Heavenly Trumpets

Dearest Ones,

Today my thoughts are on the subject of heavenly trumpets. Trumpets in the Old Testament were used as a method of communication. The sound of the trumpet is one of alert, and communicates attention and urgency. Even in war, the trumpet calls men to be ready for action. Throughout the Bible I used the sound of the trumpet to indicate something of importance requiring decisions and action. [Num.10:1-10.] So today I am allowing the things that are happening around the world to be a type of trumpet call to arouse my people to action in spreading the truth quickly so that people may get ready for my second coming and the events preceding that event.

Although there is an awakening beginning because of the ominous things that are happening around the world, there is still a reticence among my people to preach the imminence of my appearing because of the great disappointment in 1844, and the fear of repeating this experience. But those who feel this way forget that I have mandated in Revelation 10:11, "You must prophesy again." This means that I want my remnant church to prophesy again about my second coming. To do this, you must be awake and recognizing that the signs that have been predicted are now being fulfilled. As the children of Israel were alerted by trumpets for ten days before the Day of Atonement, so I am now sending messages through the things that are happening around the world. Those who take heed and prepare their lives for my coming will be ready, and those who neglect the warnings and do not prepare will be found wanting.

There has never been a time in history that I did not send messengers and signs in the earth to warn the people when I was about to do something significant that the world needed to know. That is why my prophets were called to give warnings to their generation. So I have a prophetic movement whose members are to maintain their vigilance and the power of their preaching to announce the imminence of my second coming. No other church has the understanding of my second apartment work in the heavenly Sanctuary. And to them is given the privilege of announcing not only my entrance into that work in 1844, but now the finishing of that work and the preparation necessary to be ready, not only for my coming, but also for the close of human probation, which precedes my coming.

Not much is being said or thought about the importance or imminence of the close of probation, but it is equally, and even more urgent than the beginning of my work in the Most Holy Place, because it closes the cases of every soul on earth, both of the dead and of the living. This is the significance of the parable of the ten virgins who were sleeping until the call went forth, "Behold the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him." [Matt. 25:6.] Then those who were prepared trimmed their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom, but those who had no oil were left unready and unprepared. I am now sending messages to my people to alert them before it is too late to get ready. That is purpose for the blowing of trumpets. They sound shrill, urgent notes to tell people that something is about to happen that will change their lives forever. Those who heed these warnings will be saved, and those who do not will be caught unprepared in the impending doom.

There are trumpets sounding now in society and in the world itself which are omens* of the end of all things. Catastrophes around the world of various types and intensities, unrest in society and in nations, and threats of war, portend even greater things when I bid my angels to lose the winds of strife. As there were ten plagues upon Egypt which liberated my people, so the seven last plagues will be catastrophic events that will loosen the hold of the nations in their demon propelled determination to kill my people. Of course, I will protect, guard, and deliver my people from their hands, but I am now sending warnings to get into the hiding place of my protection while there is yet time. [Isa. 26:20, 21.]

Do you hear trumpets sounding around the earth? That is my signal to come into full agreement with my cleansing work for you in the second apartment of the heavenly Sanctuary where I am blotting out the sins of my people who are coming into the hiding place under the shadow of my wings. [Ps. 91.] I am waiting for you even now to hear my warnings in the thunder and in the storm, and my still small voice in your hearts to come into complete harmony and agreement with me on every issue of your lives so you will be sheltered when the plagues begin to fall. And those of you who hear my voice and respond, lift up your voice like a trumpet and call those who are willing to come into the ark of safety before it is too late. My Sabbaths are a sign of my seal upon you [Ex. 31:13], and my seal is the sign of my protection. [Rev. 9:4.]

Go now to the activities of your day, but keep your hearts open to my voice, and let others know what you know so that they also can be prepared and ready for my coming. Lovingly, Jesus.
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* Google "trumpets in the sky."

Watchmen on the Walls of Zion

Dearest Ones,
The affairs of the kingdom of God are upon my heart today to share with you as the day approaches for my coming. There is so much yet for my church to accomplish in order to give the last warning message of my grace and truth to the world. The people of earth are awakening as they see and experience the disasters and threats of war, and the increasing violence which are all permitted to prepare the people of earth to hear the last warning that they will ever hear before I close probation. It reminds me of the last week before the flood when I brought the beasts of earth into the ark two by two, and the clean animals by sevens. [Gen. 7:1-3, 8, 9.] They came in an orderly procession guided by the angels, and should have been unmistakable evidence of the truth of Noah's predictions. But the people had already hardened their hearts to his message and were afraid and ashamed to change their minds and admit that they had been wrong.

So it is now. As I said to my disciples while I was on earth, as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man. [Matt. 24:37; Luke 17:26.] Now that time has come and you are the ones who have my truth to preach to the world of the coming destruction. I am doing my part in the signs around the world in every area of nature and society. But they need to hear a preacher of righteousness [2 Pet. 2:5] to put words around what they are seeing in order to have adequate information to make their final conclusion. Their blood will be upon the hands of those who are like watchdogs who won't bark to arouse the household when the robber comes to break into the home. You are all called to be watchmen on the walls of Zion. You have been given truths that no other church has understood since 1844. The Bible mysteries have been opened to you, especially about the time of the end, through the writings of Ellen White. These are messages that are to be preached to the ends of the earth.

Much is already being done, but there is one grand climax of light and power which is still ahead of you through the preaching of the judgment hour message as it applies to the living. This is the repeat of the first angel's message [Rev. 14:7], which is to be preached with power in the last generation to prepare them for the outpouring of the latter rain of my Holy Spirit in a greater measure than at Pentecost. This is the sealing which will prepare my people to stand through the end of time and the time of trouble without a mediator in the heavenly Sanctuary. This is not to be taken lightly, for no one has ever experienced this in the history of mankind. This was not possible until all the light of the plan of salvation is made manifest which will bring my people to the place where they can cooperate with me on every level of their lives.

Pentecost and the early rain fell at the beginning of my ministry in the first apartment of the heavenly Sanctuary, and the latter rain falls at the close of my second apartment work as exemplified in the Old Testament services on the Day of Atonement. At that time the record of all the sins of my people was wiped away and laid on the head of the scapegoat. But notice that during that solemn time it was not to be "business as usual" for the congregation of the people. They were to be equally involved with the high priest, and cooperating by the confession of all known sin, and searching their hearts to see if anything had escaped their notice during the yearly round of services. Only those who cooperated with this were exonerated and pronounced clean at the end of the day.

So it will be now. Many of my people have lost the understanding of the necessity of this same experience in order to be ready for the close of probation. Many believe as do the nominal Protestants that the final cleansing from sin will not take place until I come in the clouds of heaven. Consequently, they are not actively taking part in the cleansing of heart that is necessary to be among the living when I come. They have forgotten their spiritual heritage reaching back to the early Advent movement when these things were discovered and accepted as truth. But even they did not fully understand as clearly as I want you to understand and practice and teach now, for the time has come for the work to be finished. We are not now at the beginning of the Day of Atonement, we are at the end. Therefore a final message of truth must go out to the people to prepare them to cooperate with me in the closing hours of my ministry in the Most Holy Place of the heavenly Sanctuary.

I am very pleased with all of you who are already preaching this message, and I will reward you and strengthen you for the task. But I want the last warning to spread like fire in the stubble. Make every moment count, for the time is short. I will guide and strengthen you and all who are preaching and sharing the true message of warning for this time, and you will be blessed by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit and the angels who attend you. So look up and rejoice that your redemption draws near and you are accounted worthy to be among the called, chosen, and faithful who stand with me in the battle against the forces of evil. [Rev 17:14.]

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep your hearts uplifted to the heavenly Sanctuary where I am ministering for you to help you and prepare you for the days ahead. Rejoice in the beauty of the Sabbath hours and I will pour you out a double blessing as you worship and associate together, ever keeping in mind the sacredness of the Sabbath hours which we spend together. May your preparation for the Sabbath be a foretaste of your preparation for my soon coming, and the joy we will share together in my eternal kingdom. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,
I am thinking of you today, and I am keenly aware of the struggles you are going through because of the trials that life brings to you. The evil one never sleeps, and you are a target of his wrath because you are standing against the rest of the Christian world who are believing his lies that my grace and my sacrifice covers known sin that is not overcome. Men put forth every effort to build great edifices and projects that magnify themselves. They spend their energies and their fortunes to better themselves or to make their lives easier. But how little thought or effort is given to the goal of conquering self and overcoming sin.

Of course, I realize that any attempt to conquer sin by one's own efforts is futile, for without me you cannot be successful. [John 15:5.] The real effort that must be put forth in gaining victory over sin is in making time every day to connect with me and to fill your mind with my promises, and in the strength of my Word and the power of the Holy Spirit, victory over the flesh and the devil becomes a reality. Submission and faith is not a product of the natural heart, but by reaching out to me and making time for me in your daily life, the miracle of grace takes place as we walk in harmony together through each day.

I take great pleasure in each one of you who are making this effort each day and are gaining characters like Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses, who knew me face to face. But those who follow me at this time in history will know me even more intimately, for more light has been given to you in the three angels’ messages [Rev. 14:6-12], and now as the fourth angel's message swells to a loud cry. [Rev. 18:1-5.] Please notice carefully that the fourth angel's message is about sin, and coming out of sin. It is not only a warning against worshipping the Beast and his image [Rev. 14:9], although it certainly includes that message. But it is about sin itself, for the beast power, and the harlot and her daughters [Rev. 17:3-5] all refer to those who believe and teach that sin cannot be overcome in this life and must be tolerated until at my coming I do a supernatural work of removing the sinful nature with its passions and lusts.

It is true that I can and will do that supernatural work, but it must take place while I am still ministering in the heavenly Sanctuary, with the intelligent and willing cooperation of my people. This understanding is what sets my Seventh-Day Adventist Church apart from all other churches and people in the world. Like the Israelites were to the other nations around them, so are my Advent people to the world of today. They are to be a light set on a hill to give light to all who desire to know the truth for this time about how to prepare their lives for my coming. But like the Israelites, it is easy to listen to the theories and philosophies of others and become contaminated by their teachings, and the major one is concerning victory over sin. Therefore, I appeal to each one of you, to never give up the belief that total victory is possible through a continual walk with me such as Enoch had, and others as well.

Victory is not attained by trying harder to stop sinning, but by reaching out to me in every trial and temptation. I gained the victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil so that I could give that same victory to everyone who comes to me to receive it. My victory is not a cloak to cover your sins - it is a gift which I impart to each one who comes to me to receive my victory over sin. Of course, while you are still struggling to gain the victory, my righteousness stands before my Father in your behalf, for you are in agreement with me about that sin, and have given it to me for forgiveness and cleansing. But when sin is tolerated as a necessary part of human life, we are now in disagreement, and there is no grace for cherished sin.

Therefore, my topic for today has been "victory." I am not speaking so much to those of you who are following me with all your heart, but to give you courage to speak out the truth to the majority of Christians, even many in my own church who believe either overtly or covertly that complete overcoming is not possible, but will occur at my coming. Great will be the disappointment of the majority of the Christian world when they find out too late that this is not true. So please share this message with others to the extent of your ability, for I am loath to close probation as long as one honest soul is deceived on this subject. I will help you if you will make the effort to reach out and share the truth.

Thank you for your loyalty at this time of apostasy among the Christian world. I have foretold in Scripture that this would happen in the end of time. That is why my coming is so soon, for the majority have already accepted the lies of the enemy through the media and false teachers. But I rejoice that I have a Remnant who loves me and serves me with their whole heart. Do not be discouraged by the things that are transpiring in the world or even the church. Cry aloud and spare not [Isa. 58:1], for you do not know which will prosper, this or that [Eccl. 11:6]. But I promise you that you will not fail to receive your reward in the kingdom of heaven.

Go now to the activities of your day. Do not allow your mind to become discouraged or disheartened, for I am constantly with you by my angels and my Holy Spirit. Reach out to me in your trials and in your service for me and for others, and I will send you help and encouragement to keep you on the narrow way. Never lose your upward focus, for it is your lifeline to heavenly blessings. May you be blessed by my Spirit in your journey today. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

Today is a special day in the courts of heaven for we are rejoicing to see that our beloved children are moving forward in preparing for my second coming. You cannot hear the songs of the angels, but perhaps you can catch by faith the glory of knowing that my true followers are moving into line with the call of my Spirit.

Now for the topic of today. It is "genuineness."

It is easy to put on an act for outsiders who do not know you intimately. But it is sometimes difficult to live inside your home with those closest to you with the same kindness and courtesy that is given to those outside of your family circle. To have an outward persona that is different than your true self is not acceptable to God! Many Christians are well-behaved at church or at work, but are unkind within their family circle. A true Christian lives a godly life wherever he is, and brings the Holy Spirit's influence to all around him.

For example, a godly wife is a constant blessing to her husband and children, shedding the grace of God upon all the members of her household, as well as others within the sphere of her influence. A godly husband is kind and considerate of his wife and children, and helps them to bear their burdens, bringing the influence of the heavenly Father into the home. Godly children are respectful and helpful to their parents, and are a blessing to their associates.

Perhaps by now you are thinking that this is an impossible standard to reach, with all the pressures of life upon everyone, including children. But it is possible if you set your goals to reach this pattern and look to me constantly for wisdom, help, and guidance in the daily challenges of life. If this is impossible, I wouldn't be speaking about it today! Every challenge you meet is an invitation to seek me for the strength and wisdom to meet it with me beside you and the Holy Spirit and angels guiding you and giving you strength and victory. The goal is to never speak impatiently, or even to think negative thoughts about anyone in your interactions with people.

In your daily life you will, of course, come against problems caused by the enemy. Send up a prayer to me for guidance, patience, and wisdom. Use the opportunity to be a blessing. If you do not lock into connection with me at that moment, you will surely fall short of the goal of being a blessing to them and a glory to God. I desire that my children represent me accurately in the earth and society, and in order to do this you must have a vital connection with me every day, because the nature of fallen humanity is centered around self and self-serving. As you see written in the Scriptures, I came to be a servant of servants and set an example of the character I want my followers to have with each other. But you can only do this if you are drinking from the ever-flowing fountain of my Holy Spirit and receive the constant refreshing of grace that only I can give you. Kindness, love, compassion, and patience are fruits from the Tree of Life; as you partake of my Spirit you will be able to exemplify the fruits and graces of the Spirit, and as you do so you will not only bless others, but will yourself be blessed.

So as you meet the challenges of each day, focus your mind upon the blessings that come from being a genuine Christian both at home and wherever you are. Let the people around you and those who come into contact with you breathe the atmosphere of heaven just by being near you. You cannot produce this quality of grace if you are just trying to be like a Christian on the outside. You may fool people for a while, and even yourself. But those closest to you will see the real person that you are, and that the graces of the Holy Spirit are lacking when you are not under the public eye. "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up!" [James 4:10.]

Remember the story of Peter. He was unconverted until his public failure at my trial caused him to see his great need of humility and true-hearted conversion. Then he became a mighty worker for me in my vineyard. That is why I counseled him to feed my lambs. If you cannot be kind and loving and patient with the lambs in the flock, there is need of a deeper cleansing of soul and a closer walk with me to produce humility and genuineness of Christian character.

So today is a new day to learn of me and walk with me in the lowly paths of service for those around you. May they see your sweet spirit of love and compassion, tenderness and helpfulness, and patience under trying circumstances, and be drawn to be in your company. This is the fruit of the life of a genuine Christian, and this is the character that I bequeath to you as an inheritance for being a citizen of the kingdom of light. With me by your side, you never need to be morose or impatient or unhappy, because your happiness comes not from the things of earth, but from the Spirit of God, who is your Father and mine. And when you are a part of our family, it will be shown by the daily demonstration of your life as a genuine Christian who is a citizen of the kingdom of heaven. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,
You are on my heart today as you begin your busy activities. Each of you is very precious to me as are all of my people around the world. Not a sparrow falls without my notice, and how much more precious are those who serve me with their whole heart. The devil is walking about like a roaring lion, but you are safe as long as you look to me and keep your eyes directed upward toward my heavenly Sanctuary where I am ministering for you.

The topic for today is "health." This includes mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health and well-being. Just as the law of God applies to spiritual and social health and happiness, so it also contains principles that govern physical, mental, and emotional health as well. In fact, the whole Sanctuary services were given to the children of Israel to maintain their health and well-being in every area of their lives.

First I want to address the effect of praise upon the mind. Because you live in a world where sin, sinners, and Satan have access to your minds to bring discouragement, fear, and foreboding, it can be difficult to resist dark and discouraging thoughts and feelings. But under the influence of my Spirit, a consistent positive outlook is possible, and even necessary to maintain health in every area of your lives. That is why praise is the first step in the Sanctuary. Praise is the language of heaven, and thus it is the antidote for depression and discouragement, fear, and even a critical spirit toward others. When you have a spirit of praise and thanksgiving, it reverberates throughout your whole system and connects your mind with me.

Next is the brazen altar where sins were confessed in the court of the Sanctuary. The purpose for repentance is to enable your mind to connect with my forgiveness mercy, and love for you, and unburden your soul from the effects of guilt, remorse and repining for mistakes you have made. These negative emotions can weigh upon your spirit and bring depression and even physical disease if they are not given to me for cleansing. Repentance also keeps you from listening to the taunts of the evil one whose goal is to lead you into sin and then separate you from my love and forgiveness.

The laver represents the Word of God, which is essential to mental, emotional and spiritual stability and health, for it echoes your thoughts and needs, and applies the eye salve of healing for the wounds that sin has caused.

Then you need the infilling of the Holy Spirit as exemplified through the seven-branched candlestick, for the gifts and graces of the Spirit are necessary to fill and rejuvenate your whole body and mind and spirit. Communion with me daily and hourly is as essential for your spiritual health as food is for your body. Prayer is the breath of the soul, and is as necessary as breathing.

It keeps you in constant connection with heaven, and allows the continual ministry of the angels and Holy Spirit to strengthen and hold you up under trials and temptations.

And last but not least, the Most Holy Place represents a continual communion with me and my Father, and the constant presence, guidance, and protection of the angels who are sent to attend your needs. Now perhaps you can see why depression and discouragement are unwarranted for the Christian who is following in my footsteps, for I know from my personal experience on earth how difficult it is to encounter the opposition of people and demons, and press on the narrow way by faith in me and the watchcare of my Father over every one of his children. The only hope is constant vigilance against succumbing to the temptation to be discouraged or fearful, but instead, looking constantly to me for hope and courage and directions to meet the daily challenges that come to every person who is striving to walk in the narrow way to the kingdom of heaven.

Now go to the activities of your day, but just remember that I will never leave you to the buffeting and taunts of the enemy of your souls, but you must reach out to me by the arm of faith and hold on to the promises that I have given you in Scripture, and the counsel and encouragement that is found in the Spirit of Prophecy through the writings of Ellen White. These are my gifts to you who are striving for success in the Christian life, and who want to be among the saved. I am pleased with your perseverance and your faith, and you shall certainly receive your reward through a daily connection and walk with me, and a life of happiness, peace, and joy in my soon-coming kingdom.

Never doubt, never listen to the taunts and lies of the enemy about your standing with me or my love for you, for the law is: "according to your faith be it unto you." [Matt. 9:29.] So if you hear Satan's voice of condemnation in your heart and believe in it, you will reap the results of your belief. But if you maintain your faith and connection with me and believe in my constant love and mercy and forgiveness for you, you will mount up as with eagle’s wings to receive the blessings that I have for you each day, and the life, health and happiness that begins even now and extends throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

As the time of my coming draws nearer, the activity of my people must keep pace with the needs of people around the world whose minds are searching for answers, and thus are more open to hearing truth. This does not mean that I am expecting you to do more activity, for you are already serving me faithfully with all your heart. But each day is a new day with its challenges and responsibilities, and as you go through the day, keep your heart and mind open to the leading of my Spirit so that something will be accomplished each day that will help others to be ready for my coming. The capacity of some will be greater than others, but even a cup of cold water to a needy soul is counted as worthy in the kingdom of heaven.

Now for the topic of today. It is "worthiness." This is a subject that is not often talked about, although it has ramifications that touch every life. When a child is born, I have placed in every heart a desire and need to be valued and esteemed and to have an important purpose for coming into the world. It is an inner drive to excel and fulfill one's God-given potential. Satan knows this, so he strives to invent ways to take away or divert this potential and use it for his own purposes. He has studied human nature and has learned ways to sabotage the thoughts and feelings of children at an early age. That is why it is my purpose and plan that parents guard well the avenues of the heart from the beginning of the child's life and ask me for direction in the raising of each child, for no two are alike. The potential for one will be different from another, but all are of inestimable value for each child to be a contributing member of the kingdom of God.

But herein is the problem of fallen humanity. All talents and gifts are to be used for God's glory and the furtherance of His cause. Therefore Satan works very early to capture the hearts and minds of children and distort their thinking so that they cannot perceive heavenly things. Harsh discipline, neglect, criticism, abandonment, breaking the will, pandering, flattery, false teachings, and many other wrong ways of raising children are filling the earth with people who are virtually impervious to the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit. Of course the media is claiming countless lives, and searing people's minds beyond recovery.

But there is still a remnant who are seeking for truth amidst the clamors of the world and the sights and sounds of this decadent society. It is these inquiring minds to whom I send you to rescue those who are reaching out for help to find truth and for recovery from the damage that sin his done. These people are valuable gems that the angels are ministering to, and so I also want to send you to bring light and hope and healing, and to guide them to the truth that you find so dear. I am not trying to burden you beyond your strength and ability, but just to keep your heart and mind open to the leading of my Spirit as I guide you day by day to be ready to reach out to souls who are thirsting for the water of life that you have.

But what does worthiness have to do with this? When children have been raised wrongly, their sense of worth becomes damaged, and Satan wants to replace the loss of self-worth with pride and worldly ways of gaining the temporary satisfactions of earth. I want every person to have an opportunity to drink at the fountain of truth rather than imbibing Satan's counterfeits. I desire that every person be given an opportunity to experience the joy of receiving worthiness from being a child of the heavenly kingdom and receiving my approval and companionship. Only this will satisfy the hunger for worth and value. This I have placed in every heart to lead them to seek for the true value of being a servant of the heavenly kingdom. No other happiness compares with this.

So today and every day seek out the downtrodden and oppressed and bring them the good news of their inestimable value to me, and the price that I have paid for their redemption. Accepting this truth gives eternal value that nothing else can do. Plus you will be bearers of the good news of my love to those who need it most. And don't forget that the people who are nearest to you may need your encouragement, for the burdens of life and the temptations of the evil one can bring darkness and discouragement, and your word of encouragement may be just what is needed to lighten their load.

Now go to the activities of your day, but never forget how valuable and loved you are to your heavenly Father and to me, and pass on that good news to everyone around you! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Friendliness, Cheerfulness, and Faith

Dearest Ones,

I am happy today to tell you that your prayers for help and encouragement have come up before me and I am sending my angels to bring you light from heaven to lift you into the atmosphere of peace and trust. As I withdraw my Spirit because of the wickedness of men, darkness descends upon the earth and gross darkness upon the people. [Isa. 60:1, 2.] Therefore it will be essential that you keep the lifeline of prayer open between earth and heaven so that your faith will grow stronger, and you can be a source of light and blessing to others!

Now for the topics of today. They are: friendliness, cheerfulness, and faith. First I will address the subject of friendliness. It is natural for people to have a group of people with whom they associate frequently, have things in common, and have achieved a comfort level of trust between them that promotes enjoyment in their fellowship together. It can be uncomfortable and even painful to invite others into this circle of special friends, for it changes the atmosphere of the group. But I want to encourage you to keep your hearts open to others whom I may send to you to receive the light that I am giving you about how to prepare for my soon coming. Very few people are even sensing that the world that they live in will soon pass away and eternity will begin. And even fewer know how to prepare for it. So open wide your doors and welcome the people that I send to you who are outside of your community, but who are open to the light which I am sending from my throne and the throne of my Father.

When I was upon earth, I, too, felt the press of the crowds who followed me, and I sometimes longed for a place of peace and quiet communion with my Father and my disciples. But my days were generally filled with activity and crowds of people, and the constant taunts of the Pharisees who wanted to catch me in something I would say or do to find reasons to kill me. But I constantly depended upon my communion with my Father who guided and sustained me, and so you must do as well. This life will soon be over, and you shall be at rest and peace with me in my kingdom. But for now the war between good and evil is still in progress, and the final battle between must be won by my servants through their consistent lives of holiness under the pressure of daily living and witnessing for the kingdom of heaven.

You do not have to do this alone, for I have promised to never leave you nor forsake you, and I will never break this promise to you. But when you feel pressured and distressed and alone and tired of the battle, you must look to me and cry out to me wherever you are and I will hear you - even if you are in the midst of people - and I will answer you and send help to you from my Sanctuary. My Spirit and my angels will visit you and inspire you and with hope and courage and principles about how to handle your situation and the challenges that I permit to come to you. I screen every experience you have, and permit only those things that are for your best good and for the honor of my kingdom. So in every challenge and perplexity, call upon me and I will give you wisdom and strength for every occasion.

Now I want to address the subjects of faith and cheerfulness. In every problem and trial that I allow to come to you, there is a lesson in faith to learn. That is why you must call upon me in every situation. And cheerfulness is one of these lessons. It is easy to sink down in discouragement and wish the trial would end. But a lack of cheerfulness and faith prolongs the trial, for it is one of the lessons I want you to learn. It is natural to feel morose and dispirited and chafe under the trial, but the trial will end much sooner if you have a spirit of cheerfulness, for cheerfulness takes faith, and faith and cheerful submission to my leading in your life is the reason why I am allowing you to have the trial in the first place!

Do you recall the journey over the Sea of Galilee that I took with my disciples one night? The devils stirred up a storm that would have swept us all away had it not been for the constant watchcare of my Father. But I knew that I was safe in my Father's protection, and that He would see us safely through the storm. The storm was allowed for the sake of my disciples, for they needed to see the greatness of the power of my Father over every attack of the enemy.

So it is with you. When trials and storms come into your life, just remember that they are not from me but from the enemy, and that you will be victorious, not by fighting with the devil on your own, or by trying to bail out your boat, so to speak, by your own efforts. Victory over the enemy will be gained by calling upon me for guidance and deliverance, and an attitude of faith and courage during the trial. Then when this lesson is learned you will find yourself on the other side of the trial with a stronger faith in me and a greater power to witness to others.

So how is it with you today? Is the devil tempting you to focus on your trials and challenges, and attempting to take away the cheerfulness that comes as a result of your faith relationship with me? If so, just remember that bearing up under trials with cheerfulness and faith is a method of refining your character, for when your faith is firmly rooted and grounded in me, I can give you my perfect character of love, joy, peace, and faith under all circumstances.

Now go to the activities of your day, but make every effort to keep your heart open to me as a flower turns to the sun and you will be able to pass every test that I allow to come to you, and your character will be perfected to join the angels around my throne, for you will be safe to save. Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Sealing

Dearest Ones,
I am pleased to see the devotion of my chosen and faithful ones around the world each Sabbath day. There are so many people who pay no attention to the sacredness of this day that is a memorial of creation. It is like the birthday of humanity. No one forgets his own birthday, but celebrates it with friends, and family. But they forget the day I have set aside and said to remember, for in remembering the Sabbath, you remember your Creator and your origins which go back to Eden and forward to Eden restored. Only those who are faithful to my Sabbath covenant will have open hearts to receive the final sealing and the latter rain.

Now for the topic of today. It is "the sealing." For many years my people have been looking forward to this time as it is prophesied in Revelation 7:1-4. When a seal is placed upon a person it indicates that they are in perfect agreement with my law, which is my covenant with my people who choose to serve me. By nature, no one is born with a mind that is in perfect agreement with me, because the tendencies to sin are passed on from one generation to another. Therefore, it is my plan that as children grow and experience life, they are to be taught to love my Sabbaths, for I am present in a special way during those 24 hours which I have set aside for my people.

Those who observe the Sabbath in spirit and truth receive a weekly sealing experience which prepares them for the final sealing at the close of time. This is because during the time of the latter rain when the sealing takes place, the experience of my people will be a continual unbroken connection, and even though secular things must be done on the other six days, they will be done in the Spirit and not the flesh. Every act, every thought, will be in harmony with me because the heart has been cleansed of all worldliness and error. Therefore, I want to describe more clearly the preparation that must be made to receive the fullness of the latter rain and the sealing process which takes place while I am cleansing the books of heaven and blotting out the sins of penitent believers.

When I come to the name of an individual, I have their records before me of every thought, deed, and motive of the heart. Nothing is left out in these records which have been kept by the angels day after day. [7 BC 987.] At the birth of each child there is written the perfect plan that I have for the life of every person [Ps. 139:13-16]. Then as I go through the records of that person's life, I see the damage that Satan has done, and the responses that they have made to both good and evil forces. My angels are at work to draw the person heavenward, and the evil one has assigned his angels to lead the person into sin.

As I go over the record of each life I note the responses of the person to the influence of good and evil. If they give their hearts and lives to me, their names are inscribed in the book of life. If they do not, their names are registered in the book of the lost, or death. Every effort is made by my Spirit and the angels, but the destiny of each person is made by their choices throughout their lives. When I examine the cases of those who have died who are in the book of life, I search for any cherished, known sins that they refused to give up during their lifetimes. [Ps. 19:12-14.] If they refuse to repent and forsake these sins, their names are removed from the book of life and transferred to the book of death. But if they struggled to overcome and laid their sins on me through faith in me, their names are retained in the book of life.

Now I want to discuss the cases of the living. These of necessity must be willing to go through a conscious experience of cleansing from sin in cooperation with me, for I cannot remove sin in the records of heaven unless these sins are removed from the person's life. The books of heaven are an exact replica of the life, including thoughts, feelings, and motives, and I do not remove sin in these areas without the conscious cooperation of the person involved. Can you imagine the reaction of the entire universe if I removed the records of a person's sins while he was still sinning? I know this sounds absurd, but this is what many people think I do. No, the records are simply a replica of each person's life, and the blotting out of the records of sin in heaven must be matched and correspond with the blotting out of sin in the life of each person who desires to be among those who are translated.

So how does this take place? First of all, the person must have a consistent, ongoing relationship with me whereby I can reveal the sins that I see before me in the pages of the book of life. Then I can reveal to the person in their daily lives and in their prayer time where I see elements of sin which are still present in their lives. If they then will cooperate with my Spirit's promptings, and they confess and fully repent of these sins and forsake them, I will blot them out of their memory and out of the books of heaven and remove any access the demons have who are responsible for these sins. [EW 271.] Then I apply my perfect life to them in exchange for their imperfections.

When this is accomplished, I will give the cleansed person the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to give them power to keep their victory over sin forever, and this is called the sealing, for it is given only to those who have come into perfect agreement with me on every issue in their lives. This was the condition in which I lived while on earth, and it is my gift to each of you who are repenting and cleansing your lives of all sin and iniquity right now as you prepare for my coming. Then you will be able to say:

“O Lord, Our God, other Lords besides you have ruled over us, but your name alone do we honor. They are now dead, they live no more; those departed spirits do not rise. You punished them and brought them to ruin; you wiped out all memory of them." [Isa. 26:12-15.]

When this is accomplished for my church it will be said of her, "Thou art beautiful, O my love, as Tirzah, comely as Jerusalem, terrible as an army with banners." SS 6:4.

Do you see why I cannot seal anyone who is not in perfect agreement with me on every point? [See John 6:27; 8:28, 29.] It would be like saying that I either agree with their sins, or overlook the sin and give my seal of approval to it. The whole plan of salvation depends upon a finished product of my sacrifice and my work in the heavenly Sanctuary. And that is what I shall have! I now have a remnant who are coming into harmony with me in every area of their lives. These are the sheep of my pasture who hear my voice. They follow me and are cleansing their lives as I bring their sins of the past that have not been repented of to their attention. As the cleansing goes forward, so does the sealing and the latter rain.

And so my work will be finished in this present generation. Let no one think that I will continue to extend the time. I know every heart and I know when it is time to put in the sickle and reap the harvest of the earth. It is time, my beloved ones, to come into the hiding place until my wrath has passed by. [Isa. 26:20, 21.] For I will soon come out of my place to punish the wicked for their sins and prepare the way for my righteous ones to come home to live forever with me.

Now go to your Sabbath hours and rejoice that the work will soon be done and the Year of Jubilee will begin! Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Harvest

Dearest Ones,

The hour is late for the probation of the world, and the time for my coming draws near! I am sending my angels around the world to seek out every soul who is honest in heart and is looking for the light that only I can give them. The avenues that I have made available to reach the masses of people all around the earth are already in place. The technology that I have permitted and inspired has made it possible to send the last warning message quickly to every part of the globe. Now my greatest need is for people who are fully committed to getting out the light of my soon coming, and how to prepare to meet me in peace. Every person must have an opportunity to make their choice for truth. This sounds like a monumental task to be accomplished in such a short time, but much of the work has already been done.

My church has been spreading the truth to the world for over a hundred and fifty years, and much work has already taken place behind the scenes that only I can see. I estimate the readiness of each soul to be susceptible to truth by their acceptance or rejection of the rays of light they already have. Many people in the world have already passed the limits of their probation because they have consistently resisted any light that I have sent to them and have already chosen to follow the evil one. Television and movies, rock music and drugs, have taken millions down to perdition and destroyed the finer sensibilities of their minds beyond healing. Others have come into contact with a measure of light, but have turned from it and chosen darkness. Some are so destroyed even from birth that they have no capacity for reasoning from cause to effect, and I will not hold them responsible, or raise them up for the second death after the thousand years. They will be like the cattle and the beasts of the earth who have no capacity for higher levels of thinking.

But there are still many who are in the valley of decision, and are open to further light than they presently have. These are the ones to whom angels are sent to minister, and the Holy Spirit still strives with them. Many are in difficult situations such as broken homes, abusive marriages, low poverty conditions, ill-health, etc. But there are also people of all levels of society who are seeing the signs in the earth that I am sending to awaken people to the awareness that the end of the world is near. These are the souls with whom I am still striving to open their hearts to the truths that I have given my people to prepare them for my coming.

As the loud cry goes forth, I will give additional light and power to penetrate into the hearts of the hearers, and help them to make final choices between truth and error. This process will not take long, for the condition of the world and the condition of the hearts of people everywhere is already ripe for the reaping. But without my people and their dedication to the task, there would be no reaping, for the angels need human agents through whom to speak, and my Spirit must have human voices and human hands to reach out to needy souls.

Therefore, I am opening doors of providence for everyone who is willing to join the army of messengers around the world who will take the message of how to prepare for my coming to every home and every person who is longing for truth. For the most part, this must be through the media, for there is not time for a personal visit to each person. Therefore, utilize the media and the lines of communication that I have provided. Avail yourselves of these, for they are very effective for reaching large amounts of people in a short period of time. This is a very thrilling time to be alive and working for me in my vineyard, for never has there been such opportunities to reach large numbers of people in such a short period of time.

Perhaps you can now see why my subject today is "the harvest." The seeds have been sown, and it is time to reap the harvest of the earth. Now perhaps it is clear why I said in Matthew [13:24-30; 36-43], to allow the weeds to grow together with the good grain until the harvest, because until all the light of both the early and latter rain is available for people to make an intelligent decision, it cannot be clearly demonstrated before the universe who are true-hearted believers and who are not. At that time everyone will show what is in their hearts by their decisions for or against the truth. This is why the truth must be clearly presented, and also lived out in the lives of those who present it.

Every matter must have a second witness [Deut. 17:6; 19:15; Matt. 18:16], and before I allow the eternal death of the wicked, this principle must be fulfilled. Therefore, the truth that is spoken must be second-witnessed by the cleansed life of the speaker; and my perfect life must be second-witnessed by the perfected lives of my followers. If my plan of salvation cannot produce people who are saved from sin and sinning, then Satan will use that as an argument against me and in his favor. But I have demonstrated throughout the history of the world that I have always had a people who have loved me and agreed with my laws and kept my covenant of love.

It is now time for the final demonstration of the effectiveness of my plan of salvation as exemplified by those who shall live during the events of the culmination of history, and have perfected their characters and honored me when the whole world is worshipping the Beast and his image. No amount of coercion, even the threat of death, will dissuade them from their allegiance to me. [GC 665.] Thus the great controversy will be finished, and the power and effectiveness of my perfect life and sacrificial death on Calvary and my ministry in the heavenly Sanctuary before the throne of my Father will be completely demonstrated.

You are my trophies from the last generation on earth, for you are standing for the truth amidst the errors and apostasy in the Christian world. Some of my own people have imbibed in these errors, but I will continue to call to them as long as there is any desire for truth in their hearts. I am loath to close my intercessory work as long as there is one honest soul who is longing and sighing for truth. That is why I have sent my angels throughout the world to test every heart and reap the golden wheat of the earth.

Go now to the activities of your day, but make every moment count as I guide you through the day by my Spirit. You cannot fail to please me if you keep your heart open to my counsel and guidance. Raise your voice like a trumpet and declare that the end is near and hasting greatly, for the time has come for the marriage of the Lamb, and my people are now cleansing their lives and preparing for the wedding! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,
I am very near to my servants today around the world. They are hastening to do the work that I have assigned them. Some are tending the sick, others are writing, speaking, traveling, and faithfully doing the work that I have called and equipped them to do. I look on these with pleasure. But it is not the greatness of the work that is done but the spirit in which it is done that makes it valuable to me. The humble duties of everyday life are just as pleasing to me if they are done in a spirit of love and service for me and to be a blessing to others. I also see some who have been valiant soldiers of the cross who are no longer able to do the work they once did because of infirmities. These are just as precious to me as they were in their prime years of service for me, and their works do follow them. If they prove to be faithful, they will yet do a work for me in the days ahead before I come. Hold fast to your faith for your redemption is near!

Now for the topic of today. It is "generosity." There is a characteristic in man's fallen nature to provide for one's own needs and desires, but feel that giving to others equals taking away from themselves. If I were not involved, that would be true. But I have a law of giving that rewards the giver so that their generosity is a means of enlarging their capacity for receiving even more. There is no end to my resources, and the law of giving is that the more you give, the more I will give back to you. [Luke 6:38.] So if I ask you to give, never fear that you will be disadvantaged. However, there is an exception to this rule. When people give simply to be seen of men and to display their wealth for their own glory, the motive is not generosity, but self-aggrandizement. Every act is judged by its motive [Prov. 16:2, NIV], and I give no rewards for selfish giving, or services done which are supposedly done in my name, but are really for the power and fame of the giver. [Matt. 6:1-4.]

Now I want to return to the subject of generosity. This is not a quality that comes from the carnal nature, for the carnal nature is completely self-oriented. It may be that even savages have sometimes displayed characteristics of helpfulness or giving that is a blessing to someone in need. But that is because my Spirit is always ranging around the earth and working in the hearts of anyone who is open to receive heavenly impressions. [2 Chron. 16:9; Ps. 33:13-15; Prov. 15:3.] There will be people in heaven who never had a missionary to teach them, but were open to my Spirit and responded as much as they understood. But there will be many more who could have been saved if they had the opportunity for further light and a helping hand.

Nevertheless, I am not blaming anyone - I am just stating the facts of the great loss of humanity that sin has caused. But I want to go back to a more pleasant outlook this morning. I want you to look up and be joyful that your heavenly Father sees every good deed that you do out of a pure heart of love for someone around you. Generosity is not just an act, but a state of mind. It is of heavenly origin and cannot be manufactured by works. But it can be encouraged by responding to the good impulses that I send to you through the Holy Spirit when you see someone in need.

Even children can exercise generosity. Do you notice someone who has a sad face or a furrowed brow? Wouldn't they be surprised and blessed if you gave them a smile and shared part of your lunch with them? There are many things in this life that can make people sad. But there are not many who know how to bring hope and courage to the people around them. Wouldn't it be a good thing to ask your heavenly Father to give you the gift of generosity? He would love to answer that prayer, for he is the most generous being in the whole universe! Today go out of your way to touch the life of someone who needs your spirit of cheerfulness and generosity. Ask me to give you eyes that see the needs of others, and a gift to give each one who could benefit from your heartfelt generosity. Cheerful givers receive more than they give because they have not only the joy of giving, but also the joy of working together with me and receiving my approbation and approval.

Go now to your day's activities, but remember to look to me in everything that you do and I will bless you and keep you close to me and you will be honored in heaven for representing me on earth. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,
You are in my thoughts today because you are the sheep of my pasture and the focus of my heart. This is the time that was spoken of by the prophets as the time of the latter rain. [Zech. 10:1.] It is beginning to fall even now, but in order to receive it you must be in daily communion with me so that you will not miss the gems of light that I am sending to those who are attentive to my voice. I have something for each of you today and every day until I come in the clouds of heaven to take you home with me. It is imperative that the lines of communication are kept open between earth and heaven, because your enemy, the devil, walks about like a lion [1 Pet. 5:8] seeking its prey, and except for the protection that I provide for my chosen ones, he will use every avenue to attempt to lure you from my side.

Now for the topic of today. It is "attitude." This is a vital topic because what you think and feel has everything to do with how each day will go, and eventually whether you will be ready for heaven. The heart is the seat of your emotions and thoughts, and indicates the tenor of your life. Some are born with hereditary patterns of thinking which is inherited from their parents and the generations before them that makes right thinking and feeling very difficult. But all have sinned and come short of the glory, or character, of God, so in one sense all are equal before the throne of judgment. It is true that the advantages at birth are not all equal. However, advantages or disadvantages do not determine salvation. What determines salvation is attitude. What I mean is this: what a person does with their circumstances determines the outcome of their destiny. My Spirit seeks out every person and labors with them to seek for more light. For some, disadvantages can be a blessing, for it impels them to seek for help in order to overcome their circumstances. When anyone seeks for help to improve, I am there to encourage them and provide openings of providences for further light. But for the majority of people, the Spirit speaks in vain, for they do not have ears to hear me, for Satan holds them captive unless they reach out to me for help.

Here is where you, as my emissaries for truth, come into the picture. Your example, your encouragement, your words of comfort, hope, and instruction can heighten their desire for something better than they have, and lead them to seek me for help. And my promise is sure: "Seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you." [Matt. 7:7.]

Another facet of attitude is perseverance. Press your petitions to the throne - not because I am loath to answer, but because of the hardness of the human heart which needs to be broken and softened in order to hear my still small voice. You cannot force me to answer by figuratively jumping around and shouting as the heathens do to get the attention of their gods. I hear you, and I am aware of your needs before you call to me, and I already have a plan for your relief. But we must be in harmony for the blessing to fall upon you. We must be in agreement, and there must be a humble, submissive Spirit in order for you to hear my gentle voice in your heart. The raucous noises of the world must be tuned out, and in the quietness of your heart and in submission to my will, you will hear me speaking to you and guiding you in safe paths.

I have a divine plan for each one of you, made from the foundation of the world. I have always known you and I have a perfect plan for your life, and when you come to me, I will work out the plan for you day by day as you follow me. You must learn to follow me in the dark times as well as the light, for the world and its inhabitants are generally not of my Spirit, and darkness is endemic with those who choose to follow Satan, because he is the prince of darkness and ruler of all who choose to follow him. This means that when you are in the presence of those who have not surrendered their lives to me and chosen to be a part of my kingdom of light, you will sense the presence of evil angels around some people. This is why you must be very careful whom you bring into the inner circle of your life. Some have destroyed their lives by choosing wrong friends or marriage partners. When you are witnessing for me you are safe as long as you keep the lines of communication open between you and me. But if you are even witnessing for me but do not keep connected to me, there is danger. Remember the men who we're trying to cast out demons in my name [Acts 19:13-16] and were overcome because they were not in harmony with my Spirit? This came from an attitude of pride and self-serving, and thus there was no spiritual power.

So it is with those who are attempting to follow my commandments and laws without a personal love relationship with me. They will be disappointed when I come, for to all such believers I will have to say, I never knew you. Of course, you understand that I mean that they never opened up their hearts to me, but tried to enter heaven by their own merits. Works can never produce a heavenly attitude, for it is the opposite of humility of heart and purity of motives as a reason for desiring heaven. David said, "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer." Ps. 19:14.

This is the attitude that opens the windows of heaven to receive all the blessings that I have in store for you. So what about today? If you are desirous of walking with me today, I am willing and waiting to guide your footsteps and protect you and speak to you throughout the day. An attitude of faith and love is all I require, and as you walk with me, these attributes will grow and mature as you see their results in your life. Turn off the radio, turn off the TV, and seek me in the quietness of your soul, for that is where I reside in all who seek me and find me for life eternal.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep me in your heart so that I can guide and protect you from the plans of the evil one who is seeking for your destruction. Those who follow me now are special targets of the devil because you are a threat to his plans to conquer the world and take it from me. But you need not fear him, for I am with you and will send my angels to surround you with my protection if you dwell under the shadow of my wings. [Ps. 91:4.] So take my hand again today and you will dwell in the safety of my pavilion. [Ps. 27:5.]

Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,
You are on my heart today and every day because you are so attentive to the slightest whisper of my voice to you. It is a joy for me to know that whatever I need you to do for me, you will be listening and eager to respond and obey.

Now for the topic of today. It is "agreement." Do you realize that agreement is the key to victorious living? Satan has represented me to be a hard taskmaster who demands obedience and metes out retribution for disobedience. What I really want is agreement with me and my righteous principles from each believer. What would I gain in having subjects who obey me because they fear divine retribution? There is no joy in obedience unless it springs from a heart of love and oneness of spirit. But the human heart is naturally at enmity with me, my character, and my laws. Because of this I have constructed the Sanctuary model with the various levels of relationship with me that are possible.

All acceptable worship and communication with me begins with praise. [Ps. 100.] This is not because I crave praise and adoration, but because it frees the mind of the worshipper from self-centeredness, and places their thoughts upon the object of worship, which is the goodness, mercy, love and wisdom of God and all His benefits. Because the heart is then opened to the goodness and mercy of God, it is therefore prepared to confess and forsake sin (represented by the altar of sacrifice), and receive His forgiveness and transformation of life. Next is the instruction from the Word of God, represented by the laver, which washes, heals, fills, and inspires the suppliant with grace and wisdom and regeneration [Eph. 5:25-27]so that the mind is prepared for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit (represented by the seven-branched candlestick [Rev. 4:5]), which is the next step in the Sanctuary.

The table of shewbread represents my own perfect life and example [John 6:48-58], which, under the instruction and inspiration of the Holy Spirit, is applied to you - not just in name only, but in the regenerative power of the Holy Spirit that dwells within you and works out my righteousness in and through you. At this point you are prepared to pray with power and receive the outpouring of the Spirit at the golden altar which will reach the throne of God and bring down answers to your prayers for your loved ones and others for whom you are interceding. I have specifically established the Sanctuary pattern to make it possible and easy to commune with me and receive the answers that you crave and that I am waiting to give you.

Now you are ready to enter the intimacy of the second apartment relationship. Do you see how careful the Father and I have crafted the Sanctuary so that at every step you are coming into agreement with me? To be successful, the Sanctuary cannot be a rote performance. It must be from the heart of the worshipper as a growing relationship and communication with me that enables my Spirit to bring harmony between us at every step of the worship experience.

Ever since sin entered into existence through the devil, it has been an issue of disagreement between me and the sinner. Thus the purpose of the whole plan of salvation is to bring us back together in full agreement on every point and at every level. When that goal is reached, sin and sinners will be eradicated from the universe and the plan of rescue will be accomplished. This is the point in history to which we have now come. What more can I do to display the results of sin? What is left to convince the world and the watching universe that the wages of sin is death and the gift of God to those who are in agreement and harmony with the principles of my law is eternal life? What more can be exposed of Satan's lies and the results of his government?

No, it is now time for the final generation to decide who they will worship. And each person's decision will be based upon whom they agree with. Will it be Christ or Belial? Will it be Jesus of Nazareth or Barabbas? Will it be the King of heaven or the prince of this world? I am counting on you, my beloved chosen ones, to represent me so winsomely, so completely, that you will win the hearts of those who love truth and abhor the atrocities that are going on around the world today. Seek and find the honest in heart, and those who are tired of sin and longing for truth and hope and something better than anything this world has to offer. I will guide these to you or you to them, either in person or by the avenues of the media that I have provided for you to use. Angels will be by your side speaking through you and directing you.

Time is short, and there is nothing so important now than preparation for my coming and helping others to prepare. All of heaven is focused upon the finishing of the work on earth. Please join us and allow the Spirit and the angels to bring you into total agreement and fellowship with me moment by moment, and you will not only be safe to save, but safe to be used as instruments for the salvation of others. May you be blessed today in the knowledge of my love for you and the success I shall give you in laboring for the souls of those around you. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,
I am rejoicing with you today because your minds are so open to spiritual truth and you are growing up quickly under the influence of the latter rain, which brings the harvest of the earth to perfection. It also seals in the wicked to be lost because of their rejection of the additional light that is shining from the Most Holy Place of the heavenly Sanctuary upon those who are looking to heaven and are praying for more understanding of how to prepare for my coming. Around the world prayers are ascending to the throne of my Father for additional help to overcome besetting sins and to be cleansed from all unrighteousness in response to the work of the Holy Spirit. This response from my people is imperative, for time is short, and I will not force anyone to do my will and be cleansed from their sins during the final atoning work that I am doing in cleansing my people and blotting out their sins from the books of heaven. What a joy it is to all of us in heaven to see my people coming into line and cooperating with me in the finishing work of salvation.

However, there are some who are resisting my Holy Spirit's final call, and are being satisfied to be lukewarm and trusting that I will save them in their present condition. This is a fatal deception, for I cannot take lovers of this world into the kingdom of heaven. Observe, if you will, the results of sin in this world since Adam and Eve fell. I have given 6000 years to display the results of sin and the insidiousness of holding on to just one sin. It is like a cancer that begins small, but eventually takes away the life of the person as it spreads throughout the body. Those who are safe to save are those who hate sin with the same passion I have for breaking even the least of the commandments. Of course that is only a literary way of saying that even the smallest offense is not acceptable to God. Could there be a smaller act of disobedience than eating a bite of apple? Yet it showed the lack of faith and obedience that is imperative to be a citizen of heaven.

So today the topic is "obedience." It isn't the enormity of the act, but the spirit of disobedience which motivates the act. Through the centuries I have been lenient in the retribution for sin. I have been lenient in my reaction towards sinners because I know that every child comes into this world with the inheritance that was passed on to them from their ancestry back to Adam and Eve. It is not I who brings the results of sin upon people, but the natural effects of the sins of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation passed on down from one generation to another. But because of my life, death, resurrection, and ministry in the heavenly Sanctuary, I have taken the responsibility of giving sinners a chance to accept my life, my perfection, my attitudes, motives and thought processes in place of their own.

As the second Adam for the human race, I make it possible for every son and daughter of the first Adam to be born again through the water of repentance, and to be cleansed of the roots of sin which were passed on down through the generations. You can have a change of heart, a change of heredity, if you will, and I will give you my righteous character - my thoughts and feelings and impulses in exchange for your old life and impulses of sin. Then you will have the righteous character that comes only by faith through your acceptance of my life which is then imparted and imputed to you through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit as you walk in fellowship with me every day.

Because of what I have made available to each person, there will be no acceptance of excuses in the day of the execution of my final judgments. To come up to that time hoping for leniency for cherished sin, either hereditary or cultivated, is to say that my sacrifice was not adequate to take away your sin. The plan of salvation is complete to rid each life of the presence and power of sin. But this exchange is made only in this life before probation closes. After my ministry is finished in the Most Holy Place of the heavenly Sanctuary, there is no more cleansing grace through my intercession and my blood. Therefore, come unto me - just now - while the Holy Spirit is still calling you and speaking to your heart. Come with your burdens of sin and sorrow, of sinful habits that you cannot seem to break, with your hearts yearning for the anointing of my Spirit which will give you life and peace. Linger not at the threshold between life and death. Turn and follow me and look not yearningly behind you as did Lot's wife and lost her soul.

Don't yearn for the fleshpots of Egypt, or the world and its entertainments that are so captivating to your senses. I want your whole heart, mind, and soul, and in exchange I will give you life, peace and joy both now and in eternity. Just take my hand and follow me. You don't know the future, but I do. I will take you safely to the promised land, and your walk with me even here will be filled with the love that only I can give you. Why will you die O house of Israel? Why will you choose day after day to go about your lives as if my coming was a long way off and you have plenty of time to prepare? Is your hesitancy because you feel satisfied with your present condition? I want a Bride who is in perfect agreement with me on every issue of life and who knows me and puts our relationship before all others! How can you understand how much I love you when other things take the place of a constant unbroken love relationship with me?

But I do have my sheep who follow me, and because of them I am not extending the time of my coming any longer. The signs you see in the world are my way of telling you this. So I will send my Spirit around the world to impress every heart that I am coming soon! Those who respond to my voice I will gather into my fold of safety before I let go of the winds of strife. You can help me to do this work by your efforts which I will bless. As my under-shepherds, you are vital to the reaping process. I am counting on you to stand by my side until every person has had an opportunity to make a final decision for or against me. And then the door of mercy will close and I will come and bring you home to be with me. May that day come quickly, for the earth is groaning under the weight of the sins of the people. So look up and rejoice, for the hour appointed for my coming is near at hand and soon you will stand with me on Mount Zion! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Wonderful Counselor

Dearest Ones,

I have been with you every moment on your trip to 3ABN, and I gave you traveling mercies and protection through the angels. I want all of my people to know how close I am to them wherever they are, wherever they go, and whatever they are doing. You need never feel alone or forsaken even amidst the trials and tribulations of this earth, for I am there with you and I will answer your calls for help and guidance, no matter where you are or what you are experiencing.

Now for the topic of today. It is "Wonderful Counselor." As you know, this was a name given to me by the prophet, Isaiah, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. [Isa. 9:6.] I want to talk about this today because my character is so often misunderstood and maligned by those who do not know me, or are influenced by the age-old argument of the devil, that I am harsh and accusatory, and that my voice is one of condemnation and accusation when you have done something wrong. In fact, if you hear a harsh, accusatory voice in your mind, it is not me, but Satan or his evil angels who pretend to be me so that you will reject me and turn away from listening to the still, small voice of my Spirit.

Satan has learned that if he can tempt you into sin, then pretend to be me and accuse you for the thing he has just tempted you to do, that you will learn to fear me and not want to have a friendship with me. Or, if he can bring darkness and discouragement over you to separate you from my loving ministry to you, he will win a victory over you and keep your mind occupied with trying to escape from the darkness by turning to worldly ways of temporary distraction to find relief. But all the while I am waiting to rescue you from this cycle of emotional abuse. So I invite you to come and drink at the never flowing fountain of my love and heavenly council.

"Come, now, let us reason together!" Isaiah [1:18] is a good beginning for our study today. Notice the difference between reasoning together and commands that must be obeyed to avoid possible punishment. There are three choices a person has in response to the principles of my holy law: First, you can obey in order to escape undesirable consequences; second, you can choose to disobey and suffer the results of rebellion; or you can come to me and learn of me through the Word and through the leading of my Holy Spirit. In that way we can reason together and you can choose to obey me through an understanding of the principles of my law.

Of course, I want you to obey my law of love, for it is the recipe for your happiness, and the doorway to all that is good. But I do not want you to do it out of fear of punishment like a brute beast who responds only to the lash of the whip. People who obey me with that attitude tend to be harsh themselves when they are dealing with others and feel at liberty to do so without compunctions of conscience because they feel that is how I am. But I desire obedience to be from a different motive. I want obedience to be from love and an intelligent understanding of my principles and a joyful response to the liberty of conscience that such obedience produces.

Therefore, my request to come and reason together is an invitation to commune with me, for I have wisdom and understanding and knowledge to share with you about every question you ask and every experience you go through. I will not force it upon you, but I will never disappoint you if you ask. "If any man lack wisdom, let him ask in faith, nothing wavering, and it shall be given him." [James 1:5.] I did not create you to be robots, but to have an endless capacity for learning and growing throughout eternity. I will not coerce you to avail yourself of this privilege, but I will joyfully assist and counsel you and guide you to the highest goals you wish to reach if it is truth you seek, for your motives are for the glory of God and true service to mankind.

In other words, there is no ceiling on your advancement if your motives are pure and holy. Although you cannot produce these righteous motives yourself, you can surrender to the workings of my Spirit within you, and as you grow in grace and the teaching of my Spirit, you will reach heights of wisdom and achievement that you do not presently think is possible. So come to me today, and let me be your Teacher and Counselor in every aspect of life, whether it be intellectual, spiritual, mental, emotional or physical. I want to be your Teacher, your Counselor, your Physician, and your Guide. If you allow me to do these things for you with your cooperation, I assure you that your footsteps will reach the golden shores of my kingdom. And best of all, the friendship we develop here will continue to grow throughout eternity! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,
I am with you today as you travel to 3ABN camp meeting. You are my ambassadors to take the good news of my soon coming. The topic for today is "cheerfulness." I am not speaking about the levity of worldlings who are always seeking ways to cause laughter in the people with whom they associate. Heavenly cheerfulness is inspired by a heart of love for God and for the people with whom you associate. Cheerfulness comes from joy of a heavenly origin. People who possess this characteristic can be happy amidst pain and suffering, stress, or times of trouble and tribulation, because the origin is not from earth, but comes from a close and continuing love relationship with me, and is a product of the individuality of the Holy Spirit and the peace that comes from knowing that you are loved of God and freed from guilt, worry, and fear.

How does one get this quality? It is by walking day by day, moment by moment with me as your best Friend, for I will always be by your side to give you peace, calmness, hope, advice, mercy, forgiveness, and all the gifts and graces of the Spirit. Mercy and forgiveness are two of the most important graces of the Holy Spirit which promote and augment cheerfulness, because a heart burdened down with guilt is not able to see or comprehend my love and forgiveness no matter how I try to get through to the mind. A depressed person is focused upon the cause of their depression and is laden down with negative emotions.

That is where my beloved ones can do what I cannot do unless the person yields to my Holy Spirit. But I can work through your hands, your love, your ministry to those who need your love and support. You can lend a helping hand where I cannot. You can give a cup of cold water to the thirsty, food to the hungry, encouragement to the downtrodden. You can clothe the naked, provide shelter for the homeless, and hope for the hopeless. When I was on earth it was my joy to minister to those around me, and I taught my disciples to do the same.

Now it is your privilege to carry on the work of the kingdom of God. You are my representatives and through you I can continue to reach out to the suffering ones and bring smiles of gratitude to their faces and hope to their hearts. But all of this is predicated by a personal walk with me that seals your own heart with peace and love and freedom from worry, fear, or depression. If you find yourself tempted to give in to any of these things, come to me and I will rescue you and guide you to the words of Scripture that are just what you need in order to connect with me. I know your feelings and your needs, and I will give you courage and hope and wisdom for every challenge that you will meet. It is just this personal experience with me that will give you a testimony to others that will give them hope and courage also.

So how is it with you today? Are you drinking at the fountain of my endless love for you and my watchcare over you, or are you discouraged and dwelling in the lowlands of your experience? Always remember that I am just a prayer away, and you have your Bible nearby. Open it and I will guide you to just the right passage to touch your heart and give you instruction and peace.

There is nothing like the Word and prayer to get your mind back on track and focused on heavenly themes. No one has to be a pawn of the dark thoughts of the evil one. Raise your thoughts to heavenly things and I will meet you there by my Spirit. Then your life will be a blessing to everyone around you and bring a little bit of heaven to everyone you meet.

That is what is meant by the word, "Sanctuary." My Sanctuary points the way to such a relationship with me that you will be men and women that are wondered at by those who look only to the world and it's supposed pleasures and rewards for solace and escape. Perhaps some will even be attracted by your life to seek for the hope you have that makes you different from the world, and you can bring them into my hiding place with you!

Now go to your labors for the day, but keep your heart pure with all diligence, for it is the seat of your emotions, and from it comes your own happiness and the influence you will have upon others. Come let us labor together today, and search for those who can be blessed by the influence of your life! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

I am thinking of you today, for my mind and heart are ever with my people who are serving me with their whole heart and following my counsel every day. It is for this reason that I am able to move forward to bring the reign of sin to an end. The trumpets of God are sounding around the earth to announce the coming of the King, just as trumpets were sounded to announce the approach of the Day of Atonement for the nation of Israel. We are now in the antitypical Day of Atonement, and the time has come for the blotting out of sin in preparation for my coming. All who participate with me as did the whole camp of Israel on that day will be sealed and ready for my appearing. Those who do not participate will be cast out, and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth when I come and they find too late that they are unprepared. [Matt. 13:40-42.] Now is the time of preparation. Now is the day of salvation! Let my people know this so that no one will be unwarned.

Now for the topic of today. It is "watchfulness." Satan is a wily foe, and has increased in subtleness as the centuries have gone by. But his intentions are always the same - he constantly endeavors to distract the people of God from their work of building up the kingdom of God and preparing a people to stand in the great day of God. Do you recall the story of Ezra and Nehemiah who led out in rebuilding the temple and the wall of Jerusalem? [Ezra 4:1-5; Neh. 4.] Satan stirred up enemies to harass them and try to stop their work. But I inspired the leaders of my people with determination to continue the work until it was accomplished, and when the people saw their zeal, they were inspired to do the work and finish the task of rebuilding, for the appointed time had come, as I had prophesied by Daniel in Daniel 9:25.

Now the appointed time of the end has come [Dan. 8:19], and I am calling leaders to preach the glad news that I am about to come. I am calling for leaders like Ezra and Nehemiah who are not afraid of opposition, but who will find their strength in me to persevere and to lead and inspire the honest in heart to finish the task that the pioneers in 1844 began with such valor and determination. Unfortunately, many have lost the vision of the pioneers to persevere until the work is accomplished. But I have dedicated and sincere men and women around the globe who are looking wistfully to heaven for more light and understanding on the subject of my coming, and will gladly join you in your efforts to awaken people to action and to realize that the time has come to understand the fullness of the Sanctuary message as it relates to the blotting out of sins, the judgment of the living, and the sealing and the latter rain.

These things have fallen into obscurity and misunderstanding, just as the rebuilding of the temple and the wall had been abandoned for years. But now I want the understanding of these things to be revived, for the time has come to finish the work that was started in 1844 by the pioneers. As you know, most people believe that the judgment of the living is a secret process. How, then, can they cooperate with me in the work that I am doing in cleansing their lives and blotting out their sins? I have never worked in secret concerning the things that require the cooperation of my

people. I have always raised up leaders and prophets to proclaim my messages and to inspire my people to cooperate with me in whatever I am doing for them.

There are many honest hearted people who have never heard such things and are not familiar with the light that was given to the world during the 1844 movement. At that time the truth was revealed to them that I had moved from the first apartment work of ministry into the second apartment to finish transgression and stop the continuation of sinning [Dan. 9:24], and bring to a close the work of redemption. This cannot happen unless I have the attention, understanding, and cooperation of my people, for I do nothing for my people without their cooperation. [2 SM 236.] As I have said before, I give everyone the power of choice, and I died on Calvary to purchase back the human race from the power of the devil, who wants to control the will of his subjects. He cares nothing for freedom, and his kingdom is built on force and subterfuge. For example, see the demonstration of the principles of his kingdom during the 1260 years of papal persecution. I allowed this to take place so that the whole universe could see the true nature of the Beast who is controlled by Satan himself. The devil accused me in heaven of being a despot whose laws prevent freedom of choice, which is, in fact, just the opposite of my nature and my kingdom. It is he who is the despot who rules his subjects with an iron hand and kills those who disagree with him. Observe even today his treatment of my followers in lands where he has control. But this reign of sin is soon to come to a conclusion, and it is my work in the Most Holy Place of the heavenly Sanctuary that will make it so.

Now, does it seem more clear to you why I must have a people who are in tune with me, who know what I am doing, and are intelligently cooperating with me in my closing work for my people in the heavenly Sanctuary? What would Satan say to accuse me before the universe if I blotted out your sins without your knowledge and cooperation and willing involvement? While I am not afraid of the taunts of the evil one, because he is a beaten foe, I am concerned for the majority of my people who think that I am doing a work for them in the heavenly Sanctuary that is secret. It is only secret for those who are not watching and for those who miss their appointed time [Daniel 8:19] in the judgment of the living, and therefore I must finally blot out their names from the Book of Life. That is why I said to my disciples, "Watch and pray: for you know not when the time is." [Mark 13:33.] When I spoke to them, I was also looking down to your day, and I plead with you to take my counsel to them, for when my work is finished, the cases of all will have been decided [GC 489-91].

I do not wish to discourage or disheartened my people who are in tune with me, who know what I am doing and are intelligently cooperating with me and my closing work for my people in the heavenly Sanctuary. But I want to give a message of warning to those in Zion who are sleeping or unconcerned and unaware of the times in which you are living. Lift up your voice like a trumpet, [Isa. 58:1; Joel 2:1] and proclaim my message to those who are ignorant of the true meaning of the judgment hour message which was first preached in the 1840s to prepare the people for my imminent return. It is the first angel’s message which is to be preached now with even greater force and power, for the hour of my judgment requires understanding and willing cooperation in order for the people to be prepared for my coming.

Do you want to be a part of my watchmen on the walls of Zion? Do you want to blow the trumpet to awaken the sleeping virgins? I have chosen you to do just that, and I am pleased that you are putting forth every effort to fulfill your calling. The hour is late and the true workers are few. The harvest of the earth is ready to be reaped. Put everything that is unnecessary out of your life and cling to me moment by moment and you will not fail to be successful workers in my harvest field. Take courage, my friends, for I am ever beside you to encourage, strengthen, and supply you with everything you need and every necessity for doing the work of spreading the message of my soon coming around the world, and in due time you will reap your reward if you prove to be faithful in the days ahead. Let nothing discourage or dishearten you, for I will guide and protect you and give you victory against all the onslaughts of the enemy. Nothing can harm you, because you are my ambassadors to a dying world with a message that will save the honest in heart.

Go now to the activities of your day, but keep your eyes upon me and your heart uplifted to the heavenly Sanctuary where the light is shining forth to save all who come to me before probation closes. Then I will hide you under the shadow of my wings until the disasters are past, and I come to claim you as my own. Lovingly, Jesus.


Dearest Ones,
You are the apple of my eye as you cooperate daily with the leading of my Spirit in your devotions and send up your prayers to my throne. It is my joy to see how you are growing in your strength to resist the advances and temptations of the evil one - not in your own strength, but in the strength of the Holy Spirit and the power of the Word.

Now for the topic of today. It is "cleanliness." I am not referring to physical cleanliness, although that is important also. But I am referring to the necessity of mental, emotional, and spiritual cleanliness if you are to battle successfully against the devil and his wiles. The world with its lures and siren sounds is all around you, and it takes determination to be able to walk in the midst of evil and not be contaminated by it. But if you look to me for help, I will put a hedge about your mind and protect you from the sights and sounds that bombard you from every side, so that nothing will enter your mind to contaminate your feelings and thoughts when you have to be in worldly environments in order to carry on your daily affairs. But be careful not to deliberately invite the thoughts and ideas of the evil one into your mind through the avenues of the five senses, for remember that I give everyone the power of choice, and I do not restrain you from making poor choices which will war against your Christian growth. I try to warn you by my still, small voice, but I will never force you to do that which is right.

It would be well if you would learn to always pray to me when you are tempted to do wrong or make wrong choices. Send up a prayer as soon as you see the temptation coming. I will send help to you immediately. But if you linger longingly, the power of your will is weakened, and you will succumb to the temptation if you do not call upon me for help. Do not become discouraged by what I am saying and allow yourself to imagine that when you sin I become angry and turn away my face from you. That is what the devil wants you to think so he can fasten you in his grip through discouragement. When I say I will never leave you nor forsake you, I mean just that. When you sin, I am there to pick you up and help you to be forgiven and cleansed and strengthened for the next battle with temptation.

The problem is that so many people love their pet sins and don't even desire to be victorious over them, and thus don't look to me for help. They are satisfied in their lukewarm condition and don't consider the changes they must make to be saved alive when I come. They are counting on my mercy and feel that my righteousness is an automatic covering which will protect them from being among the lost when probation closes and when I come in the clouds of glory. Theirs is a vain hope, for I will save only those who have made the effort to know me and love me and come into perfect and complete agreement with me and my righteous requirements. Love and respect and agreement must be the condition of every heart that wants to walk with me in white and receive the crown of eternal life. There will be no sinners taken to heaven, for an eternity in heaven would never change the hearts of those who refuse to be cleansed while living upon earth. Love has to be the motivation, for if you love me you will love to keep my commandments.

What is the color of the robe that I place upon my chosen ones? Yes, it is pearly white, for it represents the characters of those who receive it. What is the color of the twelve gates of the New Jerusalem? They are also pearly white, representing the cleansed and perfected characters of those who will enter through the gates into the city. Nothing sinful or uncleansed will go through those gates, for all the tribes and nations of earth who come up to every point and pass every test will represent my character and have a perfect hatred against sin in every form. This is the victory that overcomes the world - even faith in me and love for my righteous requirements, which are simply the laws of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health and wholeness. These will eat of the fruit of the tree of life and live forever in holiness and agreement with me before my throne and the throne of my Father.

Does this sound like the experience you want to have with me now as your eyes are opened to understand the deeper levels of the principles which are the foundation of my government? Everything is built upon love! My love for you and your response of love back to me. I love the sinner, but I do not love the sin, for it is a product of the mind of the enemy of your souls and leads to eternal death. My heart is yearning for my people everywhere to come into the ark of safety while there is yet time. The hour is fast approaching when the door will be shut. But not while there is one person who truly and sincerely wants with all their heart to leave off sinning and be perfected by knowing me and having a personal relationship with me.

However, the days will not prolong, for I nearly have my number made up at this time. I know where they are all over the world, and I am calling them now by my Spirit and the angels who attend them. All that is waiting now is that my Bride will second witness my call to them, for both the Spirit and the Bride say come! [Rev. 22:17.] And those who respond will say come to others until the good news of my final call will be spread around the world in the loud cry of the fourth angel. [Rev. 18:4.] Do you see the progression that will finish the work? I give the first call, then my Bride joins me, and then those who hear swell the message until every soul on earth is warned. This will not take long in this day and age when the media is utilized. So go to your day with rejoicing, for the journey is almost over, and eternal day is about to begin!

Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

My heart of love and concern is with you today to watch over you and guide you safely through the day and every day until I come. As I withdraw my Spirit from the earth because of the wickedness of mankind, the devil takes advantage of the opportunity to be more involved in the affairs of men, and works to bring about his desire to rid the earth of anyone who does not agree with him and his purposes. That is why my angel guard around my people has doubled, for Satan would destroy my people if he could, because he wants to set up a dynasty of his own apart from mine, as he always has wanted to do. But he and his purposes will come to naught, for my kingdom is comprised of my beloved ones who love and serve me and understand my ways and love my law, and they shall prevail against all the plans of the evil one.

Now for the topic of today. It is "shamelessness." This may sound like a strange topic to you, but it is what I have offered to my people who are completely cleansed from the effects that sin has caused in their lives. You may not realize what a huge part shame has to do with the thoughts and feelings that are produced by sin. Breaking my law has an automatic reaction in the human heart, because I created mankind to be sinless and in perfect harmony with my law, which contains the principles of life and happiness. When the law is broken, shame is the automatic response, coupled with guilt and fear.

Do you remember what Adam and Eve did when they ate the fruit of the forbidden tree, and their robes of light disappeared, and they came to the sudden realization that they had sinned? They immediately began to cover themselves with fig-leaf garments of their own making. So it is with all sin; people try to cover themselves with whatever eases the pain of the shame and guilt that sin produces. I want you to consider a text in Malachi 2:16: (NIV, 1987 ver.)

"I hate divorce, says the Lord God of Israel, and I hate a man's covering himself with violence as well as with his garment, says the Lord Almighty. So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith."

As I look down upon the world, I see so much anger and violence in homes and all of society. Anger and violence are self-protective reactions resulting from feelings of shame, guilt and fear turned into violence against another person, or even toward animals or inanimate objects. When one is at peace with God, anger does not have a place in the heart. Do you see anywhere in the Bible that the fruit of the Spirit is anger? Anger is a carnal reaction whose root is fear and self-rejection. If a man [person] does not get his way or reach his goal, he first blames himself, and then strikes out against others or anything which stands in the way of accomplishing his goal. Do you see why "covering himself with violence" is an accurate description of what happens in the unregenerate heart when guilt and shame produce fear, and fear strikes out in anger and violence at others who are perceived to be standing in the way of getting rid of the shame and guilt caused by sin? No one wants to feel the agony of shame and the fear of divine retribution that sin causes.

It is impossible to stop this from happening, because I created mankind to be in harmony with my law, and sin brings you under the law of sin and death. Therefore the only solution to the problem caused by sin was to take the shame and guilt of my broken law upon myself and pay the price by my own of death [Isa. 63:1-6]. Then anyone who looks to me as their substitute and the complete payment for their sins can be free to accept my sacrifice in their behalf and thus be freed from the penalty of death. However, that freedom does not mean that they are free to go on sinning, as so many seem to believe. The promise is freedom from sin and sinning by faith in the power of my righteous life indwelling the forgiven person through the Holy Spirit. It is a progressive walk of faith, growing throughout life, and the end product is peace and holiness and agreement with all my principles, and the reward is life eternal.

Satan has produced a counterfeit for those who wish to have the reward but not the process of moment-by-moment surrender to me and walking with me in loving companionship. For these the cost of discipleship is too high, for they want the world and the pleasures of the world, but also want to be saved when I come. These are Christians in name only and will be bitterly disappointed when my Spirit is completely withdrawn from them and they realize that their chance for salvation has passed and they are lost. Money, fame, and fortune will mean nothing to them then. Worldly entertainment will no longer absorb their attention. Nothing of this world can compare with salvation and a loving relationship with me. Too late they will realize that they have covered themselves with spider webs [Isa. 59:4-6] and daydreams until the time for salvation has passed.

But you, my beloved ones, are watching faithfully at my doors. [Prov. 8:34.] Every day you seek me and find me and desire my friendship above everything else. And you shall receive your reward both here and throughout eternity. When you are troubled I will give you peace. When the storms of life buffet you, I will be your anchor. When others hurt your feelings, I will be your solace. When you are perplexed, I will be your answer. When you have problems, I will solve them for you. If you have sickness, I will be your healer and raise you up to glorify my name. If you need funds, I will supply them for you. In this way, heaven begins here, for heaven is in your heart.

For those of you who are alive now in the final hours of earth's history, you can live to see me
come in the clouds of glory if you learn to walk with me moment by moment with unwavering trust in my leading in your lives. And I will give you the white robe of my perfect righteous life, and you will be shameless before me -the perfected Bride that I promised to present before my Father as the completed work of my redemption. I offer that privilege and honor to each of you today. Be not afraid to trust in my love and finished work for you, and you will receive the reward of my chosen and faithful ones, both now and throughout eternity. Come my precious and beloved ones! Take my hand and we will go out into the fields of labor and service, for the harvest is ripe and we will reap it together!
Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,
The message today is about "genuineness." You may think that this is a strange topic, but it is really about the present condition of my people. Do you remember what I said to the Laodicean church? "Buy of me gold tried in the fire, white raiment, and eyesalve." [Rev. 3:18.] This counsel covers the complete need of my people at this time. I have spoken to you about this before, but this time I want to let you know that there are two sections of my church today. The first section is my true people who love me and serve me with their whole hearts. These are looking forward to my coming with eagerness and anticipation, and have not let the bright light of the 1844 message grow dim or be forgotten. They are actively involved in whatever I ask them to do, and are hastening my coming with intensity and fervor. I look upon these with great joy, and I am sending upon them the latter rain in answer to their prayers.

Those who comprise the second group are my people in name only. They care nothing about my message in 1844 announcing the beginning of my ministry in the Most Holy Place of the heavenly Sanctuary. They keep the Sabbath perfunctorily if they keep it at all. They see no light in the writings, instructions, and prophetic utterances of my testimonies and messages through Ellen White, my messenger for the final days of earth's history. These vital messages are down-played or forgotten completely by those who pretend to be my people, but are not. They are imposters sent by the evil one to lead my weaker sheep into a stupor, and eventually spiritual death. And this is all gaining ground on the very verge of my coming. These will certainly receive their reward when I separate the sheep from the goats. [Matt. 25:31-46.]

So I am appealing to my true sheep who do hear my voice, to seek out those who are wavering and being influenced by the false teachers. Bring to my people the message of my soon coming, and teach those who respond how to be a part of the 144,000. It is not up to you to discern who will be among that number, and who will not. Just preach the truth, and leave to me and my angels the work of calling out who will go all the way through and who will not. But scatter the seeds of truth everywhere. Some will rise up against it and oppose you, as Satan's agents always do when truth is presented. Do not try to use arguments against them, but keep the Holy Spirit in your heart and speak only what He tells you to say, and He will attend your efforts, and protect you from all harm.

There will be some martyrs, but that is not for you to worry about, for I am calling you to be among the 144,000 to glorify me. Truth spoken in love must be the cutting edge of your message. It will win the hearts of those who are my true sheep, as I have said in John 10:2-5. The progress toward the end has begun, and nothing can turn back the clock now. It is onward to the kingdom with my called, chosen, and faithful ones by my side. [Rev. 17:14.]

So what will happen to those who oppose this last warning message? They will join the ranks of the opposition and be among your most bitter opponents, because when the hearts of those who have heard the truth turn from it and accept error, there becomes a hardness of heart to oppose everything which would cause them to question their course and turn from it before it is too late. On the other hand, many will come to your light and to the brightness of your rising [Isa. 60:1-3], for they are hungering for truth and will recognize it when it is brought to them. So the race to the end is on, and I am at the head of my army. Nothing can stop us now! Not the baying of the wolves or the roar of the lion, for the kingdom is coming, made up of my faithful ones.

Now, what does genuineness have to do with all of this? I am just pointing out that the members in my church are not all genuine followers of me and my truth. At this time it is a mixed multitude, as it was when Israel came out of Egypt. The mixed multitude often led my people into rebellion and idolatry, for though they came out of Egypt with my people for fear of the God of Israel, they were not converted and they still had Egypt in their hearts. So it is now with people who come out of other churches, but bring the theories and concepts with them from the churches to which they belonged. It is the devil's plan to use these people to infiltrate their ideas into my church and mix their teachings with mine. It was the mixed multitude who wanted to either bring Egypt's gods and ways with them, or go back to Egypt. So beware of false prophets and teachers who have no light in them or in their teachings. [Matt. 7:15-20; Isa. 8:20.]

I implore my people to return to the pure teachings of my remnant church as best taught and exemplified in the writings of Ellen White, for they are inspired by me. Remember how the people wanted to reject Moses as their leader and return to Egypt? [Num.14; 1-4.] So now some are wanting to make the Spirit of Prophecy of none effect. Do not listen to them, for they speak not the truth. Only those who have and believe in the genuine messages written for the last generation from the Word of God and the Testimonies will be able to go through the end safely. All others will fall by the wayside, for they are not genuine believers in my truth for these last days.

I am speaking these things to you because you do hear my voice and obey me and have not followed the world and mingled with unbelievers to learn their ways and imbibe their errors. Therefore I'm calling you to be as lights set on a hill for all to see the truth that I have given to my Seventh-Day Adventist church which will produce the remnant in whose mouth is no guile [Rev. 14:5]. Do you wish to follow the light that is shining from my throne all the way to the end? I know that you do, because you are already my spokesmen for those who want to go through to the end. I value your love, your friendship, and your obedience more highly than you can know, for it means that my work on earth is nearly finished and eternity is about to begin. Hold on to me and I will hold on to you with a love that will never let you go or let you be deceived. And as always, please remember that I am just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,
Today on this Sabbath day, I want to welcome you into the family of God. Around the world people who love and serve me are coming into the churches and groves and home gatherings to seek and find me in association with others of like faith. This pleases me greatly and I assure you I will be visiting with a retinue of angels as my people come to meet with me.

Unfortunately, not everyone will be coming to meet me. Many have forgotten how to worship me in spirit and in truth. [John 4:23, 24.] For some it is little more than a social club and they are coming to meet together with friends. For others it is obedience to a requirement, but there is no love in their hearts for me or even for the others who are in attendance. For some it is a place of entertainment where the voices and instruments of music are praising someone other than me. But I choose not to let these things deter me from visiting with my people every Sabbath day, just as I have promised to do; and for those who truly come and worship and fellowship with me I will pour out a blessing!

Now for the topic of today. It is "faithfulness." Have you noticed that this word contains the word faith? I am requiring nothing that I myself do not have as a part of my character. In fact, I could not give you something that I do not possess. That is why my name is called "Faithful and True" [Rev. 19:11]. But I want to speak about the word "faith" first, because the word faithful must of necessity begin with faith. It is a word that is often spoken of but seldom understood. A great many see righteousness by faith as meaning that my righteousness covers their unfaithfulness and sins that have not been overcome. But I want a Bride who is willing to cleanse herself from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit [2 Cor. 7:1] through my indwelling Spirit which gives cleansing and victory over every sin. Sin is disobedience, and disobedience is a result of unfaithfulness to me and my marriage covenant of love [Deut. 7:9, 12].

Would you want a wife who is unfaithful to you? No, you wouldn't want someone who gives you assurance of her love for you, while yearning for other lovers, and responding to their overtures. My beloved ones, please see me as your husband. I long for your entire devotion, and I am not going to ignore the sins in your life that are a result of the lusts of the flesh that you permit to be a part of your daily life. Satan is the other lover and he presents his allurements to capture your obescience unto him. When you willingly yield to his overtures and take the bait that pleases your senses, you are learning to be more in tune with him than you are with me. It is taking the forbidden fruit all over again.

I am not speaking here about genuine believers who follow me with their whole heart, but still have sins in their lives as a result of hereditary weaknesses and cultivated habits from childhood that have not yet been cleansed. I am talking about deliberate choices because you love the sin, and then expecting me to cover that with my righteousness so that you can continue in sin, yet hope for salvation. Does this make sense to you? Satan sinned in heaven and I had to cast him and his followers out. Do you think that I am now going to take sinners back into heaven when I have provided by my death on Calvary and my intercession in the heavenly Sanctuary a way back to complete recovery from sin and its results in the human heart?

But it takes faith to believe this, and faithfulness to persevere until it has been accomplished. You can be assured that I will be faithful to you as you are seeking for holiness of heart, mind, and spirit and even in your body as much as possible in this life. I must have a Bride whose mind, heart and spirit are completely in love with me and faithful to my marriage covenant - which is my law - and who is in complete agreement with me on the issue of sin. You can understand this, can't you? If Lucifer, who was created perfect, sinned while in heaven and was cast out, how could sinners on earth who are born with sinful propensities and tendencies cease to sin if taken into heaven unless they have been cleansed and proven faithful while here on this earth?

Oh, my beloved ones, I have been and will continue to be faithful to you. Will you not yield to the constraints of my love for you, and cooperate with me now, while there is yet time? I have loved you with an everlasting love, and I require an equal heart of devotion and faithfulness to me if you want to come to heaven and live with me forever. Will you surrender completely to me and leave off every sin and all sympathy with the devil, who is my enemy and yours, and allow me to fill you with my Spirit of love and faithfulness in every area of your life? In Revelation 14:5, my Bride is described as "blameless!" What a beautiful description of those who follow me through the complete cleansing that I offer you as you walk with me day by day! Will you surrender your heart to me today and allow me to do this in you? If so, you will soon be with me and sit on my throne as my beloved Bride! I am looking forward to that day so soon to come! Lovingly, Jesus.

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