Preparing for Jesus to Come Receiving His Spirit

Dearest One, I have been busy traversing the world to tend to my people upon the Sabbath day. Most are waking up to the reality that the end is near at hand. But none have the light that you do concerning how to get ready for the close of probation and my coming in the clouds of heaven in all my glory by the side of my Father and all the holy angels. Heaven will be empty, for all of heaven is with me when I come. In the meantime, my angels are sent around the world as ambassadors, seeking for every honest person who really wants to be a part of my kingdom and is truly open to the light that is now available to every person of how to prepare and cleanse their hearts of all sin, which, as you know, is disagreement with the principles of my kingdom.

Can you think how unhappy the wicked would be in heaven? No earthly entertainment, no food that would appeal to their perverted appetites. Yes, all sinners would be supremely unhappy in heaven. But you, my beloved ones, will find the greatest joy there, for you have learned to love my principles which produce love, joy, and peace, and an eternity of happiness and constant delight at the beautiful things I have prepared for you, and the privilege of getting to know intimately my Father and me, and all the holy angels who have loved and served you throughout your life. In addition to these joys will be the blessed association with the saved of all the ages, and the restoration of your loved ones into your arms where you can be with them for eternity.

It is coming so soon, beloved ones -- but there will be the Jordan to cross before you enter the Promised Land. I will take you by the hand and lead you, so do not fear. The world is going to come down, but I will bear you up in angel's wings if you trust and obey. Please do not waste your energy worrying or fretting about anything, for this shows a lack of faith in me and my love for you. Satan constantly is trying to discourage you and bring darkness and fear upon you, but if you determine in your heart and practice moment by moment to look only to me and trust me and my love for you, you will be able to stay connected with me, for I am the same yesterday, today, and forever, and you need never fear or doubt my love and care for you.

Now go to the remainder of your evening, but please keep your heart open to the impressions of my Spirit, for it is through the Spirit that I guide you and give you my love. Resist not the Spirit, for it is the connection between your heart and mine, and the only way that I can guide you and send you my love. Do you see how important it is not to listen to any other voice but my Spirit? Many other voices are in this world, but there is only one that comes directly from me to you. Of course, the angels cooperate with my Father and me as we care for your every need. But the Holy Spirit that lives in us lives also in you, and thus we are one with each other. You are a part of us when the Holy Spirit lives in you and guides you moment by moment. That is why the cleansing of your heart and mind is so important, because the Holy Spirit cannot have full reign in your life if your inherited and cultivated defects and sins block the flow of the Spirit. By grace you are still in communication with me in spite of the shortfalls in your character, but I died not only to save you, but also to cleanse you of all sin which separates me from you.

So hold onto me as we move together into the final phase of this earth's history, for it is going to be a rocky ride; but the road through the end of time will lead you to the kingdom and eternit with me. Before you know it, the battle will be over and you will be at home with me. Be patient and faithful, and you will walk with me through the Jordan to the lovely, bright home I have prepared for you, my bride! Lovingly, Jesus.