The Process of Cleansing
/Dearest One,
I am pleased with your progress in hearing and responding to my voice, and I want you to teach this skill to others, for this is essential to the process of cleansing. If a person hears not my still small voice of guidance through the Holy Spirit and the Word, it is impossible to attain perfection and the sealing and latter rain, for in order to receive these, there must be perfect agreement with me and obedience to my heart of love for you. You see, I don't want anything in your life that is not essential for your spiritual growth, and the development of the Christian virtues that are necessary for holiness, which is perfect agreement with me in everything that is necessary for entrance into my kingdom. So please teach everyone who will come to your meetings, or counsel with you, how to hear my voice and learn to love to speak with me. This is the essence of the latter rain, and necessary for the seal of God in your forehead. And now is the time for the outpouring of the latter rain to begin.
Now go to your well-earned rest, but keep your heart open to me, for I have much to share from here to the end of probationary time. The end is near and there is much yet to do for all, so keep in step with the Spirit every moment of each day and, and you cannot fail to be prepared for the end of the judgment of the living, and the beginning of the judgment of the wicked in the seven last plagues. That time will be short, but intense and rapid fire around the world. But I will shield you under the protection of angels' wings until the disasters have passed, and then I will return to earth in triumph over the wicked, both men and angels, and take my beloved ones home to live with me forever. Lovingly, Jesus.