The True Meaning of Righteousness by Faith

Dearest One (for everyone who reads this message),

I want to give you an encouraging message this morning, because I know you have been going through some strong trials from the enemy, and you have endured well through them. But I want you to know that I have a purpose for each trial, just as everything I experienced on earth was for a specific purpose in the plan of salvation. You do not need to know all the reasons for your trials, because it is not necessary for your salvation to know all the eternal purposes for what you go through. These will be completely revealed in eternity. But what I want you to know is that these trials, if well borne, will draw you closer in fellowship with me, for I had to go through every trial possible for mankind, so I know how to guide you through each trial that I allow to come to you. You will only be allowed to suffer according to your capacity, your age, and your strength, and the Holy Spirit will place in you the exact victory over that trial that I was given by my Father when I went through the same trial while I was on earth. This is the plan of salvation which was worked out between my Father and me in the councils of heaven concerning the solution to sin should it arise. This is the true meaning of righteousness by faith, for it is my righteousness placed in you by the avenue of your faith in me.

Do you see how cleverly Satan has devised a plan to distort the true meaning of righteousness by faith to mean that my righteousness covers your unrighteousness so you can go on sinning if you have faith? I don't mean to say that people believe they can sin with a rebellious spirit and expect me to cover them just because they claim to be Christians. But what is widely believed is that my righteousness covers for their unrighteousness as long as they live their lives as Christians and call upon my name and do good deeds in my name. This kind of life will not stand in the judgment, and many will find this out too late, and great will be the weeping and suffering of souls who accept this heresy.

The teachers and pastors who have promulgated this view of righteousness by faith upon their unsuspecting, trusting parishioners and students will be held accountable to me for the loss of souls that might have been saved if they had been taught the truth instead of error. This is why I want my remnant people to make this truth as clear as possible, for if you do your part, my angels can take it to the people around the world who are open and longing for truth. I will inspire and bless you as you respond to my Spirit and go forward as I shall lead you.

Take courage, my beloved ones, for you bear good tidings of great joy to many who are suffering with a load of guilt upon their hearts because they know not how to overcome and are obliged to rely upon my forgiveness and covering grace, when what they need is the blessed hope of my victory over sin imparted and imputed into their hearts and minds so that sin and Satan have no more power over them. Let the words of truth ring out across the nations, and the Holy Spirit will bring it to the hungry souls who are sitting in darkness and despair and being taunted by the enemy for the sins he has caused them to commit. I love these precious souls, and I have raised you up for such a time as this to bring the message of hope and cleansing from every sin, and victory over the devil that is the message for today. And when it has done its work, the end will come and I will return to take my people home. Lovingly, Jesus.

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