Your Message is for Those already walking in the Light

Dearest One,

I have some important instructions to give you this morning, for time is marching forward toward the end. I want you to gird up the loins of your mind and keep close to me as we move into the era when the mark of the beast will be the increasing subject as the papacy moves stealthily forward under a cloak of religiosity and saving the planet. Satan has been working silently and steadily toward his aim of getting the whole world under his control, and his aim is almost complete, except for my little band of followers who are loyal to me and would rather die than disobey me. These I love with an unalterable love that will never permit my beloved ones to pass under the control and hatred of the evil one against them. His rage is fueled by his fear of defeat and the consequences that he knows will follow. That is why he does not want to allow anyone to move here and join my army of workers who are spreading the last warning message to the world.

It may seem that you are but a little light, but my angels are commissioned to get this light to every soul who is responding to the call of my Spirit. Your message does not need to reach every person on earth, for it is a reaping message, and will only be perceived as such by those who are already walking in the light they have, and are longing and praying for greater light. Many will be laid away to save them. Others will be tested and tried until they make their decision to go all the way, or stumble at some stumbling-stone that blocks their minds to truth, and the light they have now will go out and they will join the ranks of the opposition and take their stand against you; for to accept your message would mean that they would have to give up their cherished ideas that please them more than the truth which calls them to repentance.

So do not be surprised at the coldness of others who will reject and hate you, because to surrender to the truth you have would mean that they have been wrong in the past, and to them, this would be worse than death. This is why so many will choose death rather than to surrender their opinions, which are really a cover-up for their sins and wounded pride. Do not let this sway you from your allegiance to me and the truth that I have given to you, for your reward for standing firm now will be a place with me in my eternal kingdom forever, and a throne of glory by my side.

Now go to the activities of your day, but never doubt my love for you and the importance of your work. Soon the task will be over, and eternity with me will begin. I am your great reward, for there is nothing that can take the place of my love for you and the joy of living forever with me in my kingdom.

Lovingly, Jesus.

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