
Dearest Ones,

Every day that passes brings us closer to the end of all things, and everything is on a perfect schedule. I am going forward and my precious ones are with me, and thus we can go forward together to the end. So the message for today is "victory."

The need to have victory over anything, means that opposition must be present. This has been the case since Lucifer's defection. He was the beginning of evil and the author of it. So his challenge to my throne and my position was the beginning of the war in heaven which he himself instigated. Through the ages since then there has been no rest day nor night for anyone, except for those who find their rest in me. But Satan's purpose is to cause continuing agitation so that in order to find rest, people will yield to him and partake of his wares, whether food delicacies, entertainment, recreation, drugs and alcohol, sensual pleasures, games and sports, music, money, or whatever pleases the senses for a season.

Of course, Satan cannot provide true rest for the soul, and so his wares lead to addictions which must be continually indulged in to keep up the pace of life. But the only true and lasting satisfaction comes from me and a relationship with me, for my love provides security, and my continual provisions supply the perfect answer for every need and longing that you have! The cost of receiving this is total surrender to me moment by moment, and a continuing, ongoing relationship of love and trust. I will never take away your will or your power of choice to decide which path you want to follow. Unfortunately, most people want the good things that I offer, but also to partake of some of the devil's wares as well. This will never produce holiness of character, and without holiness no one will see the Lord. [Heb.12:14.]

You cannot have Christ and Belial, too. You must ultimately choose one or the other. And that is not natural or pleasing to the carnal nature. The soul needs rest in me, but the body longs for satisfactions from the temporal, carnal things of earth. So in order to have perfect victory over the flesh, you must drink deeply of the Word of God and learn to love its precepts, for in the Word is the essence of life and the principles that satisfy the soul. You cannot have both the world and heaven. You must choose either one or the other, and therefore reap life or death. If you choose life, I will walk with you moment by moment and speak mysteries to you that will satisfy the deepest cravings of your heart and soul and even your body, which is subject to the powers of the mind. You will then be victorious over the flesh, and live your daily life from the impetus of the Spirit, rather than by the laws of the carnal heart.

Do you want to have this victory over the flesh today? You can if you choose to follow the leading of the Spirit's promptings and fortify your mind with the truth, which will shut off the avenues of your mind that have been connecting with your feelings and consulting with your carnal desires. But how sweet is the victory over these impulses which come from your lower nature! To be free of the pull of sin brings light and peace and joy from heaven, for this makes you a citizen of heaven and guarantees your right to the tree of life and the water of life that flows from the throne of God!

Now go to the activities of your day, but look to me for every step you take and you can be assured of victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil! Lovingly Jesus.

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Known Sins

Dearest Ones,

I am pleased with the message of today because it came straight from my throne. Until now the true 1888 message has not been clearly preached. But the reason I gave such a clear message at that time is because I knew you would need it now to be a second witness that the cleansing message that you are preaching now is directly from me. It is not a message that people generally want to hear, for it cuts directly across the carnal heart which wants to cover up sin, even to oneself, and palliate the conscience with good works. This is not acceptable to me, for it is virtually teaching that as long as the person tries to live a good life, my grace and my righteousness make up for the difference between the standard of my law and the actual performance in one's life.

I did not come to earth to make peace with sin, but to eradicate it. Thus, a person who accepts me must accept the standard of my righteous life, and give up every known sin in exchange for the infilling of my Spirit, which is my life lived out in everyone who accepts this gift from me. I say, "known sin," because in the process of sanctification, I do not reveal the person's sins all at once, for it would be overwhelming. I know what each person can bear, and as they walk with me I reveal day-by-day what they need to know. Thus they grow up in the process of getting to know me as we walk together as I did with Enoch, Abraham, and the great men of old.

But the work of sanctification is progressive, both through the centuries and in each individual life. What is known and understood about sin must mature into perfection, both individually and collectively as a people. Each person is held responsible for what I have revealed to them individually; and through a relationship with me, known sin is to be overcome. But the remnant at the end who produces the 144,000 must overcome all sin as a representative of the whole human race. This is accomplished through a relationship with me that reproduces my character blamelessly. Then the plan of salvation will be finished and I can come and claim my people - my perfected Bride.

Don't you want to be among that number? You can be if you walk with me moment by moment and trust me through everything that I have allowed to come to you. I do not permit you to go through anything that cannot be healed through a personal relationship with me. So do not ask why you have to go through certain experiences - ask me what you are to learn from it and do not rest until you are cleansed and sealed and filled by the Holy Spirit, which seals my righteous character into your thoughts and feelings, which is your character. Go now to your duties for the day, but keep open to the cleansing power of my Spirit and do not rest until your spirit and my Spirit are one. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

The hour grows late for the world, for the time of trouble is fast approaching. There will be light in the homes of the saints, but for the world there will be only gloom and darkness. [Isa. 8:20-22.] But it must be so in order to cross over the Jordan into the Promised Land. Therefore, for you today I have a message of hope and encouragement. You are far advanced in your cleansing process, and soon the latter rain will be poured out in mighty power as you are cleansed of the defilement that prevents it from falling upon you. I want to encourage you today to press on the narrow way, for great is your reward in heaven. Now for the topic of today. It is "intimidation."

This is a tactic used by Satan to stop the progress of my people since the fall of mankind. Fear is in the hearts of every living creature on earth, for harm, death, and loss is inherent in all of nature. Death is a horrible enemy which is a result of sin. Therefore, self-protection is also a result of sin. No one wants to be hurt; no one wants to die. Yet even the lower creatures are aware of the threat of pain and death. Because of this, Satan uses fear as a weapon against all mankind to bring them into his camp. Thus, intimidation is a tactic which Satan has learned to use efficiently. Only those who hide in me and trust in my protection will be immune to this tactic of the devil.

For example, loss of status with others is a huge threat, for no one wants to be cast down in the eyes of others. This is a significant factor in persecution, and is designed to bring everyone into line with the abuser. It is the underlying purpose of persecution, criticism, ridicule, loss of privileges and status, along with the threat of harm or even death. So it has been since sin entered the world. The first murder was a result of this kind of evil thinking. Therefore, I want to encourage you as my followers to be prepared for this type of reaction. If you were in harmony with the principles of the evil one, he would leave you alone if it would meet his need to be in control of you, and if he could use you to deceive and control others. But if you set your heart and mind to serve me, you will certainly see opposition. In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world. [John 16:33.]

Now go to the activities of your day, but remember this: not a hair of your head falls to the ground but that I am aware of it, and I will allow nothing in your life that cannot be used for my glory and your success as a child of mine and a warrior in my cause for the finishing of the work in the earth. Both good and bad are monitored by me, and only that which has a positive and eternal purpose will be allowed to touch your life, for you are the apple of my eye [Ps. 17:8; Zech. 2:8] and the sons and daughters of my kingdom. So have faith, hope and joy as you go through the day, and watch for my providences, and open your heart to my guidance and protection and love. Thus you will escape the darkness and fear and depression that comes from the tactic of intimidation that Satan wants to bring upon you and cause you to look at the waves of the stormy waters instead of keeping your eyes of faith focused upon me so that you can see the glorious result of walking with me through the storm.

Just remember this: I will never leave you nor forsake you [Heb. 13:5], for you are my sons and daughters, and a part of my eternal inheritance. Therefore what affects you affects me, and it is my privilege to strengthen you and bring you out of trials when the purpose for them has been accomplished. In the meantime, always remember that you can call upon me and I will answer you [Jer. 33:3], for I am always just a prayer away! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Hold On

Dearest Ones,

I am thinking of you today concerning the challenges that are before you in the next few months. You cannot know the exact timing of the close of probation, for that is in my hands. I do not want everything to be so clear that even the devil can know just what the last events will be and when they are to take place. But you will see as the scroll unrolls. None of this you need to worry about or seek to know more than I reveal to you, but keep at your daily tasks and keep close to me, for the journey will be rapid. Therefore, the subject for today is "hold on!"

When you ride in an airplane and are waiting for your turn in the takeoff pattern, you know the feel of the surge of power in the engines as you are leaving the earth and climbing into the sky above. This is what you will soon feel as the momentum of the last days builds to a crescendo. There are so many things that must happen in such a short time. But always remember that I am at the wheel, and as long as you look to me you will be safe. In the meantime, I will be opening doors of service for you, and I will strengthen, guide, protect, and provide for you everything you need in order to be victorious.

Do not listen to the naysayers who are afraid of what you are teaching. Some of them are true believers, some are not. Some have already left the truth and have forsaken the way and the Advent movement of 1844, and are wandering in the wilderness of church teachings and beliefs from Protestantism. It is the way of all movements. After several generations have passed, the spirit of the pioneers is lost except by a few, and these are the ones I must use to turn the tide to recapture the fire of the original calling of the movement.

As I see my people around the world, very few have that original fire and love of the truth. But I know those who do, and I am with these faithful ones and will use them to finish the work. I can work successfully by many or by few, as you can see in the annals of the history of my people. Take, for instance, Caleb and Joshua. [Num. 14:6-8.] Only two among that people, and yet I could use them to lead the people successfully into the Promised Land. Giants of opposition are as nothing to me. It is the giants of disbelief and rebellion that must be overcome before a person or a movement can finish the course that I have set out for them. But if my people will look to me as their leader and follow me as I go forward, you will see the kingdom of heaven in the time that I have allotted for the finishing of the work.

Now go to the activities of your day, but keep me ever in the center of your focus and listen to my still, small voice guiding, instructing, encouraging, and assisting you in everything you do. [Isa. 30:21.] Thus we will be companions in the journey, and you will learn that I can be trusted, no matter what the devil and people may do to discourage or dishearten you. I always have a plan that will open up the way through every apparent obstruction on the heavenward journey. So look up and gather warmth from the coldness of others and victory from every apparent defeat. Nothing can stop the progress of my people if they look constantly to me and trust me on every occasion. All this is just a prelude to the reward at the journey's end, and the lights from my glorious city are just ahead! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Latter Rain

Dearest Ones,

I am looking forward to sharing an important subject with you this morning that will gladden your heart and connect you more closely with me to prepare you for the days ahead. It is the subject of "the latter rain." [Hos. 6:1-3.] As I have already told you, the latter rain of the Holy Spirit is already beginning to fall upon those who are seeking it with all their hearts. This means that light from heaven is being revealed to you in greater measure than was needed in past ages. For each generation there is a special measure of light that was revealed specifically for that generation because it was needed to help the people to understand what was present truth for them. The Holy Spirit has always been doing this work, and always will until the close of time. But the latter rain contains all the accumulated light that has ever been shared from heaven in the past, plus the specific light that is needed to go through the end of time and be ready for the close of probation and the time of trouble. This is what you are receiving now, and what you will continue to receive as the work advances forward.

But you must not fail to ask me for advancing light, for my Spirit does not push this upon you against your will and desire, for your heart must be open to receive it with joy and comprehension so that you can pass it on to others. Not everyone is able to understand all the things that I have given to you, because of their background and ability. But as they receive the light from you, their minds will be opened to understand and receive it with joy. Comprehension grows with study and enlightenment of the dark areas of the mind. So scatter the seeds of truth everywhere you go to the people who are questioning about the things that are happening around the world and in society at this time. I am purposefully loosening the winds to awaken people and cause them to question and wonder what is coming upon the earth so they will be receptive to the message of truth that I have given you. This is the very light and understanding that people are seeking to know.

In order to do this work effectively you must be constantly looking to me for light, counsel, understanding, and strength for each challenge. I know that I have placed you in a vulnerable position by revealing to you the prophetic timeline of the trumpets [Rev. 8, 9, 11:15-18], but just as I called my true followers in 1844 to prophesy of my coming, so I am asking you to prophesy again concerning my coming. [Rev. 10:5-11.] You do not need to speak about the exact date, for even you do not know this until the scroll unrolls and I announce the day and the hour from heaven. But you do know the season [Acts 1:6-8], for I have revealed it to you. By this I am referring to the timeline of the trumpets. I would not have asked my angels to blow the trumpets if I did not intend for my people to know what they mean. I have never brought specific judgments on people without warning them ahead of time and calling them to repentance. And when they repent and see the light, they also will receive the latter rain, just as people received the early rain when they accepted the message of truth that was preached by the apostles at Pentecost. [Acts 2:38.]

So do not be afraid to be open about the timeline of the trumpet messages for your generation and your people. Some will see it and come to the light and some will oppose it as some always do when a message is presented to their generation. Nevertheless, heed it not, and go about your business as I shall direct you, and let me take care of the opposition.

Now go to the activities of your day with rejoicing that you are accounted worthy to receive and understand and share the light that is shining on your generation. Be not fearful of presenting it, because you are my ambassadors to a dying world, and heralds of the new morning of my appearing in the clouds of heaven to end the reign of terror that sin has caused, and usher in the seventh millennium where peace and joy will be the reward of the righteous who have served me faithfully through the darkest hours of earth's history, and have received the latter rain and have been sealed for eternity. Lovingly, Jesus

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The Power of Choice

Dearest Ones, 

You are all following carefully the blueprint plans that I have for you each day so that nothing is left undone that should be accomplished. Therefore, my plan for the finishing of the work on earth in this generation is on schedule. The main thing to remember is that I want to lead you in the same way that I was led by my Father while I was upon earth. This kind of relationship between us must be voluntary on your part, for I will never push myself upon your mind to control it against your will, although I could do so, for I am your Creator, and I know every thought of your mind. But control is not a part of my nature when dealing with beings to whom I have given the power of choice. You were given this power at creation, for you were created in the image of God with the power and freedom to think and to do. So I will never take this away from anyone. 

On the contrary, Satan uses force to control his subjects if they will surrender to him. As long as probationary time lasts, I am keeping open the power of free will choice. And even after probation is closed, I have given free will choice to everyone so that there will be no one who has not chosen freely for me or for my enemy. That is why probation continues to be open at this time, for not everyone has had an opportunity to make a final decision for or against the truth or error. But I can speed up this process by bringing truth out into the open so clearly that every person will be faced with the decision to accept or reject the light that is shining upon them. This is what happened when I came to earth the first time. My life was a constant rebuke to the Pharisees and teachers of the law, for the light of truth was shining so brightly that they had to kill me to put out the light so they could go on sinning with impunity. In so doing, they hardened their conscience beyond repair, and thus closed their own probations individually and collectively as a nation.

So it will be at the close of earth's history. This time it will be the lives and witness of my perfected people who will give out all the light that will be shining upon them from the latter rain. Thus the whole world will be brought to a final decision to either accept or reject the light that will be shining from the Most Holy Place of the heavenly Sanctuary through my people. This demonstration of their perfected lives and witness is the completed work of the gospel which will be displayed before the world, and then the end will come, because there is no more light, no more truth to give the people of earth, and also the unfallen worlds, the faithful angels, and the demons themselves who have said it couldn't be done. 

So you see, I must have the second witness of the recreative power of truth, and the demonstration of what the power of the gospel can do to restore harmony and agreement in the universe. For me to finish the work of redemption, I must have a people who have been restored to the original perfection of Adam and Eve before their fall, with their sweet innocence and love for each other and for me as their Creator and Friend. So it shall be again, and you will take the place of the angels who fell, just as Adam and Eve were supposed to do. [Signs of the Times, 5-29-01.] And once again peace and love will reign in the universe. Lovingly, Jesus.

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The Future is in My hands

Dearest Ones,

I know you are becoming aware of the change of pace in your lives, and as you can surmise, there is a reason for this. It is because I am letting the winds go, and the world is about to reap the whirlwind. [Hos. 8:7.] Day after day people are making their final choices for eternity. I am not pleased with the way so many are turning against my chosen ones who are speaking out about the nearness of my coming, which shows the true condition of their hearts. I have faithful watchmen who are at their post of duty, warning of the nearness of the close of probation, but few really want to hear this, for their hearts are wedded to the world. [Jer. 6:17.] They are satisfied with what they already have, and cannot imagine the smooth waters of their lives being disrupted by the events that portend the close of earth's history.

But this is already in process, and most will put off their preparation until it is too late and they will be caught in the undertow that will come and carry them all away. Woe be to the false shepherds then who will realize too late that they have put off the day of preparation for themselves and for those who have followed them, for the time of trouble will come upon the earth like a lion leaping suddenly upon its prey. And you, my beloved ones, will be hiding under the shadow of my wings until the storm is past and the wrath of God is poured out upon the despisers of my grace. You need not worry about these things, for it will come soon enough, and then the inhabitants of earth will see what I have been doing in holding back the fierce passions of the world.

But I want to turn from this scene and focus upon the things that have to be accomplished before that time. First, the gospel of my righteousness must be preached to all the world as the last invitation to those who want to hear it and those who do not, because it is the dividing line between the saved and the lost. Those who know me and love me will rejoice that their redemption draws near. The gospel that I am speaking about is not the tame kind of preaching that allows people to think that they can continue sinning until I come. This is mainly what is being taught in every church in the land, because very few are putting forth the effort to seek me and understand what I think about these things. They go on teaching the people the lies and smooth things that the people want to hear, which allows them to continue to sleep on the borders of the promised land.

But my true sheep know the voice of the Shepherd, and they know that these false teachers are prophesying things that do not come from me, and they are seeking for the truth and finding it, because I am sending it through my faithful ones who aren't afraid of opposition, but draw warmth from the coldness of others, and strength for the battle by spending time with me each day. Let this be your experience, for I have choice morsels of truth to share with you that will delight your heart and mind if you will seek me with a true heart of love and devotion to find the answers to every question that comes into your mind. I love to answer these things for you which will delight your soul and lead you into green pastures of lush grass and abundant waters which will quench your thirst for the truths that satisfy your soul.

Now go to the activities of your day, but never fear for the future, because the future will take care of itself, for it is in my hands. Lean today and every day upon what I have for you each morning in worship and each day of service in the harvest field, for the reaping will be abundant, and before you can imagine, the harvest will be finished and your work on earth will be done. Lift up your heads and rejoice for your redemption draweth nigh! Lovingly Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

I am thinking of you today with a heart full of love and compassion as I see you busy about the work that I am asking you to do. You are all so responsive to the slightest whisper of my Spirit, and so eager to do my bidding. With such an army of workers, the work will soon be accomplished. Therefore the topic for today is "victory."

No one enters into a battle with the expectation of losing. Even Satan imagines himself to be the winner of the battle for my kingdom, even though he knows the assurances of Scripture that I and my followers will triumph over evil in the end. Now it is time for all my true followers to focus on the goal that lies just ahead of us - victory over the powers of darkness. This necessitates setting the personal goal of never allowing the Devil to bring darkness or discouragement upon you. Darkness is a result of looking upon the problem and not upon my power and purpose to bring you out of darkness into the light of my approval and love for you. When Satan, the prince of darkness, draws near to you, he wants you to dwell upon the darkness instead of the light of my countenance which shines upon you when you look to me and trust in me. But if you look to me, I will make a way for you to triumph over the powers of darkness, and live in the light of faith in my promises.

You know that during the time of trouble that is just ahead of you, the withdrawal of the Holy Spirit from the earth will allow the demons to have control of their followers and there will be no more light shining from the second apartment of the heavenly Sanctuary. But there will be light in every dwelling of the saints, for my presence through the Holy Spirit and the angels will be with you to bring you hope and courage and bring back the words of Scriptures and the Spirit of Prophecy to your memory to buoy you up. But the trials of being in a world where there is no more light shining to earth from my intercessory work in the most holy place will more be more difficult than you can now imagine. So you must make up your mind now to practice resisting the temptation to become discouraged or fearful, so that faith hope and courage through trial will become a part of your nature when everything around you is dark and depressing. This is what it will take to be victorious in the present and in the future.

Consider the lives of the faithful men and women who have gone before you and persevered even unto death. Remember the beloved apostle John on the Isle of Patmos, and Paul the greatest writer of Scripture in the New Testament. They persevered and held on to me by faith, and so can you. The greatest rewards of faith are victory over the powers of darkness, and walking with me when the shadows deepen and there is no end in sight to the trial. So it was when I hung upon the cross. And now you will pass through the Valley of Baca and make it a place of springs [Ps. 84:5-7] by your perseverance and unfailing faith. Thus you will gain the same victory that I have won for you, and join the multitude of the redeemed who have passed that way before you. And you will sing the song of Moses and the Lamb [Rev. 15:3], for you will have crossed the last valley of darkness and come out into everlasting light! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

You are now leaders in the core group who will go through the end together. It is my will that you have each other to encourage and work together with until I come. No one needs to go through alone, but with encouragement and social groups who have learned to work together well and efficiently. Thus you will be able to be as I and my disciples were, and the women who followed in ministry to us. [Matt. 27:55, 56.] So it will be with you as you go forward to the finish line of history. Therefore, my subject for today is "support."

No one is created to be alone as they go through life, for the makeup of mankind is to be social and to love and support one another. We need each other, even in the heavenly family, for love needs another person to love and be loved by in order to grow and learn and be productive. Just suppose there would be no one else in the universe except the godhead, even though we contain everything within ourselves, and our wisdom is all-knowing and all-powerful! Yet love cannot exist if there is no one else to love, and cannot express itself if there is no one to respond and return that love. So our greatest joy and happiness is in creating beings who can both respond to love and return that love to the giver.

Now that you understand the purpose for created beings, you can join the host of heaven in expressing the love you have been given to everyone around you, even if they choose to hate you and despise you or reject the messages from heaven that they are receiving from you. That is the way it was for me when I came to earth to save mankind. The very creatures that I came to save rejected me and despitefully used me and did away with me in order to continue to believe the lies of my enemy who was leading them on to their eternal death. But I continued to supply life to them even while they were taking mine.

So as you go through the few remaining days that you have on earth, think about how you can show love and support indiscriminately to those around you, in spite of how you may be treated at times. Even the people you love may not always understand your needs, and at times you may not feel supported. But look to me for these things, for I will never fail you! Then your needs will be satisfied by communion with me. They, in turn, will have more to give back to you if you fill their cup with the love, understanding, and support that you have received from me. Thus the cycle of life can go on endlessly, for it comes originally from the Source of all happiness.

Do you remember how I sent the disciples out to labor two by two in the harvest field, and then they would come back to me rejoicing in the success of their labors? So send I you into the field of labor for those around you, beginning with your own family and friends and outward as I shall lead you. You do not know from morning to morning what a day will bring, but I do. If you come to me in the morning I will fill you up for the labors of that day and you will have enough for the multitude and seven baskets left over [Matt. 15:37], for I always supply abundantly for those who work in my harvest field.

Now go to the activities of your day with full confidence in me that your every need will be fulfilled, and that you will have enough to supply the needs of those around you as well! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Only two options

Dearest Ones,

The light of the sun today is an evidence of the light of my presence, for without me you will dwell in darkness, as most of the people of earth do. That is why they seek for thrills and excitement in carnal ways that do not satisfy the needs of the soul. Without me demons have direct access to the mind and heart, or inner life, of each person who has not given their lives to me for protection through the infilling of my Spirit. In this world there are only two options - either a person will be Spirit-filled or the person will have direct access to demons who want to enter the person and control their life.

Demon access does not mean possession, for my Spirit is still present in the earth to work in the heart of every person to whatever degree the person allows. But when a person gives their lives fully over to evil thoughts, the access of demons becomes total. At that point my Spirit must cease to work for their salvation. In some cases, the person sees his desperate lost condition, and cries out to me for help [Luke 8:26-39]. If the person is truly sincere, at that moment, my Spirit enters into battle for the person's soul; and if the person reaches out in faith, angels that excel in strength wrest the person from the clutches of the devil and restores his mind to health. But even then, he must avoid all the ways that brought him into such a condition, and not return to his former fleshly lusts, or the demons will return with greater force and bind up the person in greater slavery than before. [Matt12:43-45.] Oh, that my people would see the danger of toying with sin in any form!

Do you wonder why I am talking about this today? It is because so many of my people are allowing subtle things into their lives that open the door to the temptations of the devil. The media is the major source for most, but also the claims of appetites and passions of various types. For many women, fashion is an idol; and for men, sports and sports' idols, who are men of the world and tear down the finer sensibilities of the spirit which dulls the capability of the mind to hear my voice and appreciate my Word. In all these things the spirits of demons are actively at work to seduce the world and especially my people so that the demarcation between good and evil is blurred.

Oh, that my people would awaken to the signs of my coming and leave the world and its attractions, and seek me with all their hearts so that I might save them! That is why I have given you an Elijah message fit for the needs of my people at this time that if they will heed, it will open their hearts to hear my call and respond to the wooing of my Spirit to come unto the hiding place before it is too late. The danger is that either they will refuse your message of the cleansing that is necessary for revival of the heart, or they will turn from it, and its importance will be lost in the clamor of daily activities.

But there will be those who respond and be among the wheat that is brought into my barn of safety! So be diligent in sharing, for there are many who are hungry for just the light and hope that I have given you, and will eagerly push their way through the crowd to find healing, just as they did for me. Go now to the activities of your day, but set your mind to face each challenge with hope and courage and faith in my protection and care for you, and my presence will be with you to uphold, strengthen, and guide you into the safe haven of my unfailing love! Lovingly, Jesus

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Loved with an everlasting Love

Dearest Ones,

I have loved you with an everlasting love. Do you know what this means? It means a love that extends from eternity to eternity. No one who has ever been born was unknown to me, for each person is a part of myself. Just suppose you could create anything that would come to your mind. Would you not be creating something that came from yourself and was an expression of the thoughts and desires of your mind and heart, and thus be an outward expression of your inner self? So it is with each of you. I have conceived you in my mind from the beginning, and you are a part of my desire to have someone just like you to love and enjoy companionship, and fellowship. Just as you love and cherish your children and have a special unique bond with each one of them, so I love and cherish you and your special unique characteristics.

So can you see how painful it is to me when my earthly children reject me and choose death instead of life? I must let everyone choose their destiny, but I grieve over the loss of souls, just as I wept over Jerusalem as I saw the terror and loss of life they would experience when the temple and the city were destroyed. Do you remember the centuries that I labored with the Jewish people and tried in every way to win their allegiance? Of course, I knew what their course would be, but my knowledge does not assuage my grieving over the loss of even one soul. That is why my Father and I rejoice with singing over every soul that is saved. [Zeph. 3:17.] Do you think we feel no emotion over all the things that sin has caused? Because of our infinite capacity, the limit of our emotion is also infinite. I do not expect you to understand this, but I am sharing it with you because I want you to understand that my divine love for each of you is infinite and unshakable. The only way you can destroy this love is for you to reject me permanently.

What loving parent would turn away from their child for any mistake or flaw they may see in that child? And so I do not disown you when you have sinned. You are still my child, and as I have said, my love for you is unlimited. But those who are lost have chosen to disown me and reject my love, and as a result have chosen another lover, another master, another parent. Thus by their own choice they are no longer my child, but the offspring of the devil [John 8:42-44] and have accepted his character and become his children by their own choice, and thus they will receive his fate. As painful as this is to me, they must die with the father they have chosen.

So how is it with you today? Are you tempted to accept the devil's lies that because you have sinned you have cut yourself off from my love? He tells you that because he wants you to join him in the pathway he has chosen for himself and his followers. But you can choose to live in the light of my presence always, and even if you sin, I am eager to forgive you and heal all the wounds that sin has made upon you, and love you freely as we journey on together. You do not have to dwell in the shadows of life when you can live in the light of my eternal, unchanging love for you and my purpose for your life. Sin separates you from me, not me from you. I have already paid the price for your redemption, and nothing can change that. Only your rejection of me can end our relationship, and thus your chance for salvation.

But there is one thing I must tell you. The door of salvation is open as long as I am in the Most Holy Place of the heavenly Sanctuary. But when my work is finished, you will be either sealed in forever or sealed out forever. Just as Noah and his family were safe inside the ark when the door closed, leaving the wicked outside to be destroyed by the raging elements, so it will be when I close my ministry in the heavenly Sanctuary. No amount of pleading or praying or promises to change will be heard or answered then, for the final choice for eternal life or death will have already been made. So come, my beloved ones, and respond to my love for you now in the few remaining days while mercy lingers. There is a special, unique place in my heart for you which no one else can fill. You are bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh [Eph. 5:25-30], and I want you to be there when I make up my kingdom. So walk with me today in the fields of labor, and what we sow together we will reap together throughout eternity. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

I have seen the diligence of your daily service for me and it pleases me greatly to have my servants totally dedicated to the work at hand so that we can go forward with great rapidity to finish the work of the gospel around the world. Now for the topic for today. It is "mesmerism."

Why would I introduce such a topic for your thoughts today? Because most of the people of the world have become so mesmerized by the media that their minds are so benumbed to original thinking and natural thought processes that rational reasoning from cause to effect is greatly compromised. Unfortunately, the effect this has upon the mind opens the channel of communication which makes it easy for Satan to gain entrance. The modern music is especially dangerous, because it goes directly to the emotional non-rational parts of the brain and numbs the capacities of the mind to discern between good and evil. Many are the souls of men, women and children that will be lost because they are impervious to the movings of my Spirit.

So you see, the evangelizing of the whole world, although the chance for salvation must be given to everyone, will bypass the consciousness of the majority because their minds have already become seared by the media in all its various forms. But there are also many who have preserved their integrity and have not shut the door of their hearts to me and are looking wistfully to heaven for light, and these you must reach with your messages of love and truth from me. You do not know where to find these honest persons, but I know them all by name and how to bring you in contact with them and your message. Many you will never see until you get to heaven. But whether by personal contact with you or through the media, or by word-of-mouth, I assure you that every honest, seeking soul will be reached.

So, sow your seed beside all waters, and let the miracle of my grace wash around the world to touch every soul who has a true heart and an open spirit to hear the words of truth and respond with joy to the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit to bring light out of darkness, truth out of error, and salvation out of the chaos of worldly opinions and ideas. Go now to the activities of your day, but keep open to the slightest whisper of my Spirit guiding and directing you through the day, and also helping you to find the truth seekers whom I send to you for enlightenment and salvation. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Rest in my Love

Dearest Ones,

Your service for me and your eagerness to please and honor me bring joy to my heart, because many Christians who serve me do so for the loaves and fishes. I have not withdrawn my Spirit from the earth to the point where normal life is significantly affected. So it is possible for most people to be Christians and reap the benefits without making a full commitment. There are many advantages to espousing Christianity that enhance one's day-to-day life, such as clean living, family and social morality, hope for the future, principled lives, an emphasis upon education, and so forth. A nation that has a majority of such individuals is a nation that I can and will bless. Thus it has been with America. But the tide is turning because of the corruption in all levels of society, and especially the government, and soon it will go down as has all the other nations before it. Then the papacy, which is a parasite, will rise to prominence as it did at the end of the Roman Empire, and assume the power that is due only to me, and as Satan's representative, it will lead the world to its final doom.

It has always been Satan's desire to rule the world, and the papacy was given 1260 years to show what would be the result of his kind of government. So when the kingdoms of the world arrive at the point of following the beast and his image, it will demonstrate that the cup of iniquity for mankind is full, and I will put a sudden end to Satan's desire for rulership, just as I did when I cast him and his followers out of heaven. That time is rapidly approaching, and I am preparing to allow the universe to see once and for all what Satan's rulership will bring in the destruction of all that is moral and good. This is why I am keeping close to my beloved followers, who will soon be facing the ire of the devil and his followers who agree with him and have the same goal as he does of destroying all opposition to his government.

Are you getting ready for the last great battle between good and evil? Are you coming into complete harmony with me on every issue in your life? Are you assimilating my character and living by my Word every day? If so, you will be among those that I will protect during the time of trouble and the final display of the great controversy. Come under my wings, and I will protect you as a hen protect her chicks, and nothing will harm you. Even though you will hear the roar of the lion, you will be kept safe by legions of angels who will guide you and protect and provide for you, for you are citizens of my heavenly kingdom, even while on earth.

Go now to your activities, but keep your eyes upon my guidance and your heart uplifted to me to hear my voice. Soon the war will be over and you will be safe on the other shore. You will have nothing to fear if you rest in my care. If you learn to do it now, you will know how to do it when all earthly support is cut off and you must trust completely in my care for you. Today is the training ground for tomorrow, and tomorrow will take care of itself if you learn to trust in me completely today. Rest now in my love, and your soul will be satisfied. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

I am very pleased with your plans for the week of prayer and the subjects which you will be presenting. They are messages straight from the golden altar in the heavenly Sanctuary. The people must hear these messages of truth which will help them to prepare for my soon coming and the close of probation. I am now speeding up the process of preparing a people in a few months what has taken years to understand; but all those who are saved must come together in their understanding and experience at the close of history. Therefore the subject for today is "miracles."

I have not used miracles as a method in the spreading of the gospel in a large way, because miracles can take the focus of attention from the simple, yet profound truths that make up the main body of truth that is necessary for salvation. But in the final outpouring of the latter rain, there will be miracles for the purpose of advancing the spread of the truth and giving heaven's blessings to what is being preached. As you know, Satan can also do miracles to a certain extent, and he will do this to distract from the true. But this is necessary to separate the wheat from the tares, for my true followers will follow me because they love the truth more than life itself, whether there are miracles or whether there are not.

The miracles I will do through my messengers will be for the purpose of rewarding my saints with latter rain power, and second witnessing the truth that is being presented. Satan will not be successful in deceiving my people, for they know my truth and would rather die than give it up, for it is connected to their relationship with me, and as a result they will be sealed in forever. But the wicked will rejoice and exult over Satan's miracles, for they will think this proves that they don't have to follow truth in order to receive God's blessings. In this way the world will be arraigned before the judgment bar of God, and before the watching universe they will take their final stand against the government of God.

Satan and his followers will be against the little band of my righteous people whom I will protect through the time of trouble. This is the essence of the battle of Armageddon, which will begin when I stand up to protect my faithful followers who would rather give up their lives than give up the truth, and culminates when I come to take my people home. So although the anticipation of these things may seem frightening, you must hold on to the promises that I have placed in the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy for you. You will not need to fear for your lives or your safety, even though it may seem that chaos and destruction will fill the earth. That is where faith and trust must come into the picture. These attributes cannot be obtained in a moment, but must reflect your walk with me on a consistent daily basis. Then I will add to your faith the supernatural element called "the faith of Jesus" [Rev. 14:12], which is my faith in my Father, which supported me through my death on Calvary. This faith is free as a gift to all who walk with me until the journey's end, and you can have this gift even now in your daily challenges on this earth. Thus you will become strong in my strength and filled with all the fullness of God, fit representatives of me on earth and citizens of my kingdom in heaven. Lovingly, Jesus.

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“Be Ye Also Ready”

Dearest Ones,

I am coming to you today with a message of love, acceptance, and encouragement. You have no idea how rapidly the work is going to go to every nation, language, tongue, and people, now that the truth is known about my closing work in the heavenly Sanctuary. Many people are ready and longing for this light, and will accept it and move quickly to call upon me to cleanse them and get them ready for my coming. Now that the light is available, I will bring the people to it. Therefore the message for today is, "be ye also ready."

The time has come for the combination of all the prophecies of Scripture to be fulfilled. The world has been waiting for an understanding of the gospel that carries them all the way through the cleansing. No true Christian wants to keep sinning and to continue seeing inconsistencies in their lives. But until the understanding of the cleansing of the inner life, no one knew how to control the negative thought processes that would be brought up by the evil one. These have been covered by my grace and my death for each person, but when I step out of the Most Holy Place that will no longer be true. My intercession for the sinner then ceases, and my blood is no longer applied for the suppliant. Therefore, sin must be cleansed away during probationary time.

Now let me explain to you the goal of my intercession during the cleansing time. I will gradually bring up to your memory the areas of your life where you have made a decision that was not in agreement with me and my principles of righteousness. For example, if a child has been abused by a parent, the future attitudes against people who are perceived to have the same effect upon their emotions as did the abuser remain in the memories and can create roots of bitterness that last a lifetime unless cleansed and blotted out. The goal of the cleansing is to replace old sinful habits of thinking and reacting to life's experiences with new, cleansed ways of thinking and acting that are in harmony with me and my perfect life. In order to accomplish this, each person who is cleansed must have a personal, ongoing relationship with me, whereby I can infuse my thoughts, feelings, and reactions to temptation into the mind, and a complete change can then take place which will prepare the recipient for heaven. Then and only then will a person be ready for citizenship in heaven. This experience is unique to those who live through to my coming. Those who are laid away by death, must have given their life completely to me and have come into agreement and obedience with me on every known sin. But no sin of any kind can be in the heart and mind of those who will be translated without seeing death. So the goal is the same for all the saved - to be in complete harmony and agreement with me on every known sin. The difference is that for those who are translated, everything will have been revealed, confessed, forsaken, and blotted out.

Therefore, it is essential for those who desire to be translated that they cooperate with me in the final cleansing and blotting out of every sin as I reveal it to them in their daily life experiences. I am no respecter of persons. I close the door on no one. It is up to each person to decide how far they will go with me in this process. But I have one caution for everyone who hears or reads this message: do not think that you can decide for yourself whether you want to go through the cleansing process. If you hear my voice calling you, do not harden your hearts. [Ps. 95:7, 8.] Those who refuse my invitation I will see as those who refuse the invitation to the wedding, or the man who came to the wedding feast without the wedding garment. These will be cast out where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. But those who accept the process of cleansing will be counted worthy of not only eternal life, but to be among the 144,000 who will be around my throne forever and follow me wherever I go, because they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb! Lovingly, Jesus.

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Joyfulness through Trial

Dearest Ones,

The message for today is "joyfulness through trial." Darkness will at times come to everyone as you go through the trials of this life, for you live in the land of the enemy, and he will oppose everything that I am doing through you, and try to persuade or frighten you to grow discouraged and leave the pathway to righteousness that leads through to the end of earth's history. As I have said before, he knows that if he cannot stop you from going forward with the light that is shining upon you through the open door of the Most Holy Place of the heavenly Sanctuary, he has lost the battle against me and my chosen ones. Therefore, do not fear opposition, for it will become more evident as the end approaches and the close of probation draws near. Those who follow me until then and are cleansed through the application of my shed blood in the final atonement will be the remnant of whom I have spoken through all the prophets.

It is this remnant that Satan has opposed in every age of history, and tried to obliterate. Noah and his family is one example, as are Caleb and Joshua, who were the only ones to enter the promised land from the fourth generation who left Egypt. Notice how few comprise the remnant of any age in history; and so it will be now. Some will be laid away, but many will cherish sin and refuse to accept the light as it shines on the pathway to the promised land. They will see it as error, and oppose you, for they do not want to be changed from the position which they have come to cherish as light. Light becomes stagnant if it does not merge into the advancing light which is shed upon each generation. [Prov. 4:18.]

Thus, every generation has a calling and a duty from me. The generation that began the work in 1844 had the light that was the foundation for my second apartment work all the way through to the end of time. Therefore, to throw away this light constitutes apostasy. But even though one cherishes this light and continues to preach and teach it, it must be expanded to cover the needs of each succeeding generation. This has been done to a great extent up until now. But as I prophesied when I was on earth, "When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?" [Lu. 18:8.] At this time, faith in my soon coming is waning and being replaced with formalism and institutionalized religion, as has happened to all movements throughout history. That is why I am allowing events all over the earth to trumpet my coming, and that is why I am sending you to sound the warning message of how to prepare for my coming. I will work with individuals or with groups who are bearing my present truth to the world. It is a message of cleansing and preparation for the coming events, and of course, the climax of history at my appearing.

Do not be surprised that this is an unpleasant message for most people, for it interrupts the smooth current of their lives and forces them to react to either accept the message and the messenger, or reject both. Thus it has been throughout history, for that is the way mankind in general receives a message that disturbs the smooth waters of their lives, or cuts across cherished opinions. So please do not be surprised if you are treated with disrespect and opposition. Just remember that some will welcome your message with a joyful heart and will join with you in your journey to the kingdom. So do not stoop to discouragement, but draw warmth from the coldness of others, for they are cold to your message because they are separated from me. Open the doors and windows and let the light of my truth shine out to the world, for every honest soul who sees and responds to your light will be drawn to me and I will guide them safely to the fold before the doors of the ark are closed and the rains begin to fall upon the shelterless heads of the rejecters of the light.

Go now to your activities, but rejoice that you are the called, chosen, and faithful ones who will go through the end with me and be caught up to meet me when I return in all my glory. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Second Apartment Cleansing

Dearest Ones,

I am happy today for your progress in righteousness and obedience in the things that I am asking you to do. As you know, time is short and there is so much to be accomplished, for the harvest of the earth is ripe and I must move quickly. Not everyone wants me to come, but desire to put off that day of decision. It is easy to feel comfortable and secure with goodly activity, but if works could save, I would not have needed to shed my blood on Calvary. But the problem of sin is in the heart, and good works without heart cleansing can be produced by human effort. So my topic for today is "second apartment cleansing."

The Sanctuary provides cleansing on three levels, and is symbolized by the court, the first apartment ministration, and the last, but most important, the second apartment, or Most Holy Place. The court deals with behavior. No one can be perfected while still rebelling in the behavioral area of their lives. The daily behavior is observable by all and cannot be obscured or ignored, even by children. But when one learns from me through the Word and through the impressions of the Spirit that sinful, destructive behavior is wrong, the heart is then open to deeper levels of understanding the sin problem.

Once behavioral sin is agreed upon and eradicated from the life as far possible, the person is ready for the deeper cleansing of the inner life of thoughts and feelings, because these are the springboards of all action. The motivations for behavior lie deep in the inner hidden thoughts and emotions, and are the seeds from which actions grow. Therefore, the thoughts and feelings must also be cleansed and brought into harmony with me before complete holiness and healing from sin is possible. This is the ministration of the Spirit which stretched from my ascension to heaven until my entrance into the Most Holy Place in 1844, as was announced and understood by my true followers who have accepted this message from then until now.

But because the sin problem is rooted so deeply in human thoughts, feelings and behavior, the additional understanding of the cleansing of the roots of behavior, which spring from thoughts, and feelings which lie deep in the unconscious mind, must also include the cleansing of these roots. Obviously you cannot do this without a supernatural work through the Holy Spirit which is completely able to reveal these things to you if you are spiritually awake and obeying me as I search your heart with lamps for hidden motivations that come through the deepest avenues of your mind. But no one can accomplish this by themselves, for it is a work that only I can do in full cooperation with you.

Many of you have already been cooperating with me in this work, and thus I can go forward with the next phase of my ministry - the blotting out of sin, the sealing, and the latter rain. This, too, is already in progress. Thus, the full cleansing from sin includes coming into agreement with me on behavior, thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and the deeper level - the motives - which are the hidden springs of action. Until this is fully completed, demons from generations back still have rights to tempt and harass you, and your family as well, for they have inherited your bloodline and all that goes with it. So when you are cleansed of these things, root and branch, I can save your children as well, for they are inheritors of your sins and the sins of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation, as I have said many times in the Scriptures.

So you are extremely blessed to become the final generation of my people, because of your cooperation with me fully in the work of the second apartment, which includes the blotting out of sin and the outpouring of the Spirit. Thus, the sealing can take place, of which the Sabbath is the sign of a finished work of not only creation, but also recreation back into the image of God, for you will be in full harmony with me on every issue of the sin problem, and sin can be ended with you.

Now go to the activities of the day and keep me close to your heart, for the refining will continue, even as you go forward into the harvest field. Yes, you are seeing the end of all things. But I am still holding back the winds of strife to permit the final work to take place. Fear not those who oppose you, for they shall be as nothing before me as I go forth with my faithful people at my side. I have prophesied my victory at the end throughout the Bible, and now I will go forward, for the time has come. Enjoy your Sabbath hours that are coming, and let nothing depress you; rather let opposition encourage you that the end of all things is near, and that you are on the winning side. Remain humble, loving, and teachable, for this is my will for you. But be joyful also, for the waiting is almost over, and you are among the wise virgins who will be welcomed into the banquet when the Bridegroom comes. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

I am coming today to visit you through my Spirit and my angels to bring you peace and joy! Satan has his eye upon you and wants to discourage you because he sees that if he cannot dishearten you through trials, or dislodge your stand for me with persecution, he will lose the battle to prevent the final remnant from developing, and thus his war against me will be lost. So look to me for guidance, instruction, hope, and courage to stand bravely for my truth as it marches forward to completion.

Now for the topic of today. It is "regeneration." I have placed within the human system the ability to regenerate itself from the natural day-by-day stresses of life so that with proper health habits such as rest, nutrition, positive activity, and so forth, life and energy is sustained. But because of the entrance of sin in the world the breakdown of life's forces is inevitable, and death is the natural end of the life cycle. But now I want to employ the miracle of regeneration [Matt. 19:28; Titus 3:5] to sustain you through the trials that lie ahead until I come. Without a supernatural connection with me, you could not survive the stresses that will come in the days ahead. So I want to help you understand what is necessary to remain alive until I come.

First, you must have a living, moment by moment connection with me at all times. This necessitates a mind cleansed of all sin, both present and in the past memories which continue to feed into the conscious mind emotions, thoughts, feelings, reactions, and ideas that are not from me. Sinful thoughts and feelings come from the evil one who has intruded himself into your mind through experiences you have gone through when you were in an uncleansed state. So all of these must be brought up into the conscious mind, repented of, blotted out, and replaced with thoughts, feelings, and conclusions that are free from evil because they come from me. [Ps. 51:1-12; Isa. 43:25-26; 1:16-18.] Thus, the influences of the devil throughout your life will be expelled so that he will have no more access to you.

So you see, there must be no dross remaining in the minds of those who go through the end of time when there is no mediator in the heavenly Sanctuary to plead your case and stand in for you in the mistakes you make because of uncleansed areas in your mind. Through the time of trouble you must stand before me spotless and cleansed completely through my blood, and completely filled and sealed by the Holy Spirit in the latter rain. Then Satan will have no access to you to claim before my throne that you are unworthy of eternal life with me in my kingdom - the same position which he abdicated so long ago and started the war against my law and my throne. [Eze. 28:12-19.] So now, through you, my cause and my righteousness will be vindicated forever, and peace will be restored.

Are you willing to go through this judgment cleansing process [Eccl. 12:14; Dan. 12:9, 10] with me now? Are you willing to submit to the regeneration process to come out victorious through my blood and my sacrifice for you? If so, you will shine like stars in the heavens [Dan. 12:3] throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity, and receive the approbation of my Father and the love of the angels who serve around my throne. And we will be friends [John 15:13-15], for you have walked with me through the last days of earth's history and have overcome. [Rev. 3:12.] Oh, there will be joy and rejoicing, and crowns [Rev. 3:11] for the faithful from earth, and homes where peace and love will reign. In the meantime keep your courage, for nothing can separate me from you, for you will be safe in my arms until the storm passes by. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

The days grow short until the world will know that the end has come, and for so many it will be too late. Although my heart is touched with the loss of so many lives, I cannot change those who resist my Spirit and choose to walk in the sparks of their own kindling. [Isa. 50:11.] People really don't want to change unless they are touched by the knowledge of my love, and the call for holiness. Thus only can mankind rise above their own ideas and feelings, and their choice to follow inclination instead of the impulses of my Spirit wooing them to a higher way of life. So the subject for today is "change."

Everyone who is born upon this earth must change in order to be a citizen of heaven. Babies are born self-centered and laden with the sins of the fathers upon their children for generations. [Num.14:18.] The natural inclinations of the heart are of the earth, and not toward heavenly things. Parents can help this greatly by their own virtuous lives both before and after the birth of their children. But even so, the natural self-centeredness of humanity will bear fruit in everyone who does not give themselves to me and be born again of the Spirit and not of the flesh. [John 3:3.]

So change is necessary for everyone at some point in their lives if they wish to be saved. And herein lies the problem. Nothing impure will enter heaven. No lust, no worldliness, and no pride of opinion, gifts or possessions - in short, nothing that is unlike the perfect character that I have wrought out for you in human flesh while I was on earth, living as each one of you must do every day. That perfect character is not only your example, but it is your righteousness. By grace through faith and connection with me it is yours to possess. But here is where the majority fail of achieving this experience. Most people want to change only as much as it benefits them and makes them comfortable that they can have the good things of life and heaven, too. Consider appetite, for example. People want to eat what their perverted appetites have learned to love, but do not realize that I can help them love the food that is best for them and loath the food that they once loved that is harmful to their bodies. Holiness is true happiness, because the life renewed by the Holy Spirit is brought into harmony with the principles of eternal life by which mankind was created.

The same principle is true for all aspects of life, whether physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, or social. True happiness and health is living out your true blueprint through the guidance, direction, and influence of the Spirit, and being in total harmony with heaven. So as you go about your work today, remember that I am waiting for you to hear my still, small voice in your mind [Isa. 30:21] guiding you to everything that is best for you and will bring you the most health, happiness, and fulfillment. I know you better then you know yourself, and my greatest joy is recreating you into the special person that you were meant to be. So when you give your life to me, change will always bring the highest good and the highest fulfillment and happiness and restore you back into the special, unique person that I created you to be. Lovingly, Jesus.

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Dearest Ones,

My subject for today is "love." This is a topic that is on the minds and hearts of everyone, and yet it is so little understood. Love is not just an emotion, it is a state of being. By that I mean, it is a part of every cell and every nerve that connects your mind with the rest of your body. I created you to respond to love as the flowers respond to the sun. It is an integral part of your mind, soul, and body and is essential to sustain life itself. This is why all people and even the lower creatures crave love for emotional health and well-being in general.

Knowing this, I have kept pouring out my love for mankind even when they have not returned it to me, for it is necessary for the sustaining of life. So even the wicked partake of my love, for without it, life on earth would cease to exist, for I am love and I am life. But although I have done this for 6000 years, I will soon draw the probation of mankind to a conclusion, for all that can be done has been done to redeem the fallen race. All that remains now is to extend probationary time until the final warning has been completed which will draw my remnant into the hiding place of my protection until my wrath against sin has been completed. [Isa. 26:20, 21.] I do not even like to discuss this subject because I do not relish or look forward to the death of the wicked. [Eze. 18:32; 33:11.] But I do look forward to having my beloved ones home with me where eternal life and eternal love is the reward of the righteous.

Within my love is the provision of free will choice. The wicked have chosen to reject my love and my truth and in the end they will attempt to destroy my people. Therefore they have chosen death. What more could I have done than I have done to woo their hearts to me? But the finality of their choices against me have sealed their destiny. Therefore, their lives will be extinguished in the fire that cleanses the earth from every vestige of sin. I look forward to the time when it will all be over, and peace, joy, and love will again be established and every stain of sin will be gone. I remember what it was like before Lucifer sinned, and because my beloved ones have fully responded to my love, that happy state will be established once more, and the whole universe will be at peace and rest, and love will reign once again without a stain or blot of sin.

My love for you is unbounded, and I look forward with eager anticipation to the finished work of salvation when I will have my redeemed ones beside me forever. You cannot imagine the rejoicing of all the hosts of heaven when I bring you to your heavenly home. But soon you will hear the rapturous songs of the angels as we ascend together from the broken earth to the kingdom that I have waiting for you. And the Father Himself will sing over you and welcome you home. [Zeph. 3:17, 20.] Hold on, my beloved ones, as we enter the final phase of the battle, for I will never leave you nor forsake you. [Heb. 13:5, 6.] Angels that excel in strength will protect and care for you in the days ahead, and soon the dreadful night of weeping [Ps. 30:5] will be over, and you will be with me, and the love that we share will be the substance of eternal life, joy, peace, and happiness. Let this be the encouragement of your heart through the days ahead. Lovingly, Jesus.

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