Healing of Men in the Judgment

Dearest One,

My subject today is an appeal to the women of Zion to participate with me in the healing of men from the terrible damage done in the Garden of Eden. As you can see from the scriptural account, the first reaction of Adam and Eve when they realized what they had done, was terrifying, debilitating fear. Fear of death, fear of separation from me, and fear of the unknown. This has been the experience of men and women ever since, but the damage has been the most felt by men. Man was formed to be in direct communion with me at all times, and to be by my side in rulership of his God-given domain—this earth. He was made from the soil of the earth, and his body and mental faculties were ever to be in relationship with his responsibilities to bring this world into subjection to the laws of creation so that the highest good can come from it to be a home for all living creatures. This is what I put into his mental faculties when he was created, and the remnants of this are still functioning today.

But his encounter with his defection told him that Eve was not in harmony with his leadership unless she was under submission to him, and otherwise she could not be trusted to function smoothly together with him for his calling and his goals. This has been a great tribulation for women through the centuries, but necessary until the cleansing and re-creation of women into their original position as equals by Adam's side. But this cannot happen until I reformulate the brain pathways by my love and the application of my sacrifice for the sins which caused the tragic separation from the fall in Eden.

I am the Creator and Restorer and the only hope of man's return to Eden as it was before the fall. You fell together, and now you must return together, for I did not create man separately, but in pairs to be in holy wedlock as I am with my Father. You were created in our image of two beings who function as one. This does not mean that you must be married to be restored. It does mean that you must realize the sacred union of male and female and relate to husbands, sons, brothers, or acquaintances in a manner that will release them from the prison house of fear and distrust so they can once again be powerful men of God who love and trust me so much that I can restore them to the original position of authority and leadership that I gave Adam in the beginning. This does not mean that he is to be an authority over you, but over his world -- the kingdom that I gave him in the beginning. As his equal you will be exalted in co-leadership with him, and you will rejoice in the fruit of your labors and sacrifice.

There is much more that I can say, but as you go forward in your allotted task, I will reveal more to you as you follow me, and I will teach you what to say and do that will bring mankind back to the original purpose for your creation. Take heart! You have only begun your journey back home, but the end thereof will be glorious! Lovingly, Jesus.

Step #1 - Pray for their recovery from right- brain damage.

Step #2 - Treat them with respect even when they do not deserve it. This will open the door of their minds to their original purpose and calling.

Step #3 - Pray specifically for their failings, because this is where Satan has access to them.

Step #4 - Open your heart of love for them to give me access to restore them to their original place of dignity and leadership. I will take over from there. Lovingly, Jesus.