Being alert for any Surprise Attacks from the Enemy
/Note: This message was given to me after a surprise attack from the enemy because I was allowing depressing thoughts into my mind, and forgetting to keep close to Jesus.
Dearest One,
I have permitted you to go through this distressing experience today because I wanted you to see the seriousness of allowing the Devil to have access to your mind and emotions to the slightest degree, because he wants to take you down, and lies in wait looking for an opportunity to seize upon you to bring you into discouragement. Of course this is not my will and I will protect you at all times and when the Devil comes in like a flood, I will raise up a standard against him. But you must be always on guard that you do not allow any doors open for him to enter and take advantage of you in any area of weakness, for he is always on the prowl like a lion looking for prey. Always remember that I love you with an everlasting love, and you mean more to me than you can realize or imagine, for your capacity to comprehend my love and watchcare over you is limited by your humanity. Please look constantly to me for everything you need and delight yourself in the ministry of my presence with you through the Holy Spirit. Your angel also loves you and takes joy in ministering to you throughout your life and watching you grow into a strong woman of faith. Never fear that I have forsaken you or ever will forsake you to the wiles of the enemy. In my earthly life I also had to be constantly on the alert for any surprise attacks from the enemy, so I will help you to be successful moment by moment in my strength.
Thank you for being willing to go through my Gethsemane experience and my subsequent journey to the cross. [Earlier that morning in my worship, I had traced the pathway Jesus had to walk from Gethsemane to the cross, and wept for the abandonment He experienced by His disciples.] The willingness on your part means much to me, for had you been there, you would have done for me what my disciples were unable to do. But it was all in my Father's plan for my life journey, because I had to experience the depths of woe from the feelings of separation from God that comes to everyone who will be lost, as well as the suffering of every human being who goes through this dark world of sin and suffering. Only the light that I have brought to this world by becoming one with the human race can ease the pain and loneliness of being in a world where Satan has so much control. This is why people turn to drugs, alcohol, sex, fantasy, entertainment, food, money, socialization, or busyness to stave off the fears of being alone in a world of emotional darkness. This is why I am the light of the world, for only through me and a love relationship with me can you be shielded from a life of despair, hopelessness, and eventually death.
But you must cooperate with me by faith in order to connect with me and receive my life and the benefits which I have given to provide for you a life of love, peace and joy. May you ever take advantage of this pathway of heavenly light through a constant faith relationship with me. I assure you that as long as you are connected with me you need never fear the dark assaults of the enemy of your soul, for I will hear your cry and save you just as I did for Peter when he took his eyes off of me for a moment on the waters of the lake.
Now go on with your day with courage, joy, and faith, for I love you with an everlasting love, and you can trust in my love and care for you until the heavens part and you see my face in the glory of my Father. Lovingly, Jesus.