspiration from the Word of God. I am sending you my Holy Spirit to enlighten you about the things you need to know in order to preach the last warning messages to the world. The work of the third and fourth angels is about to begin as the devil moves forward with his plan to bring in the Sunday-Sabbath issue, because he sees you moving forward and he knows his time is short. Be not afraid to preach the messages that I am giving you that are the last messages that the world will hear before their probation closes forever and the door of mercy is shut. Be not afraid of their faces; be not afraid of church leaders and prelates; be not afraid to speak the truth fearlessly and clearly, for your soul depends upon your willingness to stand up and be counted for me and my truth for this time. This is what it means that you must go through the same thing that the martyrs did [Rev. 6:11], for they spoke the truth for their time against the enemy, even to the sacrifice of their lives. So you must be fearless and bold under the unction of the Spirit when I ask you to unveil what the devil is doing in your time. Your faith and obedience must equal and surpass the deeds of faith of those who have preceded you, for you are the children of the reformers, and you will walk in their footsteps to bring an end to the reign of sin by your testimony of the truth for your time, just as they did for their time. You must be bold and unyielding to the taunts, ridicule and threats of persecution and ostracism, no matter where it comes from, for it is I who will lead you to speak for me and unveil my truth for this time to the world. Go forward, my brave and loyal followers, and you shall receive the reward of your labors and your tears. I am on my way, and the gates of hell will not prevail against you. Band together, pray together, and work both singly and together, and you will see the wheels of progress move forward to the very end of probationary time, and then through the plagues until I come. You are with me now, and you shall be with me throughout eternity, for you have proved yourself to be faithful to my call, and worthy of a place on my throne of glory. Lovingly, Jesus.

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