The destruction of the wicked

Dearest One,

 I see you struggling with those who want to believe that I have no right to destroy the wicked, and that the wicked die of natural causes determined by themselves. This is a view contrived by Satan to dream that he can somehow protect himself and avoid extinction. Although it is true that I often use natural causes to bring destruction to the wicked, I have all power in heaven and earth to destroy my enemies and protect my chosen ones when this becomes necessary. Satan wants to bring me down to his level -- just as he has always wished to do. He wants to be given the opportunity to undermine my authority in the earth and in the universe, and ultimately establish his own. His heart has been so determined from the beginning of his revolt against me, and he never ceases to devise theories which would give him an advantage in the eyes of all created beings. 

But I am patiently working out my plan and I will have no hurry and no delay as I show to the universe the real perpetrator of wrath and violence and destruction. He attempts to overthrow me by painting me as the angry villain that he himself is, and he dreams of making my loving character and government look capricious and untrustworthy. Please read the Bible with a heart of trust and love for me, and you will see that Satan has attempted to make me appear to have a temperament like his own. But my true followers know and love and trust me, and these are those who will stand with me in white raiment, and glory in the love and freedom that comes through obedience to my law. They will be with me when I make up my kingdom, and they will shine like jewels forever and ever, never more to fear death or harm, and never more to hear the wrath and lies of the enemy. 

That day is soon to come, my beloved ones, so hold fast to your faith, and my righteous right arm will protect you through the time of trouble that is soon to come upon us. Bear the temptations of the enemy just a little while longer, and you will reap the joy of my everlasting kingdom, along with all the saints who have lived in this sinful world. Listen not to the baying of the wolves, but look up and rejoice, for your redemption draws near, and all your tears and fears will be past as you reap the reward of your faith and love for me and my Father in the kingdom of love that we have provided for those who love and trust me until the end. Lovingly, Jesus.